River session tomorrow

 Hi Guys


Taking the boat out into the swan early tomorrow for the first crack of hitting some tailor, going to put in at deep water point and then make our way up to the narrows and near the old brewry, as I have heard that there is a fair bit of a bite going on! Hoping to give some lures a crack, whith a variety of metal twistys, divers and poppers, taking out a couple of first timers fishers, see if we cant get into some! (but some mulies as a bit of backup)

Also on another topic, just got the 50 etec serviced up at waterworld, pretty happy with the service, but we got done a deal when we bought it, being told it had at most 440 hours on it, printout says 1609. :( But the good news is steve said that everything is looking good in side, and should last a long while yet :)

Josh - 14 foot white dehavilland with blue etec on the back.


Posts: 877

Date Joined: 03/05/11

deep water point then go out

Fri, 2011-12-16 08:04

deep water point then go out to pt walter way i rekon every time a bibed lure swam it got smashed by decent size tailor (38cm+)

good luck

Posts: 644

Date Joined: 13/11/11

Ouch! I have an e-tec as

Fri, 2011-12-16 08:48

Ouch! I have an e-tec as well, great engine, but a $200 engine report at point of sale would have sorted out that problem. That's a huge difference in hours. Proves why you should never trust a salesman..

Josh's picture

Posts: 281

Date Joined: 14/09/10

 Had a pretty good day,

Fri, 2011-12-16 14:13

 Had a pretty good day, followed the birds diving and using bibbed lures we landed 12 fish, mostly about the 30cm mark, not too big. Started up near the brewry, but no luck so went down out front of matilda bay where there was a massive flock of birds diving about 100m off the boat club, caught a bunch, but too much faffing with the net ment way less time of lures in the water than shoulda been! Even managed a fish when I got a tangle down at the spool, and as I was sorting it out the lure got smashed! Mates caught a couple of the smaller ones on metal twisty lures, but minnow much more effective. Lure went in spanking new at the start of the day, now it is all covered in missing paint and teeth marks :( 

Motor ran pretty well, although it doesnt seem as smooth as before the service, with a couple of times running rough at about 4000 revs.