Neander & Faulkner Familys day out
Submitted by Faulkner Family on Sun, 2008-08-31 18:22Well what a day on the water the weather gods were not on our side but took off from Rocky around 7.30am with Neander on board. Ended up in the sound to do some squidding but they were not on our side either mind you sandy did catch one for the Squid 2 pound challenge.(in another post). After a few hours and nothing but one small squid , 1 small leather jacket and 3 herring we decided to brave it and headed out, the swell had calmed down a bit so went to the other side of the five for some KGS at 8 knots *LOL*. Russell caught 2 leather jackets around 1.8 kg , 2 KGs
Nathan caught 1 undersize snapper (released)and a sergeant baker , 1 KG and 1 leather jacket Neander caught 1 nice size black asse and 1 KG
Sandy Caught 1 Leather Jacket , 2 wrasse, 1 Kg
not to mention the 2 darn big banded sweep returned
Not a large catch but KGs are darn nice eating
The Table Shot
Not the best of days but hey any day on the water with good company is a good day
Russ & Sandy

- 1971 reads
good weekend of fishing
Submitted by schecky on Sun, 2008-08-31 17:42this weekend has held heaps of whiting and yellowtail down on the north wall at hillarys
along with some tailor
I've had a good weekend, I was fishing down at hillarys this morning and a family friend saw me n said hey as he was refueling his boat and he said hey u wanna come on the boat and i was stoked and went along.
We went out to 3 mile reef and got heaps of massive skippy, a nice sized pinky, a sambo, some wrasse, octopus and an eel in a few hours of fishing.
so i was pretty happy and came back to hillarys and got a goood feed of whiting and yellowtail.
anyone else go for a fish round that area this weekend?
- 1799 reads
Fisheries pounce on abolone, rock lobster
Submitted by Dreamweaver on Thu, 2008-08-28 17:37A LONG-running undercover operation has closed a significant black market business, the Department of Fisheries claims.
It allegedly uncovered a black market in abalone and rock lobster operating from business premises and homes in Perth and regional towns.
The joint operation between Fisheries and Marine Officers and police officers carried out searches last Thursday at a suburban retail fish shop, two city restaurants and several homes.
Two people are expected to be charged.
On Monday another swoop on businesses and homes in Perth and Collie allegedly uncovered further evidence and Fisheries said at least three people will face charges over illegal abalone sales, purchases and distribution.
Other potential charges, include dealing in illegally obtained abalone, illegal possession and sales of abalone and rock lobster and breaches of the Abalone Management Plan for W's commercial abalone fishery.
Breaches of the Management Plan carry 12 months imprisonment and/or fines up to $25,000 for an individual or $50,000 for a company. The same fines apply for illegal sales, while illegal possession offences attract a penalty up to $5000.
Some offences would also lead to mandatory penalties related to the number or weight of abalone or rock lobster involved, and forfeiture of gear and equipment.
Five vehicles, large amounts of cash and other items allegedly used in the distribution and sale of the black market abalone and rock lobster have been seized.
Department of Fisheries Central Support Manager Ian Jones said Fisheries officers had been working on the investigation since late last year and carried out many hours of surveillance.
``It may be several weeks before we can complete interviews and conduct further inquiries so we can finalise all the charges against the alleged offenders, but we believe we have put a stop to some significant black market fish trade in WA,'' Mr Jones said.
- 2256 reads
light jigging brigade - quick report (27/8/08)
Submitted by Kasey L. on Thu, 2008-08-28 10:33The weather's been especially kind lately - and yesterday was no exception, when it completely glassed off. Adam and John have been killing me with their pictures up North lately, so I thought I'd take a few of the conditions here in Perth yesterday, just for all those who were stuck at work.
We set off just after noon to the 40m mark, jig rods and blingy reels all loaded and good to go. I thought I was bad, but my partner-in-crime has since eclipsed me. With a Smith AMJ, a Jigzam, a custom-rolled GUSA, Certate 3500HD, Saltiga z4500 and Morethan Branzino on board just for 'a quick duck out' he was almost showing off!
