
Where are they biting at the moment

Swan River Bruizers

my uncle Michael is back in Perth from the UK and last time Ryan got him and me onto huge bass groper this time Ryan was kind enought to take us to the Swan to get a feed of crabs.he said he has been going heaps of late and they are going off with some big bruizers.we headed out yestrday late arvo and got our 20 bag limit in 2 hours wif all crabs being 150mm to 180mm.

awesum arvo Ryan and the sunset beers on the Swan was a perfect way to finish off......thanx for taking us out m8



busso jetty

Hi all went out the busso jetty this morning for the first time since it been open.Wow wot a great job they have done just a shame it took so long .Any got a few herring and some nice size skippy and some squid but had to work for it . Its just good to have the jetty back for every one to use 

Dampier Shark Report

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Been fishing for some sharks off dampier yacht club after work to keep occupied. (releasing all of them)
fishing the high tide at night can sometime produce a shark every 20min. The sharks are mainly black tips 0.5m to 1.5m long. Although some big bronzies and tigers do come through as well. Im now chasing something big that cut through 100kg steel trace, so will upload more photos if I have any luck.
The other week I got a decent bronzie after a 45min fight on 15kg mono, successfully released it after a quick snap.

What a joke...!

was down the ammo jetty last night just for walk to the jetty and back at around 10pm.  as i got to my car i noticed a car that had its back window and side window smashed.  now this has been going on for years but as of november last year they had put cameras in the carpark and that seemed to stop the break ins but as of 3 weeks i think they took them down and now were back to this same sh*t again

they sit in their car, wait for you to head down the jetty out of sight and smash. wat a crock of bs. so if your ever there and you see a white vs commodore sedan v8 that sounds like a hunk of *##* with can hardly see in it dont bother... waited out the front of woodies for about an hour, had another friend with me who went back down the carpark to see if anything else and wat do, you know, another 5 cars....

called the police while i followed them to the cockburn boat ramp probly looking for cars in that area as well.  i think they mite had recognised my car from the hour b4 and decided to get out of there as the police arrived 2 minutes 2 late

now i dont get it.  they put cameras up in the carpark to fix this problem, it works with hardly any reports and now were back to square one...what an absolute shambles on the cockburn shire. they put on all these co-safe patrols for what...?.....

what an absolute waste of tax payers dollars...!

Fishing Hamilton Island



Just wondering if any one has had much success over at hamo and if so what charter did you go on. Ive done a search and found some info but they are all about a year ago and not really saying too much. There seems to be two companies Renegade and Rapture both offering similar days but renegade being a bit pricier. Will be up ther in march and want to get on to some mackies and trout/emperor


Does any one know of any othere charter options





swanbourne tailor

hey guys any one heard of many if any tailor been caught at the drain recently tryed a few week backs to no avil hangin for a feed cheers guys

A tough nite doing overtime!!

Went out for a fish last nite. Got some nice size baits to use live. A nice high tide at 10.30pm. Okay might be in with a shot.

Had to re anchor a couple of times because the wind was that strong it kept dragging the pick. There were some gusts to 35 knots or so.

Ended up landing a few rays from door mat size to coffee table size. They arent silver with 50 cent peice size scales though.

The last thing of the night slammed an 8" mullet and lolled around slugging it out 20 or 30 mtrs from the boat before it decided to bolt off into the darkness. It is a strange feeling loosing line into blackness.

At 1 stage I put the rod in a holder to wind the other rod in and get it out of the way!! It was looking like a complete spool job. This thing actually broke the spool clicker while it was running!! haha. mongrel.

And with about 30 metres of 20lb braid left out of 200 odd metres 'the thing' busted me off on the wind on leader.

Ahh well, better to have fought and lost than not to have fought at all.

Considering how cold it was last nite, I decided to head home and marvel the happenings over a few brews!!

When that big Mulla comes along though, it will make it so much more rewarding.


