Willy weather

Does anyone use willy weather ?. It seems they forecast about half of what seabreeze does so it makes for a very hard call when to go out or not. I Have been watching willy weather all week and its saying less than 10 knots yet according to BOM its 23 knots on rottnest at the moment. Is it usually that unaccurate or is it just a one off?.

 Dont really want to fish in 23 knots for some unknown reason

Belly88's picture

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Thu, 2013-02-14 17:24

 In my opinion willy weather is crap.. Always predicts the wind 10 or so knots lighter then what it is... I look at Bom and seabreeze and make my own assumption from there

Handi 1's picture

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I agree

Thu, 2013-02-14 17:53

I agree


Dhui on river to sea jig a few years back , 16 kg ! PB for me .

Swompa's picture

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 Gotta remember that

Thu, 2013-02-14 19:36

 Gotta remember that Seabreeze has forecasts for the beach and not the land

tim-o's picture

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I have my weather sites set

Thu, 2013-02-14 20:25

I have my weather sites set to the area I generally fish. Willy serves me well, I always check on wind finder too and the night before I check BOM forecast and the morning of headin out I use baywind for live data. I only use seabreeze to check the plotted winds from a day and check it against willy forecasts for that day and generally accurate or more accurate than seabreeze. Iv missed out on goin out on nice days thanks to seabreeze. Overall it pays to have several references to make your decision


I am, as I've said, merely competent. But in an age of incompetence, that makes me extraordinary.

Buz's picture

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Dont rely on one source for

Thu, 2013-02-14 22:39

Dont rely on one source for your weather forcasts. As others have said sites like BOM(good page here http://www.bom.gov.au/marine/wind.shtml), Willy Weather, Seabreeze etc.

In saying that for the main locations i fish Willy Weather gets it right for me 9 out of 10 times. And one time it got it wrong for me the wind strength was correct, it just came in alot earlier. But like i said always compare it to other sites.

On thing to consider is Seabreeze was originally for windsurfers/kiteboarders, so it does seem that their forcasts seem to favour stronger forcasted winds, BOM seems to sometimes over forcast sea conditions(maybe to cover there arses?), and Willy Weather sometimes underestimates sea conditions. So somewhere in the middle of all the sites forcasts is probably the best forcast.

In saying that i have had plenty of times rocking up at the boat ramp and it not being what i expected :P

Forcasts can be great for those of us that dont have the luxury of taking time off when ever we want or having regular weekends, or to do the old "i'll just look out my window in the morning and see what the weather is doing". I know myself i have to plan days in advance whether or not to gamble taking a day off work to try get out, or waste a days leave sitting on land or not being able to fish where i wanted to. But forcasts are just that, forcasts. So always have a backup plan, like carp fishing hahahaha :D

mw87's picture

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+1 for Willy WeatherI also

Fri, 2013-02-15 06:53

+1 for Willy Weather

I also take an average between the sites mentioned and leave it as close as possible to when heading out, but through my experience Willy Weather is far more accurate than Seabreeze.

TROOPY's picture

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i stopped using seabreeze a

Fri, 2013-02-15 07:34

i stopped using seabreeze a long time ago, everytime it said it was crap the weather was usually awesome. i downloaded an app for my iphone Windfinder and that seems to always be on the ball with it, can save all your beach locations on it for easy access. its the only weather site i use now


1 from the beach is worth 10 from a boat

Swompa's picture

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I have found that seabreeze

Fri, 2013-02-15 08:07

I have found that seabreeze is really good 4 days before the day, so for saturday, look at the forecast on tuesday. Closer to the date (trusting there isnt a cyclone), they tend to get too excited.

And always look at BOM, but they always give worst case to cover their arse.

choc's picture

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Classis example of seabreeze

Fri, 2013-02-15 08:32

Classis example of seabreeze being wrong is today.

Look at the wind forecast for Bunbury today then scroll down and look at the live readings.

I never use seabreeze as it is wrong too many times.

Posts: 1755

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Windfinder for me in DampierI

Fri, 2013-02-15 09:04

Windfinder for me in Dampier

I have it set for Legendre Island..  Easy to read and I have found it accurate


flexn's picture

Posts: 232

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I use willyweather. I find it

Fri, 2013-02-15 09:36

I use willyweather. I find it quite accurate, last week it said the wind was dropping for a four hour period and it was spot on. But I generally use that and BOM

Posts: 157

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i agree with Swompa

Fri, 2013-02-15 10:39

What he said, i use BOM and seabreeze for a longer range forecast, but 2 days before a planned outing i will use Willy's, has been pretty accurate so far.

Ian Macca's picture

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For those fishos in Bunbury

Sat, 2013-02-16 07:01

For those fishos in Bunbury this is pretty handy   http://www.byport.com.au/


Under weather station on the left of screen there is heaps of live info. Not a forecast, but if you need live data its great!

Posts: 125

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willy weather was the only

Sun, 2013-02-17 13:05

willy weather was the only forecast to be close yesterday. it was far from the 20 knot south southwesterlys all morning like bom an seabreeze predicted.

Posts: 170

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Willy Weather for me

Sun, 2013-02-17 17:19

Willy Weather for me, BOM seems only to give the strongest wind current for the morning and evening, so really I think its only good for seeing how strong the seabreeze may be.

Willy weather breaks the winds down into 3 hour periods which is much more helpful, and I've found them to be quite accurate. If there was God though he would let there be a bloody accurate wind forecast 7 days out so blokes like me who if seeing a ripper day come up would plan a day off and nick of with my mates. Well I gave that up awhile ago, 7 days out trying to pick a day that looks great on BOM or seabreeze or even bouyweather, then winding back work on that day making a few calls only to have the winds increase.

Sometimes if your in two Minds and the wind looks at around your limit then try bouyweather, only good two days out but if the indicator is yellow then its usually a little uncomfortable, Indicator red forget it. Green ok.

But Willy has been the most reliable and like most others cruise the sites and get a good idea of the general consensus.

Tim's picture

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Sun, 2013-02-17 17:35

Try Elders Weather. Was shown it a while back and it has been pretty good.

Also has an Offshore Forecast rather than relying on an inshore/land forecast.
