Brag Board

Brag Rights, Catch and Release or Unusual Captures

brents local catches

my son has been having a good run latly with some good catches
some of his pics below
this geo bay pinkie was 11 kg @950 long

26kg blue groper caught landbased with a hand line
lucky boy to land him

Exmouth today

 Well after 3 days of nothing to keep

my young fella finally got the fish of a lifetime

Thx for some helpful advice from some forum members 

hooked 6 kept 3

great day the kids had an absolute ball

we had put in 3 full days of trolling and Bottom bashing for not much, but our lucked turned

Rocko rankin cod

 Ian  and angelo went for fish today. Nice dhue few black ass . Few Crays. Angelo's rankin a cracker . Who said Rockingham sucks.:):):)

Today's efforts

 Had a pretty good day out today,  

Very eary start and straight out to the fads, drifting past and cast lures at the fads and the dollies were going nuts, taking any lure we cast, caught 4 for the table and released a few more and then left them bitting. Seen a small dolly getting airborne continuously chasing a small school of shit scared baitfish haha. Trolled between the fads and found a distinct water temp change/current line, 21 degrees one side and no fish, 21.5 degrees the other side and a heap of small mixed tuna, we got southern blue fin, stripped tuna and a Mac tuna. All pretty small, 30-50cm's. Left them and trolled into 45m's north of rotto without anything touching the lures (21 degrees the whole way). Slowly cruising up to a spot I've previously mark and see some action on the sounder, mark that spot, tie on a jig, circle back around and have a drop. A few big blobs on the sounder about 5m's off the bottom, I thought sambos. 1st drop and straight into the mouth of a big pinky haha, just lucky to be in the rite place at the rite time I guess. A few more drifts around the area for a few small picker fish. Pulled the pin and headed for home with a quick stop to check my cray pots, only 2 keepers this time, but re baited and dropped back down. 

All in all a great day in the metro, weather was bloody amazing!!


Absoulute cracker day with big john

 Had an absoulute cracker day with big john and my dad. Straight out to stragglers and mewstones where we kept picking up the odd fish but no schools

Came back in and started watching the dolphins jet around... We then soon realised they werent alone and had a massive school under them.

First cast resulted in double and triple hook ups for another half hour before a pro boat chopped up the school

awesome day and cant thank john enough

Oldies can still do it

 Put a mate of mine onto a few dhuies last month. He has to take his mum out with him at least a couple of times a year , part of the deal he did with his old man before he passed away. Anyway got to the spot and pulled a couple of fish over the side that weighed in at 13 and 16 kg ,we were pretty happy with that so got on the radio and called old mate over , he sets up his drift and before he has a chance to get his line over the side his old chook ( she would be 70 odd ,but i didnt say that) hooks up on a train. She wont use a good rod and persists with an old egg beater and the most basic of rigs ,the good money was on her getting bricked, but after a good 15 min tussle  a dhuie that eventually weighed in at a solid 18kg pops to the surface. Hi fives and yeahas from over the water ensue and a few expletives from the crew on my boat re old mate getting done over by his mum and the call was made to head home with the fish still on the bite.Happy Days.

First Dhue on Jig

First Dhue on Jig, well not quite the first, but the first keeper.

After reading all the hype, and being a bit of a tackle ho, purchased an Azusa Jig rod pe4-6 on special. Matched it with a Sustain 6000 which I purchased some time ago, for no reason ( it was just black, shiny and sexy and needed a home ). Filled the Sustain with 40 lb Fins and about 2 meters of 50 lb Fluoro. Loaded up with a few jigs of different weights, colours and styles and did a bit of reading on the subject. This site has been a wealth of knowledge, thank you.

My first 2 trips out using Jigs produced very little, 2 undersized Dhues, a North West Blowie ( nearly cut through a 60 gm Jig ), a few Sergeant Bakers and a Blackass of about 15 cm. My misfortune on the Jig was matched by my mates soaking baits, so wasn’t that despondent.

