Rainbow from nowhere land

Just on the way to the beach the other day and this lovely critter came out of no where..

Was lovely to see but still no sight of any rain here in Exmouth.This is just over the road from our house , good to see out your front door!!


carnarvonite's picture

Posts: 8673

Date Joined: 24/07/07


Tue, 2010-02-09 11:41

Its different thats for sure,real speccy.

sunshine's picture

Posts: 2629

Date Joined: 03/03/09

Caused by verga rain

Tue, 2010-02-09 12:48

Think that is how it is spelt but stand to be corrected, the rain evaporates before it ever reaches the ground hence you see the rainbow but not the wet stuff   

deepwater's picture

Posts: 1921

Date Joined: 09/05/07

thanks sunshine

Tue, 2010-02-09 13:34

we get that here very often but that is the first time i have caught it on camera now i got a name for it thanks mate

ody's picture

Posts: 581

Date Joined: 30/12/06

  Hi Ya, Either verga rain

Wed, 2010-02-10 14:52


Hi Ya,

Either verga rain - yes spelled correctly - or more likely caused by the ice crystals making up the very high altitude clouds.  At that altitude the ice crystals are all roughly the same size and shape so refract the light in a specific wayt.  Also what causes sun halos as described on this forum (I think) a day or ago ago.

Pretty good pic I migh add.



Tony Halliday's picture

Posts: 2500

Date Joined: 14/06/07

been a few good sun halo's

Wed, 2010-02-10 16:12

been a few good sun halo's or also called sun-dogs from high altitude ice Crystal causing rings around the sun.
google "sun dogs" and you'll find loads of info on them and rainbows that don't curve either,



Tony Halliday: ~Meals on Reels ~

 It takes a strong fish to swim against the current. Even a dead one can float with it

"It is always in season for old men to learn." Aeschylus (525-456 BC)

"In a mad world only the mad are sane." Akira Kurosawa (1910-1998)

deepwater's picture

Posts: 1921

Date Joined: 09/05/07

thanks for that Tony i wil

Fri, 2010-02-12 06:43

thanks for that Tony i wil have a look mate
