Brag Board

Brag Rights, Catch and Release or Unusual Captures

My PB Snapper

Went out Yesterday and got this 90cm approx 9kg (old spring scales)

smashing my prevous best at 70cm.

We were in the 90s great day on the water see full story in another thread.

Cray numbers

Well after 2 days off pulling pots in ledge point i thought id just give ya a heads up on the cray situation. Been getting a mixture of reds and soft whites, Been fishing mainly on the beach, 4 fathoms. Been getting a few but the whites are no way into full swing yet. Id expect to see the recs further south start cathing within the week. Hope that helps guys.


Finally Legal

Finally i caught my first legal coral trout, only took me about 5 months!! Went about 520

Good Karma out there

Went down the Club about 7.30pm last night, beautiful night, take the dog for a snuffle.  Anyway about 7.50pm a club member (CM) came in (god those honda 4stroke are silent).  Got his boat ready to retrieve and had a yak fishing etc, went to his car Bob and I sitting there watching the sunset, next minute CM came back and Bob said you need a jumb start mate, no said the CM I've going out to help a young bloke get his boat.  The young bloke had swam from Woodie Point, little bay between point and club house, asked the CM if he would help.  Bob yelled out do you want any help CM said no.  We decided to stay just in case anything went wrong.  So 8.50pm came and CM towed the young bloke in, put him on the public ramp and then come back to the club.  Young bloke offered money etc but CM said don't need the money, just hope that if its me that somebody will help me.

So there are good people out there fellas, thought I'd share it with you all, good stuff, we hear so much about the nasty side of boat people, this made my day. CM caught some nice skippy for his effect, said it was magic out there.


buying a kayak 2.7m to 3m

buyin a 2.5m to 3.5m kayak looking to do a bit of fishng in it and tell me if u got any spare kayak stuff for sale


my best cod to date

Well we went to the murray bright and early after a while managed to score this litlebeauty my new PB yay yay yay yay

50lb plus 115cm beauty my new best ,,im absolutely rapped now what a day yay yay yay yay yay

codseeker did the damage again love these lures

ohh and most of the bloodis from me in the excitement scored a treble in the finger



Blend in like a Black Bum

Went out today and wanted to blend in the fish


Even got a wave from a whale


Then a turtle

Picked up 4 mulloway and got saturated coming back

Game boat section winner !!!!!

When I first got my boat the nephew and I decided to go down to the Mandurah fishing comp for a go !! This would have been the 2007 comp I think. We arrived the night before and dropped the boat in and got some very funny looks as we tied up to the wharf (being a cheap ol rough looking boat with a rough looking skipper and a bloody hippy). But as we did not give a rats ass what they thought off to tea in the club house we went !! I slept on the boat and Shaun set his swag up on the landing (more funny looks).

In the morning up for the breaky and set the boat up and off to the start line !!! What a buzz. More boats than you can poke a stick at and all wanting the front possie. The start is something to see(from the back). By the time they all get going the wake/seas and swell make for the biggest washing machine you would ever see. After letting them all go for a minute or two off we putter.

Not fished in Mandurah all bar twice before we thought we would go in the direction that most boats had taken. Out to the 30's and fished all day with very little to show for it. To say we were disappointed would be an extreme understatement !!!!!! But we wanted to get back for the weigh in so off we toddled.

We got half way back a few birds were diving on a school of bait fish. We each threw a lure out the back and skirted the school. Within the first minute I was on and then Shaun. We got the tuna in the boat and was happy just to have something to eat atleast. On the way in we were joking that the fish Shaun had caught was the winner and what we would do with the prize money(there were game boats heading out that would top the magic mil I recon)!!!

At the weigh in the tuna pulled the scales down at ALMOST 3kg and was hanging there for quite some time!! We were watching the bags empty out of the fridge and the joking got less and less!! Well blow me down Shaun(and my boat) had won the game fish section. Some of the BOYS that had been looking at us the night before and were giving a chuckle here and there ATE SOME HUMMBLE PIE!!!!!