Third trip, out from Two Rocks, decided to switch back to bait for the first drop. The ground was glowing with activity a couple of meters above the bottom, as well as fish holding close to the bottom. Before the bait hit the bottom, crunch –then the screaming run. As suspected from the sounder, Sambo of about 10 kgs first on board, not the desired species for the day, but still a lot of fun. Next Drift over the patch, decided to make the switch to Jig. Good call, jig hits the bottom, lift, wind, lift, wind, drop - Bang, onto something solid. Knew within the first couple of short powerful runs, that I wasn’t connected to another Sambo, a completely different fight.
Not a huge fish by the lofty standards set on this site, but would guess around the 12 – 13 kg mark and a whole lotta fun on a Jig.

First yellow tail Kingy

We were drifting over some shallow reef about 5 meters and this guy came up to check out the boat, after refusing to take anything but unbaited pilchards I grabbed the plastics combo and tied a 4/0 onto the 40lb leader. Chopped a pilly into 4 pieces and threw the baited hook in last, he grabbed it and I was on... Got him boat side after about 2 stressfull minutes watching him dart between rocks, my mate grabbed the net and missed, the fish went straight under a rock which we could clearly see so I free spooled and moved the boat to the open side preying I hadn't lost it..... got him out and the gaff was employed.

83cm Not huge but pretty happy none the less!

Keen to see what some of you guys have landed around Perth, how big do they get on the west coast?

Oldie but a goodie - I'm Overdhu for more...

Couple of dhufish...been too long, need to get out there again.

coral bay = minor success

 well to say we did it tough would be and understatement but hell we gave it all we had and some. 

thanks to all the members who gave advice and the few we met up there 


day 1

arrived in coral bay to wind, fullmon and the word the water was cold and filthy which crushed our hopes of trolling up some bills and pelagics, the first arvo was a little sesh to test all the boats, get gear ready and find the channel.

hit the ramp after a few warm up beers and one of the boats is leaking fuel from the carby. firstly tried tightning bolts no luck then two lads went back to camp and started googling found schematics and found one last bolt loose WINNING back in the game


day 2 

hit ramp sun up charged out in sloppy conditions, 2 boats (mihai and richard) (warren and hayden) stayed in close chasing a few bait schools with success 3 cobia boated, massive sharks and blood boiling as bait schools being destroyed and back to ramp early, 3rd boat (chris and I) headed wide with skirts in trail, nailed a yellow fin that was full of worms , after a few hours of no luck came across a massive show on the sounder 70m so decision made call of the trolling. over went the bottom bash gear first drop big rankin and a trevally, second drop hooked up on jig small fish then absolutly monstered by a much much larger fish on my sustain 10000 and 50lb . chris was trialling his new deep drop setup (fish winch) electric reel attachment in the new rod extension holders made by member sea-kem, lands a nice goldband and big red throat.

reset drift and he hit the bottom chris gets a massive hit clicks reel into gear and fish is stripping 17kg of drag of his tiagra 50w both of us thought huge shark, after a few long minutes up pops a 35kg+ cod (my jig destroyer).

we boated the fish but both of us devastated that there was no way of saving this fish (over size) terrible rule so we called it a day


day 3

weather looks bad decision made no boats just beer and 4wd


day 4

exmouth bound. day trip to exy chasing clean water, pelagics, bills and deep drop. we all left the channel to a wall of birds and baitfish (game on) over went the bibs. mehai and richard warren and hayden all hounded the bait most of the day for spanish macks, dollies, wahoo and a sneaky deep drop to wazza for a nice goldband. chris and I headed wide skirts out for one lonely 130cm dolly, called it quits and next was a deep drop in <450m our first real deep drop, sounder read depth but no good other then that. chris goes fish winch i went manual mode with second 50w. time to wind up after 20min drift FARK that never again put the tiagra in low gear and went at it like a working girl on a friday night. next drop was chris's turn on manual and i went leccy reel. result was 1 filthy big green eye and me laughing at chris taking forever on manual mode. 

