Squidding Reel Advise Please

Hi Guys

Just bought a new EGI Rod off Ebay and looking for a reel to match, BCF have a Daiwa Liberty 2500 on special for $60, what do you squidders think of this reel? and/or can recommend something simular for my budget  of $60-70



Pezdog's picture

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Hey Ledge64

Fri, 2011-05-13 07:51

Your budget limits you to a certain degree but your best bet is to go into a tackle store and ask and have a play around with ones you like and fit your budget. And by tackle store I mean somewhere you will get good advice and not BCF. Try Oceanside or Bluewater.




Oceanside Tackle's picture

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Egi reel

Fri, 2011-05-13 10:48

There's no real special reel for squidding. Its been designed to be marketed for the squidding market.

At your price range, look at something around the 2000-2500 size reels and able to handle 6-10lb braid.


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Joodles's picture

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I use Shimano 1000's, sienna

Fri, 2011-05-13 11:37

I use Shimano 1000's, sienna or stradic. They are within your budget.

Pezdog's picture

Posts: 204

Date Joined: 09/11/10

Hi Joodles

Fri, 2011-05-13 11:53

Where can you get the Stradic 1000 for $60?

The Sienna looks ok but I think the Stradics are around $200.





Joodles's picture

Posts: 362

Date Joined: 19/11/10

Very true, I was thinking

Sat, 2011-05-14 12:36

Very true, I was thinking about it at work this morning and knew someone would pick me up on it. I meant Sedona! Good little reels for the price.

JohnF's picture

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Yeah, i use a little 1000

Sat, 2011-05-14 13:27

Yeah, i use a little 1000 Shimano Sienna on a 6 ft light cheapest graphite Shimano rod, about $90 ALL UP, great little cheapie, even had  a  bit of string pulled by big squid. No point getting anything better really, but that being said, I use my whiting outfit which is a 1500 DaiwaTierra AND 6 ft T curve which is definately nicer but not really required.


Get the Sienna, save  your money and use it to buy a proper good qality jig reel where you need quality.


Boston Whaler 235 Conquest......getting the flogging it was built for.

HuggyB's picture

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hand reel

Sun, 2011-05-15 00:43

I catch as many on my hand reel as I do on my egi rod/ and (SOL 2500/Emereldas) out on my boat - having fancy gear is nice, but not a pre-requisite to go squidding IMO.


In all honesty, if it is solely for squidding then any particular reel will fill the brief. At the end of the day its just a squid, its not exactly gonna spool your reel now is it?


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Egi reel???

Sun, 2011-05-15 11:54

  Obviously you can catch a squid on a handline but if you are specifically targetting squid regularly then it can be advantageous to get gear specific. Firstly what makes an egi reel? Finesse spool as most egi braids are in short lengths of 100 to 120m spools. They pull some drag if you are doing it properly as not to rip the tenticles off. A 1000 to 2500 size reel for less weight and better balancing to your egi rod. If you egi all day then the lighter the better. As Honsu will agree if you are whipping all day you will feel every ounce. If you are doing a standard Jap retrieve then you will need a reel with smooth drag and good anti reverse. The action can make short work of cheaper reels. You can get carried away with handle etc but it is less important. For your budget you'll struggle but get a cheaper one and see how into you get. There are several reels sold as Squidding reels which have all of these attributes but start a little higher that what you want.

flangies's picture

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Take it from someone with a

Sun, 2011-05-15 14:58

Take it from someone with a crap load of quality eging gear, you don't need lt. Landbased yes, a nice 8'6" 8-12 is great and really does help. As for the reel, any reel will do just fine. A shimano seido is a nice little unit that will last forever if it is only used for egingand wont break the bank at about $60. At the moment I am using a dropshot 2-4kg for the boat and prefer it over my 6' eging rod. Save some money on the reel, get a few decent jigs and some decent leader with the money you have saved.

Posts: 143

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Comes down to how serious you get.

Sun, 2011-05-15 18:14

    I totally disagree that a Seido will last forever Egi only. Depending on your action you will ruin a good reel relatively quickly compared to something like breaming. It is however fine for starters and you can just see how keen you get. Step up from there.

Posts: 521

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 Yeah deffinately agree with

Sun, 2011-05-15 15:29

 Yeah deffinately agree with getting the smallest reel posibly, i have a shakespeare Exceed 30 (roughly a 1500 size spool) that was $80 from bluewater, had it for 3 years now and is still in perfect working condition, and still has a very smooth drag, and it has taken some fish around the 2kg mark where the drag has been in overdrive.


 Subway cookie is the best burley

Hazell's picture

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The most important question

Sun, 2011-05-15 18:51

The most important question here is what are the rod specs?

No point putting a 1000 on a heavy rod or a heavier 2500 on a very light one... A Shimano Sienna or Sedona are both great options in that range. Choose the reel size after feeling both on your rod (or a very similar rod in the shop).

I wouldn't go any cheaper than these reels. Sure, squid don't pull drag but if your land based but the amount of casting you will do means you want a reel that lays line smoothly. Otherwise with a peice of rubbish, you could end up with hundreds of wind knots.



Ash Hazell

"A cast a day keeps the psychiatrist away"

Joodles's picture

Posts: 362

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By the way, whats with all

Sun, 2011-05-15 19:35

By the way, whats with all this 'egi' shit? Are we about to revert to the Japanese dialect for all our angling terms? Squid are squid mate, catch them, eat them, enjoy them and keep it simple the whole way!

Posts: 143

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Egi is the name of the lure.

Sun, 2011-05-15 21:31

Egi is the name of the lure. You invent it you can name it. You can keep it simple , no probs. This guy however just bought a specific rod and obviously is a bit more interested than a handline and razorback. Each to their own.

MattMiller's picture

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Here Here,

Sun, 2011-05-15 19:45

totally agree Joodles.

It's the way it goes though, just like line ratings. Everyone used to go by poundage, now we've started going by pe ratings. Hard to avoid i'm afraid.

Posts: 521

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 Marketing, thats all it is,

Sun, 2011-05-15 19:55

 Marketing, thats all it is, by advertising it as something 'different' it makes people want to buy it


 Subway cookie is the best burley

Posts: 1676

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Have you used the good

Sun, 2011-05-15 22:18

Have you used the good squidding stuff? If you have you wont be thinking that it is just a marketing thing. The results speak for its self. On several accounts ive landed squid where people using the wrong cheap jigs and cheap gear have failed. Using cheap jigs makes things harder for you to catch squid. It works and it makes it all that much more enjoyable.

Hazell's picture

Posts: 194

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The guy is asking for

Sun, 2011-05-15 20:07

The guy is asking for advice... why not help or go rant somewhere else?

1) The japanese brands make the best squid gear... they use the term egi and so it sticks.

2) You don't need fancy gear to catch squid but it can make it more enjoyable. Just like you don't need a nice new car when a 1970's datsun will do fine and you can live in a tent and be sheltered from the elements without owning a nice home...


Ash Hazell

"A cast a day keeps the psychiatrist away"

Joodles's picture

Posts: 362

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Rant Rant...

Sun, 2011-05-15 21:00

Rant Rant...