
Where are they biting at the moment

Exmouth report

Hi all have been looking at the weather for afue days and to day was the day,my 2 little men Alex,Axel and my self went to see what we could find,we started out deep and Alex got his first sattletail {well done mate} we also got 4 golds and a small RED ,all on the same spot {2}after 6 fish the sharks moved in in abig way 3 along side the boat a one on Alexs line,{4 footer thick skin}

As we trolled to the next spot Alex was on again ,about a 50kg black was screaning line off fast and alex was all over it ,he had it on for about 5 mins and then gear failer my cheap arse EBAY reel started winding backwards,in the mist of all that he pulled the hook BUGGER

We keeped going and on the way we spotted a sunfish ,it looked about as big as a car bonet it was massive ,the boys loved seeing that

Got to the next spot and got the mother of all robbs 3kg that was my Pb for the day and sharked again so off home we went

Was a great day out with the boys father and sons

My only problem was witch one do we have for tea tonight {Red,Robboor Goldband} what a problem


almost the 20kg on jig. mindarie

well , today , finally , after hours of trying to break the big dhuey code , me and gemma finally did it.

it took ditching bait and persisting with the lures but it worked

headed out from mindarie marina at 8 am (gentlemens) and headed out to d bank.

had a couple of drops with a 130 andaman to nothing but a small leatherjacket. i try a few spots , but nothing on the chew Undecided

off to another spot then. i get a hit way off the bottom and suspect/hope for a pinkie but no , it's a 60 cm dhu and it releases well.

gemma was very happy seeing a whale fully breaching in front of us , on the way to the next mark ,so hung around for some pics.

off to some different marks as not much going on, but the almanac is saying the bite is on . I then saw a little 2 meter lump holding baitfish  , and i thought it looked worth a drop. i gave gem my t curve kingmack spin. had 40lb fluro leader to 3 oz jig head and (shock horror) not a mccarthy , but a tiki 9 inch wave worm.

drift was a bit nuts so it ended up a fair way behind , even though i was trying to hold the boat. all of a sudden the rod buckles like she's picked up the bottom, but then it starts pulling string. soon eneough gem's calling for the gimbal and the fight is on. she did really well and got it up off the bottom and boatside. smiles all round. on the scales and it's 12kg and in good shape to go back down. she swims off strongly , and it's high fives time.

very happy with that , i think i'll have a drift over that same lump with the jig rod.

bit of background. 2 weeks ago i was out with a mate , and i was hooking into what i called  big dhueys. you could feel the big paddle tail wafts. both times i was snapped off on 20lb daiwa surf braid. very very unhappy with that , i went to see brody and got the stradic loaded with 30lb frog.

good job i did.

a 100g seven seas hooker goes down on the litttle lump (awesome dhu jig)

one lift and i'm on. in a big way.

it takes me a few mins to lift it up off the bottom , but it kept pulling line. i knew it had to be a big dhu from those tail wafts . gem has the camera out to capture the fight. this time the line held out , and up comes the fish i've been trying for .into the net and over the gunnels.  he pulled 19.3 kg's on the scales and fought <sp?? really really well. the little hearty rise coped really well. just a fantastic set up.

what a way to end before the closures

(and i still have to break into the 20 club)Laughing


Rockingham Reports

Hi all

Up for the weekend, any thing on the bite around Rockingham?

TT ( karl )

Spring straggler solo salmon

With the beautiful 30 degree weather, and light winds forecast for last night, I knocked off work early and headed down to my local... north metro beach. My aim was to sit there for several hours, drinking a six pack.. with the possibility of a tailor or mulloway an added extra. Shortly after it went dark, I looked up to check my rod, as I had been doing very regularly.. and realised my rod wasn't in the holder.. and was being dragged towards the water. I scrambled to my feet, grabbed the rod and quickly realised I was on to something fairly weighty. After a short tussle, I had this big boy on the sand... a freaking spring salmon! Must be a straggler.. and perhaps he was flying solo cos I got nothing for the rest of the night. Anyway he was quickly dispatched, gutted, bled and put into ice slurry in the esky. I can tell you it was very good eating indeed once cut into chunks, breadcrumbed and shallow fried.

iam heading to leeman greenough horrocks port dension S bend Dongara this susnday night satying to thurs

looking for reports from this week and last weekend and what to use in these areas lures mulies gangs what size.and what iam likely to catch

 cheers for ya help i will be bringen my 4wd and dinghy 6hp love to hear from anyone all  tips will be much aprecitaed

White Pointer lurking at cott....

