What to look for in a Boat?
Submitted by Neander on Thu, 2007-11-29 13:47
I am on the market for a boat, only thing is I really boat know what I am after.
I am after something in the market of 13-14 k.
Farward controls.
Want to fish estuarys, Swan and Offshore to as deep as safe for the size boat I purchase.
Obviously to come with a sounder / radio etc would be great.
I was looking at Quintex range around the 4.5 m as I heard they are a reliable boat but open to suggestions.
Anything else others can point in my directon would be great.
I have grabbed a copy of Chris's tips as well to have a read of.
Adam Gallash
Posts: 15655
Date Joined: 29/11/05
I picked up Big John's 4.1m bermuda salmon tinny around the 7k mark and my mate Gribbo got a 5m trailcraft centre console pretty much brand new for around the 20k mark. Both boats are great for the price and what they enable you to be able to do.
With a 4m - 5m boat you will be perfectly sized for estuaries and fishing the Swan but are going to be restricted with heading offshore. (well, in Perth anyway - safety if the wind blows up, you will just need to pick your days) If you plan to head north at any stage for holidays, anywhere between 4m and 5m will get you where you need to go on the right days.
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