
Where are they biting at the moment

Cervantes today

Had another great day out off cervantes today with a mate.


Got to my favourite spot around 7.30 and first drop produced a sgt baker for me and a big snap off for my mate. 2nd drift i nailed a nice baldie. 3rd drift was a bit off the mark so only had a few little pickers. 4th drift, another baldie of around 58cm. went to set up for another drift but i noticed a boat heading our way and i wasnt about to give up the location of my new favourite spot so we headed a bit further south and the first drift saw about a 6kg dhuie hit the deck. i decided to get my mate in on the action so i retired the rod for a few drops and held the boat over spot x.


3 drops in a row saw my mate get 2 BB's and a baldie wich were all released. i dropped again with my 10lb stick and a 7 inch gulp in BBQ chicken colour and as soon as i hit the bottom i was on and with a good fight i had another dhuie on the deck and my mate also landed a little dhuie both were realesed. the next drop i hooked up solid to what i called to be a big dhuie but i just couldnt hold it on my lightish placcie rod. the last few drifts saw more dhuies and baldies come to the surface an quickly returned to the water.


by this time it was around 10.30 so we decided to go to the back of the reef for a troll and within minutes of the X-Rap being towed behind the boat it was hit hard but the hooks didnt stick. a few minutes later the X-Rap got hit again, this time the hooks stuck and after a short fight we had a nice little yellowtail king at the boat, after a quick photo he/she was set free. we trolled for another half hour but had nothing else to show for it so we headed back thru the passage in glassy conditions. i finally got some photos so i will post them up tomorrow. cheers

Cockburn sound 3-9-2010

I headed down there around 4pm stayed till 9 pm there was nothing

not even a bite its been dead for weeks now

used prawn mullie squid  Sp's lures it was dead as

i will have to find some new spots to go  realy need to catch something ..

An arvo fishing the bung hole!!

Had a slow start to the day, and it wasnt until 1.30pm or so before I got on the water.


I decided to do a few drifts fishing a squid jig on 1 rod and a variety of plastics and natural baits on the other.


I have been experimenting with some different plastics and first drop I hooked up. It was only some type of parrot but off to a flying start.


Now, forgive me for thinking that the squid jig bobbing up and down in the rod holder would catch the cuttlefish. No someone forgot to tell the one that ate my soft plastic lure a short time after.


I came across a good sounding and had a go at anchoring and berleying seeing as they wernt responding to drifting, but nothing really happened except for another nice size cuttley that went about 5 or so kilos.


Pulled the pick and did a few more drifts for 5 nice sized squid and the usual wrasse.


Have been getting a heap of skippy at a spot near by so I went to have a look and no suprises, had a mountain of em on it.


Starting the drift a way off em I would fish a bait until they showed and do the switch to a light bream stik and small jig. Awesome fun!! Kept 4 and released a heap more.


I was on about the 3rd drift and nearly on skippy hill when the bait I was fishing got clobbered hard. A nice run and some headshaking and I was starting to think I had hooked a 1/2 decient pinkie or something.


After a great tug o war I caught a bit of colour beside the boat and I nearly tripped over. A nice KGW slid into view, "fark, the net, wheres the net? Im gonna loose it!!!the net, shit i aint lifting it in."


I finally got the net under it and stoked is an understatement. 55cm of plump whiting and a new personal best!!! you ripper!!


I backed the boat in at 7.30pm so all in all a nice little arvo sesh out of Bunbury.

Carnarvon Trip 17/8/10

Well, last break myself, Woody and Wirthy decided to make an assault on Carnarvon.  The original plan was to do a nightfish from the Jetty then spend a couple of days fishing Garths rock, all depending on the weather.


After dropping into Telomac in town and having a chat with Ben & Mario, we got the lowdown on what was happening and headed off to the jetty for an evening fish.  To cut a long story short it blew it's arse off and was colder than my ex-wife so next day we dropped back into the tackle shop for another chat and to get some bait.  The boys put us onto a beach with some nice gutters and we spent the arvo fishing the rocks around north of Quobba for a couple of nice fish, a brilliantly coloured spangly, gold spot trevally and got smashed by a few unseens.


We decided to move on to our next spot as it was getting late in the arvo.  We set ourselves up on the beach and lobbed some yellowtail fillets out into the gutters.  Just before dark both Wirthy and Woody had a good run each but failed to hook up.  As the sun sank below the horizon Woodys rod started to buck and dance and he raced to it and set the hook.  Five minutes later in the torchlight a beautiful Mulloway showed itself to us, this was what we had come for.  The lie detector told us 7kgs, we were wrapped, baits were reset and we waited.


The boys had decided to call it a night as we had a drive back into town when Wirthy yelled out that my rod had gone over.  By the time I got to it the fish had dragged it down the beach and was entering the water.  I lifted the rod, and on, this felt like a solid fish, some good runs and bumps.   Big headshakes gave it away that this was no shark and as it came into view in the shore break we realised that this was a better fish. The scales pulled down to 16.7kg, and we were stoked.  I decided to keep it as the fridge at home was empty of fish.


