Brag Board

Brag Rights, Catch and Release or Unusual Captures

Bigger roach

Here you are Uncut a better roach, still small compared to the GT's and spanyids but at just over 2lb not a bad fish!!


Couple of tench and a small carp as well.


heres an old pic of a 12.5kg mulloway caught on sand whiting grounds. no.4 wide gape mustad baited with fresh squid. 10metres of water at 10:30 am

A few more fish to show...

Here are a few more fish I thought I might share.  Better than the poor efforts from last week LOL!  Not recent captures though.  First is a few snapper caught off square top island in NZ, all caught on mackeral baits.


These are few more snapper caught in a similar area but this time from a boat about 50 metres from shore.


A crab caught as bait for smoothhound and gurnard.  Caught at night in shallow water with a torch and hands!!

Two baby smoothhound were released after gutting th mother fish.  Didn't know they were there until opened up the fish.  They both swam off strong.


Finally a blue cod caught in about 120m of water off Kaikoura in NZ from a boat.

Theres always something bigger to eat you.

Mate if mine i took out fishing with me on New Years Day off Cape naturaliste managed to jag this poor little wrasse. Unfortunatly for Mr wrasse he was so small my mate didn't realise he had jagged it and big old Harlequin came along and though mmmmm lunch! Funny capture i thought but hey more and more evidence of wrasse being a gun bait when deepwater fishing!

this is better...

Caught this on spinner in Queenstown NZ abit better than the roach ay!!  LOL

Small fish but at least I caught!!

After snow rain and hail...and high winds I eventually got out and caught a few 'bits' roach, chub, perch, ruffe and pike.  This is a small roach and a quite rare ruffe.  Not massive but still....!

Taxidermy or fish reproduction


Anyone ever looked into getitng caught fish reproduced or mounted? They seem to do quite a good job, Might be a nice idea, apparently all they need is a photo and the length and girth to recreate a model of the fish.

Curious to know of the costs of a decent sized fish like a billfish etc.

Have a good one,


Geographe Bay - 1 March

Finally got the old Quinnie afloat - 8 squid - no KG's but the big one made for a great day.  

Swan Crabs

Some tasty swan crabs caught diving in the swan at night.

Big boys toys

Hey guys,

Just picked up my saltiga expedition 6500 reel and saltiga muramura 76 rod, combining this with my penn 30vsw / penn tuna stick rod, I cant wait trying them all out at near Coral bay next time off.

Hell Yeeah!

Goooone Fishin!


B Shed Surprise

I finally have something worth posting I caught this a couple of Thursdays ago at in front of the B shed Victoria Quay.I have fished there on a regular basis for the 25 years and seen everything from sheep ,cows and bodies pulled out of that place but couldnt believe it when this bad boy broke the surface it went 104cm 8.2kg.


Vacuum Seal Machines...THANK YOU

Cool Thanks everybody for their input to the question asked last week, just went out and bought the sunbeam 28cm, bloody hell have to wait till the end of the week to suck something up in the bag, but I'll read the instructions and be clued up Cool


Thanks once again

Well got all the meat out of the Freezer from last Sunday and vac sealed it all, good fun, so easy to use, just wait for the red light (for sealing) to turn off everything done, had some home cooked silverside left over, sucked the sucker up as well, 1kg of cheese using half, sucked the other half up.

Had to make a couple of bags from the roll of film, very easy.


Once again

thanks all

First Mackerel

After finishing work yesturday I decided to drop the boat in at Ocean Reef and have a fish in close. The missus and I didnt start fishing until 1430 and didnt get much on the line for most of the day. We decided to head home when the missus suggest we drop a lure and do a slow cruise back since the water was nice and calm. The missus dropped the lure whilst I steered the tub at a steady 8-10knots. After picking up a heap of seaweed she pursisted with the lure when suddenly she says the line just started spooling. I stopped the tub and took a look. It was then she asked me to wind the line in. Upon the lure getting closer we could see a heap of seaweed and naturally we assumed that was the reason the lure wouldnt go under. BUT once closer it was then we noticed a 58 cm Mackerel still on the lure. This was our first ever Trolling effort and first ever Mackerel cought. So what seemed to be a dull dissappointing day turned out to be a new experience and another notch on the learning curve belt.

