Noble Super Vee Post 2008
Submitted by Tmacca on Mon, 2014-03-10 11:31
G'day Guys
Upgrading to a bigger boat again after forever in a 5mtr c/c.
Have been looking at the barcrushers a lot (6.1HT) but am very interested in the noble boats but have read a few disturbing things about the ones made after 2008 in china.
Anyone own a china built one that can give me some info and/or reassurances!
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Just don't do it.
Just don't do it.
Does anyone know where the love of god goes, when the waves turn the minutes to hours?
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Interesting... Go on...Tell
Interesting... Go on...Tell us!
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Nobles v Barcrushers
The Nobles are good for their walk around configuration. Barcrushers are good for everything else.
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Nobel Vs Bar crusher
If I compare my Noble 5.3 side console to the XS 5.3 then I'm affraid my Noble shits all over the crusher.
No competition sorry.
Larger fuel tank
larger motor capcity
larger casting deck
more Ali
better hull
I was looking at both but I got more in the Noble for less money and better boat.
Posts: 812
Date Joined: 09/10/06
are you looking at buying the
are you looking at buying the noble new?. as they dont have a dealer that will touch them they sell through auctions and hence don't come with any warranty. big risk .
ask the question on the ausfish forums and lm sure you will get a detailed response.
Posts: 472
Date Joined: 15/11/11
I like to do research in the
I like to do research in the event that I win lotto and can afford a decent rig... I've seen the noble that's on 'fishing the edge' fishing show so thought I'd have a google.... Bottom line, if you find the mentioned thread on the ausfish forum you won't even look at or consider a noble again.
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Date Joined: 07/06/08
Best to stick with the pre 2008 boats
There's a few for sale that I would buy.
My 2010 Boat has had 2 warranty issues but nothing like the Ausfish boat (and he didn't go thru warranty he stripped and re-built himself).
Mine was paint and a small weld which were fixed at same time. It's fixed and she floats no problems and I spend many days extended / live aboard here in the Kimberley and I feel safe. I've never felt unsafe in my Noble. Comparitively at the 5.3 m size no other boats comes near it and while you may get a more 'custom' boat internally if you go custom built you wont beat the deadrise. See my post above for a short comparison.
All deckies that have fished in my boat rave about the ride and layout. It's always my boat that goes fishing and theres stay at home. My boat suits my fishing style and search my threads, particularly the Berkerly River trip April 13 for a look at the boat and what I do with it. Like all boats work out what you want it for as no boat is 100% perfect and there is always some comprimise.
You'll pay premium price for the Aussie built boats but after owning one I would not hestitate paying the price. No other boat matches the deadrise of a Noble. Bar crushers = you pay a lot for nothing. There are other boats and Crusher's use the Surtess hull anyways so look at them also.
All range of boats have problems and not all service providers provide good service, thats life, it jsut how you sleep with it at night....
Rob H
Posts: 5819
Date Joined: 18/01/12
wasnt there a thread here
wasnt there a thread here also? Someone in the Pilbara?
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The older you get the more you realize that no one has a f++king clue what they're doing.
Everyone's just winging it.
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There's a dealer in New
There's a dealer in New South Wales apparently , gonna give him a ring and have a chat. Just heard a lot of good things about the ride but obviously some issues here and there with the china built ones. Yep no doubt the barcrushers are pretty nice but also very exp, also looking abit at the westerberg atm and will give them a call . Yep I've read about the guy with the crack in the transom I think, but then again I remember a brand new wa aluminium boat that has a good name a few years ago up north that had some weld issues on it's maiden voyage from a few welds that got forgotten , all depends on the inspection during and after the build. Atm am def leaning more towards something that is built in wa.
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I'm not an expert at all
I'm not an expert at all about hull shapes and chines , but the westerbergs say they have a dead rise of 15 degrees which from what I know would suggest a very average ride at sea yet from what I've read on here about the westys on here most say they ride very good. Just wondering how if the dead rise is so shallow, any info on that guys?????
Rob H
Posts: 5819
Date Joined: 18/01/12
the Westrerberg that was at
the Westrerberg that was at the boatshow definitely had more than 15, more like 20-22 and a flooding keel.
Give a man a mask, and he'll show you his true face...
The older you get the more you realize that no one has a f++king clue what they're doing.
Everyone's just winging it.
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in my case
In my boats case (westerberg), bearing in mind my boat is an 85 hull which is different to current style and has had some significant modification done to the transom area so possibly slightly different charactorisitics in its own right. I don't know the actual specifications of the dead rise but would consider mine to be a flatter hull than some(fuel economy is brilliant). There are boats that cut through the chop better but when at rest and fishing mine is better than most others including boats that are much larger. In rough conditions when I shouldnt be out (big swell and high wind) I am not too concerned much the boat can handle following seas very well. Welding is all solid and it is 6mm all round so that extra weight makes for a big difference.
In my case that suits me, if you are looking at a boat purely for ride then go fibreglass every day of the week
Posts: 7006
Date Joined: 16/10/08
Had a looks
and settled on a simple old Trailcraft. Trailies are a workhorse in anyones book so that tells you how far I steered clear of the Noble brand. As Dodgy mentioned above - a bit dodgy IMO.
