Upstream Wild Sebarau (Jungle Perch)!! Non Stop Actions !!Fishing Thailand By BKKGUY
Submitted by bkkguy on Tue, 2011-11-01 09:31What can I say !!!
Wild fishing at its best form ..................
Wait till you fish wild sebarau upstream with me then you know what is fun N happening !!! :)
The journey upstream !!! The natural fishing ground !!! Whole day non stop actions !!!
All make the upstream wild fishing trip an exciting and adventures trip for the anglers in Thailand .
Do practise catch N release whenever you can.
We've our fun , let the fish live to fight another day !!!
"He conquers who endures." ~Persius
Enjoys the explosive non actions - PART 1
Fast running stream flows actions- PART 2
Highlights photos of the day....
Upstream scenery....
Me and the mother nature.....
Best moment of my life....;)
Prized 2.13 KG sebarau (jungle perch)
Another biggies > 2KG landed on my rapala lure.... ;)
- 3205 reads
Fat Whiting
Submitted by tolch10 on Mon, 2011-10-31 16:38Can't fish for Demersals so had a crack at the little ones and came up with these.
The Kgs were great. Just outside the sound we found these.
All on fresh squid tentacles.Not many squid around?????????????
Good feed
- 3625 reads
Submitted by TAPOUT on Mon, 2011-10-31 14:04So can anyone confirm the rumors of mackies being caught already? PM me if its on the quiet haha
- 2385 reads
Kalbarri Mulloway
Submitted by Kris on Sat, 2011-10-29 21:38Hey guys,
Just got back from Kalbarri was supposed to be there for the whole weekend but had such a good night we decided to come home early.
The first morning was spent spinning for Tailor at my usual haunts but things were quiet and decided to call it quits and catch up on lost sleep from the night of driving.
Friday night was spent soaking baits for Mulloway after at least 20 lost rigs to huge sharks the first mulloway came in around 6ish kgs. After a couple more shark bust offs the second one comes in around 3-4kgs.
The night was coming to an end and my bro all sad on not catching anything his rod finally buckles over, after a short time later he lands a nice mulloway around 13-14kgs.
We all decide to call it quits have a sleep and get up nice an early for a morning session.
With only darda and myself getting up i decide to pinch my bros 7ft saltwater and 4000 sol to bait cast for some tailor while my big rod had a nice tailor fillet soaking. First cast on the light outfit and i find myself chasing another mulloway down the beach trying to keep it away from all the little bommies. After a good 10 mins he was beat and i had my second mulloway for the trip guessing it was around 12kgs.
With Darda now complaining about still not catching a mulloway his rod finally buckles over and he ends ups landing one around 8kgs.
Couple more sharks bust offs and we were done. We were all stoked with the night/morning we decided to leave on a high and headed back to Perth.
I released my 2 Mulloways and the other boys decided to keep there's being there first and wanting to get the jewels.
Hope ya like the pics.
- 5962 reads
Today's Sandies
Submitted by grantarctic1 on Sat, 2011-10-29 19:56I managed to get out for a fish today from Mindaries. With strong easterlies we were limited to stay in close and try for some Squid until midday. Unfortunately the squid just didn't want to play the game.
With time running out and the wind dropping a bit , we decided to try for some sand whiting. Headed out to around 18m, found some sand and two hours later came back in with a nice feed. The biggest going 32cm.
Also caught 10 or more very small flatties but no big ones for the esky. Besides a couple N/W blowies nothing else was landed.
On a side note, i couldn't find my release weight and went to buy a new one. I was really disappointed in the quality on offer in the stores. They were large but without much weight. (some sort of alloy mixed with lead ? ) Also the hook was just galvanized wire like they had used an old coat hanger.
So i went to my workshop and tried out a couple of shapes with my lead moulds and came up with this one. Didn't get to try it out yet but will let you guys know how it went as soon as i get a chance to use it.
Cheers Grant..
- 2962 reads
small sharks and rays
Submitted by fishdenface on Sat, 2011-10-29 13:46hey guys im thinking about going for a fish tomorrow just wondering what rigs and bait you find most effective to catch small metro sharks and rays any sugestions on good spots would be appreciated.
- 1921 reads
Hillaries north rock wall night fish
Submitted by Josh_hammy on Fri, 2011-10-28 21:58Hi all, I'm new to the site so thought I'd make a report.
