Upcoming Election - Stop the Greens. Outdoor recreation party
Hi All,
AS you do know its election time and on the 7th september, I have put my name down as a candidate for the senate. As an Alternative to the Shooters and Fishers.
David Fishlock
David grew up in the south west of WA watching speedway and fishing with his family. His father was a volunteer at Collie speedway, which rubbed off on him and led to him racing and visiting many of the circuits around Australia.
He has been very sad to see so many tracks go for development and always loved the bridge at Oran Park.
David's youth was spent travelling around WA with cub scout and police rangers doing cave walks, abselieing and rock climb as well as orienteering and fund raisers.
His racing days are over with four children, but he now finds himself teaching them about fishing and cars and enjoying the outdoors, constantly under threat from extremist greens.
He particularly deplores current marine conservation zones that will destroy the fishing industry and have a flow on effect on to tourism in the region.
David wants his childern to be able to see and do everything that he has been able to and that his family has enjoyed for generations.
My aim for this election is for everyone who is fed up. annoyed and feeling down right lied to vote for a party that will look after your out door rights.
Wether this is S+f, Aust fishing lifestyle or STG.
Thanks everyone and make your vote count sept 7th!
Posts: 754
Date Joined: 18/09/12
Thanks for your post!Always
Thanks for your post!
Always glad to see people campaigning for rights to public land and removing needless restrictions.
Can I ask, where do you differ from Shooters & Fishers and the other groups?
Additionally (and please this isn't meant to be rude) we seem to have a few of these parties forming now, why not a unified party rather than more parties where votes will be split and less chance of any one of them gaining power
pale ale
Posts: 1755
Date Joined: 02/01/10
I was thinking the same. Yet
I was thinking the same. Yet I dont quite understand the senate voting system.
If your 1st vote wins a seat, then I think your second vote also counts?
Posts: 56
Date Joined: 24/07/11
Our policies on bullbars and
Our policies on bullbars and land clearing are example
there policy on water collection and defense
Posts: 2925
Date Joined: 27/12/06
I am a bit confused now myself, I personally have not much interest in shooting. But there are some common interests between shooting and fishing. Being that the S&F didi well last election are we better off having one party than 3 parties who have similar interests and will be pinching votes off each other?
Posts: 56
Date Joined: 24/07/11
THE ORP has associations with
THE ORP has associations with 4 other parties. S and F has made it known that they do not like this.
Our associations are with the LDP, smokers rights, the republic party and one more.
It would be great to a United frnt for outdoor activities!
Posts: 3913
Date Joined: 14/10/12
As a person who loves
As a person who loves camping, and a responsible dog owner whom enjoys camping with my dogs, it really annoys me that there are no coastal free camping spots south of Sandy Cape. As fun as caravan parks are, I love free camping, love camping responsibly with my wife and and dogs.
I see that there are spots down in Margeret River way where you can camp (with no alcohol) but personally, that is just rediculous. We're grown ups here. Put bins in, empty them regularly, and sack in a drop dunny or two, and bobs your uncle. I will happily spend up to $20 bucks a night to camp there.
So much land with no one and nothing apart from a sign that says no entry, or no camping.
with regards to Shooters and Fishers, personally I am not into guns and and catch and release the majority of the time I go fishing. Each to their own ultimately, it just shits me when we all get thrown into the same group as the unruley minority and have our rights taken away.
Posts: 56
Date Joined: 24/07/11
Swompa thats right the loud
Swompa thats right the loud minority ruin it for the silent majority. i say no more on that
Posts: 2546
Date Joined: 03/03/11
Micro Parties
But should we vote for one of these Micro parties , including ORC ? Alot of these parties are giving preference to each other, or contradicting their own pollicies and preferencing parties that have oppisite veiws to their own .
Who are the Outdoor Recreational Party giving preference to ? Did you even get your preference choice submitted ? Not according to the Ausralian and can you varify this article is correct. If so how does it affect the ORC in the coming election ?
I will be voting below the line to make sure my preference counts .
Cheers Grant .
pale ale
Posts: 1755
Date Joined: 02/01/10
Yep, we all must vote below
Yep, we all must vote below the line!
I still dont understand how the system works. Can anyone explain in simple terms how our 2nd or 3rd preference makes a difference.
Posts: 56
Date Joined: 24/07/11
yes we lodged our ticket .victoria didn't get there's lodged. in
Posts: 56
Date Joined: 24/07/11
By voting for the mirco
By voting for the mirco parties you stop the major parties getting $2.50 for each primary vote they recieve.
goes through the acknowledgement that they did not lodge the forms by the saturday deadline.
W.A. prefernce voting for Stop the greens is found here. Along with all the parties on the ballot paper. (62 candidates all up!!)
big john
Posts: 8766
Date Joined: 20/07/06
IMO, voting for these micro parties is a protest vote which will soon be forgotten once the big parties representatives are in power again.
You need to vote for a party which at least has a chance of getting a representative elected, that's where real change can be driven from.
SFP represents that 'best chance' I reckon.
WA based manufacturer and supplier of premium leadhead jigs, fligs, bucktail jigs, 'bulletproof' soft plastic jig heads and XOS bullet jig heads.
Jigs available online in my web store!
Posts: 56
Date Joined: 24/07/11
Hi big john, Yes the S + F
Hi big john,
Yes the S + F party has a good chance of a seat and so doe the ORP but i do not think a vote for the mirco parties will be forgotten once they are in power. It should open there eyes to stop and really listen those people that are alienated by them and make a change. Just like labor should of and not put up these bogus scientific marine parks
Posts: 56
Date Joined: 24/07/11
Hi big john, Yes the S + F
Hi big john,
Yes the S + F party has a good chance of a seat and so doe the ORP but i do not think a vote for the mirco parties will be forgotten once they are in power. It should open there eyes to stop and really listen those people that are alienated by them and make a change. Just like labor should of and not put up these bogus scientific marine parks
Posts: 56
Date Joined: 24/07/11
Hi guys, thanks to all those
Hi guys,
thanks to all those who voted for me and took the time to even vote below the line! we managed to stop the majors getting a few thousand dollars of tax payers money.
Although a fishing party did not get in we manage to get the australian sport party in.
Posts: 754
Date Joined: 18/09/12
Welcome,Voted below the line
Voted below the line and gave you second pref after SFP
Took a long time to vote below the line, so many groups I wanted to put last! ;)
Posts: 791
Date Joined: 05/12/09
Yep... Although I couldnt
Yep... Although I couldnt believe it when my last box was number 63!! WTF....
I had to do the bloody thing twice!! lol
pale ale
Posts: 1755
Date Joined: 02/01/10
Did the outdoor recreation
Did the outdoor recreation party "steal" votes from the Shooters and Fishers Party?
Having 2 parties with similar followers may have been a bad idea?
Posts: 56
Date Joined: 24/07/11
No we didn't steal votes from
No we didn't steal votes from teh S&F party, This year there were a lot of new parties formed to target issues that have come up all over the country, the VLAD laws = AMEP, the marine parks = ORP/STG, AFLP AND S&F.
hell even smokers and the hemp party got a good run.
Next year there will be a election held for the federal election of the senate for W.A. due tot he ~1400 votes that went missing. Make your vote count next year when this happens again. Don't let the big parties and ruin our past time. either by the super trawler, the marine parks or just more of it given to commericals. Plus by not voting the majors you stop them recieving free money. The election gave each of the major $2.48 per vote after they had reached the 4% mark plus there nomination fee back!