Next day we decided to hit Garths rock as it was our last day before having to head home to Tom Vegas.  Well it's been a long while since I climbed into a rock spot, actually have never since being in WA so both Wirthy and I were a bit apprehensive about the track that Woody suggested, that being straight down, quite similar to the cliffs of Gallopilli.  That didn't happen and we walked in from Camp Rock, definitely not a walk/climb for the faint hearted.  Anyway once down on the ledge we watched schooling tuna busting up not too far out.  About my third cast I came up tight on a nice mack tuna around the 8kg mark, released to fight another day, had forgotten how much fun these are from the rocks.


Woody then hooked up on a nice Estuary Cod, quick photo then back he went as we had enough fish in the freezer.  Not long after he played tug a war with a much bigger cod which he somehow managed to land, great fish from the rocks.  Well the SouWester was starting to come in and the sea starting to build so we made the decision to leg it while we still could.  Anyone been to Garths before knows why as the Gauntlet would be impassable in any sort of swell.


All in all a great trip with good mates.  Also forgot to mention that both Mulloway were mine and Woody's first real Mulla that weren't soapies, woohoo!! We'll Be Back......

Exmouth Sat Report

Took Jeff's and my boat out for a run from Tantabiddi on Saturday with Jeff was his aunty Helen and uncle Simmo and I had young Alex as my decky. The first pic is Alex making the most of resting his rod on the side rail while pulling a gold band snapper out of 115 metres as in PIC 4 you can see that I was busy with one and couldn't give him a hand.


Pics 2-4 6-8 show aunty Helen's first ever bronzie [released] on her first boat fishing trip with Jeff doing the honours and taking it off the hook for her [HE'S HER HERO!!!]


Pics 5-6 show Helen and Simmo with a honeycomb cod and a saddletail to add to the tally.

Over all between the two boats we finished up with 12 gold band, a saddletail, a honey comb cod, a tomato cod [one of a double header] a small striped tuna and 3 pan size snapper with a painted sweetlip, tomato cod, a couple of nor west blowies, a milky shark and the small bronzie thet Helen caught. All in all a good day out on the water with many whales to keep us company

Goldie fun

On Friday we went round to Tantabiddi with the aim of putting the boat in and taking a run out to have a go at a few bottom fish. On getting to the ramp we decided that it looked too sloppy for my boat and would wait and see if the wind would drop off as forecast in the meantime out with the only small gear to have a bash at what was smashing the hardyheads all along the shore.


The rod was Mum's [ she's out of action with a broken arm] a pink uglystik fitted with a Sienna loaded with 6lb and a small chrome slice.


Jeff was first shot and hooked a reasonable queenfish on about his 5 cast then it was my turn and in came a golden trev, both from the northern side of the Tanta's groyne. Two visitting croweaters saw what was going on and tried with their lightest gear, jig sticks and small deep divers with no success.


Having a look at the southern side showed more action and it was Simmo's turn with the rod resulting in another golden trev after no more that 5 casts.


At one stage who ever was on the rod had fish smashing at the hardyheads within 20 feet of them while bringing their fish in. We ended up keeping the first queenie and golden with another 7 being released to fight another day. Was a magic session with all the fish in the range of 1-2kg, good fun,







Trolling the swan

I can't believe I caught tailors trolling the swan. I was in shock yesterday when me and a mate were taking the dinghy out for a cruise and hooked on a few nice tailors with a couple of rmg scorpions... It was freaking awesome experience for me and reminded me of Kalbarri when trolling for mackies, I recommend for those who have a small dinghy to give it ago,

maiden voyage

well i finally got the new boat finished, big thanks to paul at albany fiberglass for the new floor.
went to two peeps on saturday morning with colin (dreamweaver)to have a look around and set upthe new sounder (hds5)
the beach launch resembled an episode of keystone kops so we were soaking wet by the time we got going.
with no waypoints to go on and not much experience at the bay we headed out.

was having cavitation issues on the way out so couldnt trim the motor and get over the chop so we just aimed for somewhere sheltered.(motor needs dropping a bit)
found some nice broken ground around what the chart called mermaid point and set up for a drift.
first drop scored a nice queenie,followed by a harlie, was rapped.
next drift another 2 queenies and a nannygai
another spot produced a harlie that went about 58
next spot produced a horse of a queenie that went hard and hit the tape at about 84
the retrieve went much better with no issues
all in all a ripper morning on the new tub
I would have included photos of colins fish but i think thats best left for him to comment :-)

Mackerel Islands Report August 2010

Another August another Mackerel Islands trip... Fished new islands, found new ground - managed 32 fish at last count, over 7 great days, majority on lure, sp or jig. All fish, with exception of 1 or two trout kept for dinner were returned. 


Trolling produced a marlin out wide, many mackerel, cobia, tuna and BIG Rankin on a lump which came up to 7m... 


The light tackle action in close to various islands produced fantastic sessions on golden's, small GT's, mackerel, spanglies, queenies etc etc .... 