Hi all,


Mate picked up this ray off the cott rock wall today. He also hooked into what he thought was a "great white" of 3m. Saw it cruise past, then took the bait. Line busted him off pretty quickly. Thing just jumped out the water. Pretty scary stuff on day like today, sun out, cott beach, swimmers etc.

heres some pics of the ray..

La Belle Station Barra 2008

While I was working out of Batchelor in the NT in late 2008 I took the opportunity to head to La Belle station chasing barra. I went with one of the guys from work who had been there previously and got fish up to about 1m. The station was awesome, with 4 large billabongs that are all stocked with fish, though they only fish one of them. Had just bought a Tierra 1500 with 6lb braid and Daiwa procaster 6-10lb so was keen for some action. The fishing was great, with gold bombers and deep divers all producing good fish. We both caught lots of fish, I kept a 65 and 70cm fish, they were a little muddy but great in a thai green curry. There were a fair few crocs around, they mostly just stayed on the banks though luckily...


Carnarvon long weekend photo's

Hit up carnarvon over the long weekend with some mates. Early mornings and nights were spent on the jetty fishing for Mulloway and the days were spent at quobba. Left Perth on Friday night and drove straight to the 1 mile so we could start fishing at 4am. Awesome trip had by all, we all caught some good fish and lost some crackers We finally hooked in to some good fish spinning metals at quobba were my mate visit lost a good spaniard at the rocks after 3 trips with not so much luck. Mcarthy soft plastics killed it with me losing a good size mulloway first cast at the jetty. Hope you enjoy the photo's. Thanks Kris

Rotto 75 m Sunday

Went out early Sunday morning in the Traily from Hillarys, just me and Matt. Was going to hit the 3 mile. but the wind was quite light so we headed for the back of Rotto and fished a few lumps on the way.


Whilst the wind was good, the sea was very lumpy and confused, I guess from the winf the day before. It got better all day and was glassy but still lumpy  by the time we came home, flat out all the way.


Jigged and soft plasticed a small lump north of Rotto near the shipping channel arounf 7am, and got hit on te second drop on a Caprice kid 75 gram on my tierra 4000.....nice fight and a just undersized dhu which went back, followed by a couple of Bakers a few minutes later that we also send back alive and well....10 minutes in and we were already ahead of our whole day tally up at Jurien last week.....


Things quietened down soon after although we went through a couple of McArthys paddle tails which were munched off at the tail.


Moved on to a cave that previously held severla shu, and not a touch, followed by a couple more lumps that had done well in the past, again no hits. Weatehr was improving so we headed for the 70 m mark, and ended up on a nice little ledge in 75 m which showed some good fish on 50 Hz.....jigged with 130 gram Caprice, and got a quite large goat fish which was interesting, released, but the marks on the sounder looked better, so me and Matt relented and dropped a bait over the edge, and up came these couple of Queenies. Mine went 78 cm and fought very hard, Matts a tad smaller. This was quickly followd by another Queenie arounf 65 cm, which was released with a release weight, but given the depth and the fact we did not want to keep any more, we moved on.


Thought about heading to the North barge for an amberjack jig but was 1 pm so we headed home and jigged a few spots on the way back, with a small pinkie on jig and a nice 41 cm black bum on bait for dinner.


Nice day out, great fun demersal jigging, several fish released well and a few nice fish for the plate.







Team Bleeding in Two Rocks 3/10/10

Pete, Brad & I already had the car packed for a quick departure @ 4:30am on Sunday, and when I made it there on my scooter, the boat and car were already out the front. Must remember not to pre-pack my fishing overalls, its cold on the scooter that time of day ;)


Up at Two Rocks, there were a few boats on the water already, and the queue was quickly building up. We noticed the cops turn up and pull over too. Paul G, perhaps you can tell us about some ramp violence up that way lately? We launched, and had plans to head North, and to the Outer Bank. Remembering the GPS reset last week, we had to both find the spots AND the fish, so we knew we would be working hard today.


