Recfishwest Broadcast
Last weeks broadcast if any ones interested. some good stuff happening.
Broad Cast is being sent out each month to over 40,000 recreational fishers and is providing a valuable service by keeping you informed of the many issues Recfishwest is working on to make fishing in WA better.
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Here are Some of the Best Moments for WA Recreational Fishing in 2014
EXTENSIVE assessment of three of Western Australia’s key demersal scalefish species in early 2014 demonstrated that recovery of these stocks had begun, confirming that current management arrangements were working.
The stock assessment of the key indicator species (West Australian Dhufish, Pink Snapper and Baldchin Groper) focussed on the West Coast Bioregion, where a suite of recreational and commercial fishing management measures were introduced between 2008 and 2010.
Those management measures were designed to reduce both sectors catches by at least 50 per cent on 2005/06 levels, to reduce pressure on stocks and allow them to rebuild.
The assessment showed that the rec sector is playing its part as these targeted reductions are more than being met.
It's great to see the research confirming what many fishers on the water are reporting with good catches of dhuies and pinkies coming through.
Read More on our Research...
RECFISHWEST last month welcomed news millions of Herring would be left in the water in a move to ensure the sustainability of WA’s most important fish.
The Fisheries Minister, Ken Baston, announced the closure of the commercial G-trap fishery for Herring and a reduced recreational bag limit of 12 fish per person per day will come into effect on March 1 this year.
While there is the reduction in the bag limit for recreational fishers that Recfishwest believes is a more drastic that needed, the decision will leave hundreds of tonnes of spawning Herring in WA waters each year.
Starting in April 2014, Recfishwest's annual northern tour was again a tremendous success.
The tour lasted more than five weeks and took Recfishwest's famous family fishing clinics, which have been running for more than 15 years, to kids throughout the northern half of the state.
Hundreds of children had a ball at more than 30 clinics across nine community centres from Carnarvon to the Dampier Peninsular.
These clinics are a popular and fun way to promote sustainable fishing to the next generation of WA fishers.
For More on our Northern Tour, click here.
LAKE Kununurra moved closer to becoming a recreational fishing asset for the Kimberley and a major drawcard for tourists, following the release of additional Barramundi fingerlings into the lake in May.
In May 2014, the Kimberley Training Institute released more than 200,000 juvenile Barramundi in two stockings as part of the Department of Fisheries’ Lake Kununurra restocking program.
The Barramundi fingerlings averaging over 50mm in size were released at the Lake Kununurra side of the Argyle Dam wall.
Read More on Stock Enhancement...
RECFISHWEST welcomed a new Chairman in October.
After five years in the role, incumbent Andrew Matthews stepped down at the 2014 Annual General Meeting, and was replaced by Tim Bray.
Mr Matthews was a tireless worker for recreational fishing in WA during his time as Chairman, a period during which Recfishwest's role as the peak body for recreational fishers evolved dramatically.
Mr Bray said he was grateful for the legacy that Andrew leaves, but also very aware that there will be many challenges and opportunities ahead, and in facing them recognise how important our members are in providing input and direction.
"I am strongly motivated by the challenge of leading Recfishwest and representing the interests of WA’s recreational fishers as we drive towards securing sustainable, accessible, enjoyable and safe fishing for the state’s 740,000 recreational fishers. I am excited about continuing to build the effectiveness of our organisation and our professional standing within the wider community", Mr Bray said
Mr Bray, first appointed to the Recfishwest Board in 2012, was a non-executive director of Recfishwest and a past chair of the Recfishwest Communications Committee.
IT was announced in October last year that two exciting and innovative new metropolitan artificial reefs were set to be built using licence fees collected from WA recreational fishers through the Recreational Fishing Initiatives Fund (RFIF), supported by Recfishwest and the Department of Fisheries.
Two steel artificial reefs measuring 12m high, 10m long, 7m wide and weigh about 50 tonnes (the size of a four story building) will increase recreational fishing opportunities in metro waters as they will aim to improve fishing opportunities for species, such as Yellow Tail King Fish, Spanish Mackerel and multiple Tuna species.