$1000 for a days fun on the water !!!! The bragging rights !!!!! The red faces !!!!! Just goes to show you don't need a multi 00000 boat to be in da money at the comps !!!!!

PS: Only just found these pictures and video on my phone and downloaded them


  <embed src="" width="176" height="164" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"/><br/>
<a href="">[More videos from StaalLover]</a>

Splitting the winnings!!!!

Biggish sort of Dhufish caught off Leeman

Just wanted to say I caught a lazy 28 and half pound Dhufish  a few weeks ago,  caught approximately 8 mautical mile due west of Leeman and I still have a freezer full of lovely fillets.


Leeman is the best fishing town on the Coral coast,  a beautiful town to boot :)




Nice sunset over dampier

fishing last weekend

Well it’s a little late but I’ve been in Northam for the week working. God it’s good to be home. Last weekend headed out from Two Rocks with young Jody on board .The day was slow to begin with but things picked up towards to afternoon, a big assortment of fish were landed most of which were released. All up 26 six fish were landed from Dhuies,Sombos, Baldchin ,Sargent Baker, Gernard, Blackass, Foxfish, Bluespot Flathead, also a couple of large fish were lost Jesse struggled with what we guess was a large Dhuie for thirteen minutes on his nine kg gear, only to have the line brake for no reason, just as the fish was in sight .Kept a couple of Dhuies and a few blackass for dinner ,Jody flathead also made the dinner plate

marmion ave ext to two rocks

opens today it going to cut some time off the travel to two rocks!no more going around the back way. one things for sure im going to miss the ocean veiw tavern on the way home!

Exmouth in October!

Hey guys!

Here is some pictures from my recent trip to exmouth.

Was my second trip but a lot of firsts, as last year the weather was insane.

This year wasn't too bad, got out in the boat each day inside the reef mostly, but got out behind the reef a couple of times and and in the gulf for a day. Still though the wind was southerly most days, and really strong which was uncomfortable, but we still managed!

In the gulf we trolled around and caught a few spotted mackerel, and saw so so many whales!

Inside the reef we just used poppers and lures, and caught a variety of great fish!

As my photos show, I caught my first GT, watch this thing come from 30-40m away and smash my popper, was amazing! Was thinking wow now this is exmouth!! Put up a great fight and I was stoked!

Also caught my first gold spot trevally!

Another highlight of the trip was watching a spanish mackerel chase down my popper and have 3 goes at it, unfortunately not hooking up! Was amazing to watch though!

But the main type of fish caught was the hard fighting spangled emperor!! We caught many of these in shallow water and lost a few as well (including our poppers!). Such hard fighting fish in shallow water and to see them come up to grab a popper was something you don't forget in a hurry!

 Other types of fish we caught were cobia and heaps of charlie courts!

All in all was a good trip, and can't wait for the next trip! 



Took matt ( hlok)out yesterday for a few hours to bang a few squid and managed 7 good sized ones and a cuttlefish , keeps the mrs happy with calamari and the heads are in the freezer getting ready to have a 14/0 threaded through them and sent down to the fish gods .We tried for some snapper on the outside but as we came in we saw two boats with flashing blue lights headed out towards where we were fishing , got back into the marina at woodies and another boat pulled up and asked us , " didn't You see the boat out there sinking " . So it proves at night that flares are your friend , stayed around till they brought the boat in and ended up being someone i knew. On asking him why he didn't let a flare go and alert us , he replied " Didn't think it was serious till the water started to come over the motor ", Once on the trailer  you could see the split straight up the keel of the boat ( Savage ) . And he didn't have insurance so yep - SPEECHLESS

Another nice tailor


I noticed Ryans post started with a big metro tailor. It looks like there might be quite a few around, I got this one last evening, 710mm and 3.2kg (7lb).

Fishing from a boat Rockingham area.



Broome pics

Hey guys,

I finally got the pics from the camera from my trip from broome, if you look in my gallery or the latest images they are there.

I have a heap of other fishy pics but thats all i can be bothered posting for now hahaha.

