Wednesday Night fishing session

Headed down to a beach north of cott for some arvo / Night fishing action.
We were targeting Tailor, but with the full moon out i thought we would be struggling to get any.
During the Arvo we hooked some monster herring which i was going to keep for Cray bait.
As the night went on we were constantly getting harrassed by sand whiting destroying out Mulies.

So i decided to chuck a whole herring out and see what happens.
It had been int he water 15-20 minutes with not real action except some small bits missing due to small fish. At this stage it was about 9.40PM and not much action

Then i had a bit of a tug on the line...but no hook up. Would in to find the head of the herring missing.
So i cast it back out, waited about 2 minutes then boom...bitten off!!!. I wound my line in to find my sinker still sttached to the 3 way swivel but the line was very frayed.
So Scano Cut his rig off his line, and gave it to me (It was setup for shark fishing, and i could cast further with the 14ft rod)
So i put the rig on, put a herring on and out she went again.

I think i waited about 2 more minutes, and then i could feel a tap tap on the line and the tip of the rod looked like it was getting a bit. So i striked it! and an instant hook up.
Gave it a few winds and thought...ray a small one and continued to wind in. Then boom... it took off like a freight train and almost spooled me in no more than 2 minutes. I think i would have had about 20-40m of line left maybe.

Mind you i was fishing with only 20LB mono.

After a good hour of pulling this thing in, and giving scano a go as my arms were burning... it finally got closer to the beach. and before long we saw something breach the surface, which looked like the tail of a Sting Ray.
So for another 10 or so minutes we sat there thinking "God how are we going to get a ray of this size up"

Then about 10 minutes later it got closer..and we could see 3 fins!!!!! it was no was a shark...and a big one. after seeing this we didnt care what the time was, how long it would take...we just wanted to get it on the shore how ever we could! 

With only using 20lb line, i could not pull this fish up over the sand ledge. So we played with it a bit up and down the little bit of beach we were on trying to get it up into the waves with no luck.

All of a sudden it came up!!! into about knee deep. Off Tailor Marc went with the 2ft Gaff to try gaff this thing!
Next thing you head Marc Yell "It's a @@##$%#$ Hammer head" And he tried to Gaff it.

He got a bit close and Gaffed it under its stomach, probably a little lower... Well it didnt like that and thrashed around and with a Big wipe of its tail and Marc went over....and then bolted out of the water........ oh no... the shark had the GAFF!!!!
So now we were really in trouble... no Gaff a monster shark... how do we get it up.

So ofcourse being Boys, we tried to be Hero's and pull the dam thing in by its Tail...(Very smart thing to do in the surf!..not)if we got the chance too. After another bloody hour going up the beach trying to beach this thing.... we had a few chances to grab its tail and pull it out, but a shark of this size is very intimmadating to anyone!! (And safety First..not stupidity)

Finally we had a great chance to get it...was fairly beached, so Scano and marc went charging in..... and scano grabbed the tail, but with the current pushing down beach the shark moved downwards and the line touched Scano's leg and pinged.....

In an instant it was all over... Over 2 hours trying to get this thing in not caring how we got it in, how long it would take....this thing was a record in its own... 20LB line and a 6-8ft 25+KG's (i would say) Hammer head shark!

At the end i was pouring out with sore as all hell my back and arms were on fire.
This morning i woke to a very sore groin from the butt of the rod...and sore shoulders!!

What a night thats all i can say. Easily the biggest thing ive ever hooked...and on 20LB mono from the beach who would of thought!

At the end of the night, had a 2+ hour fight with a shark, the shark went back to the ocean, i was very sore, my 20LB line on the penn is stuffed... but what an excperience! what a sight to even see.

3 guys came down onto the beach and couldnt believe there eyes with this thing thashing around in the water....

tailor marc's picture

Posts: 2979

Date Joined: 27/09/06

That was a UNREAL effort

Thu, 2008-01-24 10:39

That was a UNREAL effort Bodie!!!!!!

From my previous experiences with loosing good fish at the gaff allways look at the positives..

That was effort to have a big shark on for 2 hours on 20pound It should of snapped off within 10 min of rolling etc on the main line.

Once we were driving home and adrenalin had stopped it all started to sink in. What was i thinking? I waist deep next to the hammerhead gaffing it with a tiny gaff 

It went totally nuts once i sunk it in!