We headed North in some exceptionally sloppy seas and found ourselves alone in on the outer bank. The first drift looked pretty promising with Brad on early, he brought up a nice flathead. A few more drifts and then nothing. Next it was Pete's turn with something punishing him pretty damn hard on the baitcaster, lots of scrabbling around trying to lkeep the butt in the rod bucket. I honestly begin to suspect sambo, but it slows down and we're all left wondering a little longer ... silver then blue, its a huge Queen Snapper, and in no state to return, so its quickly despatched and put into the esky. Brad next is a Big Red Throat Emp, a pretty unusual catch this far South. By now, a couple of lumps later, I'm wondering if jigging works AT ALL! Bah, then Pete gets a ripping run and we think we're onto something good, apart from the 3-way tangle that eventuates, but it turns out to be a big bloody ray and to top it off, I cut Pete off, but get the rest of his rig back, a small win.

Next lump, and Pete brings up a nice legal dhu, then off to for some more prospecting. We pick up a vew good flare on the sounder, and then Pete picks up a small dhu on SP, Brad gets a BA, and I get both a small dhufish and BA on a 7" McArthy Jerk Minnow in Orca and a 1oz nitro head. Nice to get a dhufish on SP, must try and get one a little larger next time though! Actually nice to catch anything after such a slooooooooooow day.


Its getting late and we chat about what to do next and decide to head to near where our mythical lost lump of last weekend is, where point #1 is on the sounder, because at least we can get our arms stretched by the sambos for a little fun. I may yet manage to catch something on jig for the day too... On the way over, we see some better sized tuna, and pick a few off using the plastics we already had rigged. Dropping on the lump, I went back to jigging and expecting Sambos, but I get a really good strike, work hard to get it off the bottom, but its just plodding along, plenty of power though. I get it up, get a little more colour and its a 75cm Dhufish! He took quite a liking to Shout Shab Shab 130g, all silver.

We charge around a little looking for that damn missing lump from last week, but can't find it, on the way back to #1 again, the damn GPS resets AGAIN and we lose the day's points so F U Navman!

Jesse does it again big dhuie on plastics

Well we're up nice and early as were plenty of other fishers and as we came down to the ramp at 6:00 we could see boats heading out. We were soon in the water and on our way.The water was lumpy which made travel slow but we got there in one piece.The first spot and bang Neil was on to a good fish then Jesse was on to a big fish all in the first minute. Things were looking good.


After a good fight Neil soon had a 15-20kg sambo along side, hook out and a quick release. Now for Jesse, well he still hadn't got his off the bottom ,this was to be a battle as he was using dads crappy $20 rod and his small spinning reel with 30lb braid. After a good 30 minutes we could see the white shimmer in the water mmmmmmm you guessed it - big RAY good 50-60kg. In the end we just busted it off as it would not let us get it to the surface. The next five hours were slow, six undersize dhuies and a baldchin. But no dhuies in the box. Jesse by this time was fast asleep in the cabin as we travelled to the next spot. Jody was saying to Neil watch Jesse come out the cabin, drop and nail a fish, little tin ass.


We soon arrived at the lump back inside the bank and the sounder was showing good fish, Jody was first on, another small dhuie. Well here comes Mr Tin Ass out scratching his head "what you get Jody". He then picks up his rod and throws his Mcarthy sp out, well bugger me it no sooner hits the bottom and he is on and on big time. Well the little reel was screaming and that rod was at breaking point. This one was fighting like a dhue so we were all telling him to go easy but never fear Jesse played the fish like a pro. Well after 15 minutes we could see colour and yes that silver shape slowly spinning as it made its way to the top. Then its head hit the surface.  Jesus a bloody donkey of a dhuie and on sp. The fish was pulled aboard and pics taken. what a good fish on what most off us would use for bream or whiting. TOP EFFORT. The scales were pulled out and the fish pulled 20KG. One more drop and another dhuie off 9KG was on board. A great end to a good day on the water.












Todays Dhuie's

Been wayyy overdue for a fish. Finally headed off Two Rocks with a couple of mates today. Ended up having a good day with 16 Dhuies between 4 of us landed for the day. No absolute crackers but all legal fish ranging from 3-8kg. With hooks being pulled twice on suspected big Dhubags...


The usual bycatch aswell when jigging with Sambos up to 12kg(ish), Blackass, Sargy's (and plenty of) and one rat SBT on the troll.


Was good day weatherwise and fishwise. Hopefully can get into a few more up at Jurien on Wednesday!!


Heres a few pics to have a geez at






First drop Dhu on a 80gm Pirate.

The bro with a ~7kg fish

Brandon the bloody Baito!

