Perth Outboard Dealer recommendations- Yammy, Honda, Merc

Hi all

Am upgrading my current outboard and will be in Perth (I live in Carnarvon) for one day next week so will be doing a days worth of shopping around and am chasing some recommendations of the best guys to give my $ to.

Will be going to as many places as possible during the day to get advice, quotes etc and am still deciding between the usual 3 4 strokes- Yamaha, Honda and Mercury, in 150hp, so if you could name some good dealers for all of them, preferably north of the river, it would be much appreciated.

My current 2005 Merc Optimax 115 2 stroke still has a fair bit of life left in her at 525 hours, so anyone who does trade ins would also be good to know.

Thanks in advance for any help.

Posts: 167

Date Joined: 02/11/09

 Have you looked at the new

Fri, 2014-05-30 09:20

 Have you looked at the new Suzuki 150?

Lean burn, digital throttles, lightweight and swings the bigger prop. 

Theres a guy in perth called brett ward who will give you the best price and even trade ins.




bradzino's picture

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Fri, 2014-05-30 09:40

 I was a Yamaha ma prior to that with a 150 I had (2007 model)- loved it until I got a Suzuki LB model in a 90hp, quiet, fuel efficent and heaps of torque and it was noticable up against the Yamaha which was also good just not that good imo.

If and when I get another boat I will do the shopping around but look towards getting another Suzuki pretty much off the bat.

Posts: 1136

Date Joined: 10/06/09

get one sent over from the

Fri, 2014-05-30 09:55

get one sent over from the usa will save heaps


getting the bottom line final answer from a bunch of blokes that use false names and put smiley faces at the end of paragraphs is not the best place in the world to get the information you seek.

Posts: 4586

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 Lots of good choices in the

Fri, 2014-05-30 10:36

 Lots of good choices in the 150 range. Suzuki and Yamaha 150's are both amongst the best motors from those manufacturers. 

The new Merc 150's seem to be getting good reviews but the Merc badge on the side will scare most off.

I have had decent dealings with Brett Ward although he is based way down past mandurah. 



Does anyone know where the love of god goes, when the waves turn the minutes to hours?

Vinesh87's picture

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 The 175 and 200 yamahas are

Fri, 2014-05-30 12:18

 The 175 and 200 yamahas are lighter than the 150!!


Get a 175 haha.


Jetpower in Wangara are yamaha dealers and have very good service!



Quobbarockhopper's picture

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Fri, 2014-05-30 14:25

I hadn't even considered a Suzuki... had them in the same category as the merc (2nd best to yammi and Hondas) but after doing a quick bit of net reading, I think I may have to include it in the considerations... Just been speaking to my hulls manufactor (Yalta) and apparently the Transom is only rated for 220kg... which the zuk falls into exactly, while the yam and Honda are 8-12kg heavier...

I have heard before that the Suzuki is slightly underpowered compared to the other yam & Honda... can anyone with any 1st hand experience confirm/ contradict this?

Vinesh87's picture

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FYI the yamaha 175 is 219kg

Fri, 2014-05-30 16:14

FYI the yamaha 175 is 219kg


As for the power of the suzuki, i have been on 10+ boats with them and have never felt that the seemed under powered for the rating. Although i have read that the 150hp yamaha has quite a bit more hp that the 150 Suzuki.


A lot of people that are looking around the 150hp range opt for the 140 Suzuki because its only 180kgs.

Posts: 4586

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 My understanding is that the

Fri, 2014-05-30 18:19

 My understanding is that the 140 Suzuki is not a powerful 140 whereas the 150 is a very grunty 150. Having spent quite a bit of time in front of a suzi 150 I would have to agree. No issues with lack of grunt there. 

The 140 suzi has certain got the runs on the board as far as long life goes. I know a few barra guides in the nt with over 5000 hours on then. One was up to 9000 and was going to run it until it stopped.

I would rate both suzi and yamaha above Honda hands down.


Does anyone know where the love of god goes, when the waves turn the minutes to hours?

RobertMc's picture

Posts: 326

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 Hey mate I recently got a

Fri, 2014-05-30 19:57

 Hey mate I recently got a new yammy 200hp from chivers marine great bunch of blokes and awesome service go in and speak to mark brown

black gen's picture

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 Youtube etec vs yamaha tug

Fri, 2014-05-30 21:37

 Youtube etec vs yamaha tug of war

suZukis are so under powered look at the comparison graphs

jmo but if steer clear of suzuki.

yammy or honda if u want a 4stroke

fishy fingers's picture

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Oh yeah good test

Sat, 2014-05-31 05:24

given the ad is  to promote the evinrude it's not surprising it may have been a different outcome had the yamaha been in gear!

