River to sea dumbell poppers 200mm

Thinking of going on a GT charter but they dont allow trebles.....wondering of anyone has fshed them with inline singles or baker rig? Any advise appreciated....cheers Jon


was thinking of rigging like below.......the one with assist rig...is what i use to jig with ...attached to lure with size 11 split........thats a jm monstter hook 13/0 on the end of assist with cable tie to keep hook near lure.......on th end is an inline 9/0 shogun....I figured with the line attached to the solid ring and direct to assist...it would take the strain off the lure during the fight and the split ring used to hold lure(i realize the lure will probably be in the fishes mouth but sometimes they spit the lure during fight....at least kings do)

                 The other one has 9/0 inline shogun  with size 11 owner splits.......

any one got any thoughts on each rig....pros and cons? Thanks Jon

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Posts: 599

Date Joined: 16/08/10

 no drama even big assist off

Wed, 2014-03-12 19:39

 no drama even big assist off the front, great teaser lure too , because of the shape they can hang onto it longer without hooks, hell fun. but watch out they break , assist hooks for longevity 

Posts: 41

Date Joined: 10/12/12

el syd

Wed, 2014-03-12 20:18

 Thanks mate........ever tried baker rig or inline hooks.......so you tend to use a big assist rig off the front only is it?....cheers Jon