Slowish day at Rotto

Headed out to Rotto from Hillary's just on sunrise, greeted with light winds but a very sloppy ocean. Ended up anchoring and burleying at a spot we ave done well in the past in 32m but got nothing but undersized pinks. Drifted around few spots for nothing and as the ocean glassed off i wanted to head towards the back of rotto but onl putting 40l of fuel i was a little hesitant, pulled into rotto refuelled and off we went. Found some good ground and the baits went down, first drop 52cm dhuie, then my gf got one a little smaller so we just drifted that lump for the rest of the arvo.


As we were getting dhuies i thought id send down a placcy and sure enough got my first size dhuie at 55cm. Kept him for a feed, as my partner was taking my photo she put her rod in the rod holder...hers went off and resulted in quite a decent blackass. I lost another dhuie on placcy which felt big but didnt take it too well..bummer.


Still a happy camper for my dhuie on plastic, nothing special but a pb. A big thanks to all that have given me tips etc on demersal jigging, you know who you guys are:)




5 Fathom snapper

Headed out to the 5 today. Berlyed up the back of the 5 and landed 2 snapper 1 50cm on bait and 1 75cm on soft plastic.

Heading out again early tommorrow and have a spare spot if anyone is keen.

My 1st Fishwrecked Report


So i decided to head to the groin at Yanchep on Friday arvo bout 3pm, started on the beach for half hour but then moved onto the groin, had my big rod soaking up mulies while i used my Girlfriends little 7ft, 12lb line outfit with a running bead sinker, i thought there must be some whiting, within 10 minutes after lots of bites i brought in a PB 33cm yellow fin whiting, great fight on light gear, 2 small whiting followed (released) then another yellow fin whiting 31cm, sweeeeeeeet, thats supper sorted out.


Now sunset was coming in as i played with the small rod, i was 5 ft away from the big rod when it started screaming, i love that noise such a buzz... eventually got to my rod (thongs n rocks are not a good combo) drag was screaming, tightened the drag played for about a minute and bugger , bit me off/ or busted off on the reef (my fault as only had 20lb leader oops). I assume it was a Ray, but not 100% sure....


Within the half hour it was getting dark, bloke to my left brought in a nice tailor, when i saw that i decided to ditch the small rod and keep the biggie in my hands, within 2 casts and a tap on my rod, i was on and as i was bringing it in it then decided to jump off the hook,bugger, i have no idea what it was, i assume a Tailor but ive not caught 1 before so not sure how they feel, but im saying it was a Tailor ha.


So a new mulie on and back in it went, put it back in the rod holder whilst doing something else, 2 lads next to me brought in 2 size Tailor too, sweet, they were around. as i was looking at the water i saw this Big RAY, i told the lads bout it, but as i was watching it was going towards my line, i thought shit, will it take my mulie, then BANG of went my reel screaming again, love it  wooooooooo. It was taking my line for fun and went to the right it was getting dark i hard to get off the rocks, i nearly fell off tho ha, onto the beach i went, the lads were laughing, 1 said look at yoour spool, nearly empty, i got 300m of 30lb braid on there, so tightened my drag right up , didnt want to spend 8o bucks on new braid again, after bout 3-4 exciting minutes it bit thru my leader again, Oh well never mind, good buzz tho, and that was me done for the night, sand flys were out and starting to get annoying....


I was happy tho, its been slow fishing for me over the last 2 months , im a novice to fishing in perth, wa, so still learning, but 2 big fat whiting was fine for me, im easily pleased, 1 thing did make me happy that my albright knot held up, as ive been struggling with braid to mono knots...


Thanks for reading and i will get myself a Tailor soon.....

Deep trip today

Some great weather meant we headed out to explore some of the deeper contours. Found some great fish on baits and even better on jigs. A mixed bag of fish coming to the boat, red & pink snappers, sambos, 7 bar cod, flathead, rat tuna, and those bloody green eyed sharks.

report for today

lovely morning on the water, chopped up in the afternoon.


Headed to Gemini wreck off Yanchep. Caught a cuttlefish on a lucianus jig  - interesting.


Some guys already there caught a port jackson and a SBT. they were stoked with the tuna, no birds or anything just thought he would flick out  a surface lure and came up trumps.


Saw no birds working bait schools whole day and caught some usual smaller stuff but not much.