Kalbarri Macks and Marlin

Went out for a quick solo troll this morning after hearing some good reports of macks and even a good size black being caught lately. hit the water about 5.30 just as the sun was coming up. took a while for things to start happening then Bang, had the drag up to tight on my 10kg outfit and got busted off by what i'd say was a mackie hitting it at full noise. Out goes a new lure and reset the drags, after a few laps of the same area got a solid hook up, after around 10 mins i had him in the boat. very lucky to land him after he did a lap round a cray rope. Ended up going 14.4kg on the digi scales. 

After that continued doing laps of the same area, got probly anoth 3 hook ups but dropped them all. The lures all came back looking pretty mauled so it looked like mackies were to blame. At around 8.00 i got a solid hook up but it didnt feel like a mackie, it took around 150m of 24kg braid befor shredding the leader. thought it must have been a sambo but it did have me wondering. Anyways rerigged for a few more laps, around 8.30 i was reeling in a lure to inspect it after dropping another fish when off to my left i see what i thought was a big mackie cruising on the surface towards the lure i was reeling in. Then i seen the big mackie had a bill, he lit up an almost bright blue colour and charged in. after a short 10mins with a few flips and tail walks i had him boatside. it was a bit tricky but i managed to grab him and lift him in the boat to dehook him and get a few quick snaps. After swimming him for a few mins he was giving a few good kicks and biting down pretty firmly and away he went.

(Dont worry the blood on the carpet is from the prevous mack not this guy)

Spent another 30mins cruising round and picked up another mack that was just size he went back and i decided to call it a day. got back to the ramp by 9.30, Beers cracked by 10.

Cheers Kye

crabs are still flowing in the swan

still plenty of bluey's around in the river.... and pretty good size too. biggest 180mm

here's silly and my effort from last night

Point Walter Jetty

Hi, Im new here but thought i would fill you in. Had a top night last night at pt walter jetty. Caught around 50 tailor, only 4 keepers though but plenty on 25 cm. Went out there at 8 for a quick throw and ended up staying till 2am. Even had to go and get more pillies. Is this normal there or were we lucky? Its my 4th time there and have changed takle/bait/lures ect every time and watched others with their setup and have finally found the right combo.



Went down last night and had another another cracker. 8 herring and 9 tailor between me and my mate. 2 x 37cm tailor which was good also. I think i am ready to give the north mole a go and chase some bigger tailor on the same tackle and setup. I attached some photos.


Loving the Tuna - Saturday 29/1/11

Well with cyclone Bianca bearing down on us we weren't to sure what was install for us when we turned up at Woodies Saturday morning. As we headed out it looked pretty sh!t with lightening and rain coming over GI. As it hit we decided to stop and do some squidding as we couldn't see where we were going and that rain sure does sting when your moving. Luckily after half an hour it had passed and the weather for the rest of the day was great.

Headed to my usual trolling spot but decided to do a few drifts first over some lumps but came up empty handed. After a few hours decided to go for a troll and got smashed straight away. Ended up with 8 tuna landed, 6 bluefin and 2 stripeys (I think that's what these are?). Then fisherys decided to pay us a visit, they were very nice chaps, did the usual inspection of our catch and then were decent enough to show us on their sounder where a nice patch of demersals were (I need to get me one of those big sounders). Marked the spot and did a few drifts. Ended up getting a bunch of small snapper and being smashed 4 times by what I expect were Sambos. Landed one of the smaller ones...

Then it was time to go back in as the dark grey clouds started to roll in over Rotto. Thought we'd beat it in but we got smashed about 1km out from the ramp. All up a good day. Hadn't taken my brother and his missus out for a while and they ended up with their frist Tuna. The first one went 8kg so in a couple more months they will be stonkers.

Early Sat morning report

Went out yesterday morning 5:30am, just after the thunderstorm came thru.  We first went out to the Five Fathom Bank and drifted over a few times and caught 4 nice skippy, we then went out to 40m mark and caught a 3 nice King George Whiting.  It was nice and quiet out on the water as most boaties werent sure with the approaching cyclone.

What is the easiest and best way to cook up King George Whiting? Any tips?