Heavy spinning failed to produce a big GT, after a lot of effort, but we were kept entertained on many other good fish... 


Great trip - planning for next trip has begun. 



Kununurra Barra

It's been three months since I landed in town.......

While I've been up Lake Kununurra a few times chasing Sooties and beer with mates I haven't really given the Barra a much work and a few trips out with the backpack exploring country given the cooler dry season weather.

Well no more working weekends and time for Barra.

Hit the ramp just below the diversion dam and just floated downstream with the current. The water temp was around 25-26 but a mate from work got a few Barra last weekend on fly so I knew some were around.

Not long after my first Ord River Barra, nothing big but a good sign I still had some Barra mojo considering it has been many years since I caught Barra in the NT.

This was taken on a squidy slick rig cast in hard under the trees and let drop, and he smashed it about two seconds into the drop.

The Business end of the catch. Released to fight another day.

Spent the rest of the day catching Barra.

One is spoilt this end of town...

So much habitat.......

Barra lily time........perfect habitat for a Barra to ambush......

Just doesn't get any better than this.........

Dropped 5 fish and landed two. And saw some big fish.

Not to bad considering it was my fisrt day on the Ord. Was either using slick rigs or texas rigged 100mm squidgies on Gamat worm extra gap 6/0 hooks. Flicked a few lures but only a few taps, the plastics cast hard into the 'wood' and slowly dropped smacked the Barra. Nothing beats the visual of Barra smacking plastics and jumping to throw them......

Round two next week. Time to head back to the ramp......

Wonder what the rich people are doing.........

Thanks to Paul (Bones76) for the rod that caught the Barra. Told you it would catch the first Barra. Sweet plastic rod mate.


Dirk Hartog Aug '10

Well just over a two weeks ago myself and a couple other lads got back from a trip to Dirk Hartog Island. We planned to drive up on Friday the 6th, so we left at 7am in the morning with the boat in tow. Took about 9 hours to arrive in Denham.

Went to the pub that night, had a few brews, a meal and watched the footy. We then headed to the caravan park where we hit the sack and amped for a big day the next day.
Woke up at seven, grabbed some ice from the servo, a bacon egg burger, and we were off to the northern tip of the island.
2hours later and we arrived at the shack at Withnel point, backed the boat up to the beach and unloaded the gear. The water was a little rough going over but it was a SE’ ster so she was behind us. Once all was offloaded we grabbed our 6kg flick rods and proceeded to flick lures around the bay, as it was too rough to head out in the boat, as the SE’ ster was increasing all day.

The result early was 3 good sized flatties until we came across a school of tailor off the point, which was one-a-cast mayhem, and a bit of fun for the first day.

Woke up Sunday and again a howling SE so no going out in the boat and flicking around the bay again, no tailor today though, water quality was a little lower so we had to settle for some flatties again

Monday arrives, and the weather gods are against us. A howling easterly!? After flicking for mediocre fish for two days and having cape Levillian in sight, we decided to make the trek to turtle bay, unknowing it was infact 12.5km away. Finding various lures washed up on the beach, a full 20L fuel drum of petrol, bottle of fresh water, dead dugong and a rod and reel however, broke up the walk.

Albeit 3 hours later we arrived at the world famous Turtle Bay, and to no surprise, 2nd cast hooked up to a big tailor, only to pull the hook at the shore. Couple more casts then decided to do a little more walking, up the beach about a 500m we were greeted by hundreds of sharks sitting on the reef. First cast and I Pulled a tailor out?! Couple of casts over the reef and we noticed the sharks were chasing the poppers. Sharks on light gear and poppers, how good.

After losing a few lures, we walked back to the bags and rested up for the walk back. Although that didn’t stop dad having a cheeky cast and hooking into another school of tailor, we all had to have a crack seeing as we had come this far, and managed to pull a couple decent ones out before the sharks got there.

Time for the walk home, tide was out so it was a fair bit easier on the hard sand. As we were trekking back we noticed the wind was dropping a fair bit and by the time we got back at 4pm it was time for a quick fish in the boat, as our fish supplies were low. Headed out and hooked into a few nice little pinkies and red-throat, and a little broad-barred on a soft plastic. We now had dinner sorted.

Tuesday dawned and the wind had swung even more to the north and the decision was made to baton down the hatches, nailing some tin to the front of the shack, we would have to wait it out....

That night the wind did ease again, so we fished the point and managed to pull 3 soapies off the reef, but it wasn’t all that pleasant, and we were now itching to get out in the boat.

Wednesday morning arose and the wind looked like it was light enough so we headed out in the boat, we trolled to cape Levillian and around the shoals and picked up a decent broad-bar and a nice Mack Tuna, in between plagues of nor-west blowies....

The weather was getting a little rough now so we decided to start trolling back, and wouldn’t you know it, 6m of water a nice bommie and the rods start zinging, with the strong winds fishing was becoming difficult and I pulled the hooks on my fish, Trav however bought his in and it was a nice 10kg GT.

So we decided it might be worth a few more trolls. In between numerous kakka broad-bars we caught another two GTs of the same sort of size 8-12kg and a couple of nice pinkies as well.