Better than working but hey!

south gero tailor

Just returned today from greenough ,cape burney, area today.

Some large tailor around for those who try and think outside the square.

Lots of people trying all the easy to fish spots at a time that suits them ,not the fish!

this is giving away trade secrets abit ,but not really to forum members i reckon

quadded to some areas ,but 4wd can get there too,quad more fun and quicker ,hence my user name.

fish your light conditions if the tides are not in your for me.Whitewater no matter how small.

normally i use gardies or big mulies ,but tried sauris from bluewater myree this time.

They are a bit softer than gars ,but the tailor love um,around half the price of gars too .

Always wear my rockboots and wetsuit ,never fish alone if possible , and watch those swells,people have

died along this stretch of coast.

photo was thursday nights 30/09/10 catch,had many more hits ,and big slashes from a turned on school,that has

scratched my itch from these great ,exciting fish.


Latest reef trip


Got the chance to duck out just before the weather went rotten. It was the second trip for my new custom rod combo and I was keen to give it another good going over. Once I found out the 50lb old rod had a broken guide it wasn't a hard decision between a handline and the 30lb outfit!! We chased Spanish most of the day so only fished 5 spots.

Being so light I got bricked many times across the course of the day in the country we fished but still landed some quality fish. I can't wait for the 50lb model still in the works!!

The Youtube vid is part of a number of fish we boated for the day and we got some good footage to add to the next DVD I'm making up. Among the catch were Spangled emperor, Trout, Spanish Macks, Gold Spot Trevally, big GTs, the big red, even 2 big Batfish and the list went on. We even got some good footage of a big Sailfish buzzing one of our Mackerel baits. A pity she didn't take it.

Enjoy the pics and video.

PS. excuse Erica's language, to her defence she did lose a good fish!!




Where are they biting?

hey anyone know where the tailor are biting atm? Went to Pinaroo Point sunday morning and nothing, might checkout woodman point?? any tips

Malcom Douglas

Anyone catch his show last night? Some remarkable footage of our beloved Kimberly, and might I ad the fishing was insane!

We'll miss ya mate

Ammo Jetty 29/09/10

Hi all,


Went down to the ammo jetty for a quick fish last night. Conditions were lovely but the fishing was pretty quiet all round. Plenty of small yellowtail hanging around the jetty but no other bread and butter species around. I put a livey out under a balloon but didn't register a hit. On retrieval it had been clean chomped in half so probably an errant tailor.


Quite a few squid around and I was able to break my squid duck. The first one went out under the balloon but again no interest. The pickers had munched the tentacles and eyes out when I retrieved it later on that night. I caught one other squid but in the space of a couple of seconds he managed to squeeze through the 1" square mesh holes in the jetty floor! Easy come, easy go.


Send another yellowtail out under a balloon until a bit after high tide at midnight but again no hits.


Quite a few friendly folks around last night and it was great to chat to some nice people. They all had the same luck with the only notable a small flathead landed by one crew. Will definately head back in summer for a shark bash though - it's quite a nice spot to fish from.





Steep Point Trip

Went up to Steep Point for a quick trip early in September. I know it's not the greatest time of year and we usually head up end of April early May but a mate of mine had never been up there and with his wedding day fast approaching thought it would be just nice to head up. My mate has done a bit of fishing around metro but had never been anywhere further north. So with the prospect of maybe picking a Mac or two we took off!


Explaining to him on the way up that a trip can have a lot of factors such as wind which we can do nothing about I said lets just get up and have a good time know matter what! Arriving at Denham the weather wasn't to bad and within two hours we were at blackies east, love that camp and it is always protected! With everything set up by 3 I said "lets get out for a quick troll" and off we went. Explaining the ways of trolling to my mate and setting the spread and drags i told him just to wait and here the amazing sound of a lure being hit and listening to a screaming drag! After a few minutes there drag went off with my mate not really knowing what to do i told him to push the lever to strike and hold on!


After a few minutes a small mac tuna was up at the side and released quickly. After another 20 minutes and not to much going on the drag went again and my mate was straight onto it like a pro and even decided to call it for another tuna. I warned him that a mac will sometimes come towards the boat. I was right and all of a sudden there was his first mac near the boat. Knowing it would do another bolt near the boat i suggested tio lighten the drag and let it go. Panic was on his face but i told him to relax and enjoy the fight and a couple of minutes later his first ever mac was on board with a massive sigh of relief and a grin from ear to ear!



