Trophy Walk Around.

Alright, this is a kinda of ' is this what I want ' thread -

Can anyone offer any information on what it's like to own a Trophy boat ? I've looked at a 2102 walk around and am getting the feeling it's the right boat for me, It ticks quite a few of the boxes that I require it too. The kind of info I'm trying to find is with regards to how they ride, The hulls look the goods but do they hold thier own in the rough stuff ? They're ( I presume ) a heavy vessel, do they need a bit of grunt behind them to get them going ? ( IE: Do I NEED 200hp on the back or will 150 do the job ? ) Any common problems ?


I'm looking at upgrading from a 5 metre plate boat, which realistically doesn't ride so well, but is so well put together it just soaks up any punishment you throw at it and asks for more. It's got a 90hp on it and has no problem doing 28-30 knts on a smooth day with 4 on board. It's a great little boat but I'm looking to go wider, and take extended trips away and as good as it is I would'nt be comfortable doing a trip to the Montes in it.

So is there anything I'm not taking into consideration that I should be ?



Thanks in advance guys


Lamby's picture

Posts: 3145

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I have a 7m Trophy 2302 WA

Sun, 2011-09-04 22:24

I have a 7m Trophy 2302 WA with a 225 on the back pushes her along nicely but I would like an extra 25hp on the back but that's just me being greedy. Ride wise she is very comfy & handles the rough stuff well with a fair dead rise on her (maybe that’s why I want the extra 25..), I had to choose a tub that would keep the family happy even though its primarily a fishing vessel (happy wife happy life right) Anyway for me it does both those jobs well, if I do want to fish more than 3 guys though it’s cramped on space which does irritate me but you can't have it all I suppose.

I was in heavy consideration to get a Striper but when I had a trip out with fellow member Steve231 I knew it was the tub to tick the boxes for me


MattMiller's picture

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Having fished

Mon, 2011-09-05 20:54

on said 7m Trophy I totally agree with what you've said here Liam.

Handles very well in the rough stuff and resonably dry for a Walkround, except when heading into 25knt NWly's associated with cold fronts.

Also agree that a 250hp would be great on the back but I guess you don't really need it, or do you???

As we well know though is towing weight is something to consider, I feel sorry for your poor old Landy. Retrieving is never boring though.

Lamby's picture

Posts: 3145

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That was one insane day!I

Mon, 2011-09-05 22:10

That was one insane day!

I don't 'need' the extra 25 but I do love going WOT on those glassy days & often wonder would I get better fuel economy especially for some planned trips (not that it is bad) however when it's time to repower then it will be a 250 yammy or honda.

Yep look at braked towing cap with your car also mate, if I load with fuel then I am pulling 3.5tn if you have an accident in the car towing the boat insurance will be all over you not to mention long term vehicle damage dragging it around. No babying the Landy Matt she has a job to do & gets it done despite our busted arse quicksand ramp.. I here Sea Rescue got bogged in a tractor on Sunday maybe that will kick start them into action. 

alfred's picture

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Does Honda have a 250HP? 

Wed, 2011-09-14 08:56

Does Honda have a 250HP?  Very interested if they do pls post a link.  I hear their new engines are pretty good and very light, would be keen to see what the weight of the 250 is.


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Just released.

Wed, 2011-09-14 09:31

Just released.


Does anyone know where the love of god goes, when the waves turn the minutes to hours?

alfred's picture

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Do you have a link?  Keen but

Fri, 2011-09-16 10:01

Do you have a link?  Keen but can't find any info on it.

Posts: 4586

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Sat, 2011-09-17 05:16


Does anyone know where the love of god goes, when the waves turn the minutes to hours?

Posts: 9358

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There are a few Trophy 21**

Mon, 2011-09-05 08:45

There are a few Trophy 21** in the fw community, Pete D and Steve231 both have them as well.

