
Where are they biting at the moment

Bluewater Metro Fishing Report 08/12/2017



Friday 8th of December 2017

The whites are in full swing and if you are in the right spot you could be bagging the boat out in just one pull. Customer Brody pulled one pot up with 38 crays in it this week. Make sure your posts are on the Western side of any structure you might want to target and just off it to get them as they continue their ‘walk’. Blue mac is the preferred bait during this period although it doesn’t hurt to have a mix of tuna heads in the bait boxes as well.

One of customer Brody's hauls

The abalone season kicks off this Saturday (9/12/2017) at 7am till 8am. Yup that’s right just an hour to make the most of it but be safe when doing so as there is always a risk involved. Be aware of the rules and regs and do not do it without an abalone gauge.
Flathead in the river are becoming more prominent and staff member Pete caught and released a very chunky girl yesterday on an evening wade. He also landed several black bream which have been widespread lately from the city to well upstream in both the Swan and Canning and readily hitting hardbodies. The plague of tailor is still present throughout the river and the average size is getting better.

Pete and a beautiful flatty

Giant herring are still being caught with Bluewater Morley staff member Tien landing his first one over the weekend on a 10g Gold Halco Twisty. Nearly all reports of giant herring this year have been above the lower reaches of the river and have been found in quiet spots with little boat traffic, no angler pressure and lots of bait. Persistence is the key and the hottest part of the day have been most productive. Showing respect for these elusive fish is key to their survival after release and they should be handled as gently and quickly as possible.

Staff member Tien and his Giant Herring 

 The crabs have begun firing in Mandurah this week with some customers scooping their bag up in less than an hour and the whiting on the flats are also more active coinciding with some warmer weather.
The inshore reef structures have begun to hold more bait, thus yellowtail kings are around in good numbers. People have also been coming across them around their craypots so it is worth taking a rod out with you if you are pulling your pots. On the sambo front anglers have been getting stuck into them using high speed jigging in depths from 40-100m for some unbelievable sport fishing action. If you have never done this before and don’t have a boat or just can’t find the fish, get out with a charter like Saltwater Charters who will put you onto these trains. On such a charter you can also expect to go home with a feed of crays and may be even a tuna or two as customer Dennis found out while trolling a new Strada Tracka on board Saltwater Charters this week.

Customer Sebastian killing it again this week on Saltwater Charters with some massive sambos

Customer Dennis and his tuna on the Strada Tracka

Sebastian with a tasty tuna

These tuna mentioned above have usually been around any bait you might find just inshore to right out wide and provide plenty of action if you can find them. There is also more and more of a chance of Spanish mac everyday now as warmer water slowly creeps coming down.


Metro delicacies with a bite

 Fresh Kingfish Jalapeno, sashimi yellow fin tuna, seared yellow fin tuna and lightly fried kingfish. Yummo!


Whole famaily got stuck into it, although it bacame apparent after the young bloke took his first bit of the kingfish Jalapeno that the orange "Jalapeno" chillies the missue bought were actually Habanero chillies.......the young bloke ran around the block a few times and eventually came good.....



Full moon fishing at its best

 Was a insane session last night lost some monsters ended up landing 4. Can only imagine what the supermoon will bring tonight! 

Murray River below Hume alive and kicking

Fished the Murray just out of Rutherglen today, despite the massive floods around the area the Murray showing no ill effects. Have wanted to catch a Murray Cod for over 40 years and thought that the extreme rainfall would again defeat me.....but the Murray was unaffected and is in FINE shape, despite fishing worms, bardies grubs (frozen and bought for $4 a piece) and yabbies not a single carp seen, worms kept being eaten by large Murray crayfish but they kept letting go near the bank.  Landed 4 cod, two were small but on super light tackle (5lb line and collapsible shimano rods) the other two were good fish. Not huge but cod all the same 

Kungfush Bro!!!

 Hey Nathan, we got some good kungfush today bro. Scanno nailing one on a home made pusher skirt he made for marlin out of a Kodak film canister, we laughed when he sent it out...... 


Also got a YFT and SBT, and bagged out on crays to boot. Pretty good metro day. 



Tailor at Hangover Bay

Manie and I had another surf fishing session at Hangover Bay near Cervantes.  Manie is a good mate and my surf fishing mentor who has taught me most of what I know regarding surf fishing.  We lived in Kalgoorlie and frequented Esperance, Roses, Poison Creek, Point Culver etc. - great waters to learn this skill.

Ok, enough of the mate stuff and more of the fishing stuff.  I arrived at the beach a little earlier than Manie as I was keen to get a couple of photos and Manie had a golfing commitment to honour.  I decided to make my way to our favorite spot by myself (not good advice - see the video) to set up and introduce some burley into the water.

Once Manie arrived we set up the heavy gear with sliding baits and used the lighter gear to chase Herring which we were hoping to use as live bait.  To our surprise we were immediately into the Tailor at 3 in the afternoon and were catching them at almost a fish a cast.  This continued until just after sunset when the Westerly churned up the water loosening the weed in the process.