The water was alive with fish - baitfish that is. The sounder was blotted with them, but jig-eaters they were not. With the whales providing entertainment, we moved around a fair bit. There was a hit here and a hit there, but nothing yet landed. I did manage to hook somethign big early on though, and as my line cut through the water while the fish powered off, I must have been out of practice as I begun to set the hooks like a girl. After about 5 seconds there was slack line, and I was warned that I should smoke alot less dope. Bigfish no.1 droppped - but I wasn't hooked on long enough to make a confident call. I can only say that from the way it lazily powered on without speed and me not being able to lift it, this was no sambo.
Anyway, we soon moved on to find more productive ground. Leading up to the change in tide we managed to come across a new lump that rose about 5m and had good shows of fish hanging just off it. This is more like it! Anyway on about my second drop I had a big bang and I was on. I told myself, no mistakes this time, and my mate reiterated that by gently reminding me that it was a long swim home and that dope is no good. This ruffled me up a little bit. I set the hooks as hard as I could and put the pressure early on to try to turn him, getting him off the bottom and quickly gaining about 5m of my colour-coded line.
Power dive straight back to the bottom. This is definately a big one - I already knew what this was, and told myself, "Don't you friggin lose it." He just sat down there and I should have brought a bloody gimbal belt as I kept maximum pressure on this fish and tried once again to lift him. Meter by meter I got him off the bottom and I knew once I stopped seeing blue (which, by my coloured line meant he'd be 10m off the bottom) he was pretty much mine.
Swimming up in an vertical arc now I was slowly but steadily gaining line as I could feel him starting to give in. White line - yes! 30m to go and he was mine. Staying calm and maintaining pressure it was now all about the lift and wind.
Then, as my eyes widened with horror, this sucker must have got his head turned and as I held on and feathered the spool, he took 30m off me in one slow, deliberate power-run. *bad word bad word bad word* this fight was far from over. By now my mate was out with the camera and while he was almost ready to help me land it a few seconds ago his words now turned to "Don't you lose him! Its a bloody long swim!!"
Anyway the fish now went around the side and towards the back of the boat and in my heart I knew this wasn't going to end sweetly. There was no kidding myself too - I've had 3 fish fight like this on a jig out of Perth in my whole life, and the only time I've won so far produced a 24kg Dhuie. I could now feel the hooks slipping... slipping... Now, it was a matter of whether I maintained the same kind of pressure, knowing he already had 30m of line and was right on the bottom, or take the softly softly approach and see...
Oop! Before I knew it, slack line.....
I dropped to my knees at this point and was breathing hard. I didn't want to look up at my mate as I was sure he was about to throw me in. That was a BIGGGGG fish. I slowly reeled my rig back, leader, hooks, jig and all intact and couldn't believe it - my head-to-head ratio now fell to 1 in 3.
As a consolation prize my next drop produced a 5 kg pinkie almost as soon as I lifted it, but I easily ripped him in and he didn't take an inch of drag. Taking revenge I did the old "boga-slice" and chucked him straight into the esky. A couple more bits and pieces hit the jig including a bloody scorpion cod which my mate reckons is fair returns (he still hadn't hooked up solid yet at this point, hehe - in fact he was now using BAIT!!!).
Soon it was time to head home as we wanted to get in before 6, and last night was a restless night of haunted dreams..
(more pics to come)
Thanks for reading
- 2184 reads
Mandurah Reports
Submitted by Bodie on Wed, 2008-08-27 19:24Hi All
Just wondering if anyone has had any reports or heard any from around Mandurah, out on the 5 Fatham or anything???
Looking to head out there tomorrow, but been a while since ive had a crack out there.
Cheers Guys
- 2850 reads
Submitted by chrisp on Tue, 2008-08-26 20:57
Went down to Albany on the weekend with the weather looking good i was keen to get out on Blueback charters again as i,ve had a great time previosely with them.We headed out with the ocean looking glassy at 7am.On the way out Bill the Deckie told us stories of the old days when he could carry his 22 rifle round on his back and ride around town without anyone blinking a eye..Gold.Im sure hes over 70 and still a stoked as a someone half is age to be out there fishing and sharing his years of knowledge with you.Gotta watch him though cause he'll outfish you with his alvey loaded with 80lb mono...Ok got to our first spot around the 70mtre mark at 8.30.First drop got a double header of Reds..Good Start, but after that the fish were playing a little hard to get.Jason the skipper worked hard all day to put us on the fish but they just did'nt seem hungry today.Second drift pulled up a slimy mackerel...interesting catch in 70m.Caught a couple more Reds and my mate mark caught a pretty solid skippy and a queenie.Everyone on board got into the action eventually with a few big bustoffs and a big sambo coming on board..I sent him back down on the release weight so i hope he survived.No du's or any real trophy fish but a fun day with blueback boys and are a great charter to head out on as they pretty much have a max of 11 people on board which makes the chances of hooking a good fish a bit better.
