
Where are they biting at the moment

13kg Dhu


Mixed bag near Rotto

With my deckies being crook, land stuck, on roster etc. I decided to do a solo for the second consecutive weekend (time to find new dekies). Launched from Woodman Point with the intention of doing a couple of drifts over FFB and upon arriving at Seaward Reef I decided to push on to deeper waters. With the increased swell there were a number of waves breaking in the area and with one set of eyes on board decided to play it safe. Chugged off to one of my favourite bommies south of Rottnest Island and with the first pass saw a good number of fish holding the structure. After dropping the anchor upwind of the spot I started burleying with a catfood-chookpellet mixure and chopped up mullies. Within a couple of minutes of dropping the first bait, which was a headless scalie on double snelled 7/0 hooks, I landed my first of a number of Pinkies for the day. The mixed bag consisted of a number of Pinkies, two Yellowtail Kingies and a Sambo for good measure. I was fishing reasonable light i.e. 20lb braid on 15-30lb rods, and got smoked by fish that I could not turn. I tried the heavier gear, but the fish were too sensitive on the day.
All in all another good day on Perth Metro waters.

Salmon surprise

Took Friday off work to target snapper then head into the deep to bottom bounce. The snapper illuded us, but thanks to the birds curiosity put us on a large shoal of salmon. We had great fun on light gear, releasing all fish successfully. The day ended up with a good feed of squid as a consolation prise. 

How did everyone else go?



More Metro YFT and Macs

Had to work bloody hard today for our fish. The tuna were long gone from the spot we got them last week, the water had turned green and lots of week. Travelled another 35 km before we came across some likely looking water. Bait was very sparse but we found a few small patches.

Out with the lures and after an hour it was not looking good, and memories of August tuna were quickly fading. Then we got whacked with a double header, Tims comes up first and to our great surprise up popped a fat shark mackerel. August 9.....Perth Metro.......WHAAAAT!!!

Then my sharkie mac.

After a bit more travel we got smacked again, triple header this time. Langa and myself landed our YFT, only rats but will be delicious. Tim dropped his early.

Back in, and in quick time, another double header. This time I dropped one, Tim got his little barrel.

After dropping another YFT right at the boat, we had a quick jig, Tim getting a nice dhu and all of us getting a sambo/amberjack.

Fun day and the weirdness continues!

Nice day on water Friday

It was a foggy start when I met Ericl and fellow fisher Quentin at Ocean Reef but we were on the water at 6.00am and heading out for a fish. Forecast was good and we were hopeful of putting a few fish in the box. The fish were a bit patchy and there were plenty of undersize pinks and dhuies but we managed some quality fish including two baldies, two pinks, a dhuie and a harlequin. The harly made my day being the first I've ever caught and at 58cm was a good size for them I believe. Thanks for the day out Eric, it was a good day out with a couple of nice guys.

Quick trip

 Decided to go for a quick fish with the mrs after work. Got to our normal spot in the Sound at around 5:30. Be rely trail started and the mrs is on first drop, a Pinkie. Although undersize a promising start. Well they were on for near on 2 hrs, we stopped counting once we got to 20. 4 double headers as well. Finally a descent run an hour in and 51cm, not a monster but well happy.

The Good, The Bad and the ugly

the Good
Organised a trip out with a work colleague to have a crack at a dhue or 2 last Thursday. Gentleman hrs where agreed upon - 7.30 start. Headed out from Port Geo and decided to drift around in the 25 - 30m mark waiting for the wind to settle down. A couple of drifts for nothing. Moved out to 35m for another drift - weather started to improve, bait on the sounder - still nothing. A call was made to head to one of his never fail spots.... We stopped well short of the mark and drifted back over trying to find some new ground - 10 mins later and a nice pinky shows up on Mcarthur SP - 600mm (Sorry for poor quality pics)

Old mate then nailed one slightly better on a squid bait (Yes a SP/jig vs bait day)
Continued to drift back to his mark but due to the ever improving weather we missed so we setup for a drift over it and another Mcarthur SP got nailed. After a spirit too and fro a nice Dhue of 12kg pops up much to my delight!! Hi fives all round, my biggest Dhue to date, on a SP on PE3 gear. Stoked was an under statement!!

