What outboard size?

Currently in the process of buying an early 90's Caribbean reef runner 6.3m with a 225 Optimax on the back of her..

Im thinking of downsizing and putting a 4 stroke on the back.. Would a 130hp - 150hp 4 stroke be enough to power this baby along??

Looking at her, Id say she would weigh a fair bit.. Pretty solid boat!!

Mainly be used up in Shark Bay/ Carnarvon around the islands for fishing n trolling..




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Date Joined: 23/11/09

200 hp

Fri, 2013-01-11 13:13

If it was me i'd be putting a 200 on it.

Its an Older, heavier fibreglass boat. With a 200 there will be power there if you need it and the motor would probably be more economical as it wouldnt be working as hard a  smaller one.

You dont have to use the power just cause its there, but it is handy to have. Would be worth the few extra $$ rather than have a smaller one fitted and find out that the boat doesnt perfom right.

Thats my 2 cents anyway.






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Date Joined: 23/11/09

But on that....

Fri, 2013-01-11 13:15

 what year is the optimax and what hours has it done ? if there's nothing wrong with it, why change ? The opti's are great on fuel ???




Posts: 791

Date Joined: 05/12/09

Its a 1998 Opti (one of the

Fri, 2013-01-11 13:19

Its a 1998 Opti (one of the first I believe) with just over 400hours...

Always been a fan of a good 4 stroke though..

Posts: 4586

Date Joined: 01/02/10

That thing would be a pig of

Fri, 2013-01-11 13:22

That thing would be a pig of a thing if underpowered. I agree sight he other opinions. Really wants 200hp.


Does anyone know where the love of god goes, when the waves turn the minutes to hours?

Posts: 408

Date Joined: 23/11/09

Nothing wrong with them

Fri, 2013-01-11 13:24

 If the 400 hrs is genuine, that is nothing. The father out law has a 98 model on his signature and is well over the 1000hr mark and i can vouch for the fuel economy.  




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Date Joined: 05/12/09

hmmmmm..  Yeah you may be

Fri, 2013-01-11 13:30

hmmmmm..  Yeah you may be right.. I had better use the bloody thing first then make a decision...

I was just going off the online specs where it was saying up to 41 litres per hour... but that is WOT...  Scared me for a moment!!!  lol.. I think it only has about 200L fuel tanks... so the range wouldnt be very far..


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41l seems a little low. I

Fri, 2013-01-11 13:36

41l seems a little low. I would of thought it would use more than that at wot. Bear in mind 5 hours at 40 knots will get you a long way! 200nm even.


Does anyone know where the love of god goes, when the waves turn the minutes to hours?

Posts: 791

Date Joined: 05/12/09

lol...  You are doing a good

Fri, 2013-01-11 15:04

lol...  You are doing a good job of talking me into keeping it Dodgy!!  ;-)

JohnF's picture

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Date Joined: 07/07/10

Keep the opti and see how you

Fri, 2013-01-11 15:13

Keep the opti and see how you go. Even a 225 hp 4 stroke wont have any where near the mid range torque the 225 hp opti has, so a 150 hp 4 stroke will be hopeless, and will chew juice!!! 


Boston Whaler 235 Conquest......getting the flogging it was built for.

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Thanks guys....  She will be

Fri, 2013-01-11 15:18

Thanks guys....  She will be staying on there for now!!!  ;-)

Yeah.. its really not such a bad donk when you look at a whole variety of factors, of which.. I have been reminded of!!! ( and should have known )

scotto's picture

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other boat

Fri, 2013-01-11 15:26

agree with the general consensus. oversize is better than undersize in this instance. you would want a bare minimum of 200 horses on that hull.


its better to have it and not need it, than need it and not have it.


what happened to the southwind/bowrider/oversized kayak you commited to buy?!?




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Date Joined: 18/01/12

must have a big yard to park

Fri, 2013-01-11 20:45

must have a big yard to park em all!


 Give a man a mask, and he'll show you his true face...



The older you get the more you realize that no one has a f++king clue what they're doing.

Everyone's just winging it.


Posts: 4586

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Have seen the other one up

Fri, 2013-01-11 20:49

Have seen the other one up for sale.


Does anyone know where the love of god goes, when the waves turn the minutes to hours?

Posts: 791

Date Joined: 05/12/09

Yep... Just like a

Fri, 2013-01-11 15:54

Yep... Just like a condom!!!   lol

seaswirl's picture

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Fri, 2013-01-11 22:41

Had no joy from my opti's...binned them and got a suzi 4 stroke...best decision i ever made...

carnarvonite's picture

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Sat, 2013-01-12 07:22

Have a chat to Fitzy here in town, he has the same boat and will be glad to fill you in on any thing you want to know. Not sure what he has on the back but I know his one flies.

Posts: 791

Date Joined: 05/12/09

Thanks Cvonite.. WIll do

Sat, 2013-01-12 08:39

Thanks Cvonite.. WIll do mate!!