Went to Hillaries north rock wall this evening, went down by myself because I bought a whole heap of new gear and was itching to christen it but to my disappointment I couldn't catch a bloody thing! I didn't even get one bite nor nibble, with two rods out I would have thought I was doubling my chances but nope. Was just throwing out some pillys incase anyone's interested.
I'm dead keen to pop the cherry of my new Snyder glass rod and alvey reel so if anyone wants to point me in the right direction for a tailor or two, I would much appreciate. Hopefully I can post a few exciting reports for you guys in the future!! :)
- 7260 reads
Today's Jigging Report
Submitted by milsey on Wed, 2011-10-26 19:38Wade and I headed north of Perth today for a bit of arm stretching and boy did we get it, First drop of the day resulting in two Kings which just about set the scene for the rest of the day with countless numbers of all Seriolas. It was pretty exciting seeing 30+kg ambers attacking smaller models with many fish taking jigs all the way to the surface, Anyways thanks for an awesome day again mate.
- 2739 reads
Jigging today 26/10
Submitted by sammy85 on Wed, 2011-10-26 16:24Headed out to rotto early today for a jig with 2 mates their first sambo jigging. Headed out to a few spots with no luck and moved on and my mate(Dave) hooked up to what looked to be a good sambo out a nice bend in the pe5 jig gear...During the fight the other mate(dean) hooked up to what looked like a sambo until it spat the jig. after a decent fight with the sambo Dave strated to see colour coming up with somthing else following it up most probly a shark. anyways beat the shark up to reveal 2 sambos caught on 1 jig that had 2 assist hooks on it the bigger one went close to 15kg and the other to 8kg.Dave was very pleased to catch his first sambo on jig. dean later caught a decent black ass that was released of course on a flutter jig meant for sambos. it was a good day even though I didnt catch anything and was ha
ppy to convert 2 mates to jigging. cheers
- 2134 reads
friday night
Submitted by sickkkkkk on Mon, 2011-10-24 18:46thought id go for a flick with the old man and the neighbour, headed down to at about 6 o clock. took a while for the tailor to start biting, but once they started they stayed for a while. ended up keeping 5 with the biggest at 40 and smallest about 35, not bad from around fremantle way :)
- 2187 reads
Shakespeare Durango Kiddie Combo Field Testing
Submitted by nickyau2 on Mon, 2011-10-24 12:36Been trying to take my niece out for a fish for a while as she got given a Shakespeare Durango kiddie combo for christmas and hadn't had the chance to christen it yet and we finally got the chance yesterday. And boy did she christen it, she managed to hook up to a pretty big flathead which was peeling off line off the tiny little reel like nothing else and put a solid bend in the rod. Was hilarious watching her scream with excitement whilst trying to winch in the fish.
If only I'd put more concentration into getting the fish out of the water than trying to film the occassion I could have got it out of the water without busting off the 6lb leader... I reckon the prawn and hook would have gone down a bit deep and the raspy teeth worn through the leader. But nonetheless she was stoked as it put up huge fight and took her a bit to get it in. The fish would have gone 40cm+ I reckon and was quite fat. She also managed a couple juvi black bream.
- 2444 reads
Fishing today. 22nd oct 2011
Submitted by Jeffree on Sat, 2011-10-22 16:10Went out of hillaries today to chase some Whiting and sambo's (fully aware of the demersal ban) out behind rotto.
got there at about 5:30, saw plenty of whales on the way.
after 20 minutes of fishing lukey boy hooks up on a fish on his daiwa pirate. He called it for a pinky, but ended up being a 57cm KG. Pretty awesome catch on a pirate. Afterwards a few seargent bakers, and skippy were landed.
at around 7:30 the weather started to look real bad with thunder, strong winds and rain so we decided to head in. Half way home the skys cleared up and we headed back :)
first drop back i land a 56cm Baldy. Shame i was a week late, otherwise he would have went straight in the tropical icebox.
after a few more drifts we landed another smaller KG, a few Black bums, a few sea sweeps, a nice leather jacket, a harelequin fish and a baby dhu.