Young Pup

Went out yesterday in the 25 knot 3 metre conditions and hunted some Dolphinfish which are running hard at the moment. We got a couple early and then bled with nothing for about three hours. We decided to head home about 1200 and trolled the reef on the way. I picked up a very welcome doggie (probably about 8kgs). Then at the end of securing that in the esky we saw a massive dolly school, left the reef and got into them. It was Mahi Madness with double hook-ups and only me to get them in as it was too rough for my mate to leave the wheel. There wasn't even time to reset lures as whatever was left in the water ended up connected to the next fish. An awesome 45 minutes to finish the days fishing. We got another four before heading home, leaving them biting.


Without a doubt my favourite eating fish in the ocean.

Not much is going to survive these choppas. My hardbodies are starting to build up some pretty cool scars.

Rictor Jellybabes. Got to love em!!!!

They weren't big by any stretch but they were there in numbers and going nuts for our lures.

Dogtooth sashimi and crumbed mahi - now that's a quality lunch.


Five fathom report

A brief report from a trip that a mate and I did out at the FFB recently.


Was blowing a bloody gale out but decided to give it a whirl anyway as the swell was low. Ended up with 3 decent pinkies, 2 good tailor (one really good), a bronzie and the usual smaller stuff.


Snapper went pretty hard on fairly light gear, but was using the heavier kit for the shark (was trying for his big brother) so wasnt much of a challenge there.


Let 1 pinkie go, and hosted a shark bbq the following day - shark burgers were awesome! You can tell by the pic of the shark that I got a bit carried away with the iki jimi, but the thing was never going to fit in the esky and I wasnt sitting it on the deck next to my foot till I knew it was dead for sure!


Used a tailor head and a herring together for the shark and mulies for the rest






1hr Sunset flick

After seeing Richard Snellin's post about Tailor, thought id head down to my local beach where i normally flick for Tailor with a twisty lure. Within 5mins scored a nice fish which i saw take the lure about 5m out, ended up being a lil salmon. Got a Tailor just on sunset and then lost another just after the sun went down. All good fun and a lil feed


North Mole Tailor

Decided to head to north mole for a few casts last night.
The weather was perfect just a light breeze and very warm.
I got there a bit late just missing the sunset however my first cast hooked a a lovely Tailor right at my feet which subsequently detatched itself at the rocks, half an hour or so went by before another hookup but when it came it was huge, line peeled off in three or four powerful runs and a couple of minutes later i was carrying my biggest Tailor ever at 49cm up the rocks.
Bites came fairly regularly after that and i soon had another tailor of 40cm in the bucket which was then followed by a horse (by my standards) at 51cm. At this time the southerly started to pick up so i called it a night despite the fish still being on the bite but i was more than happy with my catch!

3 mile

Thinkin of headin out to 3 mile early tom, but last time i went their wasnt much action. has anyone had a good run their lately?


Does anyone know of any shore based metro spots where the bonito are biting of late?

last few dives

a few photo's from our dives over the past few weeks.

Mainly night efforts in the swan for crabs, but have been able to pick up some decent flathead in the prawn net as well.

Went for a quick dive on aus day and looped a cray that was moulting. looked like he had two heads!

No reccord breakers but plenty of good feeds :)


still looking like hitting perth later in the week but as a tropical low

heres the latest track map

Safari Fishing Adventures In Thailand !!! By BKKGUY

My first lady student for toman wild fishing for year 2011 is from Malaysia. Henry and his wife done a 4 DAYS 3 Nights safari trip to the Burma- Thailand border dam with me.

Henry's wife came without any proper casting or luring skills experience. For the very first day, I've tried my best to help and teach her the correct way to cast out her lure , balance on the boat and crank the lure etc. At the end of the fishing trip, she passed with fly color and is fit to wear my Giant Snakehead T- shirt with logo stated " NO LIMIT' when come to wild fishing. Just work hard and have faith in yourself. The big catch will come one day.  ;)

After this safari trip in Thailand, she is hooked to wild toman fishing.

I told Henry that the biggest catch for this wild fishing trip is not the big fish but be able to poison his wife to love wild fishing. This way, he got excuses and can make many wonderful memories fishing trip with his wife in the future.

