Recreational catches from 2005/6 boat survey

Recreational catches from 2005/6 boat survey

Some info from Fisheries Research Report 177 "A 12-month survey of recreational boat-based fishing between Augusta and Kalbarri on the West Coast of Western Australia during 2005-06"

Page 22 Table 3. Estimated total recreational retained catch by weight for major species caught in West Coast Bioregion.

Western Australian dhufish.......186 tonnes

Combined whiting spp..............46 tonnes

Pink snapper......................40 tonnes

Australian herring................40 tonnes

Skipjack trevally.................34 tonnes

Baldchin groper...................28 tonnes

Samson fish.......................24 tonnes

King George whiting...............19 tonnes

Breaksea cod......................16 tonnes

Australian salmon.................17 tonnes

Queen snapper.....................10 tonnes

Snook..............................9 tonnes

Narrow-barred Spanish mackerel.....7 tonnes

Sweetlip emperor...................6 tonnes

Redfish............................5 tonnes

Sea sweep..........................3 tonnes

Tailor.............................3 tonnes

Sergeant baker.....................3 tonnes

Flathead, general..................3 tonnes

Coral trout........................2 tonnes

Western foxfish....................2 tonnes

Oriental bonito....................2 tonnes

Garfish, general...................2 tonnes

Silver bream.......................1 tonne

Banded sweep.......................1 tonne

Western butterfish.................1 tonne

Page 23. Table 4. Estimated total catch (tonnes) for the main recreational species retained for each zone within WEST Coast.

Midwest Zone.....................tonnes

WA Dhufish........................71

Whiting (Mixture of 4 species)  ..4

Pink Snapper......................10

Australian Herring.................3

Skipjack Trevally..................3

Baldchin Groper...................19

Samson Fish.......................3.8

King George Whiting...............0.04

Breaksea Cod.......................2

Australian Salmon............ .....0

Metro Zone .....................tonnes

WA Dhufish.......................58

Whiting (Mixture of 4 species)...36

Pink Snapper.....................13

Australian Herring...............32

Skipjack Trevally................23

Baldchin Groper...................8

Samson Fish.....................13.1

King George Whiting.............14.4

Breaksea Cod.....................9.9

Australian Salmon................12

Southern Zone (not South Coast)...tonnes

WA Dhufish.........................55

Whiting (Mixture of 4 species)......6

Pink Snapper.......................15

Australian Herring..................5

Skipjack Trevally...................8

Baldchin Groper...................0.1

Samson Fish.........................7

King George Whiting...............4.7

Breaksea Cod......................4.2

Australian Salmon.................4.7

Kalbarri Zone...................tonnes

WA Dhufish........................2

Pink Snapper......................2

Baldchin Groper...................1

Breaksea Cod.....................0.2



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Recreational catches from 2005/6 boat survey

Sat, 2008-06-28 15:08

Combined extracts from Appendices F and G, pages 33-36 of Fisheries Research Report 177 "A 12-month survey of recreational boat-based fishing between Augusta and Kalbarri on the West Coast of Western Australia during 2005-06"

Estimated numbers of fish kept, released and calculation of percentage released, with weights added.

When these two appendices are combined and sorted, shows some missing numbers in the kept and released tables. .