The state's artificial reef program had already seen two successful installations in the South-West, off Bunbury and Dunsborough, which are producing great recreational fishing opportunities, with a third reef set to be deployed off Mandurah within the next year.
Read More About Fish Habitats...
With close to 1 million Western School Prawns stocked in the Swan River in 2013 and 2014, the age old tradition of prawning with the family on a hot summers evening is back on the agenda.
The 2013 stock will be of good size for the pot with 2014's stock not far off.
This project will attempt to address the decline of the recreational fisher for the Western School Prawn and in doing so engage fishers in the stewardship of the fishery and the Swan and Canning rivers.
The project will pilot the production and release of Western School Prawns over a 3 year
period and engage fishers through a community prawn watch program.
Improving prawn stocks over a short period will make river prawn fishing more accessible to the wider community, facilitating their connection to the river and its health.
Channel 9 News will give you an update tonight, the preview can be viewed here.
RECFISHWEST was pleased with the response to a clean-up day on the Swan River on May 18.
Although the weather wasn't all that great, around 50 volunteers including families, local residents and kids turned out to help clean up rubbish around Garratt Road Bridge and Hinds Reserve in Bayswater.
The initiative was supported by Recfishwest, Swan River Trust, Clean Marine, City of Bayswater and Native Animal Rescue (who kindly provided their boat to ferry volunteers to collect rubbish on the other side of river).
Read More About Healthy Fishing Environments...
Perth metro waters received a huge boost in December 2014, with two newly designed world class Fish Aggregating Devices (FADs) deployed West of the ever popular Rottnest Island last week, allowing year round fishing opportunities.
Recfishwest CEO Dr Andrew Rowland said he was excited at seeing yet another project developed using recreational fishers’ license fees which will be used to enhance recreational fishing in our state.
A NUMBER of new rock anchor points, Angel Rings and rock fishing safety signs were installed along the South Coast in 2014.
Recfishwest, in conjunction with the Department for Parks and Wildlife and community organisations, installed six new rock bolts at Albany's Salmon Holes in early 2014, while 30 were placed along the Esperance coast in December, which is very popular with anglers but has also claimed the lives of a number of rock fishers.
2014 saw the sad passing of two of WA's recreational fishing champions - Hal Harvey and Garry Lilley.
Hal had an extraordinary impact on the WA recreational fishing community, both with his business, the time-honoured Bluewater Tackle chain, and with his fishing writing for the Sunday Times and Western Angler over many years.
One of the sharpest minds in the recreational fishing industry Hal was always at the forefront of new trends in the tackle trade. During the last 3 years, Hal savoured some fantastic experiences on and off the water with family and friends, including trips to the Rowley Shoals, one of his very favourite locations, Shark Bay and Tasmania.
Whatever your hobby, pastime or interest you will likely know someone who works quietly and tirelessly behind the scenes. Garry Lilley was one of these people. He worked hard to ensure the sustainability of key recreational fish species, especially bottom fish such as Dhufish. When Garry saw Dhufish affected by barotrauma floating away after being released, he thought there must be a better way to release these iconic fish.
Enter the release weight, which Garry invented to take care of floating bottom fish, and which has now become mandatory for boats catching demersal fish in the west coast bioregion and carried by many responsible fishers outside of this area. Garry's simple invention has lead to increased survival of important demersal fish right across the state, country and most likely the world.
Perth's biggest recreational family fishing event is back on in 2015.
Come down to McCallum Park, South Perth on February 21st to register for the event then spend the day and night enjoying the surrounds of the beautiful Swan River while trying your hand at a spot of fishing too.
Return on the Sunday morning 22nd for a great spectacle. New Weigh-in stage, grand stand seating, great sponsors prizes - all behind the backdrop of the Swan River and the Perth city skyline.
Keep up to date on the Swanfish website for the latest info or regularly check our Facebook page.
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Posts: 349
Date Joined: 04/02/12
Thumbs up!
Recfishwest - keep up the sterling work.
Fisheagle Ed