yet another boat thread: whose 5-5.5m alu centre console on the cheap?
just me thinking with my mouth open, any advice offered appreciated.
I've had my eyes on whats in the quokka, online in various sources, and mostly been looking at used because money is an object (that I have little of). I really want something up to 5.5m, pref over 5m, as then its easily trailerable, yet we can take it a fair way offshore. Our tow vehicle can handle the weight, and I don't think I'd have to go for a tandem and trailer brakes at that size either which may save a few bucks.
Secondhand I haven't really seen much compelling, and I notice that a lot of the boats in that size are rolled, not plate boats which would probably be preferred.
I was surprised to see a local plate boat builder can do up a bare hull for the following prices; 5m/$10k, 5.3m/$13k & 5.6m/$16k. I guess a trailer is around $2k-3k new, and then is motor and fitout. I can poach some of the safety gear from my brother's old dingy, that should save a few bucks too.
Are those prices typical for a bare bones centre console? Who else makes them? Who should be avoided =)
Posts: 3097
Date Joined: 12/01/07
Check the car manual about
Check the car manual about towing weights. Unbraked weights are really low and if you go over the insurance companies will not entertain if there is a mishap.
1985 Boston Whaler Outrage 18 Johnson 140hp 4stroke
Faulkner Family
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Date Joined: 11/03/08
Hi Till
Dont know much about the boat bussiness but i do know what BOAT stands for "Bring Out Another Thousand"
and that sure is true.
Just watch taking short cut to save money where your safty is involed you said "I can poach some of the safety gear from my brother's old dingy, that should save a few bucks too. "
Please just check out expire dates on life jackets, flares (you will need off shore ones if you go i think is 2 mile off shore ) , EPirb etc . When we got our first boat we did not check any of this and everything was out of date and was non the wiser
Good luck with your boat hunting
"A family that fishes together stays together"
RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together
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Date Joined: 01/12/07
Match the trailer
Till, Can't answer any of your questions on Allys, 'cause I've never owned one. Just make sure you match your boat and trailer. A bad trailer/boat combination can turn an easy launch/retreive into a nightmare.
Get someone else to assess the boat (and trailer) too, to cast an objective eye over everything.
Good advice from Russ, 'the difference is in the detail'.
How much are you (really) saving by not having and unbraked trailer? As Alfred said, there is a substantial towing differential when one compares unbraked and braked trailer capacities for vehicles. For my money, when you decrease the speed of a towed object (boat in this case), having breaks on the towed vehicle is peace of mind and sensible 'dynamics' (inertia/mass of a towed vehicle). If you have to stop suddenly, remember, even a slightly 'heavy' boat/trailer/OB etc will want to sustain forward movement. If the towing vehicle has shed that inertia, and the towed object hasn't, then nasty things may occur.
Colin Molloy
(Colin 2 - Co-founding member of the prestigious Colin Club)
Soon to be de "dreamweaver" ed!
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Date Joined: 22/02/07
Hey till , ive got a 5.5m
Hey till , ive got a 5.2m centre console quintrex dory , go see the boys at marlin marine as they have quite a few deals going on . Power wise i have a 50 hp honda 4 stroke and can get out to the fads and fish and back to woodies on under 35 litres. It cruises on 24knots and have had to alter a few things mainly like fitting a huge bilge pump as it cops a bit of water over the back which is soon to be sorted with a solid back and motor pod
Posts: 9358
Date Joined: 21/02/08
Actually I ran that
Actually I ran that backwards from a a few websites for trailer manufacturers. For ally, they were speccing single axle, no brakes up to 5.4m, From 5.5m on they picked up brakes, and then later tandem axles. For glass they kicked in brakes and tandems in a lot smaller boats.
Trailers, anyone want to comment on keel support v's slides, Is it any style better for towing on tracks?
Insurance companies seem to be the masters of fineprint, so Ill check those towing weights as well.
Thanks for the reminder regarding expriry dates on flares etc.
fishy fingers
Posts: 1719
Date Joined: 28/04/07
Some boats have a good keel like my kingcraft (GLASS)So it's suited to a keel support trailer in fact the manufacturer recomended it, I'm looking at building a new trailer myself but it will have a combination of keel and rollers probably do it for a quarter of the price I've already been quoted on the steel, just got to get her indoors to let me spend the money!!
To all the virgins..............Thanks for nothing!
Posts: 9358
Date Joined: 21/02/08
I spoke to a dealer that
I spoke to a dealer that sells Coraline and they think they can price something up cheaper, that I'd get directly from them, fairly complete. Anyone got anything to sauyabout Coraline?
Posts: 246
Date Joined: 09/06/07
Hey Till Ive brought a stage
Hey Till Ive brought a stage 1 hull and done the rest myself ping me if ya want info.
Posts: 404
Date Joined: 31/03/07
be careful with hull thickness
Keel rollers need to be a must based on your hull thickness as support.I just put a boat together from bare hull and saved $hit loads but did a lot of homework and work myself,till send me a pm and i can give you some insight on the whole picture you can save money but somethings aren't worth taking short cuts.
Posts: 246
Date Joined: 09/06/07
Hey Dij was yours a brucey
Hey Dij was yours a brucey special??
Posts: 9358
Date Joined: 21/02/08
Hmm some great advice from
Hmm some great advice from people there, both on the board, and over the phone.
I spoke to a few boat manufacturers and costed up finishing my own boat, v's buying new & complete. I had a look around and decided that I didn't much like what I could afford new, so I'll look for something used over winter and try and knock my skipper's ticket off while I'm at it.
Wish me luck!