Penn Talon Moveable Reel Seats
Submitted by snapper on Mon, 2011-11-21 16:26
Has anybody here in Perth got one of these and can I have a look at it.
Assassin Land Based Fishing Club Member
Posts: 912
Date Joined: 23/07/10
Theres a video on youtube
Theres a video on youtube showing it how it works and looks, but things to note moveable reel seats will never be able to beat a fixed reel seat, penn talon reel seat is one of the best for fishing and winching heavier stuff back while keeping the reel in the same place compared to the 2 free moving type.
Posts: 335
Date Joined: 09/02/08
Seen the video
Daiwa assumed that everybody going to use their Saltiga Surf Rods had arm's like Gibbons. Where you can use the rods to cast with its a pain in the arse winding in using a rod bucket, my arms are stretched so far out I feel like I am trying to touch the rod tip.
The Talon reel holder fits rods 21- 28 mm but apparently you have to slide it onto the rod so not sure if it will pass over the existing reel seat or the base of the rod with the counter balance in it.
So if anyone has one , can I please check it out.
Assassin Land Based Fishing Club Member