- 2325 reads
Sun's new ground
Submitted by STAAL LOVER on Mon, 2008-08-25 21:27Went out from Rockingham on Sunday with Makros and Major Mitchell. Decided to have a look out in the 70's. With only one mark to go by (which looked alright but didn't produce anything), we looked around for about an hour(man there's alot of nothing out there).
We decided to head to a spot we knew back in the 50's. on the way there I noticed a nice little bump on the sounder and turned for a look. It looked quite promising so down went the lines. 2 sea anchors and we were finding it hard to keep bottom, which didn't bother these Queenies.
So on with the 24oz sinkers(largest on board). Still not the best but thinking it was more the current than wind and boat speed!!! Back for another drift and WHACK I was on!!!! 22lb of dhuie (must learn conversion to KG's)(if anyone can tell me).
When on one of the drift I noticed a school show up 5m under the boat and when we looked over the side!!!!! TUNA !!!!! Not having another rod on board I grabbed the spool of 30lb line I have for sinker line and chucked on a slice. It had only dropped 2m before getting slammed by a rampaging tuna!!! Because we all had our bottom gear out it was very hard to stop it wrapping the lines(lots of burns and cuts). But I got it on board before a rod and reel hooked fish(which turned out about 200grams heavier). Down went the slice again to meet the same fate. Only this time I think the fish knew where I DIDN'T want it to go as it kept heading toward our other lines!!! I eventually LOCKED UP (wrapping the line around my hand) and busted off!!!! Then in a blink they were gone(Mental note ALWAYS take a second outfit, 30lb hurts as handline)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Didn't get bugger all at 3 known spots on the way back in(46m, 41m and 38m) but had a good day and found some new ground.
- 3903 reads
fishing sun 24th
Submitted by shabba on Mon, 2008-08-25 16:15went out from 2 rocks yesterday, got 2 the ramp about 6:40 to b greeted with a nice queue of boats, must of been about 12 boats waiting 2 launch. eventually got on the water & the plan was 2 head out 2 the bank, we got 2 the inside of the bank and stsrted 2 fish. we tried a few spots with out much luck, so we decided 2 head 2 the 35-40m mark & do some driftbaiting as the wind had dropped rite of. 1st drop got a solid hit & after a 5 min fight pulled up a nice pinky it went 75cm & about 4 kilo,my pb 4 perth waters so i was very happy, as i was fighting it a old bloke pulled up about 15m from our boat & droped his line ( rude f##king prick ) so we decided 2 shift after he pinged our spot. we went 2 some outher spots & i got a nice kg went 54cm. we tried a few more spots, justin pulled up a couple of cods, and a nice harly. we also got a couple of undersize dhus & pinks, which were released with a weight. got some more bits & bobs which we released & i pulled up a monster port jacson which i released then 10 mins later caught the same1, think he would of learned after i caught him the 1st time. it was a great day on the water, here is a pic of the fish we kept 4 a feed............
- 2219 reads
Long Island Overnighter
Submitted by big john on Mon, 2008-08-25 12:31
Took the girls camping down to Long Island for the first time on Saturday Arvo. Weather was good then and glorious on Sunday.
Ate bluebone and crays around the campfire, and then the girls hammered the toasted marshmallows.
Did some exploring, found some new places and caught a few fish. Drifting with sweetened leadheads did the trick on the demersals and we also had some light tackle fun on the shark mackerel just south of Long Island.
Shot one nice Jack on the gun (59cm) but the spearing was very quiet. Left some big ornates in their holes for another day.
Came home at 30 knots, dozing off at the wheel.
Nice way to spend a weekend.
- 1899 reads
Flatrox 08....again
Submitted by Pete D on Mon, 2008-08-25 08:03Flatrox 08
A few pics from the weekend. Perfect weather, a few fish and a cracker of a night.