Manie managed a monster Ray on his slide bait before we called it a day at around midnight and made our way back to Perth satisfied with the result of a couple of hours of fishing.

YouTube video


Giant Snakehead- The Excitement of Hunting in the wild Fishing Thailand- BKKGUY

 This is one of those days..plentiful of hits. The big one that got away fishing trip.

Customer from Singapore was fishing 3 solid days with me, hunting snakehead in the wild lake.
Due to the water level , the snakehead love to hid beneath the fish pen of tilapia which make targeting them easy.
Giant snakehead fishing is always the best big game freshwater fishing in asia, if not the strongest pound for pound.
Hope you guys love my new vid clip.
Highlights catch during the 3 days fishing trip.

NOR. Whites

 Just a heads up to divers tomorrow with the weather warming up this weekend , this morning there was two sitings of reasonable  size white sharks .

one was at the three Mile of ocean reef harbour and another at centaur reef ,  both were around the boaties while attending their pots ,  ensure your shark shield is charged up

Bluewater Metro Fishing Report 01/12/2017



Fishing Report
Bluewater Tackle World
Friday 1st of December 2017
Staff member Pete & a ripper black bream

Good customer Brody has been checking pots daily

And knows how to find crays!

Morning after morning fishermen have been greeted by sunrise as they head out to check their pots in the hopes of a bounty within. The crays have been fishing extremely well off Mindarie and Hillarys and some fishermen have been getting their quota daily. Elsewhere it has been hit and miss but most are still doing well especially in the 10 - 15m mark. With the upcoming full moon this weekend the action should only get better making the early morning starts, stench of old bait and boat ramp ques all worth it.

With the Demersal Fishing Ban in place until the 15th December the Swan River provides a wonderful place to fish as it becomes a hive of activity this time of year.

Bony herring, mullet and grunter are in thick schools throughout the river creating a plentiful food source for the swarms of chopper tailor. The tailor fishing has been manic. Whether you’re trolling, casting lures from the shore or using a whitebait on a set of small gangs it has been hard to miss. Metal slices, small stick baits, poppers or bibbed minnows are all working. Anywhere from the Causeway down to Fremantle or the Canning to Mt Henry Bridge the fishing has been amazing. The size of these quality hard fighting fish will continue to increase over the coming months and being such an accessible, easy and safe style of fishing, it will provide lots of entertainment for not only experienced fisherman but families and kids alike.

Crabs and prawns are a very popular target now too, and rightly so as they are delicious! Wading shallows in the lower reaches of the Swan with a scoop or dab net is a fun way to target them on some of the warmer night we are having. A strong headlamp or underwater light is recommended  and makes them easy to spot and catch. It can be a fun family night out with lots of spots having nice grassed picnic/bbq areas nearby.

Flathead have been thick around the Burswood stretch as staff member Troy found out this week. The fish were mostly between 40-45cm, not huge, but a good sign for a healthy flatty season ahead.  All the fish were caught on 2.5” Grubz by Zman in Motor Oil and Bloodworm colours.

Staff member Troy and customer Dan found plenty of flathead

Staff member Pete also put the yards in this week and explored the Swan in search of bream. Not his usual haunts of the Canning River, however the risk payed off big time and he was rewarded with some solid bream on Zipbait hardbodies.

One of Pete's good bream from the last week

All this activity and huge potential food source has brought mulloway into play with plenty of action around Mosman Bay, Narrows Bridge and as far up as Sandy Beach and Fish Market Reserve. The tides are lining up with the upcoming full moon so now is your chance! Whilst livies are the best option amongst the bait schools to tempt a big strike, dead baits, plastics and diving lures are all also viable options. There have also been whispers of mulloway off quite a few metro beaches lately,whilst further North around Wilbinga the reports have been good.

Customer Joe, took his 5 year old son Christian fishing off the beach at North Coogee who had a great time hooking up and landing (and releasing) a bunch of flathead. It was a great way to spend a beautiful Sunday morning and to teach Christian a few things about fishing, well done guys!

Christian's smile says it all. Well done mate!


Dirk Hartog - November 2017

Hi all,

Myself and 4 mates just spent 9 days on the island staying at the Urchin Point shack.

We departed Perth at about 4am and arrived at Blackies (Steep Point) at around 5pm. I jumped in the water with the speargun and within the hour we were having Baldie for dinner.

The following morning at 6am we boarded on the barge and began the to Urchin Point. The trip itself is about 90km from the bottom of the island and that took us about 4 hours with some stops along the way for photos.

We spent the following 9 days at Urchin Point fishing predominently the western side catching plenty of fish along the way.

The pelagic action was a bit slow but we sill managed a few tuna and lost some very large Macks at the rocks.

The Turtle Bay area is a must see and the hill climb certainly tests the stamina on the way back!

We had a run in with a Brown Snake on the way back from a fishing spot. It had a crack at my mates leg and didnt miss him by much so keep an eye out if any of you are heading up there!

We had an amazing time and I'll be doing all I can got get back up there in the future!

Here are a few pics of the trip.