We set up for another drift wipe the SP off(Rubbed it on the squid on the baitboard!!) Dropped down again and old mate is on to a smaller dhue when crunch I got whacked again. Unfortunately wasn't able to stop this beast as it sat there woke up and with pure power just took off through the bottom.
With 2 dhue's and 2 pinky's in the esky time was called, a quick bite was had and under perfect skies we headed in.
The Bad
I have since learnt a valuable lesson with dhue wings... Don't attack em with a meat cleaver. A pair of side cutters/tin snips/ or pruning shears are far better suited to it.
After a glancing blow I took a good chunk out of my finger knicking a tendon. If your a bit squeamish don't scroll down...
Me about to go in for surgery - not overly prowd of my self
The ugly
So short term - 6 weeks in a finger splint. Long term is a full recovery.

Its my first post so be kind!!
The reason for sharing is I hope the lesson I have learnt the hard way the younger guys on this site might be able to prevent themselves from injuring a hand or fingers. They are bloody valuable.
And to the guys out there plugging away with SP's not scoring. Two tips - patience and read what you can where you can. Lecras wrote a good article in Wangler a month or so ago and there was a 3 part series done last year on demersals on SP's.
Thank you for listening to my news!!
tight lines

Mandurah FFB Yesterday

 Hi Guys,

Managed to get out yesterday for a fish on the FFB with my brother in law. Was a bit rough early with the Northerly, but chugged out from the Cut. The first spot was a bit quiet so after 20 minutes of burleying and no fish we decided to move out to the back edge. There was a really distinct colour change out there so we sounded around in the cleaner water in the 16/18 metre mark. Found some good looking ground so anchored up again and started the burley trail. Didn't take long for an undersize Pinky to come over the side, then I got a Skippy on a SP. It was pretty steady for an hour or so. Doug nailed 2 nice KG Whiting on successive drops and the Skippy whilst not boiling at the back of the boat were steadily coming over the sides. Ended the day with a nice feed for tonight. 11 Skippy and 2 nice KG. This is my lot minus 2 already filleted



Albany / Denmark reports ?

 Anyone had any luck last couple of days down this way ? 
Any info mucho appreciado. 

Inshore Rig Re-Fit Complete (Pic very Heavy)

 Well it’s been a while since my last report due to uni, work and a lack of fishing but thought it was time I put up a few pics of our latest project as I know there are a few out there like myself who get off on rebuilds. Anyway an upgrade for the old dinghy had been on the cards for a while as we seemed to continue to push the boundaries of what a 3.7m boat was capable of so it was only a matter of time before we got caught out. Something in the 4.5-5.5m range was the only option and I wanted bit of a summer project after uni had finished. A 5m brooker CC came up for sale and we decided it would do the job. The hull and trailer were in pretty average condition but the new yammy on the back was rather attractive. First thing was the strip down and clean out, it had been a creek boat from the NT and the one inch thick dried mud in the bottom of the hull proved that.



After the boat had received a strip it was the trailers turn, the trailer is a Mackay trailer that wasn’t actually that old but I didn’t like the roller set up so a full overhaul was he only option. Sourced all the components (harder than one may think), made up the hanger brackets, welded up the guard brackets and she was ready to hit some hot galv. This boat will predominantly be used up north and I’m sure she will see more beach launches than concrete so I decided to go a bit overboard with wheel size.



With the trailer done next was to tidy the hull up and get some welding done before painting. First I wanted to change the center console lay out, sized up the dash to fit my electronics and got the welding done. Bit of cutting/drilling for flush mounting and it was ready to start my most dreaded part, PAINT PREPPING!!!!



After the last refurb I knew how much time and effort must go into prepping/painting. My brother and I committed four days to prepping, sand a section then prime it before it oxidised until finally the whole boat was primed and ready for undercoats.



It was the first boat I have done with a gun but it didn’t take long to pick it up and we ended up with a pretty good finish, much smoother than the previous boat that we used rollers. Once the boat was painted and back on the trailer it was finally starting to look like a boat I would be happy with. Flush mounted the electronics and wired her up, a few bits of marine ply and carpet made up an attractive cover for the batteries and cables. I got some decals made up and she was finally finished after a solid month on the tools. Now to get her wet…..