The wind was sort of up for the rest of the week and still getting out for a troll almost everyday with endless amount of longtails being caught! I suggested tryimg a little rock around near our camp and chucking a few plastics and baits around. I did mention I had seen some big yellow tail kings around here and when we came over the edge there was six of these bruisers just cruising by! Before we could get ready they were gone. We went on to catch trevs, small baldies, yellow fin bream, snapper whuch were all great fun on 6kg!


All of a sudden out of the corner of my eye the kings were there again but with no bait on the hooks ang just been busted of with my plastic i just chucked my 2 4/0 ganged together in front of them and twitched like mad! Three twitches and the hooks were only a few meters away. One of the kings peeled off and to my absolute shock it engulfed the hooks. I thought this would be a very short fight but it went the right way and a round the small bommie right in front of us. I clambered up the rocks and walked about 100m until i got down the beach in front of the camp!


The next problem was the boat! I managed to get it around the boat by going out and around. 30 minutes later this YTK was on the shore and is by far my best landbased capture! 2-4 Strudwick sofbodz and 6kg fins braid, 40lb jinkai and two 4/0 ganged! I was pretty happy!




The rest of the week was a great experience for my mate and he can't wait to get up there again! We managed snapper, squid, tailor, spanglies, black snapper and the odd pesty nor west blowie! The only downer of the week was busting the tip off the end of the strudi on a 60+ tailor which i was devastated about after its performance earlier in the week. April is booked though and we will be back again!



Headed out from Hillarys on Friday for a quick trip to some spots I haven't fished for a coupla years.

Unfortunately the sounder was playing up, so just drifted around for an hour.  Must've been feeding time as there seemed to be plenty on the bite. Bagged with a couple of Pinkies, nice Baldie and a Blackarse. Just as we were considering what to do, the Toona turned up. Not feeding, just zooting around.  Wouldn't take cubes, nor a slice or popper. Bugger. As we were leaving, I cast out a silver twistie and it must've hit the magic speed. Kept us busy for the rest of the arvo, so much fun on light gear...... lost heaps of lures tho :(

Ended up keeping a couple for sushi, went down a treat on GF day :)





G/F weekend report

A quick report of the weekend up here.  Had to spend most of Friday tidying up loose ends and was waiting for Jeffro to finish work, come 3 o'clock and I get the call.  Thinking it might be a little too late, he's still keen so we decide that it must be done.  We got out to the spot about 5.15 and first drop had 3 goldies and a scarlet sea perch (originally called it for a crimson), the next three drops filled the bag limit of 8 goldband and we were done and ready to troll by 5.45.  A quick zig zag on the way in without luck and a few cold beers finished off the day nicely.


Saturday morning came and Jeffro and I knocked off a few fillets and with light winds blowing accross the gulf it was obvious that it was going to be a nice day.  Heading out with Gatsey and Richo we got lines in the water around 10 and headed south for some billie action and maybe a few deep water species if the surface wasn't happening.  Just before bounce down we had a fiesty little black around 20kg eat a whole queenie on the right rigger and with the tag in, we cut him off for an easy release.  Unfortunately I didn't get any pics as it all happened so fast and as it was caught on 24kg it came to the boat in only a few minutes.  After another hour of no surface action we brought out the deep gear and as soon as we hit the bottom I was on, a fair old heave and up comes 15+kg of greyband and a 3kg ruby.  Next drop Richo and Gatsey go the double hookup, Matt with a nice rubes and an unknown (sea bream?) type of pinky and Richo with the killer triple header of 5+kg rubies.  (He also dropped one over the side while posing for a photo so had to jump in the drink to save it.) The last drop ended up with another ruby to Richo and I, but of course 10m under the surface a solid 8ft furgle came and smashed mine giving us the nod that it was time to move.  We continued to troll for the rest of the afternoon and moved in close for the sails that have been on the back of the reef, with no luck we finished the last of our beers and headed in on sunset in near on perfect glassy conditions.


Sunday weather was absolute spot on again, unfortunately I had to work.  I did have to go for a snorkel to clean our sea cage and saw 1 nice trout, couple blues and an awesome bailer shell which unfortunately still had its host so was left for another day.  All in all, a pretty good weekend and with summer well and truly on the way (she's starting to get warm!) hopefully the water will heat up soon and bring on some serious pelagic action.  :)




Mack, tuna and goldies today!

