Ocean whaler owners
Submitted by Marineboy on Thu, 2014-05-08 20:41
Hey guys
i own an ocean whaler and love my boat and the only downfall I can find with it is that I can't get echo sounder reception at any greater speed than about 12 knots or 22kmh.
I have an airmar transom mount transducer with a fcv-620 furuno sounder.
Would love to hear from any ocean whaler owners who can get better reception than this.
Any input or comments would be greatly appreciated.
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Paul H
Posts: 2104
Date Joined: 18/01/07
can you post a pic of the
can you post a pic of the transducer position looking from directly behind it. Position is the key
Youtube Channel - FishOnLine Productions
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Yeah as paul said, no idea
Yeah as paul said, no idea from your photo, take another one mate
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I would say looking at the
I would say looking at the tranny position you are getting bubbles coming down through the tunnel at speed making you loose your reception
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Yea pgreen1 that is definitely the case.
When underway these hulls draw very little water and funnel disturbance through the tunnels I was just wondering if anyone has come up with a solution to this problem on these hulls.
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Have seen them at 30knots and still getting a good reading. So it can be done, but just a matter of finding that sweet spot
PGFC Member
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I find that anything above
I find that anything above 10knots is a waste of time anyway, if you're serious about finding stuff 8-10 knots I reckon is optimal. Going faster I've found that even gradual inclines can look like big lumps. But yeah there is deffinitely a sweet spot, try even using the shims they give you, I think mine is about 5mm below the transom and that gives me a fairly good reading.
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yeah.... BUUUUUUTTTTTT.....
I would've agreed with that comment up until last weekend Andy, when me and corky thatcher found a lump in 33m, whilst doing aprx 24 knots...
we turned around and backtracked, 4 of us dropped dowm, and a 4 way dhubanger hookup!!
but yeah, either drop your tranny a bit, or look at maybe a thru-hull tranny.
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Ha ha bloody swine. Probably
Ha ha bloody swine. Probably makes a dif the deeper you go? A question for John Adams on Monday night.
Love the West!
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Well there you go. I reckon
Well there you go. I reckon 50% of my spots I've found doing 22-25 knots. It surprises me how many people have issues getting their sounders to read at speed. I must have just been lucky with electronics over the years.
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30 knots
have you seen an ocean whaler getting reception at 30 knots if so tell me who owns it I would love to speak to them.
I have tried dropping the tranny below the hull and it currently sits 6 or 8mm below slight improvement on virtually flush.
A through hull is not possible on a whaler unless you have it installed at time of manufacture unless you want to cut the floor out and that would void any warranty.
My spots are so secret even the fish don't know about them !
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Mate have been out with Nigel doing photo shoots for Ocean Whaler. Running a HDS7 with transom mount. It would be worth giving Nigel a ring or calling in to see him. If you need his number, pm me and I will send it to you
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Paul H
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Date Joined: 18/01/07
Mate has a Cat and the
Mate has a Cat and the transom Mount Transducer was originally put on the inside of the right sponson (closest to the tunnel). Had real problems reading anything above 6-8kn.
I had a look off the back whilst he was driving slowly and then speeding up, was immediately apparent that when he sped up the tranny was running in a sea of airbubbles. After consuloting with some others with the same boat and noting where he had clean green water coming off the hull we moved it to the outer side of the hull away from the tunnel. huge improvement noted.
I'd suggest you get someone else to drive and hang off the back to see where cleaner water is coming off the rear of the hull (going to be slightly difficult to see with the steps on the back) but maybe that outer edge is where it needs to be. It certainly is not the ideal position but sometimes it works much better
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That Whaler was mine...
Did you install the transducer yourself? Nigel fitted mine along with the sounder and I didnt have any drama's- contact Nigel I am sure there will be disturbance due to the hull design but that depends where your transducer is located..
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there is a photo posted of my transom with the tranny on is this where your tranny was fitted.
Did your sounder perform at speed ?
Also can you give me Nigel's phone number.
My spots are so secret even the fish don't know about them !
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PM sent
contact details...
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Cover for ocean whaler
Don't wanna hijack your thread but while we are at it , have any of you had a cover made up for an ocean whaler ? Building a shed is too hard for me at the moment and was wondering if anyone had a good design they would like to share ( besides a big plastic tarp and occy straps)
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Cover for ocean whaler
Hi meteorite
i take it you own an ocean whaler.
first things first, what's the reception like on your sounder at speed.
Next thing the pic you see at the top is just 90% shade cloth covering the boat it's a little agricultural but it protects it from the sun really well, doesn't blow off in the wind and is really easy to put on and off which is important caus if you keep things simple you use them more and I use my boat a lot.
Let me know about the sounder.
My spots are so secret even the fish don't know about them !
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Date Joined: 30/12/10
Hey mark ,
havent had it very long and have had very little luck with the sounder at speed - my transducer is in exactly the same spot as yours - I ve never had a sounder really read bottom great at 20knots - would be nice to pick up ground but have always slowed right down when searching for reef etc. I might need a bit more time to play with new sounder before I m sure it's transducer position and not operator error !