called it quits headed shallow to float some baits into bait schools for another big dolly (tail slapped me in the forehead) and a cobia. trolled sunset for a small mack and tuna

and 1 of the largest sharks ive seen, monster tiger 



day 5

weathers on in coral bay, give the lads gps mark to spot we found on day 2 and all we heard all day was fish on over radio both mehai and wazzas boats bagging out and leaving chris and i out wide looking silly for undersize reds, trevally and other shit fish and 0 bills 

the day was celebrated with a few beers

magic conditions 


day 6

toughest day yet and last day for some, call of the day over radio BAGED OUT ON BOREDOM (mehai) guess you get the picture of the amount of fish caught today, we did manage a spanish mack and another good rankin but the wind blows up real bad and early so day is done racing back to channel.


day 7

chris and i spent a couple hours trolling along reef on the last day of fishing for 0, no birds working no bait action at all. few beers had the night before made for a very rough tasting can at 8.30am trying to inspire fish to take the lures. GAME OVER 


big thanks to all the lads involved and organising, do it all again next year at exy 

ive probably missed out heaps but this was the second time i wrote this post due to missplacing the first one 























 It's been a while since I went for a paddle. Was pretty quiet too but managed this fish from the two hits.



Bit of fun yesty arvo -check this out German

 For you Benno

My results From Sat

 Well headed out Sat morning into the 40's and after several hours of nothing ......I caught all these in the space of 45mins.

There were a few good sets of swell passing through that day and a couple of them made me go 

Trolled for a while with no tresults but enjoyed a great day out there none the less.

Anyway, managed to get a feed  




jigging fun

 had an awesome few days fishing over the long weekend. Shot up to leeman and nailed a couple og nice amberjack then the weather turned for the worst so came back to my local mandurah and nailed a nice mixed bag of queen snapper, dhufish, baldie and a couple of the biggest black ass ive seen all on dimiki backdrop jigs. Found big schools of nannygai out in the 70,s but the majority were all small 


Went out for an overnight session with my mate Manie. Took his kids and and my eldest along. Had a cracker evening with Tailor and rays being landed. Hauled out my Big Assasin heavy rod, loaded it up with a 7 oz grapel sinker and half of a tailor, casted the whole lot in and waited.

Man when that drag went it sang. One shout to my daughter, on went the bucket and she grabed the rod. It was fight on. One 5 foot landbased little tiger verses one 5 foot+ bronze whaler. She spent 45 mins walking up and down the beach, eventually landed this baby, with Manie's son tail grabbing it for her. Couple of Pics and safely released to swim and hopefully fight another day.  Hats off to her, she insisted on removing the hook and releasing by herself. You can see the remains of the bait on the trace, it move up the trace with the fight.


Nice day out and Killer Whales

Hey guys. Havent posted in a while due to hardly getting out, working hard ya know ;)

Missus got me a voucher for a trip out to the Bremer Canyon Killer Whales last xmas so headed down over the Easter break. What day it was! Headed out to what is known as "The Hotspot" a small area about 5nm x 5nm out at the Bremer Canyon in about a 1000m of water. This is the same area mentioned for those who have seen Dave Riggs doco "The Search for the Ocean's Super Predator." Theres believed to be a hydrocarbon leak in the seafloor releasing an incredible amount of nutrients sparking a huge food chain event from seafloor to surface. Over the 2 seasons of operation im led to believe Naturaliste Charters have had a 100% hit rate on killer whale sightings, with some days up to 100 whales congregating in the area.

As we arrived at The Hotspot the first thing I noticed was the amount of small Striped tuna busting up all around. The skipper announced the whales shouldnt be far away and within a mintue of arriving we had our first sighting! 3 orcas only a couple hundred metres ahead, as we got a bit closer they turned for the boat and swam across the front of the bow, a great site for everyone on board!







We followed this small group for 15 minutes or so before they dived. I asked the skipper how long they can stay underwater for and he replied "20 minutes." Needless to say we stayed in the area for a bit longer but who knows how far they swam underwater. We then putted further into The Hotspot and soon came across another pod.