Went for a paddle Sat arvo which was nice. Harassed by Wrasse and caught a big banded sweep. Someone might have a pic of my flash A1 setup (which took about 10 minutes in the shed scourging around for quality fitout items). Launching off the rox was a breeze.
Alls quiet in camp at sundown;
The Morning after;
Half Bill fish in Moon light;
The one Macca’s rejected (he was just too slow….and ugly);
The $20 camp;
Cheers Pete
- 2035 reads
Flat Rock 2008 Faulkner Report
Submitted by Faulkner Family on Sun, 2008-08-24 18:50Thanks to all for a great weekend also great to meet other members sharing a few storys ,dinks and laughs
Thanks to Pete D for his home brew and for keeping Spess Entertained staurday night
Friday Night
Goldy lock all nice and dry
Colin & Albee
Saturday night Albee on look out for the Fish that never came
The Camp
The sunset
The Piss up
Please mote not much coke in the cans filled only with drink of your choice
The Cool Kid
the Group
The Drunk
Burn the chair no burn the beany
Time for bed where are my blankets it cold
Nice and snug after being attacked with crackers
Once again a great weekend thanks guys. must do it again soon and i promise not to bring as much shit next time *lol*
- 2904 reads
5FB 24/8
Submitted by till on Sun, 2008-08-24 08:12Hiyas,
Ozlobster, my brother and myself launched from Mary Street ramp, down in Mandurah sometime after 4:30pm probably. We then headed out to the Five Fathom Bank for a few drifts. The first fish aboard was a good-sized skippy on bait, after that John was hauling them in on 5" Berkely SPs. Irritatingly I couldn't tempt them on any of the other SPs I was packing so I went back to bait myself. Next keeper in was a harlequin fish, and then we redid our drifts, but couldn't shake the ball of skippy under the boat. Bizzarely John pulled in a +60cm Dhufish that was in the same ball, and then we were bringing in rat YTKs in the mix. We moved to another spot & there, my brother and John got a couple of nice King George Whiting, my brother's on an 8/0 or 9/0 hook! Sorry no snaps of the other fish, they were all caught after dark.
PS: all be very afraid - I got my RST in the morning as well.
- 2269 reads
last ditch for gold
Submitted by DezzyTootoo on Sat, 2008-08-23 21:47After 40 mins of swimming with 3 prawns in the net , I got lost and found Atlanta . The down side is i wish I found it early on in the dive . I also forgot my catch bag , but managed to see the biggest bluey of my life .
There`s are a few prawns in there that are 19cm`s .
P.S. note the artistic flare in the top right of the pic !!!!!
- 1584 reads
Mackerel Islands 2008
Submitted by Bodie on Fri, 2008-08-22 11:34Hey guys
Went to mackerel islands last week for 5 days.
Unforuntely the Weather wasnt the best with plenty of wind around. Was a crew of 15 or so boats that went over and a total of 45 people. Great trip with Great company and a good Variety of fish caught.
Things looked promising when we arrived on Thevenard with a 15 KG red sitting on the filliting table that one of the guys who arrived the day before caught, and only in 20 metres of water.
Next coupld of days saw the wind kick in, with most days doing 15-20kn morning then 10-15 arvo.
But one afternoon saw no wind and plenty of action.
Not a huge amount of fish were caught by all, but the bigger boats (Couple of Noosa Cats) did pretty well as they could handle the rougher weather alot better.
We did manage plenty of GT, Goldens, few mackerel, 1 Red, Queenies, Many different types of Cod, 1 Sailfish bust off (Well im calling it a sailfish bust off).
I must admit tho, i had a ball walking round the island on the real windy days with my 6lb kit and poppers in hand. Many GT's caught, goldens, Queenies, Longtoms, and even cod on poppers!!!!! who would have thought.
The trip was an experiement for me, as i went up planning on not using any bait, only lures, poppers, plastics(Snapbacks), and Jigs.
Lost quite a few Jigs to mackerel, and wasnt too happy losing 4 okta Jigs in 1 hour :(
Here are a few Pics from one of our Cameras, more to come.
All the boats on moorings
The Jeep with the tub in tow on the way up. Think we paid $2.20 a ltr for diesel here.
