Waeco, Engel,ARB??? What fridge to get??
Submitted by Chris fish on Thu, 2013-08-08 19:53
looking at getting a portable fridge of my own for trips away, was looking at 60l+ size but wondering what people have and whats works best?? will be used mostly up north so needs to be able to freeze in the hot temperatures as i know a few struggle when it gets above 30c. price isnt a factor just want one that will do the job with any problems
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Get yourself a engel have had
Get yourself a engel have had two of them and never had any issues with them,did have a waco and thought they were too plastic and not solid enough buit.
Posts: 2751
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I looked at them all. Last
I looked at them all. Last north trip 40c + we had 7 engels...That speaks for itself really!
I was using a 30yr old one but now have a brand spankin new one. There brilliant.
Posts: 380
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Definately Engel. There is no comparison..
Posts: 27
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Anyone who suggest anything
Anyone who suggest anything other than engel has never had one. Get the 50th anniversary one if you can afford it and you are set for years. Love mine
diver albie
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Mine survived 12 months in the back of the hilux 4wd'ing around the country and never missed a beat. Metal construction and the travel bag, indestructible combination
randall df223
Posts: 6454
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And only one moving part I
And only one moving part I believe???
Fish! HARD!
randall df223
Posts: 6454
Date Joined: 08/08/11
I have a waeco.... buy the
I have a waeco.... buy the engel!
Fish! HARD!
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X2. Holy shit, we agree on
Holy shit, we agree on something!
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Engels for sure, no questions
Was up in Darwin a couple years back and had to take our engel to the local repair shop as the 240 volt power supply was blown out by a lightning strike that struck the power box that we were plugged into.
The surprising part was that when we got to the repairer there was 30 + Waecos on the floor all to be fixed and was told that it keeps him in business.
Ours was the only Engel in the shop and he said he only got one to repair every now and then and mainly due to the same issue as ours.
Hope this helps
I've spent half my life fishing.. The other half I have wasted..
Chris fish
Posts: 847
Date Joined: 23/02/11
yeah ive used a weaco and it
yeah ive used a weaco and it struggled in 30c heat but the old engel we took kept everything frozen and that was even sitting in the sun.
always looking for a new challenge!!
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I have had some issues with
I have had some issues with my Waeco. A get what you pay for thing really as they are much cheaper than an Engel. Another option to go with the Engel is the Trailblazer. They have good raps and are very hardy.
Posts: 4657
Date Joined: 24/05/11
There are alot more fridges
There are alot more fridges nowdays. Engels have always been top dog, there are many old girls still tickn over. Hopefully the Thailand made ones these days are going to be as good as the Jap ones. When I went to buy my fridge last year, I was destined to buy an Engel, but the 40 was too small for my needs with family camping, would suit 1 or 2 people, no way I was guna be putin a stubbie in when I take one out and didnt fancy having 2. The footprint of the 60 and 80 is bloody huge and hard to carry on your own and they are power hungry beasts. Then I looked at the new CFX range from Waeco. The early Waecos had their problems but it seems they have addressed these issues and would need to to compete in the market. The CFX65 has a much smaller footprint than the Engel 60, easy to carry solo, has a divider in the basket, so one side fits a carton plus (can fit over 3 blocks of VB if thats all you eat lol)and the other side for food etc, beaut. Obvious improvements on the predecessor, the lid and hinges are bulletproof now, new hinge design, new electronics, has exact temp set and actual temp readout, internal light, low voltage cutout so it wont kill your battery, USB outlet for chargin phones etc, and uses bugger all power. The compressors are made by Waeco themselves now not the danfoss anymore but that didnt concern me as it comes with a 3 year warranty plus 2 more on the comp, plus I got a bloody good deal. Pretty happy with it so far. National Luna are meant to be pretty good too.
I am, as I've said, merely competent. But in an age of incompetence, that makes me extraordinary.