"Wonderful memories is made & created by loved ones together"

Henry like many other avid lurers, fancy the wild kind of challenging than ponds fishing.

For this particular trip, Henry landed his first fish for 2011- A 1.22kg sebarau and his wife first toman caught in the wild on lure of course- 2.29kg toman. The magnificent view and beautiful natural, enough to melt any angler's heart.

Without much delay, allow me to share some of the highlights photo shots for the trip.....

For live actions....view the vid clip.

YES....YES.....YES.........shouted Henry's wife when she finally landed her first toman in the wild in 2011.
In the vid clip, you can see her casted her luer with great confident. Drop her lure in between narrow gap & casting non stop on the boat and under the hot sun.

Great angler is created and not born. ;)


Highlights photo shots....


Peaceful Bay Holiday

Last Week's Fishing

Hi all,


Cam here, been lurkin in these forums for about a year and decided to contribute something. Was a mad fisherman as a youngster and lately getting back into it with my mater


Last few weeks I have been fishing the river, looking for the elusive land based blue manna ( Any tips would be appreciated). A short write up of the spots I have hit up follows.


Garrat Road: 1) Went on the incoming king tide, managed a handful of bream, the biggest goin 29cm. No crabs in a 3-4 hour stretch off the jetty

                    2nd) Went on the low tide for a short lure session last night. Didnt manage a fish but saw a group taking 15-20cm baby bream and tailor and hiding them in bags under the pylons, reported to fisheries who unfortunately didnt have anyone available.  They did follow up the call today however, and had a discussion about what to do when they are off duty.

What does everyone do when they see this? I wanted to confront them but couldnt count on me or them holding their temper.


Applecross Jetty and surrounds:  Had a good session on bream 2 nights ago from 25-29cm with several bigger ones being lost. We were using small rock crabs, snapbacks and river prawns.BLowies were surprisingly not that bad. Still no blue manna crabs in a 3 hour soak (7pm till 10pm) A local told us about large yellowfin whiting in the area, anyone else heard about

Peppermint Grove/ Mosman Bay: Fished further towards chidley from the Freshwater bay YC. Heaps of small tailor around 15-20 cm chasing large bait schools, Only one legal amongst the ones we caught so put them all back. Never caught one that small before, they have no fight in them whatsoever at that size, even on 2kg. Again no crabs, but large masses of blowies around to go with the bait fish.


Anyone have any surefire LB crab spots or tips? We are using spleen, chicken, bony herring, farkin sausages and all.  I just want a couple for tea. hahah


Yacht club jetty Rockingham Report

 Went to Yacht club today around 2 p.m with some mates... Heaps of juvenile pinkies... threw them back... had to big runs... line snapped just near jetty... could not lift it up... may be a big ray.... But no tailor

Seasport Charter 22/01/2010

I have no doubt in my mind that Whitey is not a man, but a god at putting you on good fish.

Saturday morning saw an early rise and a nice drive to Jurien Bay. We arrived at around 4am and like clock work Whitey's vessel was waiting and ready for an adventure. We packed the gear and piled in and in no time we were off. We decided to head out to the FADs and after a short trip, a stop for livebait and a quick vomit from myself we arrived.

Second cast saw me onto a first dolphinfish on a 6" pink snapback, the dream became a nightmare and due to having to tight drag the fish was lost. Over my shoulder however, saw 2 hook ups on a stickbait and a livey and after a short battle 2 dolphin fish were landed. We had a couple more passes and once again on live bait we saw another dolphin fish landed. I wasnt 100 percent sure the person knew they were hooked up as the fish was leaping trying to throw the hooks, it wasnt until they picked the slack up they found out they were on.

After our 3 fish were landed they went off the bite and we had a quick troll with the heavier outfits but unfortunately no hook-ups. I was hoping to see a marlin dancing on the water but i can save that till March.