These dam things are everywhere.
We lost atleast 5-6 good fish to sharks. This one really wanted a chunk of me. Looks angry
Massive Estuary cod. Went 1.25m and 30+kg's, good fight 50 LB Braid. Thats a 92 Ltr Ice box its sitting on. When releasing it we had to put 4 Release weights on it to get it down!!!
Nice Golden i landed on a plastic estimated 18kg's
Another golden from the old man, we must have got 30+ of them in an hour or so. Couldnt get past them and we were on great ground!
Couple of 2-3 kg GT's caught on light gear around the Island on popper, great fun watching them smack a popper.
Nasty ass long tom with big teeth on popper
More to come soon!!
- 2408 reads
3 half day arvo sessions, with Killer whale pics!
Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 2008-08-19 20:09Well I made the best of 3 nice arvo's to do some fishing with the morning easterlys being blustery so no sparrows. Lines in the water after lunch and lines out just after dark....the conditions were very nice indeed. Simon C came out on my boat and we headed to the Key Biscayne oil rig wreck that took a while from Tworocks.
This was my first time so it was good to do something different which i enjoy instead of the same old. Rocked up to find the structure still there and fish too. Sambos and skippy all over it so in went the jigs. Both Simon and myself dropped all sorts of jigs and we lost more fish than we landed. That certainly made every drop challenging with Simon landing the biggest sambo (pictured) and my biggest a bit smaller. The sambo's were in XOS size that came up with hooked fish and the same size drilled us often. Simon went crazy and dropped some awesome SP on light'ish gear and landed a few but lost many which was great to watch...........funny as!
Here's the sambo's & skippy awaiting us!
Simons fish that made it to the boat!
That done and arms stretched we headed back to Tworocks with some spots to hit up on the way in. The first spot was active with fish on my sounder (pictured) and I picked them for pink snapper....big ones too!. Both of us dropped and I hooked up to a biggen pink and like wise Simon with my driftbaiting gear getting me nailed but Simon landed his!
The pinky patch!
Simon with his good pink, 7.5kg on digital scales!
The pinkys switched off quickly and went higher in the water column like they do in the Sound and they light bulbed us. On another drive over I still saw fish but close to the bottom so worth another drop. Whilst I was taking more pics of the sounder Simon ripped up these fish, he was on fire!
With pics of the sounder sorted, I dropped a line over and got this nice double, my fav Baldchin and a good one at that with a BB!
With the sun closing in on a great arvo session I said one more drop and got this double header!
Well that was it for the arvo and the ride in very nice endeed. Was good to catch up with Simon and we have plans to get back out soon, great company mate!
Sooo the next 2 arvo sessions were replica conditions and after getting a good feed the day before I backed off on keeping fish and went for a bit of recon work and dropped lines periodically. The northerly current slowed things down also but great to be on the water!
Here's a smathering of pics, the Killer whales (Orca's) was awesome to see and was lucky to get some good pics!
Big BB, just a bit smaller than my PB!
Dan with a BB
Last dropped before we pulled the pin!
* Was a great 3 arvo's, caught other fish and more legal size Dhufish but all released for another day *
- 3936 reads
Night out fishing
Submitted by Paul G on Sun, 2008-08-17 08:20When out on Friday night with Jesse for an overnighter. The seas were flat calm so we headed out at around four o’clock in search of a fish, as it was so flat with no swell, we sounded out some new ground until after dark, then decided to have a fish, but first it was out with the cooker and a quick sausage sizzle I tell you those sausages were great. We caught up with Ryan out there drifting around in the dark, funny the people you bump into in the middle of the night. Any way the night was very slow with only three Dhuies caught and released. We ended up in the 80 metres, the wind had picked up to around 18 knots and we decided to sleep until sunrise. Early Saturday morning and the fish turned on, catching two nice dhuies two pinkies one queen snapper one baldchin and two china man leatherjackets the wind didn't stop for most of the morning ,so a deep fish was out . All in all a good result and a bit if fun, besides not getting much sleep.
- 2211 reads
Golden ponds bash saturday 16th
Submitted by tailor marc on Sat, 2008-08-16 18:59Well with all this talk about golden ponds , i thought i would go take a look see.