End of the day we kept 2KG's, 1 Skippy, 1 Leatherjacket.
pretty fun day :)
- 1 comment
- 2179 reads
Shallow water sambos
Submitted by Just1morecast on Sat, 2011-10-22 16:03Checked the wrecks this morning early to find literally no activity. I dropped down quite a few times for naught. But managed a nice 60cm pink on jig, for anyone else that knows me ive tried to get a decent pink off the wrecks for ages. I was pretty stoked and swam off so strong. After that checked in total 6 other wrecks for no activity at all.
Lately myself and a few others members have found the sambos have been in shallow around the 30-50m mark. Checked a spot i knew and bang 1st drop i was on. They just got bigger and bigger, as ive found in previous times too. They start off smallish and then get bigger as they all get excited. Unfortunately the 2 guys i went out with couldnt get into them even after i stopped fishing and tried to hover over the top of them. After about an hour they completely shut off despite still being all over the sounder. All my fish caught on my pe 3 saltist/demonblood setup. Brought out my saltiga but they ran away:(
Would like to thank Rob for taking me out on his boat, i had fun mate and hopefully next time can get you onto one of those bigger units. They day was finished off nicely with many whales mainly mother and calf just tail flapping and rolling around like no worry in the world. Weather was perfect.
Few pics of the day(blackberry mobile sorry) with one pic of DazSam on a pretty nice boston whaler hooked up on the bow in the rain with crew John F and another fisho(sorry not sure who you were, but i envy your boat haha).
- 3053 reads
First time off lano, any news on whats around for a beginner like me?? :P
Submitted by crab_man on Fri, 2011-10-21 10:00Hey all,
Getting ready for my first time with the boat out off of Lano next weekend, just wondering if anyone has heard of whats good at the moment or know of any well known spots, that I dont know of haha.
Only going to be heading a max of 15km's if the weather permits, I want to catch something decent for once :P Is there any tips I should follow when out that far, just look for a reef outcrop and keep drifting over it etc?? Pretty new to fishing the region so dont want to be finding myself eating fish I havnt caught from the pub every night :P.
- 2097 reads
My Loves !!! My Passions !!! My Addictions!!! By BKKGUY
Submitted by bkkguy on Thu, 2011-10-20 20:38My passions for wild fishing , had brought me far from being just an ordinary angler.
I live to fish and not fish to live.. :)
More have been said by me why I've fallen in love with the nature wild fishing.
I let the video clips and exotic photos do the talking for me for this round.
Explosive actions vid clip !!!!
Fast & Furious remix music vid clip.....
Exotic scenery...............simply beautiful.
My prized monster toman....
Pound by pound, Giant snakehead (toman) is the strongest freshwater fish in asia.
Well...... it really live up to its name.
Look at my damage rapala lure.
- 3027 reads
any luck?
Submitted by jimmy1987 on Wed, 2011-10-19 20:19just wondering if anybody has had any luck SOR for tailor gummies mulloway etc? as i havent had much luck last cpl of weeks...
Fishing report - Wallaroo South Australia
Submitted by Paul H on Wed, 2011-10-19 11:02Hi Guys thought you might like to hear from this side of the Border.
After recently rewiring part of my Boat on Friday 14/10/11 I finally got back on the water - Eventually.
Got up before sunrise with the aim of heading out to try for Snapper early and then try for some whiting. Pulled the boat out of the shed and got it ready. Just as I was about to depart I could see a rippled patch heading my way across the water. Decided to wait and soon afterthe winds hit followed by some rain. Pushed boat back into shed and went back to bed. Got up at 9am and had breaky and a coffee. Winds then started to drop though it was still raining in patches. Pulled boat out and headed for the ramp with a freind's 13 year old son in tow. He has never been in a boat before. Lauched and sat him in the cabin as we went out of the bay through the rian. Headed out around Pt Riley and out of the bay as it was clearer out there. once there no rain. Rigged/baited him up and then dropped my own line in. He caught a tommy (Herring) followed by myself with two nice whiting.
There was a small swell and he said he was not feeling well. Tried to convince him to keep fishing thinking he would overcome it if he started catching a few taking his mind off it but to no avail. Took him back in dropping him on the beach then headed back out to Pt Riley.
Went over a few sand/reef patches with a nice drop off into the sand so stopped and dropped anchor. shortly after bang I'm on with a nice size KG whiting. back in and 1 minute later I'm on again.
