Boat pulling to the right?
Submitted by 1268-EX on Sun, 2014-03-02 20:16
My mates owns a 6.3m Ali with a 150 merc optimax and it pulls severely to the right. It has no power steering. Does anyone know what the problem might be? His motor only has a flat anode mounted above the prop, it doesn't have the fin like this (photo) is it meant to?
Posts: 326
Date Joined: 19/01/09
Yea mate I'm pretty sure
Yea mate I'm pretty sure every motor I've seen has one
Posts: 2751
Date Joined: 02/04/11
My boat doesnt, just has a
My boat doesnt, just has a flat disc!
But it doesnt pull to a side...
Posts: 458
Date Joined: 04/12/05
prop pitch, left or right rotation could cause it to turn...un balanced load...too much weight on rh side ? Wind direction...
No power steering ? you mean cable ? or ? That's a big boat and motor with no assist steering.
If none of the above is the problem then...I'm off to bed.
Posts: 672
Date Joined: 29/08/11
unbolt the little anode fine
unbolt the little anode fine in the picture and move it one notch over...makes a huge difference
Posts: 652
Date Joined: 21/09/09
Funny how people don't read the content of the thread!
I am thinking that the reason that motor does not have a tab, is that because of the size of the motor, size of boat, the motor manufacturer assumes that a "No feed back" helm would be fitted. Either hydraulic or cable.
I have a "No feed back" helm and have wondered how I would adjust the tab, since the steering is locked when I take pressure off the wheel, there is no way I can tell if the boat is pulling one way or the other, I just set the boat traveling in a straight line and let the wheel go. In other words I could just have the flat anode fitted to my motor that's fitted to your mates engine.
Maybe he could enquire about fitting the same. If its Teleflex steering, they make a NFB helm that fits the cable, or look at a hydraulic system.
I havn't heard of a power assisted helm, but they do come with different ratio's, the skipper has to turn the wheel more for the same response, but its easier to do. hope this helps.
Posts: 118
Date Joined: 18/01/12
Thanks for the info guys I'll look into it
Posts: 118
Date Joined: 18/01/12
Thanks for the info guys I'll look into it
Posts: 102
Date Joined: 15/07/12
Trim tab anode
Cheap, common. Install with the trailing part of the trim tab fin one or two notches to the side the boat is pulling.
Posts: 749
Date Joined: 22/08/12
Yes my merc did the same thing pulled dangerously fast and hard
to the right. Did as Redchoppa has said and it fixed it but you may find you need more than 1 or 2 notches, I had to move mine to the right alot cant remember how many notches though took me a couple of adjustments and runs on the water to get it right. easy to do also
Posts: 102
Date Joined: 15/07/12
I got lucky, two notches and she ran straight but prior to that...Right turn, Clyde. And it would happen quickly to.