First trial was a quick run over to ratnest Ise for a cray dive, handed a soft offshore well and gave us a taste of how much of a weapon she would be.


Next was to drag her north, my brother, a mate and I headed up around Jurien for a couple of days for a predominantly diving trip but a few lures were thrown around also. Got up midday and used the arvo to dive an old cray spot I found a while ago as the vis was very AVG, didn’t dive deeper than 5m and found a few fish floating around amongst the roaches.


Next day we were greeted with a glass off and headed straight out for a fish. Found a good show on the 587, you can see a jig and a SP being worked. Didn’t take long to get a few fish onboard.


Decided it was time for a dive so put out a few lines and started heading in to the dive ground. We had been on the move no more than 10mins when both rods went off and we managed to land some sashimi.


We didn’t have much room in our bag so a quick dive to top it up and we were on our way in. This is my PB baldy at 690 which was the last fish for the day.


The last day we headed out for another dive and found a few fish and quickly had our bag and headed in to pack up the tent and hit the road, a quick pic of the day’s offerings.


Next trip was a metro night fish off woodies, as seen from the following pics the fish were on the chew and we only needed an hour to max out our limit.



A couple of weeks went past with nothing but work, bad weather and Abrolhos trips. Finally I managed to line up some good weather and my dad and I headed out for a metro bash. Originally I said I wouldn’t use this boat for metro dhufish but the big rig was in getting some work done so we had no choice. Left the ramp at 1pm and after an hour steam we dropped lines and it didn’t take long for a few hook ups. A few solid pinks hit the deck then I got blown away on PE2 to what felt like a big buck. Next pass my old man set the hooks in a donkey, a few big runs and his new PB bream hit the surface. The sunset lined up well to make for a pretty good pic.


Salty was getting neglected a bit as Brolhos was copping a flogging so last week my brother and I decided it was finally time to put her to the test and drag her up to Ningaloo.The forcast for last week was looking good so Saturday night the call was made. Sunday we packed and hit the road for the big steam. We more just wanted to get out of the wind and rain but secretly we both thought it would be a good opportunity to tick off Salty’s first billfish. Tuesday we trolled for a few hours and went 5-3-0 on the bills, disappointed we spent the arvo in the water soaking up the 25 deg water. A few mates flew up Wednesday morning and we quickly got out and deployed a spread, 10mins in and two rods went off. Half an hour later we had both fish up, dehooked and back on their way.



Few high fives and we suited up for an arvo of diving. The following day after a slow morning we got back out and again within 10minutes had two sails hooked, both again landed.


The rest of the trip saw plenty more bills raised and hooked but non converted. Anyway back to reality and the cold/Brolhos trips.

Thanks for the read. Until the next time I get enough time to put up a report….






Coral Bay Report - 19/7 - 2/8

Well another year has come and gone, the fishings done and back to work.

We enjoyed two weeks up at the Bay staying at one of the Chalets in Bayview and catching up with a bunch of mates who were taking the same break although we traveled independently of each other. The trip up was smooth and uneventful. The boat behind the cruiser on the new ACE trailer. What a great investment, trailed exceptionally well, loaded and all, no problems, no sweating over bearing issues. It was a relief as this was the first real long distance test for the trailer. We left at12.30 am Saturday morning and arrived at 3.30 pm at the Bay, booked straight in, unloaded, unpacked, rigged up and up to the pub for dinner. An early night as we were all knackered from the drive.

Day 1 - blowing its guts out, ran up to the North passage but deemed it too rough with the wind and swell creating quite confused waters. We retreated to the inside of the South and anchored up and burleyed up. Didnt take too long and in came a big school of bludger trevally, all around 3kgs. We took advantage and grabbed a half dozen for bait for the coming days. We then spent some time pitching plastics out at the school which was going off. I tried out the Gomoku toy rod with a plastic and was surprised at how easily this little rod managed these feisty little trevally into the boat on 5kg. We spent a hour or so on these before the school dispersed and we were only troubled by smallish NW snapper. Nothing for the box other than bait. Back for a coldie or two, catch up with mates, dinner and the sack.

Day 2 - still blowing but got out North. Water still pretty mixed up and keeping your footing was a bit difficult but we managed a couple of nice spanglies around the 3 - 4kg mark, nothing too sensational but we were on the board. Fishing was quiet and we only managed about 4 fish. Early day.