At this time I'm watching thunder storms pass up the middle of the Gulf further out (west) and alls ok. By the time I had 11 in the esky and a squid in the bucket I note another thunder storm further south heading in my direction. This one is not going to pass by out further. Oh well won't complain being one off the bag limit (12 with one person on board in SA) so rods in and head in to get back into the bay and aorund the point before the storm arrives. Prior to departing I put all the rods (graphite) flat in the boat just in case - particularly the ones in the rod holders above the fuel tank!!!
Headed in and got to 300 metres from the marina breakwall when the 76km/hr winds and heavy rian hit (felt sorry for the few boats I had passed still sitting out on Pt Riley). Threw the sounder GPS and phone inside the cabin and then pulled up at the pontoon to note two boats in front of me in all sorts of trouble - one was facing backwards with no idea. Made sude I tied off securely and went to help retreiving the first boat and then the second after turning it around. Got to the car - by this time I'm soaked through. Put a towel on the seat and reversed down and hauled up my boat. Went back home and pushed the boat into the shed and then scaled the KG's and put them on ice (they could wait till tommorrow). Hot shower and a bourbon saw me right follwed by down the pub for tea.
Following day filleted the fish and cleaned (dried) out the boat which had water over every thing even up in the cabin as the rain was horizontal). All in all a great day and can't wait to do it all again - good to be back on the water
Few piccys of the kg's below - between 34-40cm
PS the same front later went through Pt Pirie further north dumping golf ball sized hail - glad I didn't have that to contend with at the ramp.
Cheers Paul
around the second
- 5369 reads
Harvey Browns
Submitted by Stalker17 on Wed, 2011-10-19 10:19Caught these browns at Harvey last week. Finally tied the killer fly for these fish. All caught with the same fly on a #4wt.
- 2496 reads
Snakehead Hunter (Huruan ) Wild Fishing Thailand By BKKGUY
Submitted by bkkguy on Sun, 2011-10-16 22:41Snakehead or in asia we call them "haruan", the smaller family of Giant Snakehead (Toman) is one of the fishes you will get to fish if you happen to fish in the wild dam.
The fry MAMA season is coming to and end soon as Thailand slowly change the season from raining to cool season.
I'll be targeting those individual toman in the deep water using deep diver lures like risto rap.
The fights and strength of these individual toman fishes are much stronger than those fry MAMA.
Beside toman, there will be wild sebarau (jungle perch) to fish in the wild.
Haruan is also one of the smaller game fish we can lure fishing in the wild.
One of my target fish for 2012 will be featherback (belinda) fish . I'm going for ambitious mission of targeting this wonder fish on lure in Dec.
Wait for my catch report then.
In the meantime, enjoys one of my snakehead (haruan) trip I done recently at the dam.
The challenge and the unknown catch in the wild , make every anglers eager to go back for more.....
That's wild fishing !!! That's also true fishing in life !!!
The nature fishing ground !!! Simply attractive !!!
Highlight catch photos.....
- 2810 reads
tabletop reef ,tailor report ,south gero
Submitted by quadfisher on Sat, 2011-10-15 19:22hi all , just returned from our annual tailor trek.
As tailor lovers ( not in that way haha) would know , big swells and reef stalking dont mix.
We had only 2 good sessions out of a possible 5 , but still enjoyed the challenge.
wed ,thurs last week 2 metre swell ,thurs nite , and up till now 4 metre swell .
no weed , light to moderate winds.
as usual got totally stiched up by a couple of bigger ones ,but hope you can
smell the sea air in the following pics.( bait) ,sanmars and gardies, with ghost cotton
to hold them together.(transport) ,what else quad bikes.
- 2987 reads
Sundays catch
Submitted by Mattyvaus on Fri, 2011-10-14 14:07Got this silver bream on Sunday morning in the marina.
Weight was 950g nothing spectacular
Only bit of action for 2.5hours fishing.
anyone had any luck in the marinas lately?
- 2727 reads
word on the street!
Submitted by southcity104 on Fri, 2011-10-14 07:31Fisheries research recorded a striped marlin caught not far off the back of rotto on wednesday. Does anyone know any more details??
- 2525 reads
It's Not a TUNA!!
Submitted by Hook_er on Wed, 2011-10-12 17:09Has anyone had any luck chasing SBT this season.
- 2823 reads
Jurien last week.
