GME MT600G Eprib

My old GME MT400 Eprib is to be replaced for October as the battery expires and don't see the point in replacing, and rather Modern up to a GPS version.

Was looking at the MT406, but then found this is being superseded by the New MT600G.

Probably going to stay with a GME one as fits nicely on boat dash or maybe something similar in size.

Heard a few problems with MT600G searching the net, would like to hear of any thoughts or problems anyone else may have with the MT600G?


Only specs I could find are from Whitworths, as the GME site doesn't even list the product yet.


GME MT600G Epirb+GPS (Manual)

Key Benefits & Features:

The MT600G Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon (EPIRB) featuring improved GPS functionality which will ensure faster location in an emergency situation.

MT600G features a 10 year battery life and advanced self testing capability, giving users greater peace of mind. It boasts a 66 channel GPS receiver which reduces the search area to less than 100m radius, and a 121.5MHz homing signal to further aid in location and retrieval in an emergency.

Complete with quick release mounting bracket and automatically deployed antenna, the MT600G is certified by COSPAS SARSAT for worldwide usage.

Other Features

  • GPS Internal 66 channel high performance receiver with quadrifilar helix antenna
  • Retention Lanyard Buoyant type approximately 5.5m long
  • Reflector SOLAS retro-reflective tape
  • Solid-State Strobe High reliability solid state design – exceeds IMO requirements
  • Antenna Flexible, self straightening stainless steel design
  • Bracket Quick release mechanism (manual)
  • Dimensions: 108(W) x 89(D) x 261(H) mm




  • Activation Manually by operator
  • Bracket Type Manual Release
  • Duration 48 hours minimum
  • UHF 406.040 MHz, 5W ± 2dB, PSK (digital)
  • Strobe 20 flashes per minute
  • COSPAS – SARSAT Certified to C/S T.001 (Class 2) requirements
  • VHF 121.5MHz, 25 mw Min PERP@25°



  • Replacement Period 10 Years



  • Weight 555g


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Devo1965's picture

Posts: 120

Date Joined: 29/09/13

GME V McMurdo.

Wed, 2014-08-27 10:19

After the MT400/MT401/MT403 recall and hearing stories of exchange problems and some replacement unit failures, also (not confirmed) but herd that the MT600 has problems and is being replaced free of charge with MT600G. I decided 6 months back to up-grade my MT400 for a new GPS type model. My local tackle supplier talked me out of using GME due to the reports that they had received, I took there advice and ended up with McMurdo A5G Smartfind, time will tell if I've done the right move and been advised wisely.



iana's picture

Posts: 652

Date Joined: 21/09/09

Who makes them

Wed, 2014-08-27 19:33

Where are they manufactured? not designed or manufactured for but where?
And same with GME.