I will see if i can get a pic of the best fish of the trip, a monster bluebone caught on a handline which nearly ripped me fingers off. lol.
i think my sister has that pic on her camera, so when i see here nex i'll try get it.

hope you like them.

Anyone heading out for a fish tomrw?

Anyone else heading out for a fish tomrw?  Weather is looking heading out to catch a bag of killer whiting tomrw morning..putting in at hillarys at 6am..i will give my new 30hp full noise down to scarbs area, then she will be on for young and old !

Recent Camera Pics!

Many pictures are saved for future articles but after Brads "where's da pic's" i though i'd put up some that wont be used!

Had plans to catch up and fish with a mate at Cottesloe for some tailor. Finished work later than expected and decided to still go down but without my fishing gear. Caught up with PJ and whilst the tailor run has been a bit quiet this biggen was welcomed. This is my mates PB tailor and i weighed it at 3kg extactly on digital scales....awesome metro PB mate!



Recently I took out Steve & Dean from FW to catch up for a fish and to also show them my FCV1100 sounder in action. They're looking at upgrading their unit and was a great excuse to go fishing. Dean & myself did okay but Steve kicked butt!



Recently I went to Exmouth, fished with fly for pretty well the whole trip, got many different species but i love my Big Quenies, especially on popper flys....very visual!



Mike with a smaller quennie, he ended up with some biggens also but quick release/no pics!



Got some big Spango's on poppers (no pictures due to quick release) but we got a few smaller ones on fly!





Just a few pics to post up, the rest locked away!


A cracker of a day in the Pilbara

Left pointt Samson around 530 this morning and the weather didnt look to great but we got to our spot and got a few nothwest snapper not much happening so we decided to move not far around the same lump.  Pulled up at the spot and saw some good marks on the sounder the next hour we pulled up some magnificent fish from coral trout 3 of over 6 kilo, red emperor , rankin cod and some big northwest snapper .  It was the hottest bite you could imagine. Come 9am we had our limits so we headed in with glass like conditions to be greeted by a few whales.  Went for a bit of a dive to cool off after a hot session. Home by ten and a few beers to celebrate.

monties 08 report

Just got back from 5 weeks on my good mates charter boat Blue Lightning III. Chad runs a great charter and his fishing results show for themselves. Had 4 charters with the first being all my family and a few mates some great fish, espeically steves mackeral on 6lb on a plastic.

Had an awsome day gamefishing with 6 tags in black marlin ranging from 25kg to a 90kg fish to steve again. 1hr long fight on 15kg and refused to have a harness. Unfortunatly I lost my first marlin with a lively little fish tip rapping me at the back of the boat, a few swear words were said and a few eskys copped my wrath!!!

The next couple of days were spent playing around the islands in Chads tender Heart Starter a boston whaler. First cast and this big boy slammed my popper in half a meter of water. 80lb locked down and some fancy rod work had him in the boat. Not bad for my first gt on popper and made up for my lost fish the day before. Still pumped. est 30-35kg. Caught a few more upto 15kg and the boys getting smoked on a few bigger.

Next trip we had the "Popper Polisher fishing club" on Board good bunch of blokes from perth who didnt mind loosing a few poppers to gt's. 15lb mono wasnt a good idea. Found a lil spot on the island and pulled 6 gts one after the other upto 10kg. With a customer pulling a hefty 9kg queeny on the same spot.
Another day marling fishing saw 8 tags go into 6 marlin and 2 sails. After finishing up trolling we went for a bottom fish to get some dinner.I dropped a smith cmb155 jig over the side on my stella 8k and jigging master max 200 loaded with PE 3. Half way up was getting hit after hit without hooking up, finally came up solid and with a few heart in the mouth moments and jumps latter got this bad boy up, absolutly stoked!!!!

Not bad for your fish marlin.

The last 2 trips were spent with melb punters. caught plenty of Gt's upto 25kg and 8 tags placed in billfish, unfortunatly still waiting for photos. Found one spot in 20m were chinaman fish were going crazy on jigs, bay jigs and what ever was thrown over the side. 80 released in 2hrs. Landed one close to 10kg on 20lb. These fish pull hard and fight dirty. A few dollars were donated that session.