Species................Estimated kept...Estimated released..%age....Weight

Combined whiting spp............404,376......62,305........13.4%...46 tonnes

Herring, Australian.............288,392......38,299........11.7%...40 tonnes

Squids, general.................83,791........1,746.........2.0%

Trevally, Skipjack/Silver.......73,693.......37,017........33.4%...34 tonnes

Whiting, King George............48,362........9,002........15.7%...19 tonnes

Dhufish, Western Australian.....35,222.......16,766........32.2%..186 tonnes

Wrasse/Gropers, general.........30,736......143,367........82.3%

Garfish, general................22,161........2,252.........9.2%....2 tonnes

Cod, Breaksea (Black-arse Cod)..18,008........9,900........35.5%...16 tonnes

Snapper, Pink...................17,808.......13,693........43.5%...40 tonnes

Groper, Baldchin.................9,933........1,963........16.5%...28 tonnes

Seapikes/Barracuda/Snook, general..8,711......1,546........15.1%....9 tonnes

Emperor, Sweetlip (Red Throat)...7,513........7,063........48.5%....6 tonnes

Butterfish, Western..............5,900..........277........4.5%

Flatheads, general...............5,882.......48,928........89.3%....3 tonnes

Scad, Yellowtail.................5,251........5,877........52.8%

Tailor...........................4,826........3,586........42.6%....3 tonnes

Trumpeters/Grunters , General....4,313.......45,816........91.4%

Snapper, Queen (Blue Morwong)....4,252..........842........16.5%...10 tonnes

Samson Fish/Sea Kingfish.........4,117........8,429........67.2%...24 tonnes

Blowfish, Common.................4,052.......96,027........96.0%

Sergeant Baker...................3,997........6,407........61.6%....3 tonnes

Salmon, Australian...............3,891........6,583........62.9%...17 tonnes

Redfish..........................3,875..........656........14.5%....5 tonnes


Leatherjackets, general..........3,324.......10,758........76.4%

Mackerel, Blue...................2,788........1,707........38.0%

Sweep, Sea.......................2,774........1,827........39.7%....3 tonnes

Foxfish, Western.................2,434..........936........27.8%....2 tonnes

Shark, general...................2,321........3,765........61.9%

Bonitos, general.................2,033..........785........27.9%....2 tonnes

Harlequin Fish...................1,989..........327........14.1%

Bream, Silver (Tarwhine).........1,732........3,497........66.9%....1 tonne

Goatfish, general................1,706........4,638........73.1%

Sweep, Banded....................1,697........1,206........41.5%....1 tonne

Flounders, general...............1,106..........384........25.8%

Dart, Common.......................818         ???

Mackerel, Narrow-Barred Spanish....812.........???..................7 tonnes

Pike, Long-finned..................808

Trout, Coral.......................804..........855........51.5%....2 tonnes

Octopus, general...................679

Tuna, Southern Bluefin.............612.........???

Gurnard Perch......................527.........5,276.......90.9%

Wirrah, Western....................489

Sweetlips, Gold-Spotted............469

Sweetlips, Painted.................436

Wobbegongs/Catsharks, general......392..........563........59.0%

Parrotfish, General................385........1,675........81.3%

Emperor, Blue-Lined (Black Snapper).368.........543........59.6%

Scorpion cod, Western Red..........340........3,493........91.1%

Trevallies, general................323..........226........41.2%

Groper, Western Blue...............282..........661........70.1%

Emperor, Spangled..................279..........316........53.1%

Cod, Estuary/Slimy Cod.............278..........775........73.6%

Kingfish, Yellowtail...............268..........276........50.7%


Mackerel, Scaly....................243

Gurnards, general..................188.........2,390.......92.7%

Pilchard (Mullie)..................176

Morwong, Dusky.....................161

Dolphinfish, Common/Mahi Mahi......159..........???

Cods - General.....................149.........1,106........88.1%

Scorpionfishes, general............145...........796........84.6%

Tuna, Yellowfin....................113..........???

Eels, General......................107...........460........81.1%

Threadfin-Breams/ Butterfishes/

Monocle Breams.....................103

Rays, general......................???..........5,810

Butterfish, Western.............................5,298....................1 tonne

Blowfish, Northwest

(Silver Toadfish)...............................2,358

Rays, Shovelnose, General..........???......... 1,169

Sweep, Footballer...............................1,087

Blue Devil, Western...............................924

Knife Jaw.........................................325

Whiting, Blue Weed................................324

Cod, Chinaman.....................................287

Old Wife..........................................265


Pigfishes, general................................218


Cow Fish, Shaw's..................................210

Buffalo Bream, Common (Silver Drummer) ...........209

Other Species (n = 72/71 species)..2,910........6,494.........69.1%



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NOHA's picture

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I would love to see the

Sat, 2008-06-28 16:22

I would love to see the calculation formula and the raw data.

There is more than one way to arrive at a expolated number from a bunch of random stats. 


No Orange Hats Allowed

V8 twin turbo diesel....Ohh what a feeling!


Twin turbo..V8 diesel..Ohh what a feeling!!

No Orange Hats Allowed

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Yeah Noha

Sat, 2008-06-28 16:27

Picked up on that too! I want to give that PDF a darn good read before I comment further! 

Colin Molloy

(Colin 2 - Co-founding member of the prestigious Colin Club)



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Yep, estimated and

Sat, 2008-06-28 16:30

Yep, estimated and extrapolated from a 12-month survey of boat-based recreational fishing in the West Coast Bioregion (Augusta to Kalbarri) of Western Australia was conducted at boat ramps between 1st July 2005 and 30th June 2006.

During the survey a total of 15,999 boat crews were interviewed, of which 13,185 (82%) had been undertaking some form of fishing activity and, of these, 10,382 (or 79%) of fishing boat crews had been ocean line fishing.

