A quote from the man pushing marine parks - "i dislike the sea enormously"

A quote from the man pushing marine parks, and offering his "insight" and "expertise" to Government.

This from Professor Hugh Possingham from Queensland, during a Q and A in South Australian parliament.
He is the man who Pew paid enormous sums of money to perform a scientific analysis of our South-West, recommending 30-50% be locked up in marine parks. (Funny how they got the answer they wanted)
Hugh is a terrestrial bird ecologist who applied land-based park modelling to marine parks. (Can't imagine how they could be much different? eek)

"Basically, I have no pecuniary interest in this issue and, as I pointed out, I swim very badly. If I had to swim 100 metres to save my life, I would be dead, and I really dislike the sea enormously."

He has no real life experience on the water. I actually know of one marine biologist who has offered to take him out to show him the problems in the Moreton Bay Marine Park, but Hugh says he is too busy to spend five hours on a boat.

Good grief.

Ryan C's picture

Posts: 1575

Date Joined: 08/07/10


Fri, 2011-11-11 08:08

absolute flogger!!!!!

shammy's picture

Posts: 231

Date Joined: 03/07/09

which minister contracted him?

Fri, 2011-11-11 08:35

 Who was the minister who contracted him for the report and review, lets see who offered him the role.

edited, It seems this guy has been working in the field since at least 2002... having had a brief look at what is available he does seem to be a proponent of severely restricting access.

I saw another name associated with this approach Prof Jessica Meeuwig.

There are a number of articles on the net and a other fishing sites commenting on the approach this group is pushing.


"Life wasn't meant to be a spectator sport"