Stormy PFD
Submitted by crasny1 on Tue, 2011-08-30 06:33
Bloody hell had a nasty nightmare. Thought I lost the Mrs overboard and some may say thats a blessing, but I have always thought about wearing a PFD. Can anyone point me into the right choice for a light PFD. I was looking at the
ISO180N Premium Yokebut it looks bulky. What are the Yakers using.
By the way Above the 26th Para showed how much fun this could be and well worth it from $15 postage and handling included.
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pfd options
yeah mate we were looking at the yoke types and like you say they are a bit bulky.
a few of us bought these -Ultra Waistpouch Inflatable PFD Type 1
they dont get in the way at all and can also be worn while wearing a gimble belt (just wear the pfd backwards so its on your lower back).
we got ours on ebay for about $60
good luck
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Ultra Inflatable
We use the Ultra Inflatable on all our rescue boats. I also use one on my own boat. very comfortable and do not get in the way. Have worn one for up to 8 hours without any discomfort.
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Is that a Stormy Ultra inflatable or another make?
"I would like to die on Mars. Just not on impact!!" _ Elon Musk
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I use both Stormy Yoke & RFD 150N Yoke types
The rule is we wear life jackets all the time on the boat. I wear the stormy yoke, I think it sits flatter on the chest, but is not as comfortable around the neck. The RFD is bulker on the chest, but no complaints as to wearing either all day.
As secondary PFD's you can service them yourself, I found the following when servicing mine. The RFD, as I suspect are most of the others, have a light canvas cover velcroed up, which contains a bladder, air cylinder, and manual mouth piece. They look like the same bladders found in our passenger aircraft. The bladder is made in China. When inflated, the bladder is exposed, i.e. could puncture if rubbed against something sharp. Also the test dates and other info is written on the bladder which when packed away is hidden by the canvas wrap. When inflated, the canvas wrap is loose, and I think could catch, or hinder the user when in the water.
The stormy is different construction, when inflated, the canvas cover is still over the bladder, giving it protection. It is harder to stow after servicing, I think the canvas is made in Tassy, and the bladder is made for them in China. Stormy is easier to inflate (cold wet hands) with the pulling of a pocket flap. It has a pocket also for other items.
I would go for the stormy, better made, bladder protection, made in Aussie (50%).
If you carry a std PFD1 life jacket for each on board, they become your primary PFD's, and the inflatables as secondary, don't need to need to be certified on test, i.e you can do it yourself.
If the inflatables are your primary PFD,s they must be tested and certified by an approved provider, each year. Stormy provide a service to Tassi for $30 each I think, incl postage. There are others here in Perth as well.
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Cheers Iana
Yes want to go the stormy.
Basically just want that as secondary. Already have bulky Vest on board, but want to wear these most off the time, especially travelling in rougher seas, where someone can fall over. If the boat sinks, obviously go the best vest in the locker.
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Good that I have helped.
One point with life jackets is, when things go pear shaped, it happens very quickly. Suddenly your secondary PFD's end up being your primaries. The water Police do check the testing dates, make sure you have a primary for each on board. I've been checked.
Stormy also make another device I think could be handy, that is an inflatable "bomb" or throwing device, that when it is thrown and hits the water auto inflates to a life ring.
They also have a shop on the net where you can buy all their products from.
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So true
Boats dont always sink or capsize slow, and many a soul have drowned going underneath to get life jackets and tangling with robes etc.
Luckily I could get our 2 jackets out in about 10 seconds, but it would take longer getting the other 3 out for crew if we had them onboard. I dont think you can be safe enough.
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pale ale
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Try and get one which you
Try and get one which you will be comfortable wearing in summer. Remember how bloody hot it is gonna be in a couple months time.