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Am looking at a 40l engel .Want to fit a 2 zone spacer.Where the fridge would be the freezer and the spacer the fridge .Did a bit of reseach and Engel would still warrent their product and Wacoe did not advice on modifying their unit
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Defo an Engel
Defo an Engel
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with a bag to keep it like brand new.
On my second one with the temp readout for the last two yrs and it's been through some real tuff n ruff country in the middle of OZ, NO probs.
Chris fish
Posts: 847
Date Joined: 23/02/11
Looks like I'm getting a 60
Looks like I'm getting a 60 or 80l engel then. Next question where are they cheapest??? Almost $2000 retail on the 80
always looking for a new challenge!!
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Keep an eye out on gumtree
Keep an eye out on gumtree and quokka. I picked up my 80l engel from the quokka for $1200 with the cover looks like new and hasn't missed a beat yet. 2 Ningaloo trips under its belt and runs 24/7 as an extra freezer at home.
Posts: 276
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+1 for gumtree.
picked up an engel 57 litre fridge freezer combo a few weeks back for $1000!
Hardly used, not a mark on it and with a cover.
cant argue with that.
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Date Joined: 21/05/12
ha must have been lucky - my
ha must have been lucky - my waeco has done 7 very hard years on the boat and in the ute
-salt sprayed many times - still no rust
the engel lasted 2 season -rusted through on bottom corners
Posts: 26
Date Joined: 14/03/13
straight from Engel
straight from Engel land...most camping stores say that they dont make any money on them they just store such a quality product to draw people to the store...but they are lying they dont make much but they still make money.
From engel land you will save yourself about 100 bucks
Pilbra Dave
Posts: 194
Date Joined: 30/09/11
Good Choice
Used my 40 litre in the boat for the last 4 years, plenty of salt baths and still going strong. I just give it a clean and spray with inox or WD40 after a bath to stop it rusting. I live in Karratha and it has no problems keeping up on 40+ degree days in full sun! I also have an 80 litre for camping while it is heavy it is as touff as nails, I think you get what you pay for with potable fridges, if you get a cheaper one you might luck out and and not have a problem but the chances of having an issue is higher. One of my mates Dad is a fridge mechanic and he loves Waeco's and swears by them but when you question him he sees 10+ Waeco's for every Engel and most of the engels are because of people dropping them out the back of utes or boats.
If you ain't Fishin you ain't Livin
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Engel hands down.
Engel hands down.
pale ale
Posts: 1755
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I have both and they both
I have both and they both work great. I like the "turbo" function on the Waeco, you can hear the compressor speed up and it really does chill things fast.
My waeco is now connected to solar panels and is a freezer in my Man Cave
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I have one that has been in our family for 30 years and is still going great and you can run them on gas if your camping. Lasts for 2 weeks on a 9kg bottle.
Use The Force
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Got a 47? Litre ARB, goes alright up here in the Pilbara, also a 60 Waeco, use this a the freezer, beer cooler on long trips...in saying that have seen Engels in action first hand....next one will be a enge...seen the 40l plastic going for about $800 up here at retravision...what about two 40s one fridge one freezer....60 plus loaded up is heavy...need a fridge slide and two to lift which is not always practical...try getting through doors by yourself with a 60l even empty...it will happen
Posts: 457
Date Joined: 03/09/10
Two 40ltrs
engels is a bloody good idea Tank.
One could pick up a couple of S/Hand engels and still be in front and have a backup if something goes wrong.
Make sure to use the later model one as a freezer as the element goes all the way to the bottom in the 40ltr engels.
When we travel we have a 40ltr engel as a fridge and a 90 ltr Explorer which has a 55ltr fridge and a 35 ltr freezer with dual thermos. The big fella is for the humped meat.
just dhu it
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My vote is for a engel ,it will be handed down to your kids when you finish with it IMO
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mine still running great
After my son roll his 4x4 twice And it went out the side window
Assassin landbase fishing club
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engel hands down. I have the
engel hands down. I have the 80l dual compartment fridge freezer. awesome. just don't turn the thermostat to 5 or you will freeze everything!