Turtle Bay Trev

Baby Trout


15kg Long Tail 



Nice Mulloway

Big Spango

Urchin Point from above!

A mornings work


Fillet O fish

Turtle Bay from above

Nice Cod


Steep track

 any Word on how the track into steep point is at the moment?

When its too windy to pull cray pots.......

 Eat em......hoooooge fry up at my joint for the two boats in our fleet, with me, Bodie, Scanno, Den, Langa, Rosco, partners and kids all frying up a heap of the critters today for lunch.......over $700 of crays were devoured.  



Today's solo effort

 went out first thing this this morning to try and free my cray pots, managed to get them free with one cray.

then went for a squid and managed to get the one, I've struggled to find the squid this year.

Fished for my 30 whiting then out for a feed of crabs. Was a tough day being solo but managed a decent feed.

Bluewater Metro Fishing Report 24/11/2017



Fishing Report
Bluewater Tackle World
Friday 24th of November 2017
This week’s fishing report was written by staff member Jeremey Cui, an experienced and enthusiastic fisherman who has plenty of fantastic catches to his name.

I hope everyone has had a great start to the summer so far and for those university students with their end of year exams finished, now is the time to get involved in some great outdoor activities and what better activity to participate in than fishing!
In this fishing report I’ll try to cover as much basis as possible from the Swan River which has provided the citizens of Perth with almost two centuries of great fishing to the beautiful sandy beaches of our West Coast and to the vast open blue seas of the Indian ocean. Hopefully by the time you’ve finished reading this article you’re about as enthusiastic to go fishing as you are spending some quality time with family over Christmas! (or not)

Without further ado, here is this week’s fishing report.

There have already been some great catches of blue swimmer crabs in the river, particularly around the deeper waters of Blackwall Reach. Our tip is the next week or two should see larger numbers of blue swimmer crabs congregating around the Swan Brewery area in about 5 – 10m of water. A bait cage is a must as crabs and shags will steal your bait and leave your net empty.

If crabs aren’t your thing, perhaps it’s time to try for some prawns. Catching prawns by any means is not an easy task, but boy is it rewarding. Try shining a light along the concrete walls adjacent to the water and look for the tell-tale reflective “red eyes”. Remember to scoop them up from behind as the prawns propel themselves backwards. This is a great way to get the family involved and makes for some great tucker as well.

A superb feed of prawns from the river

Now onto some fish, there have been HUGE numbers of Swan River tailor anywhere from Matilda Bay to the Narrows Bridge. I highly recommend using single hooks on your lures as most of these fish are undersized and the use of a single hook reduces the damage to the fish’s mouth. If you land a legal specimen the single hook also helps in a quick removal of the hook for a faster dispatching of the fish. Lures to use are the Arma Twist anywhere from the 10g – 25g size, Zipbait Skinnypop Jr’s, Bassday Sugar pen, Yo-Zuri Crystal minnows, paddletail soft plastics and many more. Just come to one of our stores and one of our knowledgeable staff members would be more than keen to help.

Swan River tailor can get very large as staff member Pete has found out previously

Giant Herring! These fish are incredibly fast and difficult to land. My best advice when targeting these elusive speedsters is persevere! Cover the ground and eventually you’ll find them. Start off by fishing small inlets or quiet “bays” of the Swan and looking for baitfish. Remember to use a heavier than normal leader of about 15-20lbs to reduce the chance of wearing through the leader in a prolonged fight. Some popular lures to use are the Zipbait Skinny Pop Jrs, Halco Twisty in the gold colour (10-15g) and certain subsurface minnows such as a Zipbait Tiny Khamsin jnr.

Along the coast, there have been solid catches of tailor around most metropolitan beaches with sunset and sundown proving to be the optimal bite time. Most of these schooling tailor are about 30-45cm with anything over 50cm being a decent catch. Remember your bag limits, only two tailor of 50cm+ are able to be kept per person within the total 8 tailor daily bag limit per person. A great method of catching these toothy critters is using a paternoster rig with about 50-60cm of line to your sinker, with a three-way swivel connecting your sinker to your mainline and a set of 4/0 gang hooks with leader to your mainline. Baits to use are mulies, scaly mackerel and any fresh fish fillets. You can also try throwing lures whilst soaking a bait out. Some popular lures to use are the Dual Adagio’s in the smaller size, Yo-Zuri Crystal Minnows, Shimano Rockslides and Zipbait Monsoon Breakers. If you’re really after something that’ll stretch your arms than catch a few legal tailor, fillet one and chuck it out on your line. Look for gutters and hopefully a big angry mulloway will take your bait and you’ll be hooked onto a fish of a lifetime! Some other by-catches by fishing with this method include gummy sharks, spinner sharks, shovel nose sharks and recently several big samson fish as well.

With the demersal ban still in effect, it’s a great time to target some lightening fast pelagics. It should be anytime now before the FADS start firing and there’ll be dolphinfish getting caught left, right and centre! A bit closer to shore there are the ever-formidable samson fish, who love to test the spirit of whoever hooks onto them. A basic set up to catch these fish is a PE5 setup with a 10000 Shimano or 5000 Daiwa sized reel with plenty of 50lb braid tied onto a 70lb+ leader. These fish are regarded by many as a sportfish only, so take care in releasing them. There are also plenty of yellowtail kings around already this year if you are keen for some topwater, arm stretching fun around the reefs!

