New 9ft rod suggestions? FWA rod cracked.

Hi all,

After some suggestions on decent 9ft rods out there after my 9ft FWA rod cracked on a salmon. It appears there not as strong as what they're hyped up to be, pretty disappointed because it casted lures like a dream!

So if people could offer some opinions on 9ft rods to be used with a 5000fj stradic running 15lb braid, used for throwing metals and hard bodies at tailor, salmon, etc, it would be greatly appreciated.

Cheers Sam.


Mind the smell, ive been fishing!

beau's picture

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I'm looking for a rod for the

Fri, 2013-04-26 16:01

I'm looking for a rod for the same purpose and I've been recommended a NS Black Hole Cabin by the boys at Campbells. I'm gonna go have a look next time I'm home


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I've been using a Starlo

Fri, 2013-04-26 16:12

I've been using a Starlo Classix 902 ShoreSpin (9ft 5-10kg) for the last couple of years. The guides need to be cared for properly as they do rust easily but if you rinse the rod in freshwater as soon as you get home it's not a problem. I run a 5000fj & 15lb braid on mine also, it balances up nicely, casts a mile & has plenty of grunt for stopping solid fish. Should cost you about $100. There's also a 9ft Samaki Allure which looks the goods for $130ish & has good reviews. I might get one for myself as a back up to the Starlo seeing as they are cheap.


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Sat, 2013-04-27 09:32

I had one easily snap on me recently to

quadfisher's picture

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Penn is mighter than the FWA sword.

Fri, 2013-04-26 18:45

Just taking off to Esperance tomorrow morn for a week , and have just got a 9 foot Penn

prevail , looks s--t hot , great quality and all good wraps for them on other sites.

payed 185 , bcf and matched it with a 6000oc  new shimano baitrunner.

There more a 4-5000 size reel so its perfectly matched to the penn.

Full report in the landbased section when i return, jumping out me skin cause Ive been planning to go to isralite bay

for nearly 20 years , and we are finally going.



TheJettyRat's picture

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Shimano Starlo Classic Shore

Fri, 2013-04-26 20:17

Shimano Starlo Classic Shore Spin 902 5-10kg, cant beat it.





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 tcurve coastal beats it....

Fri, 2013-04-26 21:05

 tcurve coastal beats it.... I went from starlo stik to turve coastal and was a good swap..... $199

beau's picture

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I had a starlo once, snapped

Fri, 2013-04-26 20:31

I had a starlo once, snapped it, best thing that could have happened, since then I've realised it was the worst rod I have ever owned


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FWA Extrme 9ft!

Fri, 2013-04-26 21:58

I can say that rod for us is the biggest seller indeed and in the range it's one rod they/Extreme Tackle cant keep up with!

Recently we purchased 25 of them that rocked up today and can say not one return yet that i know of!

I,ve just punished the same rod at Cheynes getting thumping salmon to 7kg and not a worry including casting heavy metals and poppers that exceed the casting weight!

We get more big name brand warranty claims than others!!!!!

Wet Dreams's picture

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Cheers for the replies!

Fri, 2013-04-26 21:59

Cheers for the opinions and help, muchly appreciated! Was looking at something a bit better quality than the starlo stix, have seen the way they perform and wasn't overly impressed.
May have to check out the one you mentioned Beau- alot better quality!

Keep them coming though!


Mind the smell, ive been fishing!

Wet Dreams's picture

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Interesting to hear

Fri, 2013-04-26 22:04

Cheers for that Ryan. Was quite surprised when it cracked mid fight on the salmon- was a 7kg thumper. Had very little use before this salmon season only catching a few tailor and that's it. Had only caught 2 salmon on it earlier in the morning before the 3rd brought it undone. But now that it's just out of warranty I thought I'd give something else a shot.


Mind the smell, ive been fishing!

scano's picture

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I like the look of the daiwa lateo pirate rods

Sat, 2013-04-27 08:09

 Haven't used one myself as yet but I reckon they look the goods and are not too badly priced as well




Wet Dreams's picture

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Gary Howard

Sat, 2013-04-27 23:00

Was shown a Gary Howard 9ft today..fell in love! Haha. Super super light, good action, and fuji k guides. Just under the $300 mark but it's definately leading the race atm.