Pete has the 1.7l diesel It does pretty well on economy, but could use a few more herbs. Steve has the 150hp petrol and it does pretty well.


quindieselbrad's picture

Posts: 329

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go the diesels lol,ive got a

Mon, 2011-09-05 12:20

go the diesels lol,ive got a 1.7 cummins 120hp, very economical if travelling long distances like i do eg: i coverd 270kms at 18-20knots approx 20kms of that i was looking for ground at a slower speed. i used no more than 170ltrs with 4ppl and plenty of gear onboard.....the 2101 is just bit heavier than mine but if u dont want to be a speed demon, u will luv it :) they sound mint too hehe

150hp outboard will push it fine, proly no faster than ur old boat,the diesel a couple knots slower but better economy, 2050 trophy handles very well in the muck so i presume the 2101 comparable if not better.

200hp would be better for the extended trips fully loaded if you wanna get there quik .

i proly would have bought a diesel trophy but when compared to the diesel 670 offshore for power to weight and economy, the quinny won. i have sacrifised strength and ride for economy but ill still go to monties with u lol

can i add that in my opinion, the inboard allows for better fishability from the marlin board without motors getting in the way, proly fish 1 extra person for that reason..

best wishes finding your new boat, i hope it brings you the happiness all boaters deserve :)


Catchn dhuies off the smell of an oily rag :)

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Depending on how old your

Mon, 2011-09-05 12:24

Depending on how old your trophy is, the 2050 is the 2152 IIRC. I think they changed how they measure them to make the number bigger =)

The newer ones have the 2l diesel and that should be a bit faster.


Tony Halliday's picture

Posts: 2500

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I had a 2052 and loved it,

Mon, 2011-09-05 12:27

I had a 2052 and loved it, you need about 150hp to push a Trophy nicely, but with 200 you can fly


Tony Halliday: ~Meals on Reels ~

 It takes a strong fish to swim against the current. Even a dead one can float with it

"It is always in season for old men to learn." Aeschylus (525-456 BC)

"In a mad world only the mad are sane." Akira Kurosawa (1910-1998)

The_Wanderer's picture

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Can't comment on the boat but

Mon, 2011-09-05 12:42

Can't comment on the boat but I'd go for the extra horses esspecially if you regulary fish 3-4 guys plus gear.

Vinesh87's picture

Posts: 2751

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I am also looking at getting

Mon, 2011-09-05 16:43

I am also looking at getting one. done a lot of research and from what i have read the 150 optimax that comes on them does pretty well as a balance of power and economy. most of the older ones only had a 135 and have read reviews of them being good also. But 150 or 175 is definalty the way to go if you ask me. It will deffinatly chew some fuel!


Being a heavy boat with a good deadrise they ride pretty well! there is heaps and heaps of reviews on the and the little diesel.

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A few people around here a

Mon, 2011-09-05 16:54

A few people around here a bit off the optimax, might try and find one with a 4st on it too.


STEVE231's picture

Posts: 1443

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 I purchased mine new in 07

Mon, 2011-09-05 17:43

 I purchased mine new in 07 and from memory they came standard with a 2 stroke 135 back then. I upgraded to a 175 Optimax and that was the maximum hp rated for the hull. I can get upwards to 40kts at WOT, but we don't get too many days when you can do that.

We did throw around  the idea of putting a 200 on the back as there was very little price difference but it created too much of a loophole if ever needing to make an insurance claim. Check the specifications, as I'm not sure they are rated to 200hp, even the new models.

Overall I am happy with the boat and I've never felt unsafe in it. It rides nice and is a dry boat, if anything it could do with more deckspace but I guess that is always compromised with any type walkaround boat in that length. 

GT POPPER's picture

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Optimax 150

Mon, 2011-09-05 18:29

 Got the box  standard 150 optimax bolted to the back of my trophy 2103cc, hull rides brilliantly and the motors never missed a beat. The boat being a centre console gets wet from time to time buy hey.... the deck space and casting platform is well worth it...


pure fishing rig...


highly recommend the trophy for VFM...

