New Fishing Licenses..............?


 I haven't been on Wrecked for a while so excuss me if this has already been a topic raised but I was wondering what the gov plans to do with the funds raised through the new licences.

 I hope it is going to the re-stocking and breeding programs myself and not to advertising companies or other out sourced companies for them to receive profit from the funds.


roberta's picture

Posts: 2773

Date Joined: 08/07/08

Hi Decella

Sun, 2009-07-12 10:31

from the limited knowledge think they are going to employ more Fisheries Officers and research for the University that is in with Moore, could be wrong some other people might now more.  as there are only 100 fisheries officers for 12,500klms of coast line here in WA.


Ginger Tablets Rock