Customer Sebastian with a massive sambo he caught this week on Saltwater Charters

That’s it for this week, tight lines and happy fishing!

Staff member Pete with an averaged sized metro king

Customer Zeke with an awesome John Dory caught out of Rockingham recently

Customer James with a cracking bream on a hardbody

Customer Mellon and a chopper from the river



Went out and got a bag of herring last week so I could make up a pickle. Used to eat a heap of this as a kid when the family would goto Lancelin in the school holidays. This recipe is a cross between what my old man taught me and little johnnys crayfish pickle.

1 ½ cups malt vinegar

1 ½ cups ssb white wine

½ cup french salad dressing

½ cup water

1 red chilli

1 clove garlic

1 green capsicum

1 finely chopped onion

Salt and pepper

1 dozen herring fillets cut in half

Mix all ingredients together and adjust to taste, put herring into mixture and leave in fridge for 24hrs, if you can.

Couple from sat

 Couple from sat. Smelly bass moved in. Plenty of puka around.

Bluewater Metro Fishing Report 17/11/2017




Bluewater Tackle World
Friday 17th of November 2017

  Whites have been turning up in pots set off Mindarie and Two Rocks, however their shells are still very soft. This will change shortly and all signs suggest that this year’s cray season should be pandemonium. In the meantime, there are still plenty of reds to be caught on shallow reefs whilst we wait for the whites to kick off their run.
Tailor averaging 40cm are showing up most mornings at the usual haunts between Mindarie and Lancelin. If you’re new to chasing tailor from the beach, look for deeper gutters that form this time of the year. Don’t be afraid to ask one of our expert staff members for tips on reading a beach. Some plump yellowfin whiting are also making a regular appearance providing a tasty bycatch for the tailor anglers. So if you’re lobbing out a mulie and star sinker, it would be a good idea to include a short trace with a small hook and piece of squid.
Farther south, spots such as North Mole have been producing a good feed of sand whiting. Those after a slightly bigger target have been getting into the small sharks that have been turning up along the coast, as well the occasional mulloway up to around 15kg.
The whiting ‘popping’ season is already better than last year’s and we haven’t even had a day of 40 degrees yet! Mandurah whiting have been hitting small poppers on the hotter days, particularly after the sea breeze has kicked in. Many anglers who go home when the sea breeze arrives have missed out on the bulk of the action. The breeze not only assists your cast, but creates chop on the surface of the water. This chop adds to the action of the popper. Keep your eye on our Facebook page for some staggering deals on whiting lures in the coming weeks.

Ebi-Panic's by Jackson are accounting for heaps & heaps of whiting
In the river, giant herring are creating a massive buzz and now is the time to have a crack at this acrobatic sportfish. Numerous fish have been landed in the Swan and the Canning. Metal slices weighing 15g-20g have accounted for most of the captures although they don’t seem to be too fussy with minnows and poppers also taking their share. These speedsters go hard and jump frequently so an 8-10 lb outfit would be a better option as a reel spooled with 4lb could get emptied very quickly. Also in the river, the tailor show no signs of slowing up and although most are still on the small side, there are reports of fish in the 30cm range starting to show up. Reports also suggest giant herring have been mixed in with the tailor by anglers trolling around Mosman’s, Claremont and Pt Walter.
Predictably, the mulloway have been hanging around the rampant schools of chopper with reports of captures coming from the middle reaches of the river. Flathead are becoming more active and a number over 50cm have been caught this week on bigger hardbodies such 110mm Yo-Zuri Crystal Minnows. Try slow rolling these hardbodies through flats and drop offs to pick them up whilst trying to avoid the plagues of blowies. Both flathead and flounder have been caught over the sand flats towards Freo on soft plastic grubs.
Mindarie customer Dan with an early season flatty.

Herring are in plague proportions around Carnac as staff member Curt found out!

Crabs are slowly making their way into the river and those fishing the deeper stretches towards Fremantle, such as Blackwall Reach are doing well so if you haven’t already, check your nets, make sure you have what you need and get out there!
If you have any information or photos that you would like to include in our weekly fishing report, please email


Thursdays Trip

With Thursdays weather predictions looking good I thought I'd take advantage of it and have my first attempt targeting KGW.... I have only managed to catch a few as bycatch in the past.

The weather predictions didn't dissapoint, I headed out in probably the best conditions I've had my boat out in. This trip is was also the first time I got to test the 628 out, I had to make a few minor height adjustments to the transducer on the trip out but overall I was happy with the returns I was getting.

Unfortuantly I was unable to locate any KGW but the day wasn't a total waste, I managed to mark plenty of ground and get into a few other species. I started on the inside of the FFB and the first drop of the morning resulted in a Dhu which was brought up slow and released well. After this multiple small pinkies, good numbers of sandies and a decent Blackarse came over the side.