Until next time


Daddy Boats first Marlin

Ok, i have finally caught a marlin on Daddy Boat and it was a complete solo effort, in driving, catching and trying to take photos of the thing!!
Well as usual i couldn't find a deckie so off i went on a solo trip. I went out of tanda's looking for new ground with a couple of big baits hanging out the back!. Drove around for about a hour and a half only to raise one billie with no luck of a bite!! So i decided to go home and in about 85m coming to the passage it was ooonnn!!
I fought the beast for 2 hours , trying to drive the boat , get some proof and reel the beast in.. what a laugh!! I tried to get it close enough to cut him off but after about 10 bog laps of the boat he finally cut himself off on the prop!! what an experience!!
I have now been called mad for even attempting to do it on my own, but hey no deckie doesnt mean no go!!
Went out a week to the day and saw a bigger one and it smashed my teaser up before disappearing into the blue!!
The marlin is a blackie and it was estimated at about 180kgs!! not bad for a solo effort. Sorry the pics are not the best , they were one handed and im going to install a mounted

Queen snapper of Cape Naturaliste today

Went fishing with Bluetonic this morning down the Capes caught my first Queen Snapper didnt have any scales to weigh it but its length was 80cm

New to Port Headland,,


Vacuum Seal Machines...Need Help

Need some help fellas thinking of buying one of those vacuum seal machines.  Can you tell me which brand

  is the best.....  I've seen then at Target and the Good Guys for about $200 I live south of the river.

I like taking away good quality cold meat and some of it you freeze and its just not the same like beef brawn or beef tongue, liverwurst etc

  Appreaciate the input.............Roberta






barra slayer

heres a couple of pics with a very happy spurry aka "the barra slayer" aka
"the fish magnet"popping his cherry with his first size barra caught out of karratha .it just made it size wise at 111 cm
im still suffering in my jocks and have yet to land one

Cracking Tailor

I wrote a report a couple of weeks ago about a killer tailor session that we had.  At the time I had some issues with my camera, but finally got the pic onto the PC.  Here's the 72cm monster that Brad caught and released. He's holding him close to the body, and he's a big guy.  He needs to learn the outstretched arm hold like some of the guys on here! haha

Is that a smile on yer dial??

Hit the 30's with FIshCrazy. Got onto some dhus. Stoked to land some local fish in the Dory. My goal for 2009 has been accomplished early. Yah Hoo

Crays aren't in but the Duhies were!

Crays aren't in but the Duhies were!

Had a great dive in 20m on Sat 7th, a bit rough on top but good conditions below. Saw these two at the end of my last dive previous saturday but was too close to deco times. Suprised them this time the larger one first 7.3kg and the smaller near the end of the dive, to top this with a haliquin and 6 crays. Don't let the conditions keep you away from great dive conditions underwater. 

Sea Sick Pills

Well as earlier reported went to Leeman and as you all know my nick name Spewie.  Well guess what mightn't be for much longer.  I had heard about these ginger tablets.  I decided to try and boy do they work.  Asked the chemist can I take them with my Kwells and he said yes.  So took two kwells and 3 ginger tablets half a hour before we went out.  Can I say they worked fantastic, didn't feel queezy, didn't want to eat half a sandwich when I did feel queezy.  Usually after about 3hrs I want to come home as feeling yuckky, but guess what I wanted to stay out longer, somebody else said it was time to come home.  Also after two hours you take one ginger tablet,  they are called Travelcalm Ginger Tablets 400mgs.  They work.

Hope this helpts somebody, they work for me.

cray pots

hey guys just wondering where the pros pots are at the moment?as i havent been out in a while!

A couple more from the collection

Just  a couple more fish to show.helps me remember what they are after all the bad weather the uk are getting at the moment!

A 21lb pike I caught.  One of three 20's I caughtin the same day.

A LB gurnard caught of the westcoast on NZ northisland.  Crab bait.

A stingray I caught using mullet as bait. LB using 25kg line.

Southern Comfort?

Meet my mate Southern Cod.  Found him on Sunday....well the cod part out in the 50's and the southern cray near carnac.

Was a slow day for fishing for us, but it was time limited as we did a couple of dives aswell.  We started out deep in 120's.  First drop resulted in a 1.3 sambo, but that was it.  A few drops at various shallower spots on the way back in returned the same - nil.

Lunch time - time to dive.  We started with a deepish dive - 28's, where I saw the biggest boar fish I have ever seen under a large ledge which was a great site.  Only one cray though for that dive out from under a very deep ledge that held about 20 crays and a couple of jumbos.  They were just too far back (even without a tank on my back -was on hookah).  2nd dive we moved to near Carnac and bagged another 10 crays in quick time.

The days catch; 

Was a very pleasant day on the water and a great way to escape the days onshore heat.

Cheers Pete

Fads Today

With an Excellent forecast myself, the girl friend and my mate Paul headed out to the Fads. Firstly we tried the furuno FAD, there were several boats there but no fish so we then moved to the Hillarys Fad where we were greeted by quite a few dollies near the surface. They were very tentative. We managed to hook one for the day with others lost on mullies down deep. Other boats were in the area trolling, live baiting but with not much success. This one went just on 5KG which is pretty good for this time of year.

epirbs where can i get one

just wondering if any one has purchased one lately and where from as im in need of one next time im in perth!i now there rare as hens teeth hope some one can help cheers!