Day 3 - Wind dropping around midday but still quite blowy. out to 90m and sounded around. Found some ground and dropped over fish and squid baits. The fish started to come on pretty quick, a nicish Red followed by a solid Goldband, another Red and another Goldband. Then a few more smallish reds, Robbos and Pearl Perch. Called it a day when the breeze swung N and the bite went cold.

Day 4 - back out to 90m, picked up some fish on the sounder but not really happening. The breeze was swinging NE to N and our drift was all over the place. We decided to have a longer drift and then the fish started to come on board. Pearlies, Robbos, Goldband and then a stonker Red to my son. Weighed on the scales, went an honest 9kgs. He was so pleased he couldnt stop grinning and talking about it, his first real quality fish. Wind went NW and the bite died.

Day 5 - blown out - lay day around the Bay with a bit of 4WD up the coast

Day 6 - Calmer, so went deep out to 130 and hunted around, couldnt find anything. Pushed onwards to 250m, and sounded for a hour or so with nothing showing. Pushed N a couple of miles and sounded in 280m for another hour for no show. Crew became a bit restless so headed back into the 90's for some more Reds and picked up the odd couple of fish including some good Rankins. Whilst we were out here a squid showed up from no where. A quick rig change and on went a squid jig and in came one of the biggest squid I have landed. I landed him in the net and gave him a good shake to get rid of the ink. Good job too, he punched out clouds of it. thank God it wasn't in the boat !

Day 7 - Glass off, no drift and no takers.

Day 8 - Another quiet day but met up with some mates about 12m out and they put us on a spot for a couple of Spanglies and Robbos

Day 9 - Lay day in Exmouth.

Last few days - worked over the South and with a steady SE at least we had a constant drift. We got onto a good spot that was producing Goldband, Robbos, Pearl Perch, Spanglies and then the Pinkies came on, closely followed by the sharks. I included a pic below the show their deductions ! Probably our best day fish wise until the taxmen moved in. Over the next couple of days, working depths between 90 - 115m we landed a steady stream of fish. Not lots and we never even approached our limit but we did get some good fish. Plenty of Cobia down south and we landed a couple around the 10kg mark for the box. They eat pretty good at this size.

Last day came before we knew it and it was to be an early day. we had earlier met up with Reece and Elaine (Baron88) who were up for the last week so they came out with us to the 90's and we fished the last couple of hours within radio call distance. We headed in with a half dozen fish at 1.00 and Baron headed in around 4.30 just as we were fuelling up the car. I think they did OK on the day.

I have posted some pics below in no particular order as they are from a variety of cameras.


I was pretty happy with the new Furuno and I think i got better dialling it in every day. However in the pics below I dont know what I am looking at. We fished several spots with shows like this for no fish. i dont know if they were off the bite because on the Northerly or it it simply wasn't fish. Appreciate any advice so that I can work out what i am seeing next time.



The drive home was another 15hour marathon arriving at 9.00pm on Saturday night. Again, a trip without incident.

All in all it was a great trip, if a little breezy. It was pleasing to see Marine an Harbours doing the boat checks and Fisheries paying a couple of visits. Good to get away and spend some time with the boy and my mates. Also good to meet another FW member in Baron 88.

Cant wait for next year !!










Pennsylvania and New Jersey 2014

Michael and I took a long weekend trip to Pennsylvania and New Jersey. I caught 9 new species among the 22 species caught in the 4 days. I also lost a Striped Bass and a Chain Pickerel. Fishing was good overall, but we had many challenges along the way.

As usual, you can read about the trip on the blog.

And here are the 9 new species I caught over the weekend.

Oyster Toadfish (Opsanus tau) - Species #395

Bluespotted Sunfish (Enneacanthus gloriosus) - Species #396

Banded Sunfish (Enneacanthus obesus) - Species #397

Mud Sunfish (Acantharchus pomotis) - Species #398

Flathead Catfish (Pylodictis olivaris) - Species #399

American Eel (Anguilla rostrata) - Species #400!

Grey Triggerfish (Balistes capriscus) - Species #401

Dusky Smooth-hound (Mustelus canis) - Species #402

Cutlip Minnow (Exoglossum maxillingua) - Species #403

Metro YFT in August ----- You betcha!