By now the weather was getting hairy and we had to head in. Welcomed by 2-3ft breakers in Withnel bay it was going to be tough to get to our mooring, which was on the inside fairly close to the beach…

Now it was action stations, we managed to get through the breakers, but the boat was now side on to the waves in a small gutter and we had to approach the mooring side-on, if we missed it the boat was going to be on the beach, no room for error. Trav, our most experienced in the field, due to a few seasons on the Cray boats as a pup, Took to the bow and got ready. He grabbed the buoy and jammed it over the bow rail trying to wedge it there before the next wave hit the boat. He managed to get it over, however the waves hit the boat a little earlier than expected and he just couldn’t get his hand out from between the buoy and the rail in time. As the boat pulled back on the mooring which had the buoy attached to the end, the wedged buoy jammed his thumb between it and the rail, crushing it. OUCH.

Dad rushed to the front and grabbed the buoy while Trav came to the back, grabbed the wheel and slammed the boat into gear giving the old man just enough time to get the mooring loop onto the hitching point at the front of the boat. Now we had a problem, Travis' finger needed attention. So we took him back to the shack and treated him to the best of our ability, due to the limited first aid gear we had, it would be suffice for now.

We decided to pack up and head back as soon as there was a break in the weather. We waited and waited, but the wind did not ease at all that day, so it was going to have to be one more night and hope that it would be calm the next morning, at least it hadn’t rained though.....

We woke the next morning to the calm before the storm, and would you believe it, rain! But the water was flat and perfect for the trip back, so, with head-torches on, we began to relay the gear to the boat and fuel her up. 745am we were off on the way home. 2hours later and we arrived in Denham. We got the boat out of the water and went to the caravan park for a shower.
Once we were clean I went with Travis to the silver chain in Denham, and they did all they could to fix him up for the drive back to Perth.

We arrived back in Perth late Thursday night, and Friday morning Travis had an operation to pin the bones together and reconfigure the nail bed, all good.

All in all a great trip with real unlucky weather, the last three times we have been up to Withnel, 2 times it has blown NE which is the only wind that you don’t want. Very unlucky I say. However if one of these days we do get some days of good weather up there it will be unbelievable, with the amount of spots we have in the GPS now… But that is what makes the fishing so good I guess, the weather has the ultimate control of the fishing.....

Perth Land Based snapper?

Weve been out the last 4 nights trying to catch a pinky on big baits all over the metro got hardly anything.any1 wanna spill me a good spot?haha spent $400 on bait tackle fuel and booze the last few nights.would sure like to land 1


Exxy nature day

Went out in awesome conditions today and did a bit of the nature thing with Renae, the squid were pretty quiet so we just cruised around and found 3 dugongs having a feast on the sea grass.


After playing around with them for half an hour we went out looking for whales and found a huge hawksbill turtle enjoying the surroundings.


Unfortunately the whales were really skittish and we couldn't get any good photos, but there were plenty around so hopefully I will be able to get some good jump shots next trip (its my ambition for this whale season).  On the way back in we found a dolphin with her very new born having a phat time chasing some bait, extremely cute but not keen on the camera.    We then headed in as we could see the northerly coming and back at the ramp there was a decent sized wedge tail with a feed of mullet (didn't come out too well on the camera, looks more like batman)


Anyway, it was a nice day on the water and a bit of a change up from fishing which was enjoyable - even though the water was crystal clear and the first 15 minutes I was making sure Renae knew that I wasn't happy about not having the speargun on board. :)





Another day off Cervanties

Went out from Cervanties yesterday after not being able to get out for a few weeks. With the full moon doing its work i didnt expect to catch much but boy was i wrong! Headed out through the south passage at around 6.30. Had a fairly strong south easterly blowing first up wich wasnt too pleasant, so i decided to head straight out instead of going to my normal spots that were a good 10 mile south. I got to my first spot at around 7 and started drifting. The first 2 drifts didnt produce much apart from a few little bites. The third drift produced a nice 70 cm dhuie witch i bleed and put into the ice box. The next drift saw a nice size baldie hit the deck wich was also dispatched to the esky. So i had my quota at around 7.45 and with the wind slowly droping off i didnt want to head in just yet so i set the track line on the ploter to go to my favourite spot about 8 mile away. With a slow trip due to the uneven chop i was finely there and got my light placcie rod out with a 7 inch gulp heading towards the bottom. the first few drifts saw my plastic getting destroyed by pickers. On about the 4th drift i finally hooked up solid to a good size fish and with a short but spirited fight i had another nize size baldie in the net. I released this fish witch swam away strongly. the next couple of hours turned out to be an amazing plastic session with baldies and dhuie's coming up in quick succesion. I ended up with 7 dhuie's with 3 being size but releasing them all except 1 and 6 baldies witch where all size but also only kept 1. With the wind droping right off at around 12 and the fish going off the bite i decided to start heading in. I saw a few school's of tuna on the way in so i rigged up my bream gear with a 10g slice and sent it towards the school. I hooked 3 and landed 1 before i called it quits and went back through the passage in glassy conditions. unfortunetly i couldnt get any pictures because i was on my own. Hope this gets a few people jelous! cheers

ASI Groyne squid

We headed out last night to the ASI groyne henderson having another try at getting a snapper.failed but there was sum big kilo+ squid going for our lines it was a full moon and there was hundreds out there.the only night we didn't bring the squid jig...2 porties yeh go there on a full moon with squid jigs your bound to get at least 10 good squid i could see them everywhere in the water.

