Painting a ali boat

Hi Guys

I have a 5.5m ali boat and the paint is peeling off and bubbling everywhere. i was thinking of sanding it back myself and repainting it but seems a massive job, maybe a little to big for a driveway job.


Has anyone recently repainted their boat and what was involved? Do you have to take the engine and all electric components off? Is sandblasting an option.

if you got a professional to do the job what roughly was the cost and reccomendations.



Swompa's picture

Posts: 3913

Date Joined: 14/10/12

Yes - sandblasing is an

Tue, 2014-05-20 11:27

Yes - sandblasing is an option, and a requirement i would guess, if the paint is peeling.

Blast, etch prime immediately (to stop moisture getting on the surface), paint

Posts: 399

Date Joined: 17/07/07


Tue, 2014-05-20 11:37

i just finished painting my 16ft centre console.i had it water blasted to remove the paint

then you have to etch prime it and then paint it.i removed everything as i rewired the boat

but you could leave it on and tape it need somewhere to spray that isn`t going to get

overspray`ll need a good compressor and spray was a big job and

i probablt wouldn`t do it again.i recon you would be looking at about 4k plus to get someone to it

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Posts: 2546

Date Joined: 03/03/11

If the paint

Tue, 2014-05-20 15:16

If the paint is bubbling and peeling there is probaly moisture trapped and if not done properly will continue to bubble.

I sanded mine down but didnt remove all of the colour, except where any bubbling occured. These parts i took back to alloy, then sanded the edjes to get a smooth finnish before painting.

Then etch primed , then high build primer, then 2 pack colour. My boat was stripped of all fittings but you could mask up certain areas if you had too.

If you use any wire brushes or wheels on a grinder etc, make sure they are stainless steel. If you use steel wire it will leave small particles imbedded in the aloy. This will start the corrosion all over again.

I am not a painter, but got the finnish i expected on an older hull. Its not perfect as i didn't remove all the dents on the sides, but i was very happy with the results. I talked to a few experts before i started and their advice was well taken in and used. Without the advice i probally would have made some basic errors and stuffed the job up .