How funny was it seeing it criusin back and forward along the beach with gaff protuding from the water still stuck in it


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rickets's picture

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nice work guys... the 20lb

Thu, 2008-01-24 13:20

nice work guys...

the 20lb line is sufficient enough for the beasties...

mate at work landed a 7 foot bronzie on 20lb a couple of weeks back and i think my other mate at work's personal best is a 35kg hammerhead on 6lb braid off his boat. :D

scano's picture

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shark fishing

Thu, 2008-01-24 14:11

I tell you what, i will never forget last night's fishing for as long as i live!!

1st of all top effort Bodie on getting that shark right into knee deep water for all on the beach to see. There was some other bloke down at the beach thinking we were a bit sissy for not just going out to grab it by the tail. That was until he waded out into the water to try and look like a hard arse and did stuff all about actually grabbing it himself. I think he though we were just tackling some bigger than aveage port Jackson or something, boy did he get a surprise!!! hahahah

It just goes to show that you can never be 100% certain about what is on the end of the line until you get sight of it. I would be lying if I said that i wasn't s@#$#ing myself when i grabbed that big sucker by the tail. The sheer size and power of the thing was way too much for me or Tailor Marc to handle.

I felt a bit bad because of all people's leg's to brush the line against and have it bust off it had to be mine. But I am sure that bodie will not be too disapointed cos Marc and I went in after it as soon and often as possible and I know he appreciated the commitment. It was bloody spooky going into the knee deep water to grab something that is bigger and twice as powerful as me and try and show it who is boss. Also it was an absolute crack up to see the gaff just swimming about in the surf whilst still attached to a 6 foot hammerhead.

That leads me to another question, where can i get a good gaff that has a descent size handle, like about 6 foot long? Do the boys from Oceanside tackle have any good deals going on them at the moment? just as long as Taiolr Marc doesn't donate it to the sea again.hahaha. And don't stress everyone, the gaff came out of the shark long before it busted the line so I am sure it is off chomping other baits as we speak.

The best part about last night is that our usual crew who go fishing wednesday nights (myself, tailor marc, bodie) were getting a bit tired of fishing the same locations each week and catching much the same stuff. I am sure i don't even have to ask the boys where we are fishing next wednesday cos I already know the answer. And Bodie and Marc I am keen as mustard to do an all nighter fishing there this weekend, should be good weather for it too.


p.s don't have any shark pics cos we were too caught up in the action but i do have a couple of loation pics, I am not too sure how to attach them here, i might get Tailor Marc to put them on.




Jamie Chester's picture

Posts: 66

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Exciting and all I guess (?)

Thu, 2008-01-24 15:37

Exciting and all I guess (?) but what exactly were you planning on doing with it?

sherbert's picture

Posts: 4717

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Great session guys

Thu, 2008-01-24 14:24

And a great write up, Its good to have fun like that
Good luck guys on the weekend
Born to fish forced to work


Assassin landbase fishing club

tailor marc's picture

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Thanks guys :)Jamie :

Thu, 2008-01-24 15:43

Thanks guys :)

Jamie : Either it would of been released or if it was totally had it  then it woulnd not been waisted.

We are all C & R fisherman, i hate hearing of people waisting fish. We all have family who love shark. ( They love schnappa from fish $ chip shop lol)!!! :)


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rickets's picture

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man you're right scano, that

Thu, 2008-01-24 15:59

man you're right scano, that woulda be so fun...

it makes it all worth it when ya get a wildcard catch like that :)

Carolyn's picture

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Funny Story

Thu, 2008-01-24 16:26

Realy enjoyed that story. Nothing like a bit of local land based excitement well done.


Member of the Offshore Angling Club of WA (Beach Branch)


Dreamweaver's picture

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Thu, 2008-01-24 16:37

Definately exciting! - makes worth re-reading guys.


VMR 610 - Albany Sea Rescue - Mariner 421


Soon to be de "dreamweaver" ed!

Colin Hay's picture

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That sounds like fun

Thu, 2008-01-24 16:39

Nothing like a good fight to get the adrenilen running. Nice work.
Colin Hay


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Jas04's picture

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thats some of the best land

Thu, 2008-01-24 19:12

thats some of the best land base fishing i have heard from around perth sounds like fun i have been in the serch for a new beach to give a try sou7nds like fun well done guys

Andy Mac's picture

Posts: 4778

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Great effort guys

Thu, 2008-01-24 19:19

I'd say a lot more than 25kgs if it was 6ft long.

Well done on a great adventure and thanks for sharing it with us.