Submitted by tolch10 on Sun, 2011-10-09 10:32Spent the first week of School holidays in Jurien with the wife and kids plus our usual holidaying companions.
Weather was crap the first 3 days so we did the usual drink and eat too much waiting for all the weather sites to tell us lies as usual.
Anyway we got out on 3 days with half decent weather.
First day found lots of ground with loads of undersize Pinkies and Jewies 8 mile out.
Amoungst the small stuff we did find some good size fish but it was hard work. Kept a couple of size pinkies but they were not massive.
Day 2 we finnaly found the Jewies we were after 20 mile out. 2 good size eating fish and we released a much better fish but hey thats the bag rules these days. Picked up a queen snapper and once again loads of small pinkies and undersize Jewies with a sambo thrown in for fun.
Capped off the trip on day 3 with a cracker skippy which we released, 2 Baldies and 2 pinkies for the bag limit.
Lots of fresh fish for dinner in the comming weeks.
By the way Jurien sea rescue were great, Loads of help with constant weather updates. Thanks to them for keeping an eye/ear on us.
Check the pics below. We are wearing PFDs because of some close calls with whales on recent trips. My mate had a Humpback breach and kick the boat so better safe then sorry hey.
- 3174 reads
magnificent weather
Submitted by collin g wood on Fri, 2011-10-07 15:42went out this morning off rocko for a bash, perfect conditions on the 5, managed a nice pinky and a queen snapper by 9.30am, as well as a visit by fisheries both on the water and back at the ramp. good to see they are keeping deckie went a little berzo when they got close to the boat though. (decky picture is my avatar)lol.
- 1 comment
- 2011 reads
Tuesday & Wednesday jigging report
Submitted by milsey on Fri, 2011-10-07 12:24A couple of mates and i were planning on getting a little jiggy on Tuesday and Wednesday after we saw the forecast the gear was packed and we headed over to Rotto early Tuesday morning hoping the weather would play ball. Unfortunately it didn’t and the 20kn SW made things a bit uncomfortable, we decided to head north to try and gain refuge which didn’t seem to make much difference. We spent a few hours looking for ground and were close to retiring early when a bit of nice ground popped up. My Eupro jig had hardly hit the bottom before it got smash by a good fish, I lost this fish soon after due to a assist giving out but I was fairly sure it was a nice dhu and next drop resulted in another instant hookup and I managed to land my first Dhu on Jig.
I landed 3 more dhues and my mates using bait couldn’t get a touch besides this nice snapper. We decided to head in and get settled for the night.
We awoke to a beautiful morning with no wind and were soon out in the ocean heading for the deep. First stop was the barge and after the first three fish got sharked we decided to move on and not long after had the jigs bouncing over some likely looking territory. First drop resulted in a sambo and a monster bronzy which had us worried there were more around but that was the last run in with the men in grey. We lost count but we ended up with around 20 odd sambos, 5 pinks and couple of ambers for the day when we decided to head in for the trip home in perfect conditions.
Thanks For reading
- 2758 reads
Coral Bay September 17 - October 1
Submitted by wildinp on Thu, 2011-10-06 06:59We decided to make the what is turning to be the annual pilgrimage to Coral Bay again this year for yet another great trip. Left Perth about 9pm on Friday the 16th September for a nice long trip in convoy with my parents to arrive at Bayview at around 1pm, got the sites setup and had a great sleep for the night! Myself and the old man both had new Pajero’s for the trip and both performed well with better than expected fuel, dad towing the boat (6.5m Chivers), me towing a trailer with the kayaks.
The general for the trip was a bit of a pumping swell and some wind, I guess that’s a bit expected for September (last year we did a May trip). We got out on the Monday for a spin with the winds up we decided for a troll around the back of the reef from the North Passage. 26m of water the way, not long into it we hit macky central – issue number one – all mackys undersize at between 75 and 85cm – issue 2 – race the sharks. I could swear the sharks knew what lures meant and followed them....... Regardless, we did well and kept most of the macks safe, but once we did get any of size, there was no way to land them, so a bit of a bottom fish was in order. We started trolling out of the patch to some old marks close by and bang, one of the crazy deeps was hammered – result , a good fight for Dad and a nice Red Bass (edit from Crimson Perch) for dinner.