Unforntatly back in perth and the beer doesnt taste the same down here in the cold but if anyone wants to head to the monties chad's the man especially if you are more into sportfishing, unlike most boats that just bottom bounce. Blue Lightning Charters if any one is keen and taking bookings for next year. If you want any more info send us a pm

PB Pinky, just in time!

Whilst the Sound has gone quiet i still dont give up. Went out last night again, looking around everywhere and the last spot to check just on sundown showed some good fish. Been looking at this spot over the many trips before but quiet, how things change quickly!

I said to the boys that we might get the tail end of the feed and that we did. I tagged & released my captures and the boys kept some to take home. We got busted up by many more....some good en fish!

Carl with his PB pink snapper, just in time before the ban....weighed 8kg!


10 year old shows us up !

After getting the car back from the panel shop last Friday and the trailer all sorted out with a new winch post and repairs to the draw bar, decided to head up to Two Rocks for a look see on Monday.

Keep seeing these great fishing reports from up there, so figured it was my turn to boat some good fish.

Arrived at the ramp around 6.30am, with 2 boats just departing the marina, a 3rd on the ramp and only a small handfull of cars in the carpark, we had the boat in the water within 2-3 minutes. 

Only been up there once before in a mates boat and we had a wait of 30-40 minutes to launch.

Guessing either the place got hammered on Sat/Sun, or everyone headed into the sound to chase the snapper !

The weather was superb and just got better as the day went on - much different to the forecast on BOM and seabreeze !


Not knowing the ground up there, headed out west to the 40's for a look.

First drop and my 10yr old son Brandon was on within 5 minutes.

He thought he had the bottom at first, then the tell tale thumps on his rod proved otherwise.

Several minutes later a nice 9kg Dhuie floated up from the boat. Not bad on light weight gear.

He had a massive grin on his dial.. not sure if that was from the fish or the fact he won a bet with his grandfather - If he caught the first dhuie he would get $5... double if it was a big one !!

Thought this was going to be cracker of a day !

Nothing much after that first one.

Moved around the area looking and found a lump with plenty of fish showing - turned out to be sambo's..... bugger

Ran North up the bank for about 12 miles - nothing...

Had a fish on the way back in - still nothing...


Bit disappointing considering the weather conditions we had and covering nearly 60 nautical miles for the day !

If any one could enlighten me on some good ground up in Two Rocks, I would be very greatful Smile

Wouldn't mind having another crack before the ban kicks in.

FW-Brandon20lbdhuie290908.jpg Brandon and his pb dhuie picture by kaney68





Fish today - Work tomorrow !!!



First Sambo

We Went down south for the long weekend to try our luck out near canal and the Bay, thanks to Harro we had some guides on where to go and what we should be expecting. I was hoping on spending some time out the west side of canal rock and land some dhu's but the swell was a lil big and my deckies were not too keen on staying out there for too long, we spent a few hours out there with no luck and decided to pull the pin after one of my mates emptied his guts over the side.

We then launched off at old dunsborough and drove up to eagle bay found a nice patch and burlied up, again not much action, a few skippies, leather jackets, harli's and an unknown fish (see attached, anyone know what it is?). I had a live Skip paddling for its life out the back for a few hours and nothing, this skip had a bit of fight in him as even after we relocated he was still swimming strong. Eventually a nice Sambo swimming by decided he was an easy prey and smashed him and firmly jigging my hook in the side of his mouth. Fought him for about 15-20 minutes, toughest skippy ive seen for a long time as he managed to swim free once we got the sambo up to the boat. Anyway, the result was a some 18-20kg Sambo that i was might impressed with!

lee t gets a pb

took lee t out from two rocks on sun and lee t got a nice 17.5 kg duhie. i managed a nice pinkie at 750mm, the day had a lot of missed opportunities.  lee t was busted of twice and i lost a thumper as well, oh well thats fishing

TwoRocks - maiden voyage

Our first trip off tworocks today, explored the northern ground and got into a few. Around the 40m mark.