Paul H's picture

Posts: 2104

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+1 if you look closely that

Sat, 2014-05-31 08:26

+1 if you look closely that test is very biased with the yammy pulling later with less throttle.

PS if buying Etec - Ask about the real conditions of their supposed 300hr/3 year first service regarding warranty. i.e this is only for fresh water and is actually annual servicing if you want any warranty in salt water - something they don't seem to tell you.

My rating re brand (4 stroke)

Suzi at the top
very closely followed by yamaha (almost on par with the suzi's)
Honda a little further back in third
Mercs last
(current model mercs aren't that bad a motor but not quite as good as the above and you will suffer by their stigma in resale)


Youtube Channel  -  FishOnLine Productions

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 What are basing your last

Sat, 2014-05-31 14:28

 What are basing your last sentence off regarding the new mercs?

From all reports there getting good feedback.

BTW your wrong on the etec warrenty. They come with a 5 year warrenty and have for awhile. I had a warrenty issue when l owned mine and at 186 hour l hadnt had a service and my warrenty was still valid. When l did service it not long after everything seemed in good nik and could of done another 100 hours.


Paul H's picture

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Poll question for everyone

Sat, 2014-05-31 15:44

You misunderstood (no problems) never said they had a 3 year warranty just that they spruik the 300hour/3 year period for the first service but this only applies to fresh water use and the fine print say's for salt water it should be serviced annually. I believe the annual service/inspection is not as comprehensive or expensive as the 300hr/3year service but haven't fully checked out the pricing.

as per warranty booklet below (more is in the operators guide which I don't have a copy currently).
""Use in salt water and heavy use require specific maintenance and more frequent inspection as outlined in the applicable BRP Operator's Guide. For some components an Annual inspection performed by an authorised BRP dealer is mandatory"".

If they covered your warranty issue at 186 hours all good - so they should and if I owned an etec and they didn't I'd be taking them to court because all their advertising and brochures fail to mention this (it is there but you have to look)

As for my last sentence from all reports people with the new mercs are not having any issues (well no more than any other engine) and as I said I think they are a good motor. That being said Mercs have a stigma about them with many people - this is held over from the days of blue band and red band motors. It is probably unwarranted with current motors but this stigma will effect resale value.

Poll question for everyone (lets put it to the test).

Two identical boats at the same price.
One has a new yammy or suzi
the other has a new merc
Which one would you buy??


Youtube Channel  -  FishOnLine Productions

OLD BANGA's picture

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Poll Answers

Sat, 2014-05-31 15:49

I will always buy the Yammy or the Suzi, I have owned all three and the current Yamaha is the best so far, 60hp four stroke, always had problems with the Mercs that I have owned. Just personal experience !!!!!

Old Banga!



Paul H's picture

Posts: 2104

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curious - current or late

Sat, 2014-05-31 15:58

curious - current or late model merc or older one/s??


Youtube Channel  -  FishOnLine Productions

joe amato's picture

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plus 1 brett ward suzuki

Sat, 2014-05-31 16:04

 bett ward suzuki better price than the local perth suzuki dealers,i paid 1500 less plus i got a great trade in

OLD BANGA's picture

Posts: 267

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Poll Answers

Sat, 2014-05-31 17:47

Paul H,

The current Yamaha is a 2012 model all the previous outboards go back to my first boat about 40years ago, most have been two stroke Mercs. The latest four strokes are brilliant, you may be correct in your ascertion that the Mercs previous bad reputation still lingers with their newer models and possibly unfairly !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We have two four stroke Yammahas at the moment on two different boats a 240 and a 60, both are late model four strokes and are impressive with their economy, power  and quiteness.

Old Banga!



jamey ford's picture

Posts: 174

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 Another vote for brett ward

Sun, 2014-06-01 04:52

 Another vote for brett ward and suzuki I had a new 100hp yamaha fitted to my old boat2.5 yrs ago by chivers  and will never go near them again, it went well but the service from chivers was abysmal, new suzi on my on my new boat goes extremely well much quieter than the yammy and gutsier plus bretts service and pricing couldnt be beaten by anyother dealers I approached !


Far Quirk!

Posts: 881

Date Joined: 30/12/09

 Another for Brett Ward as I

Sun, 2014-06-01 07:13

 Another for Brett Ward as I have brought two motors of him and both times great service and price. He is based in pinjarra light industrial area.  His number is 0407384437. 


 Get busy living, or get busy dying!