With no luck I decided to head to the back of the FFB and have a few drifts. I had a good show on the sounder and had a drop on it which resulted in a small pink, as I was bringing it up a school of sambos stalked it all the way to the boat. I flicked a 5" plastic back to them and watched a sambo crush it 1m below the surface. For the next hour and half or so it was one after another with 15 sambos of different sizes hitting the deck. I was able to land a fish, release it and flick back to the school of followers. Was good fun on light gear and can't wait to get out and have another crack.

Sorry about the glare and quality of the sounder pics, thought I'd still post them up for people's thoughts.

First feed of Mandurah crabs

 was hard going at the start and had to move around a lot! Once I found them was throwing plenty of bigger ones away once I got my 10... using drop nets

Quick flick on way home from work!

 On subsurface lures, biggest 33 and 32. Had a crack with topwater gear for no result.


 With the demersal ban on, its time to switch the focus to Kgs and whiting and crayfish. Took my boy out last weekend and he caught his fisrt KG. Stoked!!. 48cm. Nice fish. seems to be plenty around at the moment. Bought a new outfit from Ryan at Oceanside the other day. 4000fb Rarenium matched with Ab u Garcia Salty Stage Rod. Dont know if he has any left, but absolute weapon! 

Great to have some good weather - roll on Summer!!.

Number 13 - the unlucky number

Im not a superstitious person but on this full moon tonight at the jetty i had it already in my mind that it would be hard to land a barra. Larry was already down there who i would now call my fishing buddy, we had fished together in the recent weeks and would help each other out taking in turns catch live bait, many times he had seen me walk away with a barra and not usually come home empty handed.

I feel like i am a keen fishermen but Larry is next level regularly putting in 8 hours a day for four days a week.

He explained to me it had been his dream to catch his first legal barra.

After weeks of trying finally his time was tonight the barra grabbed his livie leapt into the air throwing its head in that iconic way that barra do with guidance on how to prevent the fish from stopping on hitting the pylons, i ran down to the water edge on the rocky platform and guided the fish in just as a i had in in my hands the hook fell out but with my finger lodged well and truly in its mouth there was no way i was letting this fish go.

With a few high 5s and even a hug thown in it was a fantastic moment that i know will be cherished forever.

I myself lost 5 barra in a row and just as a i had given up i dropped my last live bait in the water and finally managed to land one and get past that unlucky 13!

Local Tailor Session

Headed down to Pirate's local last night and bagged a few reasonable tailor as well as a little spinner shark.

Not the best conditions with a fair bit of weed blowing through but ideal for the choppers.

Bluewater Metro Fishing Report 3/11/2017



Fishing Report

Bluewater Tackle World
Friday 3rd of November 2017

12 year old Jason from Mindarie, went out fishing on his grandads boat out from Geraldton and caught this cracking trout.


On the beach front, tailor and herring are fishing well around Quinns Beach with the odd mulloway thrown in as well. Big yellowfin whiting are stalking the gutters around Jindalee beach and in the sand patches between the weed beds. Mindarie Marina is fishing well for an assortment of species including tarwhine, whiting, skippy and even the odd flathead. Fishing for these species with lures is great fun and very rewarding such as Zman Grubz in 2” and 2.5” in a colour to suit the conditions you are fishing.

The crays should be going nuts after the next full moon. Divers and those pulling pots are already getting plenty of reds in the shallow reef systems off our coast.

Whiting are plentiful in Mandurah, as well as the shallow beaches down at Bunbury and Dunsborough way. A mixture of vibes and poppers have been doing the damage and some of the fish being aggressive enough to hit a popper have turned out to be huge.

There are chopper tailor everywhere in the river at the moment and sometimes they are so thick anglers have been catching a fish a cast. These are nearly all undersize but make for some great entertainment especially on small poppers such as the Zipbaits Skinny Pop or Jackson KY Popper. Around the lower reaches (the Traffic Bridge to Blackwall Reach) there are plenty of crabs but a lot females so check for eggs and keep an eye out for the invasive paddle crab. There have been some mulloway picked up in the river around the Narrows, Heirisson Island and Minim Cove. Flathead numbers have picked up in the last week or so with East Fremantle being rather productive. However, perhaps the most exciting news from the river this week are the giant herring Tim and Todd got stuck into today. That’s right people they are here!

Giant herring caught in the river by customer Tim and Todd today. Top effort!

There are plenty of tailor hanging in the white water on most of the offshore reefs with the odd salmon among them. Yellowtail kings are around in force. There’s been quite a few schools of jellybean size bluefin just past the FFB as well as behind the 3 Mile Reef.

Customer Simon ventured into our Morley store prior to the demersal ban to seek some advice on catching snapper and dhufish on soft plastics. After spending some time chatting with staff member Muzz about a variety of options, tips and tricks Muzz suggested to Simon he should take a packet of Berkley Grubs as “They catch the big dhuies.” Having never caught a fish on plastic before Simon was sceptical and raised the question “Only the big dhuies hey?” Muzz replied “Only the big ones!” They matched the plastics up with some Berkley Elevator heads also in Glow and Simon was armed and ready to go.