Posts: 164
Date Joined: 10/01/10
I have had both but nothing
I have had both but nothing compares to my 110l evakool can carry by me self it's a fridge/freezer or take the part out you got a full fridge or full freezer best thing it does not need a cover as they are fibreglass been in in 40+ degrees and never struggled happy days with mine here is a link have a look you will be impressed as they have great sizes 40 to 150
Posts: 123
Date Joined: 29/05/12
I've never had one of the
I've never had one of the Evakools mentioned above but I know they are a great unit. I've got a 35L Waeco and have never had a problem with it, runs a treat!
Posts: 15048
Date Joined: 30/11/09
Same here I've got the 80L
Same here I've got the 80L and it runs like a champion. I use it as a freezer mostly. It's built strong as well I guess it's the old thing if you look after something you'll get value for money out of it.
Love the West!
Chris fish
Posts: 847
Date Joined: 23/02/11
Thanks guys looks like in
Thanks guys looks like in getting 2x40's one for freeze one for fridge, can get 2 second hand ones for under 1k and then I don't need to take a big esky on my trips just a small one for the days catch before its processed.
always looking for a new challenge!!
pale ale
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Most important part is good
Most important part is good batteries / solar / generator. Whats ya plans there?
Chris fish
Posts: 847
Date Joined: 23/02/11
Triple battery setup and
Triple battery setup and 1000w inverter in my car. 2x700cca battery's up front and 1 deep cycle in my rear draw setup so no chance of draining those puppies. And inverter for running 240v stuff off it
always looking for a new challenge!!
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You will be suprised how
You will be suprised how quick you draw the Deep cycle down past 12.06v ( 50% discharge) in a 40c with 2 engels running!
Posts: 2546
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I agree , I run 2 x 40S of a 200 ah deep cycle battery. With both Engel's up flat out, i get ony 48 hours before i hit 50% discharge .
But add a quallity solar panel ( at least 160 w ) and i can go for 14 days no problem . I will be getting another solar panel soon, and i should be able to run every thing for months ( with enough sunlight ) .
Even if you added a small solar panel it would help keep the battery maintained and in good condition + give you more time camping .
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Yeh I run a 120w Solar, 120ah
Yeh I run a 120w Solar, 120ah deep cycle with a Ctek charger indefinatly. Thats with only 1x40Lt
pale ale
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Is there a way to top up your
Is there a way to top up your deep cylce while driving down the highway?
If I ran some decent cables from the car battery to the deep cycle, would it give enough charge to top up the battery?
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Date Joined: 02/04/11
Yes, thats the best way to
Yes, thats the best way to charge your battery!!
You need approriatley sized and rated cables and fuses between your batteries and a VSR or Isolator inbetween. A VSR is the best option because it will charge your starting battery before it kicks over to your deep cycle. There are many different types from the $40 Narva to a $400 Ctek (which i have and use for solar, stage charging and boosting voltages to get the best charge)
Starting battery---Fuse------VSR---Fuse-------Deep cycle battery.
pale ale
Posts: 1755
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Yeah, I already have that on
Yeah, I already have that on my dual battery system. I was looking at a temporary set up to charge a third battery which will be used on trips to run a minn kota leccy. ideally, a cigarette socket which attaches to the third battery while travelling from eg. Broome to Kunno
Posts: 4657
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Same here, I got dual batts
Same here, I got dual batts with two sockets in the back, I have a portable battery and link it to the socket so it gets charged after being used.
I am, as I've said, merely competent. But in an age of incompetence, that makes me extraordinary.