A quick look at our watches showed it was not long after 7 o'clock and we moved onto the ground whitey has become famous for. There was an array of plastics and jigs. A mention goes out to Dasho who has now created an Octa jig which holds bait. The next several hours saw an array of excellent fish coming up. We filled the icebox with the usual Dhuies, Pinkies, Baldies and BB's. I was over the moon with my PB snapper and at 92cm's i cant complain.

Another great day out with Whitey and a huge thankyou to him and his deckie. I highly recommend him as the short drive gets you away from the hustle and bustle and onto some awesome fish, he is a great guy and knows his stuff. Sorry but i only took a couple snaps as i was to busy fishing.


My new PB...


The Deckies dollie...


The Mixed bag...(Photo Dasho)



Tuna, Tuna and more Tuna

Woke up on Saturday not planning on going out but checked the weather report and it looked half decent. Decided to call up a mate who has recently caught the fishing bug and take him out for some whiting, herring and squid as this was the type of fishing he'd been doing but from the beach.

Got down to Woodies at about 9:30am (a bit late but hey it was a last minute decission to go out) and started to head to the usual squidding grounds. I've been picking on him a bit for only catching whiting and herring as these are bait in my eyes and figured once he got into something decent he'd feel the same. The seas didn't look to bad so decided we'd go out further to get him onto something a bit bigger than whiting on 5 fathom. He's been going on about how great the herring he catches are for sushi so as we got to Carnac the seas still looked ok so I asked him if he wanted to try his luck with some Tuna.

So off we went to the south side of Rotto where I've had some luck with the Tuna, usually getting into a couple each time I've been out but a bit hit and miss. Got to the spot where I've been trolling (due to their always being bait fish) sent out the lures and within a couple of minutes one of the rods was screaming out line. Told my mate to grab that one as I wanted him to land his first decent fish, grabbed the other rod and I hooked up too. Unfortunately his came off but landed mine and it wasn't a bad size 8kg.

Into the eski it went, lures into the water and we were off again. It didnt' take long and the rods were screaming out line and he finally had his first Tuna, he was stoked. Over the three hours we trolled, we had over 20 hook ups and landed 15 Tuna so it was a brilliant day out. I'm guessing my mate won't have the same thrill with a herring next time he's beach fishing...


 plenty mackies nth end gi early today.

Aerial view...QLD devestation

If you haven't used this website before, check it out...   The difference between Nearmap & Google earth is Google Earth is taken from a satalite and updated every few years. Nearmap image is taken from a low flying aeroplane with a massive high res camera so you can zoom right in on your target. It also stores past pics in a database which is available in the slide bar at top of screen, giving you the option of before and after shots.

I thought I might post this as many people are looking at the damage in QLD from the recent flooding and Nearmap is the one for aerial assessment.

I'm personally in Brisbane checkin the damage and doing my bit to help as my wife and I have been directly affected and lost all but our walls in our property there. Our thoughts go to those who lost much more including life.

Luck & thoughts are with you from the WA Angling community QLD & Carnarvon.

deep deep fishing trip 1

well went out to the deep on fri left hilliarys 630ish to a nice calm sea

first stop was the fads trolled upto and around  drifted in flicked sp at the fad to no avail

next stop was 270m did 3 drops out there didnt feel any bites but didnt see one bait return to surface only one sweep was landed the current down deep was moving pretty fast so lots of line was out i recon i had 500m plus of line out

was a good 5 min retrive thanks again to mako mat for lending me a 2 speed penn rod and harness saved alot of pain

will be out again and prob try 300 plus any one know if and where they do forcasts on the current speeds?

tried again at the fads on way back in stopped at a few lumps 100m but current was rushing

last stop in 50m produced some nice fish my dhu around 9kg? i guess notice the lightness when captured then dark in the esky

only other fish i landed where gunnard the spiky type

and my mate daves brilliant snapper a pb for him  also got a sambo and blackass

i did suffer a bit of spewing late morn them flybrige boats uptop got me going may need a pill next time



metro marlin

Word from PGFC is that an estimated 120kg Black Marlin was tagged out at the trench today.

aswell as numerous hookups on blues and striped marlin in the past week.

please bring on some good weather!!!!!!