Recreational Boating Facilities Scheme Round 19 March 2015
Recreational Boating Facilities Scheme Successful Round 19 Projects March 2015
City of Albany Albany recreational boating facilities study To study boating facilities and usage in the Albany municipality. $ 87,730
Shire of Ashburton Beadon Creek pontoon tie downs To construct eight tie down points to hold the jetty pontoons. $ 32,130
Shire of Augusta/Margaret River Ellis Street jetty & parking study To plan for a holding jetty and improved parking facilities at the site. $ 37,125
Broome Port Authority Entrance Point boat ramp improvements To obtain designs and approvals for improved facilities at the ramp. $ 60,000
City of Busselton Old Dunsborough jetty extension To extend the existing holding jetty. $ 165,000
City of Busselton Port Geographe marine structures plan To conduct a planning study for future upgrades at the site. $ 45,000
Shire of Carnarvon Upper Fascine channel dredging To dredge the area from Carnarvon Yacht club to the Tramway bridge. $ 365,250
Shire of Denmark /Peaceful Bay finger jetty & trailer parking To construct a finger jetty and formalise parking at Peaceful bay. $ 468,180
Shire of Derby/West Kimberley Derby Port back ramp upgrade planning To conduct a study to address siltation problems at the ramp. $ 45,000
Shire of Exmouth Tantabiddi trailer parking To upgrade the parking area at the boat ramp. $ 547,112
Shire of Harvey Ridley Place boat ramp & disabled access To install two floating jetties at the site and extend the existing ramp. $ 213,750
City of Mandurah Novara & Dawesville fish cleaning stations To construct fish cleaning stations at the two launch facilities. $ 43,295
City of Mandurah Parkridge jetty extension To extend the second holding jetty. $ 29,633
City of Mandurah Port Mandurah channel entrance dredging To dredge the entrances to the Port Mandurah canal system. $ 181,302
City of Melville Deep Water Point boat ramp study To conduct a study that will enable improvements to facilities at the ramp. $ 30,000
Shire of Murray Murray Bend trailer parking study To conduct a planning study to upgrade the parking area. $ 30,000
Department of Parks and Wildlife Walpole Town jetty & boat ramp To remove the old jetty and construct a new jetty and launching ramps. $ 676,500
Pilbara Regional Council Secret Creek access/facilities feasibility study To conduct a study to determine feasibility of installing launch facilities at Secret Creek. $138,750
City of Rockingham Donald Drive boat ramp study To conduct a study on ways of improving the ramp. $ 90,000
Shire of Roebourne Dampier turning & rigging area upgrade To upgrade the turning and rigging area at the site. $ 96,692
Shire of Roebourne Karratha Back Beach dredging & ramp upgrade study To conduct a study to improve the usability of the facility. $ 90,000
Shire of Roebourne Karratha Back Beach groyne remediation To remove a section of the existing groyne and create a longer straight groyne. $ 307,247
Shire of Shark Bay Monkey Mia parking & facilities upgrade To upgrade the parking area at the boat ramp. $ 232,500
City of Swan Fishmarket Reserve boat ramp To upgrade the boat ramp. $ 85,500
Department of Transport Augusta pontoons To construct a holding jetty/universal access pontoon at the Augusta Boat Harbour. $ 315,750
Department of Transport Bandy Creek parking upgrade To upgrade the parking area at the boat ramp. $ 187,500
Department of Transport Fishery Beach groyne To construct a groyne adjacent to the boat ramp. $ 243,755
Shire of Wyndham/East Kimberley Lily Creek Lagoon ramp, jetty & lighting To replace the existing ramp and construct two holding jetties. $1,007,804
Total of Round 19 Grants $5,852,505
Media Release, Department of Transport March 2015
Posts: 2925
Date Joined: 27/12/06
thanks for posting, that dawesville ramp will be even better with the fish cleaning facilities
finger jetty at peaceful bay will be interesting
shame there are no planned upgrades for ocean reef
Posts: 1490
Date Joined: 07/10/11
$90 000 to conduct a study
$90 000 to conduct a study on ways to improve the ramp in Rockingham,$45 000 for another one at Geographe far out cant they ask a few locals.No wonder there is never enough cash around,thanks for posting but it pisses me off when i read of the waste while the ramp i use in Bunno has 1 light 2 launch bays with a finger jetty,no dunnies and is meant to be the main city ramp.They spent over half a million on the stirling st ramp that has about 20 car/boat parks ggrrr
Call Sign - BZ785
Haynes Hunter Prowler CC
Paul H
Posts: 2104
Date Joined: 18/01/07
I could do it cheaper -
I could do it cheaper - flying out of SA even
Youtube Channel - FishOnLine Productions
Posts: 914
Date Joined: 23/02/12
$90k for the Donald drive
$90k for the Donald drive ramp!? there is no facilities or jetty there, its just a beach launch!
To conduct a study on ways of improving the ramp - $90k to do a study!?!?! someones mate is laughing all the way to the bank with that backhander. We are working in the wrong industry boys and girls - conducting "studies" is where the money is!
What a load of bullshit!
Posts: 169
Date Joined: 14/10/10
$466480 for studies, i am
$466480 for studies, i am pretty sure all they need to do is ask the locals and would get more achieved and useful facilities, rather than listening to some pencil pusher that has probably never used and will never use one of these facilities themselves. And seriously 1mil to " Lily Creek Lagoon ramp, jetty & lighting To replace the existing ramp and construct two holding jetties". i know alot goes into it, and they probably need it done, but seriously??? they are taking the micky now aren't they??? $85500 upgrade to fishmarket reserve??? they better be putting in a floating dock like at Kattaning st.
to fish or not to if there was an option.
Posts: 790
Date Joined: 25/05/12
Phukin ayethat ramp is
Phukin aye
that ramp is shocking deep hole at the end of it. bout time they did something to it
might even put bitumen in there