PRICE REDUCED, LAST CHANCE bargain for a qaulity used 2008 Toyota 200 Series Diesel wagon

I have decided to sell our land cruiser wagon, see details below.
As you can see it has quite a few $$$ in extras..
Please pm if interested.. Cheers


 I've spent half my life fishing.. The other half I have wasted.. 

Paul G's picture

Posts: 5215

Date Joined: 12/12/07

 I can swap you a 2000

Wed, 2013-08-21 20:33

 I can swap you a 2000 landcruiser,shit I wish I had the $$$$$$$,.


Active Gyp-Rok solutions ,Residential  and commercial ceilings and walls

outdoinit's picture

Posts: 1009

Date Joined: 05/10/12

Hey Paul will the 2000 Lc

Wed, 2013-08-21 20:52

be full of Fuel?? LOL


 I've spent half my life fishing.. The other half I have wasted.. 

sea-kem's picture

Posts: 15052

Date Joined: 30/11/09

 That's a nice rig Lyndon.

Wed, 2013-08-21 20:42

 That's a nice rig Lyndon. Will be looking for something similar in the near future. Are you upgrading to a newer model?


Love the West!

outdoinit's picture

Posts: 1009

Date Joined: 05/10/12

Yeah Sea Kem will be

Wed, 2013-08-21 20:47

looking at another LC for sure, just love them..
This current one has been outstanding.


 I've spent half my life fishing.. The other half I have wasted.. 

outdoinit's picture

Posts: 1009

Date Joined: 05/10/12


Sun, 2013-08-25 13:19



 I've spent half my life fishing.. The other half I have wasted.. 

outdoinit's picture

Posts: 1009

Date Joined: 05/10/12


Tue, 2013-08-27 08:12

Would take $55 and with over $15k in Extras makes it a bloody good buy for someone.. Full service history etc


 I've spent half my life fishing.. The other half I have wasted.. 

outdoinit's picture

Posts: 1009

Date Joined: 05/10/12

bump, anyone??

Sat, 2013-08-31 20:43

Would take $55 and with over $15k in Extras makes it a bloody good buy for someone.. Full service history etc


 I've spent half my life fishing.. The other half I have wasted.. 

outdoinit's picture

Posts: 1009

Date Joined: 05/10/12

Last chance for a good quality used 200 Series

Tue, 2013-09-10 20:01

Will offer it here first for $50k and with over $15k in Extras makes it a bloody good buy for someone..
Full service history etc See below link..


 I've spent half my life fishing.. The other half I have wasted..