Great arvo on the water, me, Langa, Baron and TimVB headed out at 11 am, very gentlemanly. The plan was for a quick dhu jig on the way out then look for some early season sambos for a bit of fun. Things got pretty interesting after that!

First off, Troy with a nice dhu, a PB on jig for Baron.

We then got a few sambos and amberjack on jig but it was hard work and we went to probably 5 shallow sambo spots for a handful of small sambos.

Then it gots nuts after we saw a free jumping fish.....looks like a August......surely not???

Langa was first up.

Followed by Troy.

Tim then got a strippie, released, and as we let the lure back in it got hit immediately, we me landing this YFT which tipped the scales just over 19 kg.

We had to fight off a bloody big shark as we gaffed the tuna......he was not happy and circled the boat for 10 minutes....awesome sight.

lb kalbarri 19/7/14-2/8/14


 Done a 2 week trip on me own of hardcore landbased fishing and fished flat out for all 2 weeks, met up with tangles and wes f on the first night for a big session down the local pub bloody hell to say i was rough the next day is an understatement it was more like i'd woken up from an autopsy.

 Spinning for tailor only managed a couple fish in the 2-3kg range most of my time was spent on the cliffs with tangles gettin bricked the local sharks took quite a liking to me this trip but still manged my first legal pinky few udersize baldies some big sand snapper golden trevs skippy also dropped a good sambo and a golden est bout 10kg also fished with james 1989 one mornin and he slayed the skippy and got a nice baldy

Garies were thick and great way to relax after a hard mornings fishing

 Highlights were defently my mulloway caught while fishing with tangles (cheers for getting wet brother) and ben derecki he was takin on a slab of the tailor in the pics, and helpin tangles land his cobia(handlining braid not much fun!) there were a few nerves moments but managed to get him up defently one of the best lb captures i've been apart of. 

Looking forward to doin it all again soon make sure you got your trecking shoes on tangles for next time my bloody legs are still hurting next trip wont be far away i'm hooked on that place












Moore River Mulloway

 caught 8:30 saturday morning, third cast of the day.


Coral Bay Minor Success

Headed up to Coral Bay for the first time last month and took up the 4.7m tinny with us - on a side note; was pretty stoked to average 16L/100km towing with a petrol Prado for the whole trip .

Without having any experience In CB the fishing was pretty tough, got very conflicting reports in regards to being able to catch decent fish inside the reef. Didn't manage to get out either of the first 2 days due to the wind. Day Three we headed out towards North Passage and had a troll around the edge of the reef which produced nothing and then came back inside the reef as the swell was pretty sizeable and a little disconcerting! Inside the reef using soft plastics I was just picking up little Charlie Court and other small Cod in about 7m-8m of water...then BANG all of sudden I was on and was calling it for a shark early as it went straight for the sand and was surfacing, it was peeling the line off my Pfluguer Salt 60 with 30lb line at high speed and got about 150m from the boat and then we decided to pull anchor and chase it down and then turns out it was a decent sized trevally - thought it could have been a GT but I've been informed it looks more like a Brassy - thoughts?? My estimate was that it was about 18kgs.

Day 4 then saw us head out of the South Passage (got to follow a bloke out through the passage who I met at the ramp - good to see some locals are willing to help out a CB Newbie!) and we trolled for about an hour all up and had one hook up which almost saw my mate Christen his Saltist with a nice mackie until the lure pulled out about 5m from the boat - a few expletives were thrown about!!!! Talk about whales - my sister counted about 25 of the moving hazards!!! 

Day 5 was our most productive day and rewarded us with our only table fish for the trip - half a dozen Spanglies which were delicious! My mum also got a nice golden trevally which I guessed to be about 13Kgs or so. 

All in all was a drama free trip which is all that you can really ask for and got away from the cold weather in Perth!!


Has anyone found any pilch (yelloweye mullet) around lately?
usually some around during winter but havent heard of much so far
everyone has been after bigger and better fish I think

Old friend meet again !!! American angler 2nd Thailand fishing Trip.- BKKGUY

Dave is back to fish in Thailand again.... He fished with us from last year.

Below was his last year fishing trip with us.

This year round, he brought along his fishing buddy Chris to join him for this thailand adventure fishing trip.