Got down there and bought some tinned corn, some pellets and walked to the pond behind the shop where you pay. I couldnt belive my eyes! Some real big rainbow trout in there.
I tryed puttint the pellets on the hook but they were tiny round hard things and wouldnt go on the hook and kept braking.
I tryed the corn but the trout were very cautious! They would come up for a look but swim awaywithout taking it.
I came up with a idea of flicking it out an jigging it like a insect through the water alost like a lure and sure enough thats what they liked. Caught 5 and kept 3 .
All in all a good day out!
- 7009 reads
A good sound Yakking..
Submitted by Albee Mangles on Sat, 2008-08-16 13:47Went out for a Yak this morning, early, picked up a good sized Pink on a hardbody lure, after just dropping one at the boat identical the first run. I spat, grumbled and cursed my way back up and retrolled the same run, an hit this one, same spot, same lure, next run. Good fight on 10lb line, Banax i1600, Nitro Distance Spin.
Had 8 yaks out on the water, Jutto picked up his on a mulie, sister fish to mine. Great Morning, if not a little choppy, nice headwind on the way home. Thankgod for pedals!

- 2875 reads
Submitted by chrisp on Thu, 2008-08-14 18:56If anyone feels like catching some salmon Trout and or juvenile salmon theres heaps round brighton....Just like catching Giant bull herring most fish around 30cm...bit of fun on the light tackle..went down tonight and was getting hammered every prepared to cast long though as theres not much of a gutter in close..
Submitted by STAAL LOVER on Mon, 2008-08-11 15:40But a good one!!!!! Love doing damage on the redfin in Warroona!!!!
- 4429 reads
Key Biscayne
Submitted by waterman on Wed, 2008-08-06 14:24Anyone fished/ dived the Key Biscayne Oil Rig lately. Be interested to know if there was anything interesting fishy about.
- 2646 reads
Two Rocks - Matt's 15kg Dhuie
Submitted by alfred on Tue, 2008-08-05 21:05Went out with Matt today and it was abit lumpier then expected, but the weather was the last thing on our minds after 2 drifts. Matts line was hit hard and he called for a ray, but when we got colour it was clearly a big dhuie. Took the lie detector down to the 15kg mark! He was pumped up and said that it was he PB.
We released another 3 which measures 47, 49 and 50cm.

All in it was a slow day with a couple of thumper blowies and a banjo. Wind and cureent slowed and by about 11-12pm, we were down to 1/2 a knot drift or so. Bite slowed with the drift, but the conditions made for a fast ride back to the ramp.
Once again, Matt, thanks for letting me deckie.
- 1740 reads
Doughnuts for two..
Submitted by Albee Mangles on Thu, 2008-07-31 23:03Well Shorty was kind enough to join me for Doughnuts last night.. Lucky the weather was beautiful, cos it was real quiet on the fish front. Tried some new ground, and it wasnt happening for us. Maybe next time.
Cheers for the company Shorty!! :D
Submitted by DezzyTootoo on Thu, 2008-07-31 20:59finally got into some good tucker after a week or so of piss poor performance , 3.4 kg
- 2203 reads
Cheap pushers!!!!!!!!!!!!
Submitted by SPESS on Thu, 2008-07-31 20:01Hi guys ive kept this under raps due to the hope the cops would find them around, but i had over 120 fully rigged pushers, daiwa 300bb bluebacker reel (brand new) and my new trialejo overhead beach stick stolen out the back of my car at a fishing action about a month ago. Estimated loss well over $6000 and with full fishing gear insurance im hoping (still waiting) to see if they will replace the stuff.
If you do see or hear of any floating around please let me know asap. Very reconisable. cheers SPESS.
- 2744 reads
Tworocks 26/7/08 * Re-post *
Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 2008-07-29 12:41** Re-post again for people that cant view **
Well after the arvo chasin deepwater species on (25/7/08) i was happy to clean my catch the next day but a few mates said bugger that lets go fishing so with minimal arm twisting i was there. The only criterea i stipulated was it had to be an arvo session once again!
That said & agreed, we launched with no que which you would expect from a near lunch time launch. I ended up fishing a few spots that i havn't fished for a while with not much happening. Ended up going back to a few fav spots as the arvo got on! We ended up with a feed with no massive stonka's but a good feed & some fun!
