Double dipping on Crays

Whilst on the rescue boat yesterday I noticed a vessel with Hookah system (on the bow) leave Mindarie Marina in the morning. Then in the afternoon I saw the same boat leave Hillarys. Seems to me they dived in the morning, dropped the catch of home and then went out again. went to different marina incase fisheries watching.

Saw them again this afternoon out of Hillarys.

Seemed to be a few dive boats heading out in the afternoon even when the sea breeze was in following perfect conditions in the morning.



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allrounder's picture

Posts: 1853

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I think i know the boat.

Mon, 2011-12-12 05:17

 If so they are known to fisheries.Normally two crew and from time to time there is a different deckie.There is another crew out of mindarie that go out in one boat and bag then take that car and boat home and are back 10 mins later with a different car and boat


So tell me have you got your info from years on the water or hours on the internet?

  • was sponsored by Atomic Lures and Shimano but they dropped me.Now sponsored by Fog Dog(The best fish coating out there) and raider lures.

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This came up on another forum

Sun, 2011-12-11 20:31

This came up on another forum awhile back. They seemed to be of the opinion that if you changed the crew and divers, you can have another bite, and they did!

Probably a bit hard to check if it was the same hookah diver if they were down at the time.


allrounder's picture

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Clutching at straws there Till

Sun, 2011-12-11 20:59

 There are a few up this way that take the piss.They are know to a few of us and fisheries,its only a matter of time and proof and it will come out.The laws apply to all and no one is above it.Now days people are more informed than ever as can be seen with the guys having a punch on at the ramp the other day.I think with the amount of resources at the disposal of the fisheries now a few will be done this year.


So tell me have you got your info from years on the water or hours on the internet?

  • was sponsored by Atomic Lures and Shimano but they dropped me.Now sponsored by Fog Dog(The best fish coating out there) and raider lures.

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I'm not clutching at

Sun, 2011-12-11 21:49

I'm not clutching at anything, just pointing out some less than obvious conclusions.

You may not remember how a certain thread about snapper ended up, but to refresh your memory, it ended up with an apology.

If you think someone is doing the wrong thing, warning them by blurting about it on a public forum is also not expecially clever, just ring fisheries - its their job.

If you want to have a little whine though, just keep it coming!


allrounder's picture

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Mate i can tell you now it wont end with an apology here

Mon, 2011-12-12 05:12

 mate.I dont need to ring anyone as they are all aware.It is only a matter of time.I couldnt give a rats ass if they read it on here if they stop being tools then jobs done.As far a whining goes i dont recall whining in the past and will not be in the future.You should be the one thats complaining because it impacts more on your masterchefing than it does on the dozen or so i will eat and take over the whole season.Its all about total catch allocation.If a pro was caught double dipping folks would be here with torches and pitchforks.A rec does it and all of a sudden all these oh he could have done this and oh how about this stories come about.


So tell me have you got your info from years on the water or hours on the internet?

  • was sponsored by Atomic Lures and Shimano but they dropped me.Now sponsored by Fog Dog(The best fish coating out there) and raider lures.

smash's picture

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you can till

Sun, 2011-12-11 21:42

I asked fisheries that exact question early in the season when I had a couple of mates to go out also. The 12 cray limit is on a pair of individuals or a boat while at sea.

I could go out with a mate, dive and get our 12 crays, DROP THEM OFF, and pick up a couple of boatless mates and dive them off my boat in the same day.

Whats more (and I didnt ask this it was volunteered) they could give me their catch if they wanted AFTER ITS LANDED and quite legal as long as your POSSESSION LIMIT isnt exceeded.

Obviously you would need a plausible and provable explanation if you found yourself 500 meters from the ramp, boat dripping and 24 crays but thats the way it is.

In my case it was just that I wanted to know if my boat was allowed to catch more than 12 aday provided all other rules were adhered to, for ease of us getting out, not for extra crays-and they were quite clear it was ok, and why not?


Allrounder-what was the story behind the "punch on"?

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Sun, 2011-12-11 21:51

a bit strange that Crays don't incur a Daily boat limit but most other highly targeted species do?? but they are the rules.

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Yeah I think there is no big

Sun, 2011-12-11 22:04

Yeah I think there is no big deal up to the possession limit. IIRC you can't exceed the bag limit outside your own home?


smash's picture

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yes you can

Sun, 2011-12-11 22:27

or else you wouldnt be able to bring more than a days limit home from up north of anything. Also you couldnt then possess up to the 20 (or10kg depending) possession limit as on an overnighter or long trip.

Basically for  Fisheries to catch you "redhanded" they need to get you landing them.

If they pick you up on the highway with more than a days but less than a possession limit-you should have a plausible explanation and they must have some evidence/ proof.


For Abrolhos trips I also asked about the possession limits on board, and they were quite clear also.

If you are there for more than one day (legitamately) you MUST fillet but not skin your fish if you are keeping more than one days bag limit. Then it is 10kg.

BUT (and this was volunteered also) once you are more than 3 miles from the islands the possession limit is 20kg, and you could concievably start fishing on the way home provided your daily bag isnt/hasnt been exceeded. Quite legally.


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Not quibbling about the

Mon, 2011-12-12 08:12

Not quibbling about the finfish bag limit, I agree with that. Just looking at the guide again, it says:
West Coast
Possession limit per person: 24* Includes places of permanent residence

For some reason I thought it was ONLY in your place of pemanent residence so you're probably right there too ;)


smash's picture

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which ones?

Sun, 2011-12-11 21:58

which ones are you thinking of?