Enjoys the photos highlights and vid youtube clip I edited for their wonderful trip in Thailand.

8 arapaima fishes, 6 big fat redtail catfish ,1 alligator gar and many mekong catfish for this trip.

Fruitful and memoreies trip for these 2 fishing buddies.

Some of the photos highlights:

Cichlids in the Canning

 On the canning this morning and managed to scoop this cichlids off the surface not lookin to healthy. A terrible sign for the future!

Australia Family Reza 1 Day Mekong Catfish- BKKGUY

Reza 's family had  a great time  fishing  with us at this famous Bungsamrun fishing park last week.

I was not available that day to guide them myself so I sent my  Bkklady (my lady's boss) & son (Michael) to service them.

Great fishing !!! Great fun for Reza's family.

Here some of the photos highlight of that day.











coral bay week 1

 Not a lot to report on the fishing front. Weather has been breezy to say the least and today was the first day we could get out into deep water. Fished 90m and managed some good Goldband to 5 kgs and some reasonable reds. We also picked up some very welcome pearl perch. Fish for dinner tonight. Ill put some pics up later as I have to transfer from Iphone to tablet. Weather looking very good over the next couple of days so time to make hay while the sun shines cos it gets windy again Monday onwards. More to follow later.



just had to post this one. Eldest boy blooded his new venom and talica on a stonker red

North West Trip Report

 Hi all, I have been a member of the site for quite a while now and though it was about time I posted a report from one of my recent trips up north with a mate.

We left Perth in the early hours of Monday Morning with hope to get up to Quobba in the early afternoon for an afternoon fish. We arrived at around 2:30 and were greated with a high swell which wasnt ideal as we had hoped to spin for a few days before heading further north.

We headed straight to Camp Rock and after about 20min of collecting crabs for bait we were fishing with the hope of a nice Baldie for the table. After being busted off by something large I managed to land a nice Baldie which was quickly dispatched to the fridge. 

We continued to fish up to sunset being busted off a number of times by some larger models.

We woke the next morning to a 5m swell which made fishing almost impossible so we made a decision to head further north. We headed towards Coral Bay and ended up going into Waroora Station to stay the night and have a fish in the morning. We managed a decent Spangled Emperor a few small Trevally and a massive Buff bream which my freind foul hooked in the side, it was fair to say we were just slightly dissapointed when he landed it as we had hoped for a more prized fish!

That afternoon we headed up to Coral Bay where we were able to get a spot on a freinds boat which was great. we headed out the north passage and had a troll for a while and had no luck so we decided to go inside the reef to about 4m of water and have a go with the light rods and the plastics. 

We managed a few small Spangos in the first half hour and then something larger took my 3 inch paddeltail plastic and went for a serious run which had us all calling it to be a turtle. After about a 20 minute fight a massive Chinaman Fish revealed itself. After 20 minutes of tense times with the net we managed to land it. I didnt get a measurement but it would have been upwards of 15kg and on 15lb braid I was pretty exited to say the least.

That night we headed up to Exmouth and spend the next 5 days there. With the lack of baitfish close to shore the fishing was tough and we struggled with the Queenies ect but we had some good luck each night at Mildura Wreck on the Spangled Emperor and Yellow tailed Emperor on the low tide in the evening.

 One morning we waked across the road from the caravan park and fished Hunters and I managed to land this nice Spangled Emperor which pulled some string!

After the 5 days that we spent in Exmouth we decided to head out on a charter down in Coral Bay so we packed up and spent a couple of nights at the carvan park dopwn there. The day before the charter we again went out in the boat and ended up with 18 Squid in about an hour which made for some great times.

Our last day in coral bay ws spent on the Mahi Mahi 3, we headed out of the south passage into 100m of water and as soon as we got out there everyone was hooking up. Plenty of Reds and Goldband were landed at that spot leaving everyone with smiles from ear to ear. We then headed out to 150m in search of some Bigger Goldband and the spot didnt dissapoint! The sounder lit up and I couldnt get the bait in the water quick enough.

Both me and my freind got out limit of goldband and other tasty fish which was awesome and someone even managed to land a Marlin on the way back in! 

Couple of Nice Goldies.

Marlin Shot.

Another shot of the Marlin Boat Side.