Chris fish
Posts: 847
Date Joined: 23/02/11
I'm a sparky so I'm good
I'm a sparky so I'm good with all this stuff, the batteries I have can run my stereo that draws 20-40A for about 6-8 hours on one of the 700cca batteries and have management systems to it will shut stuff off if the batteries get to low and running the fridges on 240 uses less power than drawing straight off 12v so the inverter uses less for running them. I would put solar on but don't have room and its expensive for something I don't really need. I can just start the car once every 2 days to charge all the batteries up
always looking for a new challenge!!
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Theres panels on ebay that
Theres panels on ebay that are 1 mm thick, flexible. Are your start batteries dual purpose like optima? I wouldnt go discharging a crank only battery too much too often. 20-40 amp! Pumpin tunes on the beach! How do you mean the fridge uses less on the inverter then if it was on 12v? You are going to drain the battery more running the fridge through the inverter because they are not 100% efficient. The current draw through the lead from the inverter to the engle will be less than when it is running on 12v because of the higher voltage. More voltage means less current draw (ohms law). but the draw on the battery from the inverter will be more than if the fridge was connected straight to the battery
I am, as I've said, merely competent. But in an age of incompetence, that makes me extraordinary.
Chris fish
Posts: 847
Date Joined: 23/02/11
Put an inline ammeter on the
Put an inline ammeter on the dc before the inverter and it used 0.5A less than running the same thing direct on 12v for an X box anyway. some things run more efficiently at the 240v supply. Fairly confident the engel should be the same as it runs on both supply voltages. Either way power is not an issue for me and that's the least of my worries especially with VDR's controlling relays that turn the accessories on and off so if voltage goes to low power shuts off to all accessories automatically without draining my start battery.
always looking for a new challenge!!
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Date Joined: 24/05/11
Never doubted your smarts
Never doubted your smarts Chris, didnt think you compared the AC current with the DC current of the fridge. I wonder how consistant the current draw of the xbox is, didnt know the xbox can run on 12v????? Inverters are great tho, if the weather is shit, you can hook the tv and xbox up and playa fishing game lol. VDRs- voltage dependant relays? I havent heard of them, what amperage are they rated to? Id say the cutout voltage is preset is it? I got a Yammy bluetooth speaker the other week so we can have tunes and not worry about draining the main battery, opted for this over rewiring the Hilux's steza to the aux battery. I do have digital voltmeters to monitor each battery, but cant rely on checkin it when you get on the turps haha.
I am, as I've said, merely competent. But in an age of incompetence, that makes me extraordinary.
Chris fish
Posts: 847
Date Joined: 23/02/11
voltage dependant resistors,
voltage dependant resistors, they control the coil on a 100A relay to turn all accesories off the realy when the vdr drops below its value so a safer way to turn the accesories off without having to stress about a flat starting battery. the voltage is preset in them i just bought some and made up a little box to have the relay in as well. and im in the processs of rewiring everything so that only essential stuff is off the starting battery and everything else off the other batteries and inverter. i use the inverter and take the x box and flat screen out camping when i know im not fishing haha makes for a great trip with the loud stereo.
always looking for a new challenge!!
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Date Joined: 24/05/11
Haha, youre nuts mate, xbox
Haha, youre nuts mate, xbox and flat screen(I was joking lol), game chair haha. I guess the easier thing is to fit a cole-hersey switch so you can have the lot running on what ever battery you want, but they are so 1990s lol. Be interesting to know the results of the dc current draw comparison with the fridge. I was just thinking how the comp motor works. I dont think you can make a motor to run ac and dc so Im guessing the engel's motor is dc and has a tranny to convert the ac, but if it is an ac motor, then it would need an inverter to run on dc, thus with the above mentioned losses with inverters, the fridge would run more efficiently on ac, but tit for tat as there is an inverter used anyhow...my brain hurts. I would think all portable fridge manufacturers would make them to be most efficient when run on dc.
I am, as I've said, merely competent. But in an age of incompetence, that makes me extraordinary.