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Mon, 2011-12-12 05:55

*watching with interest*

Boppo's picture

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probaly not the smartest thing

Mon, 2011-12-12 07:57

to bring the issue up here which could easily warn the crooks.

Always going to be people doing the wrong thing and the thing is to act on it asap

Ryan C's picture

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while not condoning

Mon, 2011-12-12 08:13

"double dipping" , i think the current limit per person is a bit harsh, my mate went out on saturday and between his 2 pots he got 25 good sized crays ! i personally think the limit should be 10 crays per perso , just my opinion though.   cheers

hlokk's picture

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But then the poor commercial

Mon, 2011-12-12 09:48

But then the poor commercial fishermen would miss out and only get 94-95% of the catch...

dumper's picture

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 Didn't we come to a

Mon, 2011-12-12 10:16

 Didn't we come to a conclusion in the snapper thread that as long as no daily possession limits are broken, a skipper can take a different crew out as many times as he can a day? Not ethical but still legal

quindieselbrad's picture

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yep totally agree dumper

Mon, 2011-12-12 10:35

a lot of ppl dont read the rules and just asume someone is breaking the law. a fish that has a boat limit is what stops a boat from catching more in 1 day, a daily bag limit per person means u can take a thousand ppl, out that day on your boat and eg catch 2000 snapper. as long as each person only catches 2 snapper....same with crays  if diving but not with pots only 4 pots per boat .


Catchn dhuies off the smell of an oily rag :)

hlokk's picture

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"Same with crays if

Mon, 2011-12-12 11:03

"Same with crays if diving". Not sure how exactly you meant that, but to clarify, if you crammed 6 divers on board, you could still only have 12 crays for the boat (unlike snapper, but it is like dhuies)

dumper's picture

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 Multiple trips. Ie two

Mon, 2011-12-12 11:25

 Multiple trips. Ie two divers get there limits then go back to the marina and grab two new divers. I reckon there would be a lot more going in if it wasn't for wa's sea breeze 

smash's picture

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Ive done that

Sat, 2011-12-24 23:33

Dumper Ive done that-and why not?

Im not sure if your criticising or pointing out that it can be done, but its perfectly legal and with my boat already in the water and a couple of boatless mates who want a swim whats the harm?

joe m's picture

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You guys cant even prove they

Mon, 2011-12-12 13:35

You guys cant even prove they had their limit. Maybe they got bugger all and changed location??? HMMM is it possible? Always thinking the worse of people


Joe M

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Mon, 2011-12-12 13:50

iineresting thread and i agree with most of them all except one! hlokk! why do you have to be a dick and have a swipe at pro crayfishermen mate! i was one and my mates are them and ive got mates that cant do it anymore cos they cant afford 30k for a pot licence anymore so back off from having a swipe at them brother it is uncalled for and pretty frikkn pathetic! its all bloody quota now per boat so uless you know the facts shut ya cake hole!

sorry everyone just had to let that one out sick of this shit of having a swipe at guys trying to earn a living and feed their families!


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Probably looking in the wrong

Mon, 2011-12-12 15:46

Probably looking in the wrong place for sympathy.

Lots of rec crayers are more than a little bitter that they pay $1million for a 3% allocation when the pros pay just $5million for their 97%.

Matt's comment seems to have passed you by, but the gist of it is that even by upping the take to 10 crays, the pros would still be getting the crays cheap, and they are compared to rec crayers.

Longwindedly, and using maths, the increase of a bag limit from 6 to 10 crays isn't the same as pumping the take by the same amount, but if it was, then the rec take would be 5% for $1million, v's $5 million for 95% which means that rec crayers pay 19 times more than the pros do.

Another way to look at it. If recs and pros paid the same for the share that they each receive, it would look like this:
total pot $6000000
rec share (3%): $6000000 * 3% = $180000
pro share (97%): $6000000 * 97% = $5820000

Now, there are about 37000 rec licenses issued annually, and this is supposed to be how they come up with the fee that is on your license, ie: $1000000/37000 = $27. But I hear you say it is $40? Well, how about it if we were only paying for our fair share? $180000/37000 = $5, plus the $13 for admin. How about it if we really were allowed to take 10 crays each? ie: 5% of the take? Then licenses would still only cost $21.

So, all you rec crayers out there, every time you renew your license, you're subsiding pro crayers and their customers to the tune of $22.


hlokk's picture

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Wow. Overreaction much? I

Mon, 2011-12-12 15:57

Wow. Overreaction much? I made one light hearted passing comment about catch allocation (from Politicians, not the crayfishermen mind you) and now i'm having a swipe at them? Bit of a reach assuming I'm having some massive digs at them. Why dont you get your facts straight about what exactly is intended before launching a massive tirade against someone who may or may not have the position you've jumped straight too? Some people read way too much into things..

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It was you - was it not tangles

Mon, 2011-12-12 16:42

 that stated just the other day something about you being sick of peoples attitudes on here  ....

Posts: 205

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two people , one boat.

Tue, 2011-12-13 11:39

I am an earlie riser, and like to fish 04:00 hrs, and will generly be back by 10:00,  my son who doesnt have a big boat, will use my boat from early afternoon till late. we might both catch our limit . My son has 4 kids and a loan. We might then go for a night dive together. If some misguided person was to report suspicious activity, I would hope the fisheries inspectors would come talk to us, find the facts, and put the "misguided" persons straight.  At the same time, if some one was double dipping, they would get no simperthy from my family.

p.s. I think crays are good dhue bait, and dhueies are better eating than crays. My son would disagre, that is what makes the world go round.