Re power an Inboard sterndrive

 Repower an inboard sterndrive engine.

What is out there in regards to new petrol and or diesel in inline 4 -5-& 6 cilinder engines?


Why is it that a new basic diesel marine engine the same price as a new diesel truck?





snappermiles's picture

Posts: 2100

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repowered my penguin a while ago

Mon, 2012-03-19 16:31

i wanted to put a deisel in but the cost was ridiculasly high so i settled with a 4.3ltr 220hp mercruiser it has done 320 hours now and never missed a beat! great little motor



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Slight issue that the

Mon, 2012-03-19 16:27

Slight issue that the (carbed) petrols are considered a deathtrap by some, but there aren't any cheap diesel alternatives out there!

There have been marinised versions of the SD33T in a few locations, parts should be ok for that one! In japan, they have marinised toyotas which look very tempting, but no info on them really.


Posts: 408

Date Joined: 23/11/09

Yeah diesel would've been nice

Mon, 2012-03-19 16:52

 Mine had a new donk go in in january - mercMPI. diesel would've been nice but cost is so much more.

Interesting though is that Hyundai have released a couple of marine diesels. One a common rail turbo charged. I cant remember the other one. Look the goods, havent heard anything on them yet though.




Posts: 9358

Date Joined: 21/02/08

Haha I did see the hyundai

Tue, 2012-03-20 07:53

Haha I did see the hyundai diesels the other day, but didn't mention them seeing as they don't have much rep around here ;)

~$42k for a 250hp diesel with the bravo 3.


kane's picture

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Take a look at yanmar in the USA

Mon, 2012-03-19 17:43

 Occasionally you see low hour or reconditioned yanmars on USA eBay etc



Gooooone Fishin!

Faulkner Family's picture

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 to be honest have a look at

Mon, 2012-03-19 17:57

 to be honest have a look at the 350 chev. got one fitted for 5k. the motor was only it at chev power. ok its a v8 but better speeds at lower revs if your drive gear can handle the hp. was prety cheap to run as well


RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together

kempy's picture

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Got a 5ltr V8 MPI mercuiser

Mon, 2012-03-19 21:13

Got a 5ltr V8 MPI mercuiser, new bravo leg and alll the running gear installed for about 28k. Great engine


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glastronomic's picture

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 I am looking at an IL  5

Tue, 2012-03-20 07:46

 I am looking at an IL  5 cil, 260HP turbo/supercharged diesel engine and a Bravo3 leg that can slot straight in my excisting engine room and gives me extra deckspace due to the compactness, but @ +/-$40000, which is $20K better than a diesel mercruiser of similair HP, a big investment to make in an 1978 boat.

Plus the installation costs/time and bits and pieces.

V6 & V8 engines will not fit at all without major fibreglass work in the engine well and rear deck.

These are to wide by 300 mm for a V6 220MPI fuely

Time for a good thinkover what to do




Faulkner Family's picture

Posts: 18090

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 i know it souns a bit

Tue, 2012-03-20 07:53

 i know it souns a bit strange but you culd get a pod put on the back and go with an outboard. i have seen a few done that way but the pod has to be balanced properly. just remember if you go that way the boat will handle totally different and your looking at maybe around the 5k for the pod before the motor is even conciddered


RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together

carnarvonite's picture

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Convert one

Tue, 2012-03-20 07:59

Have a look at a 4.2 diesel from either Toyota or Nissan and do the conversion.

Not hard to get someone to run up a water cooled exhaust manifold, buy a heat exchanger, jabsco raw water pump, all the necessary hoses and a drive plate.

Before fitting have a check on the oil dipstck tube to make sure you can fit a vacuum or drill pump hose down it for oil changes and the rest is the same as a marine engine.

Have seen a few done and reckon it would cost less than $2k to complete.

glastronomic's picture

Posts: 892

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 How do these donks connec t

Tue, 2012-03-20 08:59

 How do these donks connec t to a sterndrive?

Are there spacers on the market?

Or at least some drawings so I can manufacture these adapter plates to fit?  




carnarvonite's picture

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Tue, 2012-03-20 12:28

There is usually a shock plate that bolts to your flywheel that looks like the centre of a clutch plate minus the linings. It takes the whallop when you drop it in to gear.

All you need is the plate and to get someone to drill and tap the holes in your flywheel to mount it.

Engine mounts can be made up to suit whatever engine you decide on and with most diesels there are nearly bugger all wires needed, fuel cut off, temp, oil and tacho plus a throttle cable.

The raw water jabsco pump can mount on where the air con compressor usually mounts or if you are using the water pump in the leg not needed at all.

Posts: 408

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Engine coupler

Tue, 2012-03-20 13:47

Is that what your talking about carnarvonite ? 




carnarvonite's picture

Posts: 8673

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Tue, 2012-03-20 14:27

Some of the Mercruisers have the rubber mounted arrangements but the others have the plate set up.

All you need is a plate that matches the spline on the input shaft of the leg. You can do away with the lining and fix it to you flywheel.

Not 100% sure but think the spline is the same as the later model Holden V8 clutch for a Mercruiser.

Cammos's picture

Posts: 606

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Have seen a Nissan diesel in

Tue, 2012-03-20 17:20

Have seen a Nissan diesel in an 18 foot Chivers. Was a home job. I can put you onto the bloke who sold it if you want to try chase down who has it now for a look. From memory the guy who did the install was an engineer in Albany.

alfred's picture

Posts: 3097

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 In South East Asia it is

Tue, 2012-03-20 17:33

 In South East Asia it is common practice to power boats with diesels out of the car wreckers.  

glastronomic's picture

Posts: 892

Date Joined: 16/02/11

 Yes i am all for diesel

Tue, 2012-03-20 17:44

 Yes i am all for diesel power for my next boat engine with a nice shiny Bravo 3 sterndrive.

The mark up on anything marine is just rather large.

Having easy access to a fully equiped machine/welding factory makes me look if we cannot do it better and more economical.

I can get a brand new Brunswick Chev V8 diesel installed in one of my Nissans, like the factory would, for $28K here in Brunswick!

That is with all the bells and whisles drive in, drive out!




Posts: 9358

Date Joined: 21/02/08

Ahh that was why I mentioned

Tue, 2012-03-20 18:19

Ahh that was why I mentioned motors like the SD33T, its already been done and you can presumably just by the parts and put them onto a standard motor to marinise it.

Chances are if someone is selling those parts, they're selling the same conversion parts for other motors too.

^^ Marinised 6.5l chev

Or ring this guy and ask him what he already knows!