The total annual recreational boatbased fishing effort for the West Coast Bioregion was estimated to be 1,557,000 fisher hours , which is a 15.5% increase in nominal fishing effort (i.e. this does not include increased efficiencies generated by technological improvements) compared to a similar survey conducted on the West Coast Bioregion in 1996/97.

Read the paper for more details about how they collected and analysed the data.

Like it or not, agree with the figures or not, agree with the analysis and interpretation or not, this data is the best available.

Does anyone think they have any BETTER DATA they'd like to put up which has come from surveys of as many people actually out boat fishing???

And if you don't like anything about this, think about what you can do about it.



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DoF Resources Terry

Sat, 2008-06-28 16:33

Well, I know DoF are advertising for people - I'll be putting my hand in! So will be endeavouring to do something about that! 

Colin Molloy

(Colin 2 - Co-founding member of the prestigious Colin Club)



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Western Australian

Sat, 2008-06-28 20:52

Western Australian dhufish.......186 tonnes

This is nearly 5 times the Pink Snapper take? It seems odd that the Dhufish extraction is extra ordinarily high considering recreationals target or would keep Pink Snapper as a Category 1 fish as much as a Dhufish?

If the Pink Snapper capture rate is so much lower, maybe West Australians should be looking at Pink Snapper as a much higher risk species than West Australian Dhufish?


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Not bashing the pro's

Sat, 2008-06-28 21:02

Any chance of finding out what the pro's catch was? just to compare.

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During the survey a total of

Sat, 2008-06-28 21:23

During the survey a total of 15,999 boat crews were interviewed, of which 13,185 (82%) had been undertaking some form of fishing activity and, of these, 10,382 (or 79%) of fishing boat crews had been ocean line fishing.

While this survey was being undertaken only one person was encountered at Hilaries a high recreational boating yet Two Rocks there was encountered on 5 occasions survey personel.

Could it be that Survey personel targeted boat ramps with a much higher recreational deep sea fishing participation rate in the survey?

I mean Two Rocks has a very low recreational leisure boating activity rate?


Angling tourism is worth $10 billion to the Australian economy - 90000 jobs; more than any sport; spread the word

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Dont think thats the answer

Sat, 2008-06-28 21:51

Dont think thats the answer how about halving the pro's catch I mean half the fish in perth isn't caught in that bio region or even the wa state as a whole. And are those figures correct I mean 4052 Blowfish kept come on officer

STAAL LOVER's picture

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Sat, 2008-06-28 22:01

I knew a few cray boat opperators (no region given) that would after the last pot go SMASH alot of fish on board(ESTIMATED TONS)!!!! Couldn't they have waited for 10 years after this was stopped before doing any HMM HMM survey before screwing with a great Australian past time and hobby of the general public!!! BLOODY POLLIES!!!!!!! Mind you the rec tally would have been higher due to the amount of fish LEFT in the ocean!! Does anybody know if JON owns a fish store!




Auslobster's picture

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Yeah, someone was keeping 4%

Sat, 2008-06-28 22:13

Yeah, someone was keeping 4% of the blowies...probably had problems with the neighbour's dog...and I find it hard to believe that nearly 3 times more salmon were caught in the metro area than the southern zone? Oh, hang on, that was that really good year for which case, I'd have thought more than 12 tonnes? 

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Recreational catches from 2005/6 boat survey

Sun, 2008-06-29 09:30

There's LOTS of info in the State of Fisheries Report about the commercial catch. Such a pity that so much of the info only covers catches up to 2005/6 with just the odd snippet of later info.

Fisheries Research Report 177  It really is worth a read to answer some of the questions and comments raised here.

1.0 Introduction........................ 6

2.0 Methods............................... 8

2.1 Survey design................. 8

2.2 Spatial and temporal stratification............................ 9

2.3 Estimation of ocean line fishing effort..................... 10

3.0 Results................................. 12

3.1 Number of interviews............................................... 12

3.2 Recreational ocean line fishing effort....................... 12

3.3 Recreational ocean line fishing catch....................... 12

4.0 Discussion............................ 14

5.0 Conclusions......................... 17

6.0 Acknowledgments............... 18

7.0 References........................... 19

8.0 Tables and figures............... 21

9.0 Appendices.......................... 26

Appendix A Boat ramp trailer count form................... 26

Appendix B Boat ramp interview questionnaire form.................... 27

Appendix C Catch and effort calculations for boats launched from public boat ramps............ 28

