Surviving My First Spearing Mission
Submitted by humantra on Mon, 2008-12-08 21:21
Howdy All,
Heading up to Kalbarri in Dec for some fishing/diving but plan to use the new gun for the first real time. Any do's and don't to be shared before I end up shark bait?
Adam Gallash
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no fear
Just go in not thinking about the sharks, still be aware, but try and remove that fear from from yourself because I swear the sharks can sense it. Only other thing is never to point your gun at anyone, stick with your buddy until your both confident and have fun.
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Another good tip is to get your catch out of the water as quick as possible, the grey coats can sense a wounded fish from miles away. Handy if you're able to have a boaty that can up too you once you've nailed a fish to boat it. Otherwise brain the fish asap in water, it'll stop the fish from carrying on too much.
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If you have an encounter with a agro shark, spear your mate..hahah
:::: Bass Hunter ::::
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remind me not to dive with
remind me not to dive with you lol.
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if possible use a float
if possible use a float line with the dive bag on it if you cant use a boat ..
oh and dont shoot a fish from very close range if its up against a reef wall ... long story
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Nice one harro
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Thanks for the info so far guys and I like ya thinkin Harro!
So if I'm spearing with a mate and I hit a beauty (fish that is Harro), is it good thinking for both of us to head to the surface and into the boat quick smart? How long should you wait before going back for seconds or is it a matter of hop straight back in as soon as the catch is in the boat?
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float it
if your gonna get into it, drag a float line attach the fish to it, safer option i think,
lol sherbs, my dive intstructor once told me..
if you hava an encounter with a shark, grab ur knife and slice your buddy,
so who wants to dive with me..hahah
we once dived skip rock, 18m , and it was an awesome reef, like the stonehendge almost , i took a spear for protection , the following week we hooked a massive mako there, and the pros were tryin to feed an aggressive gt white, but apparently he would take the skips.herring, and enjoyed 3 props instead.
hopefully this doesnt put u off mate..hahah
we dive n shoot the indicators down south fat dhuies there..
:::: Bass Hunter ::::
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Float line
Cheers mate, any idea where I can find info to buy or check out these float lines?
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My bro has the Rob Allen 11l with ballast and dive flag and a stringer, but they're crazy expensive.
If you want to cheap out go for either the superfrog float, its not too hard to rig a flag to them thru that hole in the middle, or go basic and get the torpedo shaped ronstan fender/float from a chandlery.
The best line is like dyneema in a CVT tube, it won't tangle like the cheaper lines but even cheap 3mm rope you use for crab nets will do the job if you pick up a few shark clips and learn how to splice.
Oh and that hookah/dive shop on stirling highway in mosman park, has some gear as well.
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doin the float thing
Cheers Till,
So what's the go wth using them?
1. The Float is already on the surface at the start of the dive
2. One end of the chord is attached to the float and the other the diver during the dive.
3. When a fish is speared, the diver kills the fish and attaches it to the divers end of the rope.
4. The diver heads to the boat and collects the float and fish from the surface.
Is that the idea?
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Tie the floatline to your
Tie the floatline to your gun NOT yourself. If you spear something big and the gun is ripped from your grip you have a chance of getting it back. Don't tie it to yourself, if a massive Shark grabbs your "floated" Fish it can drag you down and drown you.
Speared Fish should be attached to the float upon dispatch or put in the boat as soon as possible. Some floats are boat shaped and you can put Fish in the actual float if shorebased.
Always dive with a sharp knife or two that are quickly accsessible.humantra
Posts: 29
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Thanks Fathom
So do you shoot the fish, kill it and then let go of the gun, get back on the boat and then retrieve the fish/gun from the float?
Sorry for the dumb questions and thanks for all your help so far!
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Shoot the fish then spike it
Shoot the fish then spike it behind the eye (Iki Jimi)
Clip the fish to the float using a big needle and string through the eyes
Remove spear shaft from fish and reload gun or at least secure the shaft. Having a re-loaded gun can score you another Fish and you can whack a Shark if needed.
Swim back to boat with "floated" Fish away from you and float line still/always connected to the gun.
Or you could always use a breakaway set up, spear tip breaks away from shaft after Fish is hit and the tip is connected to the floatline. You can then fight the Fish direct from the floatline. Some prefer this method in soft flesh species where a spear shaft can pull out easily.
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That pretty much covers it.
That pretty much covers it. BTW some brands sell those big needles as a stringer, you will see them mentioned on some spearo sites.
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Before getting too carried
Before getting too carried away with breakaway rigs, kalbarri southerlies in december are pretty unforgiving (30+ knot winds by 9am), making visibility pretty shithouse. I'd be concentrating on flicking out baits into the surf for tailor or trying for a jack up river.
What sort of gun do you have? does it have a floatline clip?
Ps inflatable boats and spearguns arent the best combination
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"30+knot winds by 9am" Yeah,
"30+knot winds by 9am"
Yeah, gotta get in early for Spaniards, 6am start.
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Early start then!
Yeah I plan to be in the water pretty early and fingers crossed on the viz!
I have an 1.2 Undersea Woodee (or however it's spelt). I figure I'll drill a hole through the handle for the float line?
All of us are going scuba (mainly for crays) but thought I would give spearing a serious go his trip.
You can always catch a beer
Posts: 619
Date Joined: 18/04/08
Spearing with SCUBA? that
Spearing with SCUBA? that sucks. Frowned upon worldwide.
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As you say; "Whatever it takes to get a feed."
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Best to drill a hole thru
Best to drill a hole thru the handle and fix a short piece of shark cord to a clip and have a thimble on the end of the float line. You want to be able to remove it.