RDO trip

Gotta love RDOs!!
Got the chance to try out my new custom built rod on Wednesday. I mated it up to a Stella 5000 SW so was keen to christen it on it's maiden voyage. I had a Tuna slug on so was over the moon as half way out to the first spot we hit a school of Bluefin.
To hook and catch your specific target fish first cast to Christen a new outfit was a feeling I'll never forget. The only bad news is I left the camera on Black and White after taking some baby photos the day before. The people behind the camera didn't check until the trip was half over!! My bad.

After 3 casts for 2 Bluefin my brother Mick said time to leave. Just as well as I could have stayed there all day and racked up a cricket score and been happy. He did let me have a go at some Mack Tuna a further Km aout so I was allowed three more casts!! Got 2 Mack Tuna so was even happier. Greg also got one.

At the first spot Mick got a nice Spanish Mack afer only a few minutes and a few Coral Trout and a nice Gold Spot Trevally came on deck from the bottom as well. Another Spanish was followed by a Shark Mackerel so the day was going well. I tried my light rod for Macks and had some fun on a big Cuda that jumped a lot and performed really well. I then boated a 6 kilo Large Mouth Nanny to boot before we moved to the next spot. This spot was dead so it was off to the third drop.

This is where the Macks really fired up but also where the trip turned a little bad. Mick had 2 TLD 20 outfits with 24 kilo mono on and 6 times in a row both lines snapped to good Macks before we re arranged outfits and put the TLDs away. Another Mack soon followed but the tally could have already been a bag out for 4 people. We also had the hooks pull on a few so Mick was tearing his hair out!!

I started this spot bottom bashing with a spin combo that was a little light for the area. 50 lb braid but too light was the call and sure enough something big smashed me and got me in the coral. I did get it out about 5 minutes later only to have the 100 lb mono trace give way due to Coral rub...spewing.

Out came the handline and just as well as next to me Greg pulled in the fish of the day, a decent Maori Wrasse. A quick photo and back she went. Theya re such an awesome fish and really fight hard.

Next spot and a few more trout hit the deck including a quality 76 cm Blue spot trout, a couple of Rosy Job fish and a Green job fish to boot.

For the 5th and last spot of the day I was content to be even more stupid and put the new light rod down t the bottom. we all predicted a big Trout would smash me and wouldn't you know it that's exactly what happened. The good news is after a while I managed to get it out and up came a 3 kilo trout for my efforts. Greg, Erica and Mick boated a few Spangled Emperor and a nice Purple rock cod to provide a mixed bag that included something like 20 different species of fish boated for the day. We didn't count but we got about 10 trout which was good considering Macks were the main target and we only fished 5 spots.

Enjoy the pics, a shame a lot are Black and White.

By the way if it were me I wouldn't have lifted the Wrasse vertically like this. I took some really quick pics. You really should lift them horizontally to look after their backbone etc.

fishing tomorrow (friday)

right guys... im off tomorrow from work so im going to make the most of it!...

looks like a good morning tomorrow...going landbased and targeting herring and gardies....has anyone some hot spots for these at the moment?..heard the herring are quiet lately....thinking about heading down to woodies,or even down by the cut...any suggestions guys will be appreciated

massive snapper

just got told today one of my friends  from melb went over to port augusta chasing big kings

he did not catch any kings but made up for it with a snapper of 25 KGS yes thats right kg not lbs

he is due back  on friday so will be tryin to go over there 2 see this big fish which is goin be getting mounted

Squidding where to go and when

Hey guys just wondering where to go and what is the best time of day,conditions to go in. I live in scarborough so was keen to hit up either the walls at hillarys or south or north mole


Any advice would be appriciated


Rotto Lb session

Spent 4 days at rotto on a service run 2 weeks ago and headed down to thomsons bay for an arvo shore bash. Started out in a past faithful spot which after some perseverance i hooked up and the fireblood was humbing!! Then after a tough little battle a hefty silver trevally was landed followed by 2 more.

Night fall came and it was into squid but for no luck. The night was olnly about to get started though as a couple of ladies and their children were at the end of the ferry terminal fishing. One lady decided to fill her bucket with water and headed down towards the beach. Next thing i was dialing 000 as the lady had slipped and fallen on the boat ramp and seriously cut open the back of her leg from her calf to the top of the back side of her leg. The last ive heard is she has had three operations now and its not going that well...

The next night i wasnt going to let it put me off and headed back down. This time hooked up on a cracker of a tarwhine which measured 36cm.

Anyways check out the huge buffys. I would guess some were in the range of 20kg!!