Andy Mac



Andy Mac (Fishwrecked Reeltime Editor & Forum Moderator)

Youngest member of the Fishwrecked Old Farts Club

PilbaraBrad's picture

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sounds like you boys had fun

Thu, 2008-01-24 19:52

sounds like you boys had fun

Bodie's picture

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Sorry about the grammar

Thu, 2008-01-24 20:28

Sorry about the grammar guys.... didnt sleep that much last night by the time i got home, then up for work

Dreamweaver's picture

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Thu, 2008-01-24 20:41

Hey Bodie, what grammar? We all right Illigitimately anyway

(Top story bloke! Well done guys!)


VMR 610 - Albany Sea Rescue - Mariner 421


Soon to be de "dreamweaver" ed!

Kal's picture

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top story guys ,sharks one

Fri, 2008-01-25 12:26

top story guys ,sharks one of my better eating fish ,i do like dhuies and bauldies but do target sharks for the freezer as they freeze well and a very very good on the tooth when bleed properly.  Best times to target them is at night, near a full moon well done guys .Great stuff ,think you guys will  be targeting them a little more from now on ,also use a smaller rod next time as the leverage factor does hurt ya .

tailor marc's picture

Posts: 2979

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Some pics for ya ;)Before

Fri, 2008-01-25 12:26

Some pics for ya ;)

Before the hook up.....

Bodie fightin it..

Scano takin over....

Bodie back into it!

Scano back into it  :lol:

Me the D#@khead with the gaff

Me going in to do the gaffing


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Posts: 108

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Nice write up guys, still

Fri, 2008-01-25 13:32

Nice write up guys, still yet to catch myself a shark but all in due time. And totally agree with shark being yum. I bet you got lots of people's blood fired up with that story! I certainly wanna have a crack at it now:)
Practice Practice Practice

rickets's picture

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hahah look at you marc,

Fri, 2008-01-25 13:53

hahah look at you marc, looking all devious and suspicious with that gaff

hahah nice work boyz

Jamie Chester's picture

Posts: 66

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Ah - the old gaff and release.

Mon, 2008-01-28 09:55

Don't know about the wisdom of gaffing something you want to release.

Also re eating - an honest 6ft shark is not too tasty - I have tried before.

Bodie's picture

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Jamie mate, Our intention

Mon, 2008-01-28 20:24

Jamie mate,

Our intention was never to Gaff the shark in a position to kill.

Gaffing it in the Tail would give it the greatest chance of survival. Unfortunately the Gaff went in with it, and because safety came first it was for the best.

I guess you dont find shark that good eating due to the fish you catch(looking at your profile picture)

We thought Sharing a Story that encourages people to persist with land based fishing, and that there can still be some good catches around.

Obviously you cant please everyone.

Adam Gallash's picture

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Sounds like a wicked night out

Mon, 2008-01-28 20:33

Sounds like a wicked night out fellas!! Would definately say it was more than 25kg if 6ft+ in length.

Atleast it was released with its fins in place, gaff or no gaff... Cheers for sharing fellas.


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scano's picture

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Jamie I would just like to

Tue, 2008-01-29 07:44


I would just like to point out that the 3 of us that participated in this shark hooking (Bodie, Scano and Tailor Marc) have been fishing from a very young age. We never gaff a fish unless it is in the best interest's of both the fish and the angler (safety 1st). We are 90% catch and release fisherman and only keep what we will definately eat. We don't even bother to freeze fish, fresh is best and we only keep enough to enjoy it within a few days of capture.

Also we post article's of our wednesday night and weekend fishing adventures to help those who are struggling a bit with their catch rate and to show that the shore based angling is alive and well. If we were not experienced fisherman with no respect for the ocean and marine life who were just carrying on like idiots i could understand you not being happy with the post.

If you read the post properly you would see that I added comments stating that the gaff actually came out of the shark (whilst still attached, meaning it came out after abot 5 mins) and we got it back into shore and the tried to grab it by the tail and that is when the line broke. Basically it swam off fine with a hook in it's mouth and that was it!!





Jamie Chester's picture

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Tue, 2008-01-29 11:05
mitch's picture

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watch out grabbing hammers

Tue, 2008-01-29 11:53

watch out grabbing hammers by the tail .im pretty sure they can turn on a dime and chew ya .sounds like you guys had ball great read .... spewing about the line letting go but still a good adrenilin rush. 12 weeks 7 days ago,,, have a look .Title fishing for swan river sharks
always in it just the depth that varies