"I would like to die on Mars. Just not on impact!!" _ Elon Musk
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Just another one worth looking at locally would be chivers? I really like what I have seen from there, currently I own an old westerberg and happy with that. Coraline also worth a look
Posts: 18
Date Joined: 09/03/14
Yeah I had a 06 640
Yeah I had a 06 640 Trailblazer , had too sell it a few years ago to put a roof over my head haha. Had no issues with it , solid as, prob didn't ride as good as other Ali's that friends had at the time but honestly wish I hadn't of sold it but ya get that. Just want to do a lot of research before I spend up big as I want to get something that I'll keep for a long time. Def the list includes chivers,genesis,westerberg,barcrusher,evolution,. Really would like a hardtop to fish through the chilly winter months as it gets pretty friggin cold on the cc ha!
Posts: 2029
Date Joined: 07/06/08
WA boats
Chivers comes in with the best deadrise from memory.
Again it's all comprimise. If you want to smash your kidneys knock yourself out.
I bought my boat due to the water conditinos we experience here. Big tides and competing winds means very messy water with loads of chop. The Noble hull is designed to cut through this type of water, not bang and smash!
Likewise if I ever bought another boat I would not but a C Cab / Runabout etc as you sit /stand right on the impact zone which means you experience a shit ride. it would be a side console of Centre Cab. The ride feel in any boat is best at the transom end as that is furtherest from the impact zone as the boat hits the water. So in relation to your 17 degress deadrise question on the Westie, if you are sitting on the transom it will ride well compared to siting in the cab.....
Best to work out exactly what you want and work from there.
Dont discount boats from the East Coast like Origin for example. Come from the Fisher pedigree and one of the best rides and you get the floodable keel.
It was $10K cheaper to get my Noble from the East Coast and closer in km's to pick it up for me.
To many people in WA are to WA centric so dont be shy is casting the net wide.
Also any Dave Jackman hull will come in with a small deadrise.
Posts: 18
Date Joined: 09/03/14
Thanks Damo, yeah I'm aware
Thanks Damo, yeah I'm aware of different areas of the boat , different ride. I'm after pretty much a cuddy cab and was wondering if noble custom build . Am still very interested in talking to them anyway . So I'm assuming you own one, any info on it? And is it post 2008(china built)? And do you know about the warranty issue as from one of the previous posts, cheers
Posts: 2029
Date Joined: 07/06/08
I've got a 2010 Side Console 5.3
As above, no dealer no warranty (if auctioned). It states that on their website (well it did last time I looked).
My warranty issues were small and the boat is fine now.
I'm not sure if Noble custom built now, I saw one article about a custom boat delivered to Darwin but thats it, but if you are looking at custom look at the Origin Boats from QLD as they have a good pedigree. The Origin Evolution series look the shite, I'd look at the 6m side console myself........
Look at AMM as well, good boats.
Here I would personally look at Chivers with the good deadrise and floodable keel. The Floodable keel is not for me personally for what I do now.
There are some Cuddy Nobles for sale on boatsales so have a look. Good boats. Just use the search engine on their website. You will see, Noble, Noble Boats International and Noble SuperV.
Search my posts if you like and you will see what mine looks like.
Good luck with the new boat.
Posts: 18
Date Joined: 09/03/14
Just read some threads in
Just read some threads in ausfish and def stayin away from the newer nobles, I work way too hard for my money for there even to be a sniff of something substantial with the welding. As this will be a family boat as well , who would risk that???? . It's a shame really , the hull looks very interesting and from all accounts rides awesome. Thanks for the input guys.
Posts: 362
Date Joined: 19/11/10
I know of a recent Noble in
I know of a recent Noble in Darwin that came from China. The transom welding split, incompatible metals all over the place and the ali plate had a few hundred kilo's of bog in it.
Posts: 18
Date Joined: 09/03/14
Bloody hell!!! Heard all I
Bloody hell!!! Heard all I need to about the nobles!!!! Cheers
Posts: 791
Date Joined: 05/12/09
Have you considered Coraline,
Have you considered Coraline, Marineline or Formosa?
Posts: 2283
Date Joined: 09/07/09
Do yourself a favour and
Do yourself a favour and check out these kiwi built plateys
Toughest I've seen
If I spent half as long fishing , as I do reading this bloody forum , I'd be twice the fisherman I am.
Posts: 2497
Date Joined: 26/09/06
Try These
Try these out
Theres a few running around Perth now. Have looked at the AMF before but these leave them for dead. Don't really fit as a production boat though - more custom built.
Posts: 3913
Date Joined: 14/10/12
One of the mobs in Freo
One of the mobs in Freo sells them. South St I think.
Posts: 18
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Geez!!! The list keeps
Geez!!! The list keeps getting longer!!!!
Posts: 18
Date Joined: 09/03/14
The white Pointer boats and
The white Pointer boats and the amf look awesome . The only problem is I wouldn't have a clue about importing. Also I wouldn't buy a boat that I can't physically have a look at , which seems to be the problem with the kiwi boats at least with the barcrushers and surtees they actually have them around to have a look at exactly what your buying. Although my faves atm are the mclays and the whitepointer.
Posts: 2497
Date Joined: 26/09/06
You could get a look at a Whitepointer reasonably easy. The dealer in NZ can arrange it with one of his customers here and I know of another that was only just recently purchased here