All in All fantastic trip and we headed back to Perth and the cold gloomy weather that day.

Thanks for reading!

Broome Jetty Queenies

was up in broome for my missus 30th bday over the weekend. I was sternly told before we left that 'this is not a fishing trip', however managed to get a small amount of fishing in around her birthday festivities.


headed out on the jetty and the queenies were absolutely everywhere... pretty much everyone was pulling them up- most were small approx 2kg skinnies but a few larger 5+kg models were caught. I got a couple on plastics, larger sinking skirts where also doing the damage casted along the side of the jetty and retrieved / jigged with a bit of pace. Seeing as nothing else was on the bite a lot of crew were keeping them to eat..... they are ok fresh but nothing to speak of.

here's a quick video of some of the action- apologies for the quality (note my hand in the way from time to time- i didnt want to drop my phone in the drink!


another bloke was a bit too slow reeling a fish in and one of the resident gropers / cod had a good feed.



Lano Wrap up.

I realized I forgot to finish our Lano report. So the first half was about a month or so ago and we finally got out to the Key Biscayne and although there were no big Sambos around I managed to finally get a decent Dhu on a jig !! The skippy were going nuts as well and we bagged out, they were even smashing 300g jigs ! Here's a couple more photos plus a we bonus laugh when my rod went off whilst I was gearing up for blast on my mates MX bike ! Cheers

Jurien Bay Report

Just been up in Jurien for the last week. 

During the day blowies were about all that was happening with the odd whiting and tiny pinky biting. 

The marina as per usual was swamped with blowies and a few small flatties.

Fished the jetty late every night, only ended up landing a few rays, hooked a few very large unstoppables (not sure what they were but thinking shovelnose or sharks) on a mixture of live herring and yakkas which were more than plentiful, and also got haunted by the elusive mulloway with a couple good hookups called with headshakes etc. which unfortunately didnt stick.

Was a good week overall, just wish we landed a couple good fish.



Spot the Ocea Jigger between the Sambos

RIP my favourite PE3 combo (Ocea Jigger NR1500PG and Hearty Rise 5ft 8 rod) which just met a watery demise.......the one and only design flaw with the Ocea Jigger, the handle turning by itself and engaging the gears, resulted in the jig coming to an abrupt stop after casting forward of the boat, ripping my favourite outfit from my hands........had it not been for the great white lurking below that had just nabbed a sambo I may have jumped in.........

Happier memories from last year......

RIP my little friend.

Is north mole open yet

 Is the north mole open yet. And has anyone been catching fish out there. I live in mandurah so I don't want to drive all the way there and told to fuk off 

The Mighty Bucaneer Hori falls video added!

For the last 8 days i have been lucky enough to have been at the Bucaneer Archipeligo off Derby with 3 mates.


What can i say what a amazing place, the pictures and videos i have do not do it justice, ( more to follow when i go through them)


We went from fishing 40m deep water to flicking at cliff faces to trolling in mangroves to snorkelling in pristine untouched coral to swimming in freshwater waterfalls withing a few kms of each other. Amazing scenery I did a snorkel in the middle of a mangrove and it was like being in a large aquarium. The tides were huge and lucky to be with a mate that has done it a few times in his boat. Pretty amazing to to whirpool drops in the middle of deep water. Would be a pretty dangerous trip to unexperinced people.


The fishing was amazing but very hard at the same time. Tides and getting fish away from the rocks was the biggest factor. I lost a few good fish but landed more fish than ever before mainly on light gear. Goldens, gts, queenies, jacks, tarpon, fingermark, bluebone, tuna, estuary cod, qld groper, bream, salmon, mackies, trout and a few more.


We spent 7 nights sleeping on the boat and we still had ice the day we got home. We went as far as Horizontal waterfalls and then turned around and came home.The weather was a bit rough at times but there was always a island to tuck behind.


Can't wait to do more offshore trips !


A video of Hori falls, was Low tide but you can still see the awesome power:


A quick snorkel in the Mangroves








Squid metro

 Any squid being caught metro LB? Hoping to head out sometime this week. Fairly new to squidding so don't know many spots.

oh and a quick question, what pound mainline and leader do you use for squidding?



squid in warnbro sound

any one been catching any squid in Warnbro sound or around the sbay area?