Not long after we stopped and under the boat and it was macks and sharks swimming everywhere, half the time we had 5 sharks under the boat, and couldn’t shake them. They cleared off and we got some placys and jigs down. I kept getting hit by macks for no luck, then Dad struck again, a nice Rankin on the plastics – and his first fish on a plastic.
After this we had enough of the staring at whales, turtles, and 3m swell, so plugged back into the ramp.
Weather for the next day was shocking, so we decided to stay on land and booked a charter for Wednesday – Seaforce was the only one operating, so out with them we went. Not too bad of a day, lots of reds caught, most undersize, fairly large sea but the boat handled it well. We ended up with some Spanglies, Honeycomb Cod, Pearl Perch and a Trevally – nothing spectacular, but it was nice to get out for a day, get some good fish and not have to clean up for a change!
Thursday was again a disaster weather wise, so we grabbed the kayaks (4 hobies, two outbacks with mirage drive and a couple of quests for the girls). Took them to the boat ram and headed down to Five Finger reef, outside the sanctuary. Well we were pumping into a pretty stiff southerly, so it ended up that me and dad towed the girls, at least we got some exercise. Went for a swim for about an hour over the reef, lots of nice corals, but no fish worth chasing. Still a nice way to spend the arvo.
Friday, yet again a blower, but decided to have another crack at some macks – again, sharks everywhere......... Trolled from North to South passage, but the only producing one was the shark patch. On the way back I did hook up to a size macky, unfortunately for fear of sharks, ended up pulling the hooks next to the boat!
The Saturday and Sunday didn’t look overly good so it was off for a trip to Exmouth for the first time. Stopped in at Tackleworld to replenish the lure supplies (damn sharks) and headed up around the Cape for a look around and to take some pictures. Nice day and it was good to get out for a drive. On the Sunday we again jumped into the kayaks, this time paddled out to the outer reef for a snorkel and feed the Spanglies, they always impress, love swimming around this place!
Monday came and so did some nicer weather. Headed out with dad and a mate Simon straight to the 60’s to start with. Finally we were able to get out a bit to a day that got better as it went. First drift over the corals and almost immediately onto the fish. Got a couple of tomato cod then a school of Trevally moved in, picked up a few nice size ones, then we all though I was sharked, but nope, a nice size trevally instead, great fight, and tasted quite nice too.
Went a bit quite, so off to find some new ground. Found an area that came up gradually 5m in the 70’s, started with a few honeycomb cod, then bang, a rod loads up,
excellent result in a beautiful red for Simon.
After that picked up a Saddletail snapper and a Rankin then again moved in search of more ground. Not too far away, another bit of coral found, and a school of Spanglies to go with it. Now we decided it was a good day so went out to the 100m mark. Didnt have much time out there before the wind picked up, but did get a visit from a dolphin fish – beautiful sight the electric blues on the fins. Simon hooked him a couple of times on a placcy but not well enough unfortunately, and I had a few follows on poppers. Out went the skirts for a troll back towards the south passage. Stopped off for a drift at another coral patch in the 60’s, and here we found a nice school of Reds, got another couple sized then decided to have another chase at the mackys, no luck until. ...Shark spot..... Great fun, but result, a broken rod to Simon after a bit of exhaustion – damn good fight though for the half hour leading up to it! Back to the ramp and the cleaning tables - the days catch.
Tuesday was a day with the missus, having a lazy one, bit of snorkelling, making rigs and doing nothing – needed it!
Wednesday for my birthday was a spin out in the kayaks again to swim with the ever so friendly spanglies and another lazy afternoon.
Thursday – back on the water with Dad. Brilliant day again, only going to the first 3 spots and bagging by lunch time. Ended with a few good tomato cod, a small red, another saddletail, some spanglies, a trevally, rankin and a couple of pear pearch.
Was a nice, easy, enjoyable morning on the water. Even had a sail swim under the boat and managed to land one of the annoying sharks (albeit a lot smaller than the ones in the macky patch!!)
Friday – perfect weather, dad decided he wanted to relax and start packing, so I went out with my Simon from the other day. Though we would hit up the deep and what an amazing day it was. 3 hours bottom fishing and the bag limit was achieved. First drop resulted in a nice goldband, then a sharking – this had us thinking the day wasn’t going to be soo good. Next thing, 5 bronzies come from nowhere, smash around the back of the boat, then disappear.... strange things..