And check out the wheels we were in. You know its not cool when people on bikes look and laugh and then pass you. #$%^&

Spearing the Bay

Hi all,

As promised im finally sitting down with my makers n coke and chuckin together a rough report from my recent trip to Shark Bay.

Been planning a trip with one of my best mates for some time and finally it all came together - time off and the long range forecast looked good. Battle stations where manned - shopping done - new spear guns bought and spears sharpened. The day slowly drew nearer and Richo arrived from perth keen as dijon mustard.

Packed the boat after work saturday night and after a few games of darts and the accompanying beers it was bed time for a 4am get up. The alarm was like a gunshot to the head but straight into it with the kettle boiled , car warmed and the servo soon pulled into for a pie OJ (beaut 415am brekky that!) and some fuel. Hit the overlander 3hrs later and the steep point road not long after. The day was a craker! Not a cloud and noooo wind.

Pulled into Tamala Station to pay the rent and soon had the tyres lowered and his the sand , arriving at Giraud Pt soon after minus the quick detour looking for the lost UHF arial.

Greeting us was a glass off and after setting up camp rather quickly we had the boat wet and our suits on! First stop seen a few tuskies sighted but nil shot so moved off to new ground - BIG tailor where in abundance (700mm upto 1m shark bay monsters!) so we took one small 650mm for burley and continued on spottin some nice black snapper ( too elusive and a swag of small bluebone along with HUGE yellowfin bream. The tide was very low and i can only think that kept the big tuskers out of the closer in spots. Continued hunting for new spots without much success - spotted a few squid from the boat , filmed a big dugong and did some practice dives on a deep channel that held nothing but sand n weed. Late arvo we moved onto one of my better spots where id swum with big humpy head pinks previously. Unfortunently they are off limits so still to shoot one. This time a big tusker was spotted straight off but he made the smart move of heading south at first sight of this wetsuit cladded thingymebob. A few minutes later i had a longgg shot at a horse but missed high and the fish departed - devostated was the word i thought of but not wat come out of my mouth many times as i reloaded and continued... 5mins later i came across another thumper attempting to hide deep in the weed. Took a lonnnnng shot and the rest was history! Stoned without the flopper penetrating. Perfect shot and the runs where on the board. Met up with dave and hightailed it back to camp with 2 in the eski 59cms and 73cms... Not a bad start..

Next morning we woke to a feather light easterly - MINYONG.... Break had and gear sorted we hit the frog n toad to a spot i had. This time straight onto fish.... Tuskies darting in and out of the weed everywhere... Just a question of being patient and finding something decent. Hard to say when dave dove before i even had my gear on and nailed his first for the day at 600mm. PRICK! Gear on while he dealt with that and dove straight onto a nice fish... Bullseye 1 all....

With 2 in the boat and 2 to go we moved onto another spot leaving a heap for next trip. I got another smaller model straight up and abit of moving was required to find dave his 2nd for the day which he finally spyed and nailed from above smashing it with a spine shot and into the esky went his best for the trip at 68cms. During the run back to camp the cloud bank that had been building up during the day started to show its true colours and a rough 20-30mm of rain was to fall during the night and early morning. Didnt stop us from visiting a small limestone island late arvo to throw some gulps around for the big yellowfin bream and small pinks that abound the shallows... Great fun on the 2kg spin sticks!

The last morning was wet and camp was packed inbetween squals and rain storms... didnt look good.... but we wanted a final dive before heading home. Moved spots back down the coast to save a long boat trip and by then the water had glassed off again! beaut.... Set up a makeshift cover for the fridges and gene and hit the water... Unfortunently leaving the camera safely on the front of the car -

Arrived at another spot i call the 2 rocks and our limit of 4 tuskies was speared over the course of about 2.5hrs diving. Also shot a nice Black Snapper which was a first... Fish of the trip was taken here and it was also my last for the trip. Id spied a thumper free swimming in the distance but it done the harold holt before i could get close enough. Dave had also spyed a thumper and this one had holed up under a big ledge. Quick look revealed a huge Green head and massive set of jaws... Yep horse!

Dave went done and bang.... I dove for extraction  only to find the shot had missed and the fish ready to pissbolt!... Nah argh - smack straight thru the gills and he was ours...  Very close to 10kgs of Blackspot was ours and our mission complete....

Great weather - great mates - great fish and we both got home safe and sound with a good feed of fish.... FANTASTIC....

And now the missus is jelous and wants to go - hrrrrrm looks like ill be Heading Back to the Bay..... Sounds good to me

Hope you enjoy guys


Two Rocks - any advice?

Went for my first trip out of two rocks on Saturday.


Had big hopes after reading the 'Wouldnt' dhu believe it' post up on here, but unfortunately didnt come good.


Went straight out from the ramp towards a point on the chart (pretty much due west of ramp) where it showed water going from 35 down to 30m (about 9-10mile out i think).  Did a few drifts and some trolling on the way out there, but no luck.