Mind the smell, ive been fishing!

Posts: 200

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 I find it quite amusing that

Sun, 2013-04-28 18:24

 I find it quite amusing that the thread is about a broken FWA rod and Ryan chips in recommending that very rod.  Any way, rod breakages depend on how you treated it and we have not really been given the circumstances. Anyhow, if you don't want to get another FWA rod what's your budget? Must it be 9ft? 

crasny1's picture

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I have broken very exxy$$$$

Sun, 2013-04-28 18:36

Rods. But more often than not its my fault and not the rods. Exeption was an ATC that just disintigrated in my hands.

No problem with Ryan and the FWA rods at all, but I dont own one yet.

PS Drunk typo


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chips in?

Mon, 2013-04-29 18:32


Wet Dreams mentioned;

" my 9ft FWA rod cracked on a salmon. It appears there not as strong as what they're hyped up to be, pretty disappointed because it casted lures like a dream!"


I was simply responding to that and didnt say you should  buy "another Extreme 9ft"!!!


I've just come back from 3 days at Cheynes and punished my 9ft Extreme rod on a shit load of hard fighting salmon to 7kg plus and rate the rod. The quickest selling rod in my shop and the hardest to get hold of due to being popular. No warranty returns at all re my shop and Harry said tonight he had sold approximately 500 and only 6 warranty claims (mainly high-stick/not the rods fault)


I was even casting some heavier poppers ie Richter 3oz which is 84g (lost all my 2oz ones) which is well and truely exceeding the rods casting weight but punching it it out and landing big fish......had a blast

nickyau2's picture

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shore jigging

Sun, 2013-04-28 21:54

 Check out shore jigging rods. I just bought shimano Japanese domestic model of another member and slayed some salmon on it today. Amazing head turning power though it's rated pe1-3. Casts metals and plugs a country mile. The one I've got is a shimano colt sniper but daiwa do one similar too which Campbell's sells I think. Other the fwa and the starlo stix I couldn't find much good around the 9ft mark. 


Here fishy fishy....

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 There are new Lateo pirates,

Mon, 2013-04-29 12:06
Habanero's picture

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Mon, 2013-04-29 12:40

Saw and casted the Gary Howard 9fter last week when Sales Rep was in,  was very impressed (I now own one) , put 60gm metals out of sight( nearly) , a delight to use

Excelent rod for lb salmon and Tailor. $280

beau's picture

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What's the rod model called

Mon, 2013-04-29 15:18

What's the rod model called mate I'm struggling to find it on the net?


kyle.desouza's picture

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Mon, 2013-04-29 21:48

Just got myself a Daiwa Morethan Gangster 104. Beautifully balanced rod. Pricey though. Originally a bass fishing rod from Japan but flicks lures like a dream. Rated at 5-9kg so perfect for salmon and tailor.

cobia15's picture

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Check out the Azusa 862m..4-8

Tue, 2013-04-30 01:42

Check out the Azusa 862m..4-8 kg. it more than matches the FWA 9 footer casting lures, is half the weight and runs fugi k series SIC guides. On the down side its about $320... but like the FWA 9 ft both are good value for ya money. I have the Azusa and my son has the FWA. We are both happy with them. I believe they were both designed by the same guy.....



Oceanside Tackle's picture

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Extreme range of rods

Thu, 2013-05-02 12:18

Hi Cobia, good to see your son like the Extreme 9ft. The Extreme range of rods were designed by Ryan Thipthorp and he went overseas to design and he has nothing to do with Azusa rods.

A few guys have asked re the Extreme 9ft weight, its 245g so very very light when compared to the others on the market and that weight is identical to a Ultra Light JM jigging rod.


Oceanside Team - Specializing in Jigging for demersal, Super Deep Fishing and Cockburn Sound Pink Snapper.

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sherbert's picture

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FWA rods are the best price for money.

Thu, 2013-05-02 10:50

Harry has come in and have ordered another 8 for people still waiting for them. $189.95 each and great salmon rod.
Had no returns on the rods.


Assassin landbase fishing club