Several days later Simon called the shop requesting to speak to Muzz. He asked how many packets of the Berkley Grubs there were left as he wanted to buy all that there was. Simon’s second drop of the day has seen him catch his first ever fish on soft plastic. To Simon and the rest of his crew’s delight he has hauled in a massive 18kg dhuie which couldn’t resist the 8” Powerbait Grub presented to it. Simon has since caught other quality fish on plastic and has become a Morley regular. Fantastic job Simon!

Simmo and his massive dhu from just before the demeral ban. 

Good customer Jake who is only six years old recently caught his first mulloway. A feat many have never managed in a lifetime of pursuit. Well done mate.


If you have any information or photos that you would like to include in our weekly fishing report, please email



Good start to the netting season

was very quiet at the start but things soon fired up after sundown, wind picked up so Russel & I pulled anchor and was heading back to the ramp by 9pm... was hard going scooping the crabs due to the murky water but we managed a small feed.

Lovin the Demersal Ban

 The demersal ban means we get to focus on catching better eating and better fighting fish, all in shallow it. 



Bluewater Metro Fishing Report 27/10/2017


Bluewater Tackle World
Friday 27th of October 2017

Jani with his first dolly and it was a cracker

Divers have already reported excellent numbers of crayfish. It may be a while before the whites are running but those pulling pots are getting plenty of reds in shallow. Hard up against the reef is the way to go, making sure you put your pots on the eastern side to avoid the swell pushing them into the reef. Make sure you have plenty of weight in your pots and if you are not getting any/many keep moving you pot around till you find them. At this time of year its likely that you will not be able to pull them every day so it’s worth considering using longer lasting baits such as orang roughy or tuna heads. 

It’s also that time of year when mulloway start to move up the Swan River and with plenty of small tailor already in the Nedlands to Mosman stretch. It shouldn’t be long before plenty of reports of mulloway captures begin to filter in.  The odd one has been rumoured to be landed with no actual spots being given as to their whereabouts just yet.

Speaking of tailor in the river there is plenty of fun to be had here. These tailor can provide some awesome light gear action. If casting from the shore a 20gm metal slice works well when casting into the breeze, but if the winds are light then trying using 70mm – 80mm stickbaits for some surface action. Trolling for them can be loads of fun too and in a good session landing a dozen or more is quite realistic but be aware of your bag limits. Trolling at no more than 5 knots with small bibbed minnows and even metal slices work wonders.

The Swan and Canning Rivers have started to fire with big schools of bream being seen moving through the shallows. Catches are becoming wide spread and although most of the fish are on the smallish side some big blue nose monsters are around as well. Flathead have started to be caught too but we really need to wait for the water temperature to jump a few more degrees before they more are active.

There are some good size tailor up to 60cm being caught from the northern beaches, with Two Rocks being one of the better locations. It is worthwhile soaking a tailor fillet well after dark off the beaches in this stretch to target some reasonable sized mulloway which cruise the shallows looking for an easy feed.

The rock walls at the Mandurah Cut are a good place to target some 30cm+ skippy using a whole whitebait as bait. If the skippy are not about then suspend the whitebait beneath a blob and use a slow retrieve to catch tailor and herring.

Squid from Cockburn and Fremantle are still firing and making for some awesome fishing sessions.

Yellowtail kings are making an appearance for those casting stickbaits around the reefs, along with big tailor and the occasional salmon. Some boaties have also successfully been targeting king george whiting all along the metro coastline. A bit of weed and sand is usually the ideal type of ground to find them in and often in sub 10m so you do not need to go out far. A piece of squid leg on a long shank hook always works well.

Staff members from Joondalup, Trent and Dan recently returned from an Exmouth trip targeting billfish. Weather conditions were not favourable and they only managed one black marlin around the 130kg mark which snapped a swivel at the boat and swam away without an issue and a sailfish around 30 to 40 kilo. Bottom fishing produced some awesome fish but it was tough to get away from sharks. Working hard in the 20 to 40m zone they managed some great fish. With a few notable catches of coral trout, bluebone, robinson seabream and plenty of rankin cod. Yani’s cracker of a rankin plus his mahi mahi were epic.


Staff member Geoff with a great rankin

Coronation trout are unbelievably coloured

Staff member Dan was wrapped to land his first sailfish


If you have any information or photos that you would like to include in our weekly fishing report, please email




Exmouth - 2017 Billfish Bonanza, with Seaforce - video link added

We posted on here a couple of months back looking for a crew to help us fish this years Bonanza before we opended it to the general public. To our suprise we had more than one intrested group wanting to book the boat strait away. We feel we know our stuff when it comes to game fishing, espically for Blacks out of the Coral Bay. But we had never had the chance to fish Exmouth and wanted to get some experiance up there before we contested next years Gamex with the plan to target Marlin and hopefull place in that catagory. Well mission acomplished I am happy to say. Not only do we have a much better understnding of where and how to find the fish in Exmouth, but we ended up with some silverwhare to boot. We know the Bonanza is a very small comp and are not getting ahead of ourselves, but we are happy with what we where able to achive in average fishing conditions and not very hungry fish.