First drift, got an undersize pinkie, second drift hooked something good that I called for a dhu, but lost it after about a minute of fighting.  Third drift, undersize dhu to the boat.  Then things went quiet.

Slugged it out in the rain for hours, got one sergeant baker, one silver bream, some wrasse and thats it.  Also tried anchoring on that same lump and burleying with no success.

Have always done much better on the 5, but I know there are fish off two rocks, so has anyone got any pointers?


Seems from that trip that there is a lot less lumps around than on the 5.   Is that just how it is off two rocks?  Or am I looking in the wrong spots or need to go further out or north/south?


Didnt see any decent looking reef the whole day aside from the stuff a couple hundred metres out of the ramp!






Friday 20/8/10

Had a good day on friday,mate just moved from gero and was keen to fish the metro waters. Seabreeze predicted a good day, 4-6 knot winds all day so they said more like 15's gusting to 20's yet AGAIN they got it wrong. Well after getting flogged on the way out it turned out good for pete. He managed to land himself a couple of nice PB dhuie's (10&12kgs)and a nice baldie. All up we managed 3 Dhuie (one released),2 Baldie's all by 11:00, so with the bag limit on board we decided have a look around for some new ground & troll back to see if we could land a few tuna. The lures we in the water for 30sec and bang the first one about 6-7 kgs,then another & another, all up 4 in total (kept 1, 3 released).The wind did back off for a good trip home.

Sydney Offshore Report - Monday 9th August 2010

G’day lads,


A fortnight had passed since our last run offshore, and the two successive days of great fishing then had the crew hankering for more. A mix of busy days and rotten weather out wide meant the regular crew was keen as mustard to get out and into it again. But as the weekend drew near a series of bad reports from friends cast a pall over proceedings. Carolyn and I went to the Jervis Bay GFC dinner on Saturday night (thanks Simmo!) where we had a ball. On the way back we stopped in to visit some charter clients and various noteworthy spots en route, one being the Greenwell Point boat ramp. Talking to some keen jiggers who were putting their boat on the trailer there we were informed that the sensational kingfish run of the last few weeks had cooled off. An SMS from Greg K confirmed that, then a message from Scrat told me things were quiet off Sydney too. But the thought was that given the good weather forecast for Monday, it was worth a run.


Sean, Jay and I launched at Roseville around 7.00AM and picked Keza up at Watsons Bay wharf soon after. Straight to the Nine Mile, where the sounder showed the bottom was swarming with fish although none of the distinctive blue blobs that indicated kingies. Nonetheless, down went the jigs. After 15 minutes the only fish boated was a solid bonito, so on we went to the Twelve. That was dead too so we set a fresh course for Browns Mountain. On final approach the wind started to pick up and by the time we cut the motor we were dealing with a 10-15 knot wind and a solid chop. As always, a few good fish on the deck would cheer up the crew so we opened the innings with a drop to the bottom, 470 metres below. A steady procession of solid gemfish came aboard, although we had issues with more than a few dropping off the hooks half way to the surface.

A short video of two being boated can be seen here:


With reports from Sunday that the mako fishing had gone very quiet and the murky green water uninspiring, things weren’t looking good for a shark session. Staying positive, we baited up a 12/0 with a fresh bonito fillet and fed it back down the trail. The drag clicked a couple of times and then picked up volume as a solid fish took the bait. Jay pushed the lever to strike and a big mako hurled itself out of the water behind the boat:


Some great video of it swimming underwater here:

It then crashed dived, nearly spooling Jay on 30 pound line.

We chased after it and soon had the spool looking healthier. Being unsure of the weight we decided to wait until the shark was boat side – if we could get it boat side – as to whether to bring it on board. There’s not too many a tastier fish dinner than barbequed mako steaks, but having left the flying gaff at home I knew a big one would be hard to manage. After eighty minutes the tired shark was swimming boat side. Jay had done a great job with the fight. Sean put the gloves on, Kerry got ready with the camera, and I grabbed the fixed head gaff – usually used for kingfish and Spanish mackerel. A gaff shot into the mouth of the mako, and Sean held on gamely to the wire. It went wild, smashing into the hull and removing a lot of the paint (although I admit it’s hard to notice on the battered old hull) and twisting the gaff like a pretzel then biting through the wire.


Mako 1, Crew 0. We got the boat squared away for the long bumpy road home,

consoling ourselves with a tuna bag full of tasty chilled gemfish. We will be out there chasing another one as soon as the weather permits.



Andrew Hestelow

Another day out in the Prowler - Jigs & Plastics

Took Chris (Chrisp) out for a quick sesh to explore some new ground.

Got belted early on with heavy rain & strong northerlies which made things uncomfortable - far out it was cold! Got beyond the first reef & decided to troll up against it heading in a southerly direction in hope the northerly would calm down - funnily, this gave me fond memories of fishing tanta's, though, did I mention it was freeeeezing.

Within minutes, Chris was hooked up. It made Chris work for a good 10 minutes, doing the tuna dance down deep below the boat. Had to motor 50 meters away from it to get him up. Chris' outfit copped good punishment. Fatty 1 was landed.