Out for a final jig with Bluejuice...

Made a last minute decision late Friday arvo to head out for a jig, made a call to Bluejuice after getting the okay from the better half (with a one month old bub) and got on board for Saturday.  

Wanted to try these new rods from Ajiking while I was out, Anglers' Spot in Willetton has just started bringing them in to Oz.  The Duo Maxx comes with two blanks which provides a smaller blank for jigging and a longer blank for popping, only for heavy duty stuff though as they're rated to PE 8.

Anyway it was a nice morning, the wind was down and the temperature was pleasant, the dock was busy as both BJ and Mills were leaving at the same time and both companies had two boats heading out. 

We finally hit the road and two hours later pulled up in the usual spots out the back of Rotto.  We worked the place hard for a few drifts, worked a few more spots, and another spot, all for one amberjack at around 700mm.  We had expected it to be tough fishing this late in the season but it's still disheartening farting around for so long without any fish landed.

Eventually the skipper said we were going to try out to the Derwent so off we steamed and half an hour later we hit the spot with a school on the sounder.  Everyone was fired up except for the thought of having to winch one up off the bottom where the school was holding up - 180m below.  A couple of smaller fish were pulled up and then the school moved up to 120m where we managed a few more.  They weren't honkers but that didn't matter, we were just keen to get something.

This one went to about 6kg

I got this one at about 8kg (with a weird tracking antenna sticking out of its back  Laughing )

After a while they started to die down so we shot back to 120m and found a school there which proved to be a lot of fun.  About five fish were landed here and there were a few bust offs.  Because of the slow fishing it got pretty messy and at one point there were about nine lines over the side.  A few of the bust offs looked like braid cuts from someone elses line.  Such is life, we just wanted to catch fish.

I got this baby which was 12kg and the others were around that size too.  The largest caught for the day was 15kg.

Anyway all in all it was a good day for me, I was happy with landing three and having a couple of great fights which resulted in bustoffs but I felt for some of the other people who didn't even get the fun of hooking up let alone landing one, but that's the way it goes.

Duhie 16/01/09 Two Rocks

Bit of a late post (problems with the computer).

 Most of the day was a bit slow first fish of the day was a good size baldie but being the first the first baldie I've caught that hasn't chewed his guts, he got freedom as a prize.

It was a few very slow hours till I caught this 11kilo duhie on a drift bait in 45+mts, also got busted of twice and caught another 6-7 kilo duhie, which went back in good health as i was fishing light.

Didn't get much more for the rest of the day only a small sambo (good fun on light gear), still beats workingLaughing

2009 South Yunderup Crab-Off results and Pics

 The Sor crew...pinging our spots!








 Wade with another lovely catch!








 Underwater pic of one of the 100000 undrsize crabs seen today








 The haul !
















 Write up of todays happenings below !



















 As all days start had to kick Claire in the guts again at 7am and hit the road by make it down to crabland before....the wind gods got excited.

 Upon arrival south of the River mob hadnt got there shit together on time. After a close inspection of there boat, it was discovered that there secret bait was in hiding...which then ment i couldnt massage sunburn cream into there scare the crabs away.

Arrived at the ramp at 1030...greeted with people, returning after catching a early moning feed( Gee we thought ,must of wet the bed)  

As we guided the "WEDDING FUND" out thru the markers, i could feel that today was going to be our day..the wind thru my thinning hair the smell of rotting weed only made my senses i could feel the pull of the crab gods towards my starboard side. We slowly put down our shot of 10 nets in a northerly direction....and baited with chicken giblets, you could near on here the crabs walking.

South of the river crew had only made it out thru the markers at this stage..after discovering once the boat was launched, mmm  we got a flat battery.

Our first pull we bagged 5 size ones, 2nd pull 4 size, 3rd pull 5 sized. Things were looking good as the sor mob had only 8 in the bucket and the sun was overhead.

We then headed over to the southern side of the estuary, and did some snorkeling. With high vis in 1.2m of water, it didnt take long for team Nor to bag out at approx 1345. Such words as "graceful".....were used, as onlookers watched Wade gliding thru the water, aided with the top of a scoop net, to pick up his crabs whilst diving.

By this stage i could feel a thirst comimg on, and it was time to head back to the ramp.  Whilst at the ramp, after a close inspection team SOR only had 12 size in there embarassing! But they took out the biggest crab competition, when there biggest measured up at 150 odd mill. This crab winning them the lotto slick pic prize, so at the end of the day, we were all winners...except Claire as she had to drive home after wade had to many Coronas!