Having tagged a nice 90kg black quite wide on the way up and scoped out the gulf to find a lot of mud and very little bait the day before, our plan was to go wide, cover ground and hopefully find some Blues. Leaving from the marina just before 6 we wanted to be onto blue water before lines in at 8:00am. We passed a good looking current line about 7:30 but decided to stick to the plan and by lines in we where in some good looking water. We did not have to wait too long, at 8:45 we had a small tap on the long rigger and could see a bill in the spread. Our usual speed change and drop back and quick retrive of the lure had him following the lure in and he hit the long coners on the way up. Nice solid hookup saw a quick fight with little need for backing up on the 24kg gear. Tag in and being a small fish decky Matt was easilly able to hold the fish and remove the hook quickly while it was still fresh and in exelent condition. Quick hi five and lures back in this was a comp after all. Radioed it in and the 45kg Black was the first fish of the comp. With the plan to cover ground we did not loop around and kept heading wide. It payed off and within a hour now out wide we spotted a monster in the spread. The fish disaperaed so we did the same routine and I had a perfect view of a huge bill followed by a black hole of a open mouth destroy the long rigger. Before the drag even started screeming I knew this was a real fish. Still clearing the spread just as we noticed we where allready getting low on line we the fish went arial with one huge jump then a 50m long tail dance. But this was way out to the Port side of the boat while we still had line peeling out to Starboard. I knew we where in trouble and before we could do anything about it, with too much looped line in the water and the fish still running the 24kg could not hold the water pressure and gave way. Not even dissapointed we where just pumped to have seen the display. Hard to judge size from a distance but it was a Blue well en excess of 200kg. Happy to be finding fish we where strait back to it and withing an hour had another fish on. Still not that hungry and having to tease him onto the lure agian after seeing the fish first. With a really good first run and a bit of a show, but then behaved very well we had the fish tagged, hook out and gone in now time. We where happy to see a nice 35kg Striped Marlin. For the next few hours we saw nothing except other boats. Heading further south in the cnayons we found at least half the fleet and now knew we where not the only boat after Marlin (at least for now). Trolled back to where we got the Striped and just as we made the turn to head towards home at about 4:00pm (lines out at 5) we had the long rigger go off. No sightings of a fish but with the amount of line taken in the first 5 seconds I knew what ot was. We where quicker on it this time and just as we where cleared had some tight line and the fish slowed down I saw the fish strait out the back. A good Blue, not as big as the last one but we had a nice strait line to the fish and I thought we have this one. Seconds later pop, spat the hook..... It was only at this point I realised that if we had just hung onto that fish (or the eariler Blue) we would of had a Grand Slam on day 1!!!



Happy with day 1 and after finding out we where the only boat to tag marlin so far the plan was to copy what we had done on day 1 minus the wasted time down south. And that plan worked, at 8:50 on the same sopt as the day before we had another Black. Still not hungry and having to be teased, he took the shotgung just as we thought he was gone. A good fight for the size of the fish we kept the fish out the side of the boat and slowly closed the gap and got onto the leader with some quick and short backdowns. Another good tag shot and the hooks fell out just as Matt grabbed hold of the bill wich is not too suprising after having to change angle so may times during the fight. Nice 55kg Black and we where pumped for a good day. Now thinking we had a good idea where the fish where we headed for our Blues. But the weather had other ideas allready having some good sets stading up from the South and just as we got to a good area the wind turned to the West a bit more and went next level. I remember watching Matt trying to get the long corner length right only to have the lure disappear into a 2m high rolling white water. We where a long way from home and having to keep a bit of angel to the sea I knew it would be a long run home so we started heading that way. But just the at our furthest point out in 800m of water the short coner gets hit for the first time, with a ok run and eating a 14" lure I thought it must be a ok fish. But it started to come in fairly quickly and halfway in it make its first jump. A Sailfish??? We where targeting Marlin and at the time I had never been more dissapointed to catch a 25kg Sailfish. Got it along side and a tag in. few quick photos and back to trying to get home. We ran in to the back of the island hoping it would not bee too bad in tight. But it was not much better and had to run allmost strait on the rest of the way home. Not too bad out the back but had a few good free fall moments in the cab.