Going out tomorrow and fishing slightly south, Thanks to PaulG for the help aswell.

In total had 4 dhuies all size, 1 released, and the one pinky. Back into tworocks by 1pm.

shopping therapy

just picked this up..yesterday 10,000 kms on her

.. 2008 glx-r triton absolute it.

will keep me in a good mood for a while i

was gonna buy a range rover sport but didnt have 167k



PB Dhufish, awesome PB at that!

I've had a few weeks of up in Exmouth and I'd be luying if i didnt say I was pumped to come back to Perth for more action.

I launched Tuesday 23rd at 10am, gentleman hours and thought i'd miss some of the big blowy eaterly but not the case. As mentioned it blew and intensified until lunch......backed off at 1pm > Did well with big BB, KG, pinks and Dhufish to 21kg!

I did recon work due to not fishable conditions and sussed out some old co-ords to see if fish were active. When the wind dropped,we fished 3 spots only. The last spot was a bit of hard ground that stood 2m high but ran along like a small ridge. I drove over this spot for 5 min having a look and no action at all re fish.

I said to Shaun that this type of ground I dont drop on due to no activity but the amount of hidey holes in this ground can hide a big Dhufish. I said we'll have a quick drop as my gut instinct said so......we both dropped and i got a 5kg Dhu, he got his PB at 10kg. Shaun was wrapped and he said "thanks that's my PB Ryan". I said we'll have one more drop and move on. We both dropped again and Shaun hooked up big time!

The result was a VERY quick New PB Dhufish for Shaun..............weighed 21kg but i think it could of gone more on certified scales...a good fish none the less!

Well done mate again!



boat painting

is any one in the know of a company that spray paints boats,once i have a anchor well welded on the boat it will need painting also going to touch up a few other areas while im at it as the spear guns and weight belt have started to leave a few marks,north or south of the river doesnt relly matter! also looking at trading her in ,in the near future for bigger and better!cheers Ben!

todays easterly broke my

todays easterly broke my anchor well and im pretty sure i was touching cotton on a few ocassions, need to give that easterly i bit more respect i think,did any one else go out. the wind was quite light around 6 am and picked up around 9 a little to rough for th quintex i for the day 1 pinky,1 queeny,and a kuput anchor well and snaped fire extingisher bracket, should of stayed home!

nice day in the sound

With the wonderful forcast of light sea breezes and sunshine I decided to take "Rayman" and "Skip" up on their offer of a fish today out in the sound.

Skip looked pretty bad with a monster hangover and rayman was a bit late, the conditions were superb with a 25knot westerly blowing and a slight cloud cover and I was just itching to get out there.

Rayman dropped anchor out on a lump in the middle of the sound whilst skip was whinging about being crook and threatening to outfish me for the day, we started our burley trail and put the baits out, not long after I boated a 56cm pinkie and tore the piss out of skip who could only manage a few 20cm trevally.

Next up Rayman hooked upto what seemed a decent fish and skip was having a huge battle with a massive 18cm herring, some minutes later I released a beautiful eagle ray of about 15kg for the "RAYSLAYER" whilst skip rebaited.

After about an hour my line starts to tighten up and I'm on, you beauty! after a few minutes a nice 70cm pink hits the esky, not to be outdone tho skip pulls a monster pink so a photo is in order, congrats, beers, hand shakes and back slapping all round on skips magnificent capture, top effort mate.

 Happy with our snapper in such lovely conditions we decided entre's was in order so we headed accross the mirror calm sound to the islands at a rate of about 8 knotts, fairly flying we were.

Thanks Rayman & Skippy for a good day out in such wonderfull conditions, it was total fun!!!


Skips massive pink

 Skip lost a bit of hair due to rubbing in the roof of the cab, diji is a bad man and needs to carpet the ceiling to stop such terrible chaffing.

Score for the day was

Al 2 nice pinks & a couple of squid

Diji a few squid & a ray

Boofhead, a sore arse, head & some herring, squid, skippy and his biggest fish to date, a magnifficent 20cm snapper.

Cheers, Al.