Wetliners to be fitted with shark shields
Heard on the locan GWN news that there is a proposal to fit wetliners with sharkshields in an attempt to stop their losses of fish taken by sharks. The areas are here in Carnarvon,Exmouth and I think the others were Gero and Kalbarri.
Someone ought to tell them that the fish get taken at about 20 feet off the bottom not 20 feet under the boat because I cannot see them lowering the shield down each time they do a drop them having to pull it in when they crank up to motor back to to the mark or the next spot, one slip and its sliced to bits in the prop ......oh well, better luck with the next one.
They would be better off opening the areas up to sharkfishing again but with regulations on size limits and no Australian markets for big thickskins from northern waters any more, [we used to export all our northern catch to Asia, it included huge tigers, hammers, pigeyes and thickskins, all bone out, bone out and plastic wrapped in 9 kg lots] so it would have the greenies up in arms to have it all go for petfood or fertiliser.
Posts: 179
Date Joined: 24/01/11
Agreed- there is definately
Agreed- there is definately a need to reduce the shark numbers both big and small along the coast especially midwest heading north the markets are there for the sale of bigger specimens so why not open it up to te comercial fishers for a year or so.
I think shark shields may be viable as the sharks learn to hang around the boat, they know the food will be brought to them as the line are heaved in, but i don`t think it`ll take them long to work out sitting 30-40 m away and there safe.
Cheers Boomer
Big hook,
Big bait,
BIG FISH !!!!!
Posts: 9358
Date Joined: 21/02/08
Its totally stupid,
Its totally stupid, sadly.
This is the scenario that Worksafe SA addres in their report on Shark Shields. They're concerned about the long-time effectiveness of the SS when sharks are presented with an interesting, yet captive, target.
They are worried that sharks will learn to feed with the annoying stimuli of the SS present.
Posts: 657
Date Joined: 22/04/09
Tried it
We tried it at a place we call the sharkpit near samson and it didnt work not to say these boys might have a bit bigger model as such but with a normal sharkshield in the water didnt make any difference still got smashed!!
We feel nothing but a certain difficulty in continuing to stand