Appendix D Schematic representation of calculations to estimate catch and fishing effort................. 31

Appendix E Spatial distribution of estimated recreational ocean line fishing effort in the West Coast Bioregion for boats launched from public ramps.................... 32

Appendix F Estimated total number of fish retained by recreational ocean line fishing in the West Coast Bioregion for boats launched from public ramps..................... 33

Appendix G Estimated total number of fish (by species) released by recreational ocean line fishing in the West Coast Bioregion for boats launched from public ramps......................... 35

Appendix H Spatial distribution of the estimated recreational ocean line fishing catch of WA dhufish in the West Coast Bioregion for boats launched from public ramps........... 37

Appendix I Spatial distribution of the estimated recreational ocean line fishing catch of pink snapper in the West Coast Bioregion for boats launched from public ramps........... 38

Appendix J Spatial distribution of the estimated recreational ocean line fishing catch of baldchin groper in the West Coast Bioregion for boats launched from public ramps........... 39

Appendix K Spatial distribution of the estimated recreational ocean line fishing catch of breaksea cod in the West Coast Bioregion for boats launched from public ramps................. 40

Appendix L Spatial distribution of the estimated recreational ocean line fishing catch of Australian herring for trailer boats in the West Coast Bioregion............................. 41

Appendix M Spatial distribution of the estimated recreational ocean line fishing catch of skipjack trevally in the West Coast Bioregion for boats launched from public ramps............... 42

Appendix N Spatial distribution of the estimated recreational ocean line fishing catch of King George whiting in the West Coast Bioregion for boats launched from public ramps........... 43

Appendix O Spatial distribution of the estimated recreational ocean line fishing catch of combined whiting species in the West Coast Bioregion for boats launched from public ramps....... 44



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Dhu fish take 186,000kg, say

Sun, 2008-06-29 09:45

Dhu fish take 186,000kg, say the average size Dhui would be 10kg that would be roughly 18,600 Dhui's per year which is roughly 360 Dhui's per week??? Do you think that would be about right??

Dreamweaver's picture

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Kreel surveys vs Tags

Sun, 2008-06-29 10:06

Read through that article - I'm no boffin head but no slough either - pretty heavy mathematically going - so many percentages of percentages or estimates. Out of respect for those involved, a good effort, for my money though, I'd still like to see a tag system. BUT, then it comes back to the inevitable issues of resources. 

Colin Molloy

(Colin 2 - Co-founding member of the prestigious Colin Club)



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Would be interesting to know

Sun, 2008-06-29 10:43

Would be interesting to know the amount of boat ramps on the west coast? It's just a rough average, would be intresting to know if the fisheries do know what the average size fish would be caught?? Then we would have a better idea of how many fish?

Going by what I've seen caught by people and what comes in at fishing comps the average would have to be around the 10kg mark give or take a kilo?

Posts: 236

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Average 715 Dhui's per week.

Sun, 2008-06-29 10:51

Average 715 Dhui's per week. HMMM

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Recreational catches from 2005/6 boat survey

Sun, 2008-06-29 11:43

Even though the questionnaire (page 27) has a question about the species targeted, it's a great pity that there's not more data in this report such as:-

What people were fishing for and what they caught, and how many people surveyed actually had their bag limits of the various species, etc. That data would give some real info on the effect of reducing bag limits, selective bans on species, etc.

Think about this....

Dhufish caught: West Coast total 35,222 Weight 186 tonnes = average 5.28kg

At that average weight, the 58 tonnes of Metro number of Dhufish = about 11,000 fish = about 210 per week.

Target is to cut that Dhufish catch by 50%, so about 5,500 Dhufish can be caught in Metro each year in future.

If there were no closed seasons, that would average only about 105 Dhufish can be caught in Metro per week at that same average weight of 5.28 kg.

With a 3 month closed season, that increases to 141 per week during the 39 week open period.

With a 4 month closed season, that increases to 162 per week during the 34 week open period.



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STAAL LOVER's picture

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What happens when

Sun, 2008-06-29 22:25

1: person works 6 days a week

2: weather on that 1 day off is crap (like most of the time on the weekend)

3: missus says you have to spend time with your family

4: Ah we'll leave it at that

So can you get  your calculator and tell me how many kilos of fish I will catch in a year!!  Terry "I DON'T THINK SO"

I think some people are playing with more than a calculator!!!!!  And there playing with MY HOBBY(stress relief)(family feeds).