Posts: 39

Date Joined: 06/07/11

I wish

Mon, 2011-09-05 18:30

As a big fat no-chance-in-hell I've been drooling all over the 2302WA for ages. Saw one with a Honda that really sang to me. Sigh... another 20 or so years I reckon

nico's picture

Posts: 226

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I fish on a 2102 out of

Mon, 2011-09-05 19:40

I fish on a 2102 out of Cairns with a 175 Opti i feel this is minimum power for this hull by the time you load her up with a couple hundred litres of juice and 3 guys and  a 25 kt se wind and a sharp short chop braking on top a few ponies don,t go astray.These hulls handle really well with a full fibreglass stringer syetem which is one monocoque structure, Vinylester resin and stititched cloth the finish is really good as well . I am not big on yank battle wagons but the trophy,s have the goods.This hull could handle more ponies no problem at all. Like most boats trim and tabs and the ability to drive in rough water makes all the differance.


In Mocean

Posts: 93

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Cheers for all the input

Tue, 2011-09-06 06:28

Cheers for all the input guys, exactly the kind of things I was looking to hear about, especially with regards to powering these hulls.

I've been scouring the classifieds to see what's on offer, I'd thought I found one that was looking the goods, but the add is gone so I figured it's sold. Bit of a blessing in disguise because I've decided I want the hard top option anyway.


Nico, Glad you posted in here mate, I've done a few searches of the board and your input is priceless, Especially knowing your feelings for the big yank tanks.

I'll keep my ear to the ground and see what comes up.

If you've got anything to add that anyone hasn't already said, please contribute - But I'm sold.

Trophy it is.

Thanks again guys.


Posts: 93

Date Joined: 07/10/10

Alright guys, Bit of progress

Mon, 2011-09-12 18:14

Alright guys, Bit of progress made but I seek more wisdom.

Been looking at a 2007 model 2002 WA - with Merc 175 optimax on it. Anyone got any idea what it'd weigh ? I've searched but there's a fair difference in some of the specifications I'm getting. I'm getting weights starting at 1600kgs, to 1900 kgs, to 2500 kgs ! I'd be towing it with a Triton which is supposed to be good for 2300kg ( not ideal but I've used it before to tow car floats etc and it's not been a drama ) but it's looking like it's going to be marginal . Owner says 1990 kgs which sounds about right but would like to be sure.


Secondly, what do you guys think it'd be worth.??

2007 model 2002 walk around

110 hrs on 175 Merc optimax (outboard) with smartcraft something or other and S/S Prop.

Hard top and clears

Spot lights and Deck lighting

HDS 8 sounder/plotter with aus wide chart

New AM/FM/Ipod stereo

Brand new outriggers

2 X Brand new batteries

rocket laucher

Stainless bait board

Custom made boat cover

Dual axle trailer with new rotors/bearings/calipers/electronic brake controller thingo.

All the usual Trophy appointments.

It looks like brand new, owner says it's always been stored in garage/storage.


Be interested what everyone thinks.

Thanks in advance



Lamby's picture

Posts: 3145

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Mate bit hard to say without

Mon, 2011-09-12 18:20

Mate bit hard to say without seeing it or actually looking at pics but judging by your reaction sounds like she is the goods, what age is the Optimax & if he tells you it came with the boat then better still check it out.

Weight will be variable with fuel & water tanks, I filled my tub up down the road today & drove her back finding a significant difference that I had to up the brake controller. Don't think the Triton will have any worries towing her but give consideration to how you will stop quickly yeah?

Ask Steve231 what his tub weighs, don't think he even notices it behind his Cruiser

Vinesh87's picture

Posts: 2751

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Sounds like a nice boat,

Mon, 2011-09-12 18:45

Sounds like a nice boat, exaclty what i am after haha!


From my research i am pretty sure a 150opti on that hull is about 2010kg and i think the 175 and 150 are similar weights. That is on trailer weight not including fuel so with a full tank around 2300kg!


Depending on a lot of variables boats like that age are starting at $50k in AUS!

Posts: 93

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I will attatch pictures,

Mon, 2011-09-12 18:57

I will attatch pictures, should have in my post. I figure weight is variable with water/fuel/gear etc - I think 1990kg would be reasonably accurate. I know what you mean re:stopping, it pulls up alright and I'm usually in conservative mode with a load on anyway.