Reset the drift, couple of red throats and a spanglie, then bang, 4 nice reds in a row.
Me and my first of the day.
Simon and his first of the day
Deciding not to get more reds, moved about 500m to look for new ground and started drifting, result in a few nice goldy’s. Once last drift at the previous spot got a dpouble header of big goldy’s and a full bag.
During this tiem we also had a Marlin swim under the boat so out when the lures for the trip home. No hits after about 30 mins, so in they came, just as we powered off there was a fish jump in front of us, out they went again. Instantly there was a sail playing behind our lures, 2 hits on each then gone – still was a nice way to finish he day. Then as usual, a whale playing in the water, leaping, tail flapping and putting on a show – I knew I wouldn’t want to go home the next day........
Goldy for dinner, then off to bed, Packed up the site next morning and back in Perth at 2am the next day.
Was a wonderful trip again to Coral bay and has me itching to get back there. Makes it even harder when I only work 3hrs inland from there........
Thanks for reading
- 4025 reads
The Almanac, results may vary.
Submitted by Fraser 5.25 on Wed, 2011-10-05 17:27Was keeping a close eye on Seabreeze during the recent weekend and it looked like Tuesday was going to be the go for a fish before the ban takes place. It then quickly changed to Wednesday (today) as being the day to go out for a fish and some text messages to Fishntime to arrange the times. I had my doubts as the Almanac said that the day was not a good one for fishing. I managed to wrangle a day off work by changing my RDO around at work and all it meant was making sure that I got up at 4:20am to go for a fish. A quick trip past the servo to fuel up the boat and then past to pick up Fishntime and we were off to Woodies Point. We launched and the sun was poking its head up over the horizon with a light Easterly (I think, too bloody early) and a relatively flat ocean. Shot out to 37m where we picked up a nice KG Whiting, a sized black arse which went back as 32cm still seems small when you look see the fish and a small dhu fish. Not much happening out there so we came back in to the Five in search of some Pinkies. No idea where to start so we went over to a spot I dive with mates for crayfish and dhuies in 20m. First drift with not much action. Second drift and it was on. They weren't wrasse bites, they were solid tugs each time a fish hit the bait. I pulled up two dhu fish on seperate drifts that were sized and a couple of small ones were brought to the boat and released and many more that didn't leave the bottom. Then on another drift Allen hooks up to a big one. He gets it to the side of the boat and we could see early on that it was a big one. We net it and it was a very solid, fat one and it was about the 10kg mark. As we already had two on board, it had to go back. Whilst it was on the deck, it was regurgitating up whole baby mullies and it stunk. The fish were hot for about 20 minutes and then nothing again. A couple of more drifts and the call was made. Headed back in with no wind and dead flat. Ended up pulling up 6 dhu fish, 3 sized black arse (all went back), tarwhine, skippy and a leather jacket. Allan can update the post if I left anything out.
Ps. Sorry Allan we had to return your monster. And appologies for the photos being 90 degrees out.
- 2986 reads
05/10/2011 Flathead on Soft Plastics
Submitted by abandon on Wed, 2011-10-05 13:20Went down to the local this morning at about 10am while there was no wind and the tide was low.
Chucked out Squidgy Wrigglers for a few hours and hooked a few small flatties. All went back to get bigger and fight another day.
Can anybody recommend a beach SOR that's good for bigger flatties, as all that seem to be around here are tiny ones. Or do they go out deep when they are bigger?
Was still a bit of fun, a great morning to be down the beach :)
- 5819 reads
Fishing the five
Submitted by Mick_000_ on Mon, 2011-10-03 13:08Went for a fish on the five sat night for 2 hrs and had a blast! Fishing with 80lb handlines and a flicki just for a laugh me mate and I landed 4 snapper, 2 dhueys ,1 sambo that had to of been 20kgs bout 1.4 meters !!! And a double hook up of port jacksons!! Left with the one snapper 64cm and one dhuey 55cm and a skippy off the flicki! 3 snapper undersized and one Dhuey under. Apparently sambo get worms or don't taste good when big so we let the big fella go was a nice fish!!! wait to head back out with the rods for a proper run!!!' One of the best times fishing haha the sambo went off! a crazy two hour session!
- 2431 reads
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