Shark Shield

Hey All

Im just getting starting in spearfishing, and have heard of these shark shields. Just wondering who use's them, whether there worth the 750+ bucks, whether you think they work and just general discussion



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Thu, 2008-09-04 20:13

I have one, expect to get a electric shock by it but it s not too bad .The antenna is quiet long and gets in the way a bit.  Havent actually seen it deter any sharks yet .

STAAL LOVER's picture

Posts: 406

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Have a look at this photo

Thu, 2008-09-04 20:33

and the discussion!!!!!Surprised




Bloke's picture

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Rod, what foto? I use my

Thu, 2008-09-04 20:42

Rod, what foto?

I use my sharksheild for kayak fishing and have seen it work well on a few occasions, it makes fighting small sharks a lot of fun when they get close to the yak, geez they pull hard once they get "pinged"



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STAAL LOVER's picture

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Thu, 2008-09-04 20:50

Tryed to put that in but it didn't work!!!!!!Yell

Recon they'd shit for sure!!!!!!Surprised




STAAL LOVER's picture

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Don't look back!!!!!!!

Thu, 2008-09-04 20:57


Three's a crowd



Bloke's picture

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Good way to get you points

Thu, 2008-09-04 20:59

Good way to get you points up Tongue out



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PilbaraBrad's picture

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Thu, 2008-09-04 21:45

I don’t use a shark shield.
Someone once told me a pretty good analogy for how to treat sharks when your spear fishing
Think of them as mongrel dogs, most of them will leave you alone. If you have something they want, occasionally they may try get it or get a bit aggressive. Like a mongrel dog if you hit it in the face with a but of a gun it will whinge and bugger off. On an even rarer occasion they will have a go at you, again if you show aggression and smack it in the head with the butt of your gun 99 times out of 100 it will bugger off. I am yet to experience the other 1 out of 100 times where it comes back, not sure what I am going to do yet.
Just don’t get tunnel vision when you dive, be aware of what is around you, and remember they will more than likely just want a fish you spear not you. If you don’t kill the fish with the spear and it is kicking around, lift the thing out of the water straight away so the sharks don’t sense it; get it to the boat swimming with it out of the water.
You will be right mate, its all good fun. Plenty of sharks up this way but you will learn to appreciate them and the way they act.

Faulkner Family's picture

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i have seen

Thu, 2008-09-04 21:53

somewhere that when you get a fish ,if its big and there are sharks around drag it to the boat on the full length of rope well away from you ,the shark wants the fish not you



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THE GERMAN's picture

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Fri, 2008-09-05 07:02

my mate uses the shark sheild my opion is there a waste of money there are a lot of infomation if you just google it mate!we ve had little sharks swim nearby and the behaviour doesnt change any compared if i dive with my mate or not!just ensure when you run your float line you run your stringer on your float and dont use your speed needle to hold fish as the catch takes its time to make its way to the float!keep the catch way ,keep the sharks away simple!save your money and up grade to a better gun!just my thoughts!

Albee Mangles's picture

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Stats dont lie

Fri, 2008-09-05 07:43

Look at the recorded shark attacks over a 12 month period worldwide, consider all the people swimming, diving kayaking etc and ask yourself, would decrease your chance to get attacked? Considering how small it is already.

I wouldnt bother personally,  it would take a life threatening experience to sell me one. Even then i doubt it. You have more chance of dying in a car accident on your way to the beach, statistically.



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7739ian's picture

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A never fail shield

Fri, 2008-09-05 07:57

is 40 metres of beach and a high bar stool

brenz's picture

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imo sharksheilds are not all

Fri, 2008-09-05 08:48

imo sharksheilds are not all they rap up to be i think the money could be best spent elsewere like on a bigger gun etc if a shark is gonna nail ya it will .


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Adam Gallash's picture

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Take ya chances

Fri, 2008-09-05 09:17

I'm in the water heaps up here and haven't had a full on aggressive shark yet, will be one of those days coming soon though.  Biggest I've seen is about 3-3.5m and its a fair wake up call, but as Brad said, don't back down and you'll have half the victory won.  Biggest thing is seeing them first!  More chances of getting hit crossing the road so I'll take my chances without one.  Mind you, my mate has a shield and it does effect the behaviour of some sharks.  I think I'm in with more chance of dying from choking on my laughter when he gets the piss bolted outa him on the bottom.  Funny stuff.


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Kelvin8r's picture

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Cheers Guys!

Fri, 2008-09-05 18:36

Cheers all, but yeah i think your all right, i was thinking myself that there very expensive, and money much better spent else where, haha love the mongrel dog anology brad, but spot on!

Thanks again all

carnarvonite's picture

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Shark Shield

Sun, 2008-09-07 14:32

Was on the Carnarvon sea rescue boat when they recovered the bodies from the barge collision not too long back,the water police divers were using them to keep 3 large tigers away,one was over 3 metres long.Asked them later and was told they would not even have got in the water without them.If anyone should know they would be it I suppose.

Fozz's picture

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Shark Shield 50/50

Sun, 2008-09-07 14:57

A mate of mine won't hope in the water without his shark shield (or his wife won't let him), but i think its more a confidence thing rather than repelling an imminent shark attack.

Alot of money for some piece of mind in my book, imo you can't beat common sense when spearing.