Northerly was still pumping, so motored back into the reef & flicked EGI jigs around. Scored a few. Yum.

Northerly died & we were still keen to head out rather quickly for that sesh. Made a point that the small SBT's liked skirts & the bigger than average liked larger deep diving lures. Proved the theory & landed a rat on a skirt & another fatty on a deep diver.

Made it to our desired location. First drop on plastics - rewarded with a beaut Harlequin & Baldy.

Continued to pepper the area with jigs & plastics & scored good Pinks, Harleys, BB's & more Pinks.

Released everything bar the Baldy & Harley. It's a good feeling releasing those old man snapper.

Good day out for a quick sesh. Just needed to be patient with the Northerly. Did a comfortable cruise home @ 23 knots. I've been really impressed with the economy of the rig.

Baldy burgers at home mmmm.


21 Aug Quick Tuna Session

Went out for a fish and dive yesterday and saw a massive flock of birds working the surface as soon as we left the harbour. We drove through it five times with four double hook-ups results. Awesome fun. Even got my wife (who doesn't ever fish) to enjoy fighting some skipjack tuna to the boat. Skipjack are kind of like bonito back home in WA. We caught eight with the biggest three at 11lb, 13lb and 16lb. Imagine a 16lb bonito; it went hard. We also got one small yellow-fin tuna. After that we headed over to Ant Atoll for a dive. On the way to the dive site we trolled some hard bodies over a lump that we noticed the previous trip. First pass, bang, dog-tooth tuna. Three tuna species in about 40 minutes. Loved it.

Sat fishing report....seasnake on lure!

Well its that time of the week when Claire and i have some days off from work together. So do you plan a nice romantic picnic...ahh bugger that...lets go fishin!

Hit the water at 0530, as we wanted to get a few drifts in at one of our close spots. Had to do this, before all the weekend fishers come out of the wood work from there offices..and follow you around as they cant find there own spots. It was a great morning on the water.

We did 2 drifts and i pulled up a nice goldie and Claire some saddle tail. We then took of up to Bustard.. one of the islands north, to have a poke around. Found some nice ground, but only trickie snapper where hanging out there. So with the bottom being quiet, we tied on the lures. It wasnt long until i had hooked up to something. Now there isnt to many people that can tell people they have caught a seasnake on lure, but today i ticked that off my list.

We then headed back south down to Conexion island, as the nor easter was starting to pick up. Claire was on skipper duties, and while she was trolling along, found a nice lump on the sounder, that was worth a fish. We stopped and pulled in the lures. Baited up and drifted Claires new secret spot. Well what do you know, Claire has hooked up onto a nice sized saddletail. As you will notice in the photo, we are about 100m from shore in 19m of water.

We then flicked some lures around some coral bombies, trying to find a trout for tea. Nothing was biting, so we decided to call it a day. We had a relaxing day out, and now all was left to do, is Claire to clean the fish....yes she has been trained!

ASI groyne and rockingham yacht club jetty

We went out chasing snapper in the middle of a storm.casted out big baits on a double hook rig mulie/squid.At the jetty we landed a big ray but then sat with baits out for bout 2 hours with nothing.Tthe bloke next to us was catching sum nice whiting on a small rig i didn't wanna downgrade though just for that chance of a snapper.Moved on to the ASI groyne kwinana but just got plauged with port jackson sharks for a bout 2 hours.Then it dropped off with not a bite for another hour and a half.Then we called it quits.Was perfect conditions to land 1 but i reckon if u manage to get a nice snapper off a beach or jetty in the sound your just 1 lucky son of a gun

Exmouth Greyband

We finally managed to get out to the deep spots after a gentleman hours start.  (thanks to Jeff for not getting any evidence)


First drift and the counter on my electric reel said 360m (which had the battery die soon after).  After about 20 minutes we finally got the bite we wanted and we knew we had found the cod hole.  After 15 odd minutes of fighting each we had two floating behemoths to the surface and the high 5's began, considering we were fishing without a sounder that could go over 160m.


With the esky full we moved to another spot to try and find some rubies which proved to be uneventfull.  We then did a little bit of trolling around for no luck and headed back to the original spot for one last drift to try and get Simmo a cod.  With the south wester well and truly in we missed the spot but found a secondary mark which gave me the last fish of the day and with the electric reel out of battery, the arms and back got well and truly stretched on a nice 20kg fish.


Unfortunately it has to be a short report as I think I'm still hungover from Thursday nights squidding mission, lol.  Now I'm looking forward to trying them on the plate as I've heard they are pretty good table fare.




not fishing related,but political related at church

i was at church tonight for my fathers memorial mass for his 3rd year anniversary with my family and friends doing my part on behalf of my mother.when  mass had ended i discovered a certain political party ,the right to life party of western australia put flyers on every vehicle ,in the carpark,which i found very offensive,i called the after hours number,and the secretatary denied this,i told her it was rude to do political advertising in a church carpark,which in my opinion is a sacred place that should be free of political motives,not nice of that party,they deffinately wont get a vote by my family or friendsFrown