Finaly got my first mulloway
finaly caught a mulloway on wed night, ive been trying for 6 months fishing every moon change hoping to get 1. ive spent ages researching them even going to the extremes of looking through old posts to find when fish when caught and the checking the dates against a tide website and i started to notice a pattern as to the best time to fish. it weighed 12kg so not a huge fish but an awesome achievement for me, it ate a whole fillet of herring and put up and awesome fight. it was so amazing to finaly see one laying on the beach, i havent been abale to stop smilling since. the night started of fairly bad with 2 of my other rods getting spooled by big unstoppable things fairly sure they where sharks but was rewarded in the end. sorry about the bad photos was taken on a phone.
always looking for a new challenge!!
Posts: 518
Date Joined: 04/05/08
Nice fish mate,Still chasing
Nice fish mate,Still chasing a big one myself....Good feeling seeing a mulloway come in through the surf..
Posts: 4293
Date Joined: 04/04/08
Nice work. Good to see
Nice work. Good to see research and perseverance pay off. Now you've get the first one, i'm sure the rest will come much quicker.
Posts: 2332
Date Joined: 20/07/09
Great fish mate!!! Well
Great fish mate!!! Well rewarded for your efforts and commitment. So I take it this was caught from the beach? I can just imagine the feeling of seeing it come onto the sand... awesome!
Posts: 917
Date Joined: 04/12/09
Rewarded for the hard yards
Rewarded for the hard yards you've put in mate. Welldone! I've been trying latley but still nothing. I haven't caught one for about 10years. You can change that signature of yours now:p
Forever learning with fishing
Nauti Buoy
Posts: 595
Date Joined: 20/04/09
Great Fish
Nice work mate- Once saw a guy at Dongara roll up to the cray factory and cast out and catch a 15 kilo croaker. He had never fished for them before. At least you have put in the hard yards.
Posts: 518
Date Joined: 04/05/08
Sadly thats the way it goes
Sadly thats the way it goes alot of the time the guys with the right gear and right technique have to do the hard yards,Yet some Pleb can come down and a nail a 20kg mulloway first cast...
Posts: 1025
Date Joined: 15/08/10
Great fish mate!!
Great fish mate!!
Posts: 106
Date Joined: 24/02/11
Lovely looking fish bloke,
Lovely looking fish bloke, very well done!
Not all who wander are lost...
Posts: 626
Date Joined: 27/11/09
Nice one!
That is an absolutely gorgeous fish "only" 12kg lol....well done mate. Nothing like seeing that flash of silver kicking on the beach....great stuff!
Posts: 2724
Date Joined: 29/11/06
Great to hear a story about reward for effort. Top Job. Have a camera on standby from now on so that you can have some decent pictures to refresh the memories later. Top fish to get you started.
The best reason for doing what's right today is tomorrow.
Chris fish
Posts: 847
Date Joined: 23/02/11
i will be getting a camera
i will be getting a camera soon and hopefully i will be able to catch some more. seeing a big fish like that in the surf was awesome, i had to keep directing the mrs with the torch so that she was pointing it in the right direction hahah. being my first 1 it was kept but any more that i catch from now on will be catch and release because thay are just such a beautiful fish. i know 12kg is a good fish but my new goal is 18kg so that will be a huge achievement if i can get 1.
always looking for a new challenge!!
Posts: 940
Date Joined: 05/01/11
sweet fish man, im still
sweet fish man, im still waiting to pull mine out of the surf.
Posts: 116
Date Joined: 05/08/09
Awesome mulla
Awesome fish mate well done.
Faulkner Family
Posts: 18090
Date Joined: 11/03/08
gotta be stoked after the
gotta be stoked after the hard work of homework was done. hope to see many more from you and good luck with the 18kg monster
RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together
Posts: 2546
Date Joined: 03/03/11
Persistance pays
Good to see you kept trying and achieved your goal.
Nice fish.....
Posts: 35
Date Joined: 14/03/11
Definitely a well deserved fish. It's great to see that such commitment and hard work was rewarded but then again that must make cathcing it so much sweeter. Good luck on your 18kg and I'm glad you plan on releasing your next one because as you said they are a beautiful fish.
Posts: 501
Date Joined: 09/07/10
good on yer mate, i bet it
good on yer mate, i bet it feels good to finally get rewarded for all the effort put in, well done again.