Rick with a nice late-arvo dhu!
Big Mick as the name says tells you the story, lets say this good pinky is very small against the big!
We ended up with plenty of black bum and a fair few blue spot flathead which i also rate as a nice plate fish~
I had one of those arvo's that produced a mixture of everything including alot of these KG's, this was the first one and the smallest........the rest just got bigger & complaints!
Had a great arvo session and we released plenty of fish also!
- 2023 reads
Ruby Reward 25/7/08 * Re-post *
Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 2008-07-28 09:42** I dont know why the pics didn't load up for some members so i'll try again! **
Well i havn't been out in the real deep water since my article in WAFM (Ruby Rewards) was published. With a half a day to spare I though a quick dash out (well not so quick actually) to fish the deepwater contours was on the job card. With only half a day i was up against it let alone the fish not showing up on my sounder when i was searching. Persistence paid off and i ended up with a stonka grey-banded cod that i rate highly on the tooth!
After a bit more driving around i found what looked like potential Rubys and whalla.........awesome eating fish..........I rate them the best!
Well the half a day went quick, i ended up with some big yellow eyed red snapper and a good offshore pink snapper to top off the arvo session and then the long drive in..........well worth it!
** Hope that worked **
- 2728 reads
On the water with the wife and kids!
Submitted by alfred on Sun, 2008-07-27 21:08I had planned a day on the Swan with the family, only thing was that I had one previous commitment that I had to meet first and that took longer then expected. By the time we finished it was 2pm and it was too late to haul the rig to the Swan, so I did the next best thing, we launched at Mindarie. Ian my little one still doesn't like it when it is bumpy, he got scared after an attempt to bring him out to the FADs last year when Seabreeze got it wrong, so I am attempting to get him accustom to being on the water again, so I figured that the protected waters of the marina would be the ideal place to do it.
The plan was to drop a few crab nets that I only bought the day before and to do abit of fishing inside of the reef between checking the nets. By the time we wetted the hull, it was 3pm - first thing was to bait up the crab nets and get them over the side. We dropped the nets close to the rocks and then went out of the marina for a little fish.
I let the boat drift and threw some berley over and soon we the wife Tracey and the kids started to get in to the usual reef fish. After that we motored back in to check the pots and started getting some crabs. There were several keepers, that were just over size and heaps that were just under. We took enough size crabs for a feed that evening and released the rest.
The kids enjoyed motoring around the marina between pulls and all in all they had a great day. I am glad that Ian has already asked "When can we do that again?"

- 2019 reads
Tworocks 26/7/08
Submitted by Anonymous on Sun, 2008-07-27 18:36Well after the arvo chasin deepwater species on (25/7/08) i was happy to clean my catch the next day but a few mates said bugger that lets go fishing so with minimal arm twisting i was there. The only criterea i stipulated was it had to be an arvo session once again!
That said & agreed, we launched with no que which you would expect from a near lunch time launch. I ended up fishing a few spots that i havn't fished for a while with not much happening. Ended up going back to a few fav spots as the arvo got on! We ended up with a feed with no massive stonka's but a good feed & some fun!
Rick with a nice late-arvo dhu!
Big Mick as the name says tells you the story, lets say this good pinky is very small against the big!
We ended up with plenty of black bum and a fair few blue spot flathead which i also rate as a nice plate fish~
I had one of those arvo's that produced a mixture of everything including alot of these KG's, this was the first one and the smallest........the rest just got bigger & complaints!
Had a great arvo session and we released plenty of fish also!
- 1906 reads
Ruby Reward 25/7/08
Submitted by Anonymous on Sun, 2008-07-27 17:43Well i havn't been out in the real deep water since my article in WAFM (Ruby Rewards) was published. With a half a day to spare I though a quick dash out (well not so quick actually) to fish the deepwater contours was on the job card. With only half a day i was up against it let alone the fish not showing up on my sounder when i was searching. Persistence paid off and i ended up with a stonka grey-banded cod that i rate highly on the tooth!
After a bit more driving around i found what looked like potential Rubys and whalla.........awesome eating fish..........I rate them the best!
Well the half a day went quick, i ended up with some big yellow eyed red snapper and a good offshore pink snapper to top off the arvo session and then the long drive in..........well worth it!
- 2109 reads
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