new outboard?

doing some research to buy a new 4 stroke outboard. looking at 90-115hp. was wondering if anyone can recommend the best as ive looked at honda and yamaha.

fishy fingers's picture

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Thu, 2012-06-07 20:02

best power to wheight ratio of all of them I just got a df 140 suzi (not finished fitting yet) but I cant wait to get on the water

zak_fish's picture

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how much would one of them

Thu, 2012-06-07 20:16

how much would one of them set you back. i know be a bit more cause its a 140 but sorta puts me around a figure


fishy fingers's picture

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Thu, 2012-06-07 20:21

I got mine at cost (I know a bloke) but I beleive it should have been about $17000 but Im doing a bit of fitting myself

zak_fish's picture

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ok cheers, lucky for you then

Thu, 2012-06-07 20:27

ok cheers, lucky for you then hey!

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Thu, 2012-06-07 20:53

of the 140 Suzuki or 115 Yam. Both well proven (base models 10 years old) about same weight and cost, $16-$17K for a new one.

Are you after new or used?


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End of the day

Fri, 2012-06-08 06:34

See where you can get the best deal from mate. I believe all major brands in outboards now are pretty well on par with the quality. Think about where you can easily get the thing serviced . There is a Suzuki mechanic in Pinjarra who is very compettitive so maybe check the closest dealer and prices for 20/ 100 hour servicing. I personally reckon servicing in four strokes is a bit over the top, needs capping to pull some of these sharks around the West Coast into a wake up call. Hope this helps......

joe amato's picture

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guy in pinjarra for suzuki

Fri, 2012-06-08 05:43

 guy for suzuki in pinjarra,good prices aswel,his name is brett ward suzuki,and you get quality service aswel at a reasonable cost

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outboard prices

Fri, 2012-06-08 05:59

The 90 hp is different to the 115hp range as is the next "size" up in the group so weight is the biggest factor {price wasnt that far off I believe }.

I'm in a similar position {upgrading for more power } so I have some figures for you :

Honda 90   166kg   $14400

Honda 115    220kg  didnt ask price to heavy for me 

Yamaha 100   174kg    $14200

Suzuki 90   159kg   $13900 

Suzuki 100/115    191kg  again didnt ask for price just looked at weights 

Hope this helps cheers fishfish  



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good info

Fri, 2012-06-08 06:39

Suzuki 140 is same weight as 100/115 and $16400+/-

Yam 115 also similar weight/price I believe.


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brenz's picture

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Go a yammy , on my boat

Fri, 2012-06-08 08:05

Go a yammy , on my boat performance was essential but i still wanted a 4 st due to noise levels and economy ( i know what a pickle) so i couldnt afford a bias oppinion even though the old boy is a yammy dealer. after being in many many boats the clear 2 standouts are the suzuki and the yamaha. after much thaught i still went the yamaha due to me personally believing it is quieter and runs more efficient and on a bream boat you rely alot on the initial hole shot and let me tell you that for a 4 stroke the hole shot on my boat allmost breaks your neck. We get an honest 40 knots out of the 115 (not a guestimate speed of an inacurate dash tacho) ande we run around the swan and out in open water all day using all of the power most of the time and still use bugger all fuel , to give you an example the last day on the swan saw us start at matilda bay we headed straight to garret road then garret rd to shelly bridge , shelly bridge - claremont , claremont back to east perth canals and then back to matilda bay on less than 30 litres and at full noise for 98% of the time i think that was damn good economy and certainly better economy than the other boats that folloowed us around that day ( E-TEC , yamaha v max and merc 2 stroke and all on comparitive hp size and weight boats).

This is a personal oppimiom and by all means im not stating that others should and will get the same performance as myself as these are just the honest results i have found from my personal boat (coraline 550 bass boat)

Cheers brenz

barlow's picture

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Fri, 2012-06-08 17:51

good onya for blatantly ignoring the river speed restrictions.....


meersy's picture

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watch out for the fun police

Fri, 2012-06-08 20:34

watch out for the fun police brenz

meersy's picture

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watch out for the fun police

Fri, 2012-06-08 20:35

watch out for the fun police brenz

damo6230's picture

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Fri, 2012-06-08 20:55

go the 115 or 140

the 140 is 3kg lighter and not much more in price than the 115.

i've got a 115 and she's one sweet engine

suzuki have one of the biggest piston displacements so cant beat that

yamie is heavier, less displacement etc

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not ure about that

Sun, 2012-06-10 12:23

Yam 115 is actually a little lighter (if you believe published data), and a very good, long proven engine, maybe yams first large 4 stroke and Ive read based on Ford rally engines.

However I agree entirely that the DF140 is terrific value, light and seems to get very good reviews, probably what Id replace my yam with if I was going to do it.

Weightwise the difference is probably a sixpack of beer.


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zak_fish's picture

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thanks alot guys, havnt been

Sun, 2012-06-10 11:42

thanks alot guys, havnt been on i a while to check.