stupidity on the roads

i know this isnt fishing , but saw something yesterday that made me so angry i just wanted to call the cops, picture this , doing 100 down the highway and looking to the car next to you and seeing a couple in their car with a child no more than 2 standing on the front seat between mums legs and leaning on the dash with his head almost touching the windscreen, i could just picture an accident with a 2yo child flying through the air after busting through the window. a question for you all. if you had a camera handy would you take a pic and dob them in to the police , follow them and have a few choice words with them or would you just leave it be . i wanted to get a pic but my truck just couldnt keep up as it has a speed limiter in it. even had the camera ready and rego written down. prob is i see it all the time, even seen a young mother breast feeding her baby on her lap doing 110 down the road. why are some people so stupid 


RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together

wopjrb's picture

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i would leave it be mate

Thu, 2009-10-29 00:01

if ya go prying intoo other peoples buisness your asking for trouble - but still the kid should have a seat belt on

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I wouldnt take a photo going

Thu, 2009-10-29 00:24

I wouldnt take a photo going a 100 could be seen as dangerous.
Just shake your head


Bend over

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Thu, 2009-10-29 05:46

I think you should let darwinism do its work, otherwise you be part of it too.

wadetolley's picture

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Thu, 2009-10-29 06:40

Not cool, suprised they were not smoking as well!

Brucesta's picture

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I'm with Quan, let nature

Thu, 2009-10-29 07:07

I'm with Quan, let nature decide.

Complete bloody stupidity ever having small kids in the front of your car but that's just plain wrong. i'd report it if i could record the rego and leave it to the policde to deal with. if you can dob in hoons why not idiots as well, no point putting yourself at risk by trying to take a photo or confronting them.


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Bodie's picture

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dont think letting nature

Thu, 2009-10-29 08:39

dont think letting nature decide is the best option.

However taking a photo and the flash going off cound be enough to distract the driver and cauyse an accident.

I would have just called the cops and given their rego and position.

i too see it all the time on the way to and from work on the Kwinana fwy. Often you will see someone slowing down traffic because they are texting on their phones, or trying to sort the kids out in the back seat or something.

I even crack it at my missus when she tries to do something other than drive the car.... Its often not you who will have the accident, but another innocent person who tried to avoid you.

roberta's picture

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I'd just take the

Thu, 2009-10-29 08:52

rego down and let the Police know.  I had a incident last year Farrington Rd, two lanes leading into one, I'm driving (speed Limit just left the lights) next minute a car  over takes me, squeezes past me (two lanes lead into one) just missed on coming traffic, with two young kids standing on the back seat staring at me, reported it to Police.  I can still see those two little kids eyes staring at me, I had to swerve to the left and nearly hit the wire fence along there.  we always know when car in front slows down, yup they are talking on the mobile or texting.  The $100 fine is a joke for talking on the mobile while driving, should be $500 and two demerit points.  I smoke but never when the grandkids are in the car or old fart with his Asthma.


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hlokk's picture

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Its $250 and 3 demerit

Thu, 2009-10-29 10:07

Its $250 and 3 demerit points now. I think it was a year or so ago that they changed it?

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funny enough if you have a

Thu, 2009-10-29 16:17

funny enough if you have a unrestrained child in a taxi its legal but cant do it in your car its crazy i seen it first hand when taking our new kids home from the hospital stupid mothers sittin in the front holding a 4 day old


getting the bottom line final answer from a bunch of blokes that use false names and put smiley faces at the end of paragraphs is not the best place in the world to get the information you seek.

callum's picture

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1 year old

Thu, 2009-10-29 17:28

its only legal if the child is under 1 year of age,

 but its still a joke really



happy fishing

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Its weird public safety

Thu, 2009-10-29 18:53

Its weird public safety stuff, some states claim (wa, vic), its a public health risk to share baby seats in taxis but they are compulsory in a taxi in NSW.


wicked game's picture

Posts: 249

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just as dangerous.

Thu, 2009-10-29 17:34

trying to take a photo of something while driving is pretty bloody dangerous especially in a truck, lucky u didnt cause an accident! but still should not have a kid in the front seat.

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Thu, 2009-10-29 18:58

It's the old it'll never happen to me story. What sort of regard must someone have for he welfare of a child, letting that happen on a front seat or any other seat for that matter. Stitch em up with as many tickets as possible I say. It still amazes me how many people drive while on the phone, absolutely no excuse... The stupid part is you could probably get a handsfree kit for less than half the cost of a fine, which i believe is $250 now and 3 demerits, someone has already said, you just got to shale your head.