New McArthy Soft Plastic colours
There's no doubt McArthy soft plastics are very popular and we work very closely with McArthy in implementing new colours & models etc. The " Lavender Shad " colour has been very popular and we have just received stocks of the " New " 11 inch Mamba in Lavender Shad.
For the bream anglers the New McArthy colour in the 4" Bristle Worm will impress. Its " Motor Oil " but UV based so in the shop its motor oil colour but in UV light it can change colours including bloodworm type colour like the picture we took.
*** Theres more in the pipe line for bream & flathead McArthy soft plastis so stay tunned. Chasing a good range of McArthy Soft plastics? We have the largest range so pop by and check them out and don't forget to ask about the new colours & models coming!!!
Oceanside Team - Specializing in Jigging for demersal, Super Deep Fishing and Cockburn Sound Pink Snapper.
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Phone #(08) 9337 5682 - Shop 4/364 South Street O'Connor - OPEN 7 Days
Posts: 138
Date Joined: 12/04/11
john Adams
hi Blake, I ordered a sounder book from u guys still waiting mate. Do u know when they might come in? . Thanks Don
Oceanside Tackle
Posts: 2803
Date Joined: 23/07/09
Hi Don,
We have another delivery coming in tomorrow and we'll let you know when it rocks up
Oceanside Team - Specializing in Jigging for demersal, Super Deep Fishing and Cockburn Sound Pink Snapper.
Don't forget to ~ Like us on Facebook ~
Phone #(08) 9337 5682 - Shop 4/364 South Street O'Connor - OPEN 7 Days