Well its been a quiet 4 days off here for me at Groote. They shut the boat ramp for dredging, but they finally opened it on saturday. I had nighshift Sat nite, but this is no excuse, when there is fishing to be done.

Got down the ramp at dark. No wind at all, we slowly made our way across to a spot at the top of Bickerton Island. I have been doing quiet well fishing half hour before sunrise, and today was great as well. Sounded around for a while, to find where the fish where handing out..and then set for our first drift. Well the first drift missed by miles, but just as we where about to pull stumps....a fish came a knocking ! I let some more line out, to give the fish a chance goldies like to play with your bait a bit, before they will suck it down. After a few more bites, i slowly lifted the rod tip..and i was on. After a quick tussle, a goldie was landed.

We did one more drift, for another goldie.. Wade had 2 runs on the board, Claire didnt even have the pads on yet!    The sun by now was on the rise, and also brought the bait fish back up to the surface.  We fished a few more spots, for bugger all. But a few times we did get smaller fish, we were getting hammered by something half way up. I was thinking Mackies where doing the damage, so i quickly thru the bottom bashing rig in the holder. I had a rod rigged up ready to go with a Raider silver slice. I lowered it half way down, and began to get jiggy with it. I more a less had two small hits straight away, then bang...rod was loaded...yee harrr!

After 3 good long runs, 4 loops under the boat...we had the fish on the surface. Claire with an almost precision like gaff shot, done what any deckie should do, and we hauled the big boy in.  This one went around the 120cm mark, perfect eating size. He was quickly bled, and put on ice..destined for my smoker!

It was only around 0730 by now, all was good. The tuna where starting to bust up all over the place, so it was time for Claire to catch her first one. After chasing a few schools around only for them to dissapear, i finally got the boat in the right position. Claire fired the raider slice out in to the bust up, and after some quick winding, was hooked up.

Well she had a ball, fighting the tuna all the way to the boat. After two passes just past the motor prop, he was on the surface, and Claire had her first tuna.

After a few blow by blow remarks of her fight, we headed in close to the start cleaning the mackie.  We tried a few more spots on the way home, but by now the current was strong, so we called it a day, and where home by 10am...just in time to watch the first grand final!


Birchgrove sydney

Went fishing this morning in Birchgrove from 4am to 10am and not 1 bite!!! not even yellow tail!! all i see is jelly fish

Dhu Recapture

Wanted to have a quick plastic session early this morning before the footy. Invited Timvb as he was keen to learn some new techniques.

Headed to some ground I fished in late August. First drop resulted in a Dhu... and the same Dhu I caught late August. Tag Number 55753. I loaded up the release weight & sent him back down... again.

I'll hit the same ground up after the ban.

We got Dhu's & pinkies this morning.

Oh, SBT's are everywhere at the moment. Double hook ups every 50 meters.


Wedge Island LB 24/09/10

Hi folks,


After seeing Wedge in perfect condition earlier this week decided to cruise up on Friday arvo for a bit of a fish hoping to catch a tailor for tea and get into some schoolies. I hit a spot about 7k north of the island that I had previously fished at and caught my one and only mulla almost 12 months ago to the day.


Unfortunately while the conditions were ideal, the weed was quite bad and made fishing hard work. The fish were on the bite however due to the weed I missed out. In fact, the only bite I felt all night was a solid tug on a scaly that took the fish and drag however failed to hook up. A shack owner stopped for a chat and he had caught a solitary tailor that night a few hundred metres away that he said went about 60cm. Whatever was chomping went through a whole bag of scalys without me getting a look in! In hindsight, I should have changed from circle hooks to gangs straight away but I guess that's another lesson in the book.


Wedge is one of those spots that you question whether the fish are there because the water is so shallow - but having a local tell me that I was in one of the best spots around certainly helps get my confidence up. It is certainly a beautiful spot.


For those heading up there for a beach fish - the beach south of the shacks has some nice gutters at the moment and looked this morning like they had a little less weed in them.


Also heard that a caravan park is being built there and that camping will eventually only be allowed within the caravan park grounds. Thats a real shame. Its sad to say only a matter of time before this special place is ruined by 'progress'.



Tuesdays Baldie

Went out from Mindarie tuesday and managed to pick up a nice Baldie in the 60m mark. Was a pretty nice day out on the water. Lamby managed a nice tuna on our way back in as well.