Chris fish
Posts: 847
Date Joined: 23/02/11
yeah not sure how it will go
yeah not sure how it will go bit ill figure it out and test current draw on both but ill be ok with it just have to do a lot of wiring stuff up and still to make my rear draws when i get time haha.
always looking for a new challenge!!
Posts: 4657
Date Joined: 24/05/11
So where's the game chair
So where's the game chair going? A mount nice and high on the bull bar or roof rack lol, or fab it up so it slips into your reece hitch. Or make it portable lol..... http://bluemako.customer.netspace.net.au/Land%20Based%20game%20chair.htm
I am, as I've said, merely competent. But in an age of incompetence, that makes me extraordinary.
Chris fish
Posts: 847
Date Joined: 23/02/11
hahaha thats awesome. im
hahaha thats awesome. im mounting a tube to the bull bar so the whole setup can swivel to point in the right direction even while driving the car to chase them up the beach. just need to finish work then ill have about 3 weeks worth of work to do to my car and boat to install all the parts ive bought haha.
always looking for a new challenge!!
Posts: 2751
Date Joined: 02/04/11
Yep beat me too if. Inverters
Yep beat me too if. Inverters are normally only 70-90% efficient.
Yeh i am thinking about getting one of those flexible solar panels for the hardtop on the boat !
Posts: 1385
Date Joined: 23/07/12
Running a Primus 60lt, using
Running a Primus 60lt, using it at -20 non stop for the last 4 months and has worked a treat. good price too
More drum lines, kill the bloody sharks!
Posts: 791
Date Joined: 05/12/09
Autofridge is no doubt... the
Autofridge is no doubt... the BEST!!! Plus only needs to run for 2 hours in the morning, then 3 hours at night....
They are dearer than engle.... however.... well, just google them and take a look..
Posts: 2751
Date Joined: 02/04/11
Looks good i havnt seen them
Looks good i havnt seen them before. But they draw about the same as a engel anyway. There draw rate for the 5 hrs is way higher.
Posts: 4657
Date Joined: 24/05/11
Bit of a marketing thing they
Bit of a marketing thing they got going, only run fridge for 5 hours.....Should only look at ah/h specs and compare. 17.5 ah per day equals 0.73 ah/h. That eutectic stuff looks interesting.... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eutectic_system
I am, as I've said, merely competent. But in an age of incompetence, that makes me extraordinary.
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Date Joined: 08/07/08
We bought the Engel
55litre for our needs, brilliant, got that motor in it if you roll over (touchwood it never happens) it still works ok on brackets or something like that. Fridge/freezer. or all freezer or all fridge. We mainly use it for shopping on a stinking hot day driving from Jurien Bay or Geraldton then back home to Leeman. Or driving to Carnarvon with all our meat/milk/butter.
Perth trips excellent for buying in bulk, meat/chicken. Put in the dribble battery and it runs good at night when we stay over in Perth with our bulk meat buy. The setting was on 3 for freezing, dribble battery still working in the morning.
Cover for it was well over $200 but got it thrown in for free as we'd spent just over $2,000 at the shop, Engel and big monsterous esky. the only thing is the lid which gives us the tom tits, keeps coming out of the bracket when loading up, so you can image the language when somebody tries to close it and it doesn't happen, this is pretty annoying but the only bad thing we have found with the Engel. It can run on normal power (electricity)or with the battery that was in the car, turns off when iginiation is turned off in 4x4, thats why we put in the dribble for when we are parked up shopping or stopping for lunch on the road.
Ginger Tablets Rock
Posts: 75
Date Joined: 13/09/09
I've now got 2 engels, a 40
I've now got 2 engels, a 40 and a 60.... the forty is mounted on a fridge slide in the back of the car permenatly..... got that brand new never missed a beat.
I've now got a 60 as well that lives in the camper.... I got that one as an ex rental from EngelLand in Balcatta, was only about 3 years old, but we worked out that it had probably only been running for about 100hrs, only paid half the regular price and got a new transit bag aswell