In the middle of organising a pre-purchase inspection and outboard inspection/report. Also going to do a REVS check to make sure no finance is owed.



Lamby I've just realised something, will send you a PM about it.

Lamby's picture

Posts: 3145

Date Joined: 04/08/09

Looks good Hamo, good luck

Mon, 2011-09-12 19:16

Looks good Hamo, good luck with it.


Dizzy's picture

Posts: 753

Date Joined: 21/02/11

That's a nice looking

Mon, 2011-09-12 19:49

That's a nice looking boat.


Love the barwork on that style hardtop.

Posts: 5

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2103 with 200 owner

Wed, 2011-09-14 08:41

hey mate,

I have a 2103 with an Optimax 200 on it and love the boat.. Im a surfer and fisho and love getting to the surf quick and its usually not the best of weather on the way and the Trophy just soaks up a fair bit of punishment..

Id prefer a 225 but with the 200 mine manages 40 knots wide open.. like the above comments though when you have a lot of gear, 400ltr of fuel, 100ltr fresh water and 4 or 5 people on board and are trimmed up as they like to be trimmed into the chop, they slow up a fair bit.. id definately not want anything less than a 200 on my boat.. As far as fuel i consider it like a muscle car, if ya wanna own one and go fast then be prpared to pay the fuel bill.. mine uses about 75l/h Wide open but thats covering about 85km/hour so you can cover some ground.. at 25knots its only using 35l/h so if you want economy you can cruise too..

Looking at getting clears on mine at the moment.. Behind the wheel is pretty dry but the "happy wife, happy life" rule of thumb means she doesnt like getting wet on the way to Rotto and i gotta sort it out.. Anyone have any info on who does good clears SOR?

nico's picture

Posts: 226

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quigebosent PM  for a guy who

Fri, 2011-09-16 07:21


sent PM  for a guy who does clears


In Mocean

Posts: 93

Date Joined: 07/10/10

Thanks for the feedback

Wed, 2011-09-14 12:28

Thanks for the feedback champ. Definately not looking for it to be a rocket ship @ 40 knots, but it doesn't hurt either I guess ! I missed the boat ( HAH ! ) on the 2102 but have been looking at an '07 2002, with a few pointers and reccomendations from the kind guys around here, I've almost talked my way into buying it.

I don't know where you'd get the clears for your rig mate, Couldn't hurt to look state side though.

chookc's picture

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tow vechile.

Fri, 2011-09-16 08:39

The tow vechile you said triton but is it a petrol or diesel.  I had a 06 glxr v6 petrol dual cab that i towed my 7 meter hatd top ali boat with...  now the trailer is 600 kg the dry weight of boat was 1200 has a big ass verado on the back and 300 ltres of fuel...

After two trips towing to Gnarloo have sold vechile and upgraded.  Only getting 200kms to a tank towing and maxed out foot flat to the floor and 100kms hr just wasn't right....  So give some serious thought to the tow vechile.  and suitability....

Rod P's picture

Posts: 725

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Something is see a lot is the

Fri, 2011-09-16 10:36

Something is see a lot is the steering. Not so on a single install but more so on twins. I had one through just today that has 270hp (2 x 135opti's) with a single hydraulic ram that is rated to only 140hp.

Sorry not just trophy's but more so a imported boat issue. Worth checking the little things sometimes as well.

Posts: 93

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 Chook 2007 3.2 T/D Triton.

Sun, 2011-09-18 20:39

 Chook 2007 3.2 T/D Triton. It'll never be a V8 'Cruiser but i have done some decent towing with it before and it's not so much of a problem. Bit late now anyway,Been away for the last couple of days picking the new girl up. Negotiated what I thought was a decent price, went and viewed the boat and bought it on the spot. !!!! 

Will post more pics once I have caught up on some sleep, done some tidy up work from the road trip etc. She's like a hamburger with the lot, what it hasn't got I don't really need - windlass might be the only one - ready to drop in the ocean and I can't wait.

Posts: 9358

Date Joined: 21/02/08

Looks pretty well kitted up,

Sun, 2011-09-18 20:53

Looks pretty well kitted up, grats on the new toy!
