breaks my heart

A few days ago we woke up to descover that there was a huge puddle of oil on the marlinboard from the hydrolic hose having been cut and all the other cords cut as well. The motor had fallen onto the road and smashed the fiberglass cover to the motor. it just breaks my hart that some one would do this and bad timing as well as we were supost to be heading out that day luckely we should get most back on insurenca and we are thinking of upgrading from a 130hp to a 150hp.(the motor is unfixable as it will cost just as much to get a new one as to get it fixed)

big john's picture

Posts: 8766

Date Joined: 20/07/06


Sun, 2008-03-23 17:41

Some people are just pricks Ollie.

Hopefully the insurance thing works out for you.


I head a little FURTHER NORTH each year,
Leave the cities behind, out of sight of mind,


WA based manufacturer and supplier of premium leadhead jigs, fligs, bucktail jigs, 'bulletproof' soft plastic jig heads and XOS bullet jig heads.

Jigs available online in my web store!

Corza's picture

Posts: 148

Date Joined: 25/11/07

What do you mean

Sun, 2008-03-23 17:48

Were they trying to steal it or get back at you for disturbing the neihgbours. Thats wierd.

Ollie's picture

Posts: 506

Date Joined: 24/08/07

i think they were thinking of stealing it

Sun, 2008-03-23 17:59

I think the only reason we still have the motor is because it was to heavy for them. they had undun all the bults holding it on.

fishy fingers's picture

Posts: 1719

Date Joined: 28/04/07

Was it on the road side or in the drive?

Sun, 2008-03-23 18:30

To all the virgins..............Thanks for nothing!

dogsoldier's picture

Posts: 943

Date Joined: 04/11/05

Some people dont have any

Sun, 2008-03-23 18:34

Some people dont have any idea take them out the back give them the flogging of a lifetime then let the soft courts sort them after that

Live to fish

fishy fingers's picture

Posts: 1719

Date Joined: 28/04/07

I hope their balls fester and drop off!!

Sun, 2008-03-23 18:39

To all the virgins..............Thanks for nothing!

Ollie's picture

Posts: 506

Date Joined: 24/08/07

yea it was on the verge of

Sun, 2008-03-23 18:44

yea it was on the verge of the road

max199's picture

Posts: 812

Date Joined: 09/05/06


Sun, 2008-03-23 20:50

learnt hey? w$@#%rs, should've dropped on one of the pricks and been trapped so you could smash *&$% out of em I reackon

..........Feel the force.........

peteman2480's picture

Posts: 90

Date Joined: 20/05/07

geez mate i'm feeling for

Mon, 2008-03-24 11:54

geez mate i'm feeling for ya...we had a 21ft boat just disappear from our next door nieghbours house a few years back, never seen again

Colin Hay's picture

Posts: 10407

Date Joined: 23/10/07

I can't believe

Mon, 2008-03-24 12:02

that someone could be that low. That is just unbeileivable. Hope they get caught somehow.


Moderator. Proud member of the Fishwrecked "Old Farts". Make sure your subscribed to Fishwrecked Reeltime

jersey's picture

Posts: 393

Date Joined: 12/06/08

I hope you get them

Sun, 2008-06-15 12:38

If you find out who these low lifes are invite them out for a one way fishing trip,use them as bait,a bit at a time,starting with their balls