Final day and lines in at 3:00 today we only had limited time. But I knew if the fish came on our 3 fish marlin lead could be gone in minutes. Very quiet morning and we did not push too wide, not wanting to give the boys another hammering as the weather was up a bit and threatening to come right up agian. So we concentrated where we got our blacks. The wind did come up again on cue but at least we where not too far out. It was about 1:00pm and with no marlin being called in I thought we would just start trolling in untill lines out at 3. But just after that the ocean seemed to come alive. started to see lots of bait and see a few dollys in the spread. and at 1:30pm Long rigger gets a solid hookup with no sighting of the fish. Another good fight and plenty of water over the back with the final backdowns to get on the leader saw a good 70kg Black tagged and finally a bit of excitement after a long day of nothing. Was on a Mack Tuna strait after and at this point I was thinking, the fish are on, somone can easilly tag 4 marlin before 3pm. So no more heading for home but back kept in that area to try and make the most of the late bite. Seeing fish everywhere and the Sailfish tags started comming thick and fast on the radio. We had one more hookup on a 100kg + Black. But we saw it spit the hook on a jump near the boat. And at 2:30 it seemed to calm down so decided to start trolling home agian. Back at the club we where supprised to find we where still the only boat to tag a marlin dispite seeing several boats in simmilar area to us durin the day. Our target was to hopefully at least place on the marlin side of things but it looks like we topped it. At the presentation it was good to see a lot of sailfish had been tagged especially on the last 2 days, and the OnStrike had been killing it on them over all 3. We where happy we had exceeded our goal with the Marlin but during the presentations I found out that that Sailfish that I was allmost anoyed with also made us the Campion Boat Combined.

A Huge thank you to the Exmouth Game Fishing Club. They put on and amazing show. Thank you to all the compeditors and hope you all enjoyed the weekend. Congrats to Onstrike winning overall and Chanpion Team Sailfish, And thaks to Exmouth Bluewater Tackle World for helping out with the prizes.

Sorry I have no photos (not camera safe weather for most of it) of fish but will soon have a few videos.

We ended up with:

Chanpion Team Marlin

Champion Team Combined

3rd On Points Overall

4-4-3 Black Marlin

1-1-1 Striped Marlin

1-1-1 Sailfish

2-2-0 Blue Marlin

We will be back for our Blue!!


Video that our decky made up on our fb page





Gnaraloo August 2017

 Had my 1st trip to Gnaraloo back in August, great place, only got the boat out a couple of times. Hoping to get back up there again next year. Yellow fin tuna were thick, couldn’t get past them and the long tails to get a Mackie, finally had a double hook up of XXL mackies only to have them smashed by sharks 5m’s from the boat, heart breaking stuff! Fortunately they were the only sharkings for the trip. Had a few good blokes give me some great info and even some spots to try so a big thank you to them

2017 Mazatlan

It has been an up and down year for me. Lots of happenings in my life...mostly good...but also some troubling times. I was still fishing and catching some new species, but I was quite nonchalant about it and the desire to update the blog and the lifelist simply wasn't there. I barely spent any time on the fishing forums.

Anyways...I was invited to fish in Mazatlan by my friend George, joined by our friend Josh. We graciously stayed at George's timeshare and enjoyed some luxury that we're not accustomed to. The fishing was fantastic, the food even better and what a treat it was to dip in a pool at the end of each long fishing day.

I had previous caught 33 new species from Mazatlan. I had an ambitious yet achievable target of 15 new species for this trip. But by Day 3, I upgrade that target to 20 new species and actually finished the trip with 25 new species!

If you wish to read more, you can start here and navigate through the 6 days.

If you simply wish to see fish they are.

Species #751 - Oraangemouth Weakfish (Cynoscion xanthulus)

Species #752 - Mexican Barred Snapper (Hoplopagrus guentherii)

Species #753 - Blackblotch Pompano (Trachinotus kennedyi)

Species #754 - Burrito Grunt (Anisotremus interruptus) - previously misidentified the Silvergrey Grunt for this species.

Colorado Snapper (Lutjanus colorado) - previous misidentified the juvenile of this species as Pacific Dog Snapper. So I've caught this species in 2015, but this time properly identified.

Species #755 - Longfin Salema (Xenichthys xanti)

Species #756 - Bigeye Trevally (Caranx sexfasciatus)

Species #757 - Pacific Creole-fish (Paranthias colonus)

Species #758 - Gafftopsail Pompano (Trachinotus rhodopus)

Species #759 - Pacific Dog Snapper (Lutjanus novemfasciatus)

Species #760 - Unicorn Leatherjacket Filefish (Aluterus monoceros).

Species #761 - Threadfin Jack ((Carangoides otrynter)

Species #762 - Grey Grunt (Haemlon scudderii)

Species #763 - Mottled Soapfish (Rypticus bicolor)

Species #764 - Gungo Highhat (Pareques viola)

Species #765 - Vacuocua Croaker (Corvula macrops)

Species #766 - Banded Wrasse (Halichoeres notospilus)

Species #767 - Longnose Puffer (Sphoeroides lobatus)

Species #768 - Threebanded Butterflyfish (Chaetodon humeralis)

Species #769 - Bumphead Damselfish (Microspathodon bairdii)

Species #770 - Giant Damselfish (Microspathodon dorsalis)

Species #771 - Tinsel Squirrelfish (Sargocentron suborbitale)

Species #772 - Mexican Hogfish (Bodianus diplotaenia)

Species #773 - Spotted Head Sargo (Genyatremus dovii)

Species #774 - Mexican Lookdown (Selene brevoortii)

Species #775 - Longfin Silverside (Atherinella eriarcha)


And now some non-fish pics (sorry, not many food pics on this trip since we ate at the same locations, and the same dishes, as my 2015 trip)

Homemade ceviche