They also dived shortly after and we never saw them again. Throughout the day we came across about 12 whales, a quiet day by standards. Skip said a bit too calm on the surface, 20 knot winds and 4m swell and the whales really turn it on apparently, riding swells and breaching often, 8 tonne bulls clearing the water easily. Would be one hell of a ride out there on a day like that, 70kms from Bremer Bay!

As you can see from the next photos, we got just about all 4 seasons out there!



Yesterday went out on a mates boat and had a muck around in close. A couple clean bite offs early for me on plastic and jig while drifting for pinks, then the sambos came to play taking plastics and livies right at the boat on some occasions. On the way in had a muck around with the salmon with lots of fish landed on stickbaits and fly.




selling my boat

Hi guys,

I am selling my 22ft Commodore. Had a new 2014 200HP Etech added in October 2014, has about 50hrs. see description in my next post

if interested, please PM me & I will send you pics.

Little andys dhues

 Had a ball today. Got a few dhues. 2 big black ass. Few kgs great day. Little Andy nearly passed out( soft ass) gill raker cut finger wide open . Letting Dhue go. ( funny in my books). Not in his. Great fun fishing with your kids .:):):). Big school we found coughing up little cobbler .


another good day off Mandurah today nice feed of fish. Dhu was 12.3kg n KG was 55cm 

Abrohlos inslands 2016

craig from saltwater put the call out on tuesday 3 people pulled out and he needed numbers so i was happy to

oblige hit the road friday and abrohlos didnt dissapoint cranking southerly at times so we just hid behind an island and smacked trout snapper and dhuies to 9kg in 8m of water.. Anyway pictures can tell the story


Lots more fish but to busy to take photos haha

Leeman day Trip

I will keep it very short guys and let the photos talk.

Left Perth 3 am on Saturday and greeted by the best possible weather you can expect.

Straight out to the 50M mark, Fished 5 hours for a great result.

Started slow but ended the day with couple of PB's

This place is a Baldy central and there is no shortage of other good fish.

We kept a few good fish and released a few baldy, big Pig fish, some snapper, Yellow tail king fish x2 and some sambos of course.

The trip is well worth it and cant wait to do it again.


Pemberton ( luke)

 Brendon and Luke went down pemby over the long weekend stayed on friends property that backs onto warren. Heaps of big reddies (35 to 45 cm jobs).4 trout caught . Rather eat reddys taste better. Trout flesh was good ( Orange ).

softie dhus

 I have been doing well on the dhus lately in softies in shallow water. Z man violet sparkle has been doing the damage in 9 inch.


Lots of small ones about but inbetween got a nice 12kg fish and put the old man onto some smaller models 


 A few big Salmon caught at Albany recently.  Any reports around Dunsborough yet?

Abrolhos Islands Feb Trip

Hey Guys,

Just thought i'd do an update from a recent trip we did to the Abrolhos Islands on board the Blue Water Adventure Charters vessel "Glenalan"

Was good to do a bit of sightseeing also visiting the area where the Batavia story took place and was also great to put the Lad from Darwin on a few nice Dhuies!! Photos Courtesy of Dorian.

Mulloway madness

 Trip up north landed with a bang! Landing 4 mulloway 1m+, 3 school macks going 90cm and 2 wobbegongs which were released.


 well done BIG Q nice 18kg dhu on the jig

and mine a little 15kg

A quick plash and dash yesterday.

 Took the boy out for a quick spear yesterday....a good day out. 

Cheynes beach

just been down to Cheynes for a couple of nights first time Iv had the boat down there. Spent a few hours out yesterday for a good feed of fish and surprisingly some big cuttle fish off of squid bait. mates sambo was around the 15-20kg and the only one landed had about 5 or 6 bust offs on 80lb set ups so there was a few bigger ones around 




Went out yesterday to see if we could get another Metro Mackie, it wasn't to be. Lots of stringy annoying weed in close. 

We ended up with these SBT's, not big fish but enough to turn a reel. Looking forward to the next few months targetting some YFT.