Bluewater Metro Fishing Report 10/03/2017
Submitted by Bluewater on Fri, 2017-03-10 15:11
If you had to choose between catching your bag limit of 70cm+ pink snapper or a Spanish mackerel, which would you take?
Well, the good news is this weekend we have high tide just after sunset, so just like the girl on the taco advertisement, why not have both? One can expect the period from about 4pm to 6pm to fish very well for Spaniards. The sun sitting lower in the sky, the tide rising, it’s a baitfish’s worst nightmare. Keep your eye out for a decent drop-off, in clean water, ideally showing baitfish on the sounder. The back of 5-Fathom and 3-mile should be good starting points. Trolling lures is the easier option; you can travel at 5-7 knots and just wait to hear the ratchet on your reel scream. Trolling baits such as mullet and garfish is likely to yield greater results, but takes a lot more preparation and attention to detail. If you’re prepared to make the commitment to trolling baits, jump on YouTube or come into a Bluewater store for rigging instructions.
Once the sun gets close to the horizon, it’s time to find a nice piece of structure, anchor up current/wind/tide and start your burley trail. I recommend an unweighted or lighted weighted mulie drifted back in your burley trail, a paternoster mid ship and flick a soft plastic around. There is a lot of by-catch for those targeting snapper at the moment such as samson fish, skippy and the odd dhufish as well.
Offshore the demersals are still fishing well with a lot of Baldchin groper being landed North of the river and big schools of dhufish in the 30-40m mark.
New staff member Jeremy and his brother with a good pair of dhufish. Welcome aboard Jeremy!
There is very some warm water out at the fads now, with dolphinfish, striped and blue marlin all being caught this week. If you can get out there, do it, and you will be in with a serious shot at a metro marlin, with the chance of tuna, dollys and wahoo as well.
With the water finally starting to clear up from all the rains, the bait has shown up along the beaches and with it the tailor. Most fish around the 30-40cm range so not big sizes but the numbers make up for it and make it well worth throwing some lures around the beaches. The whiting numbers have been hit and miss with good reports coming from the Mandurah beaches. Some reports of school size sharks being reported North of Lancelin with a few taken each night as well as a couple school size mulloway.
In the river, bream have been providing plenty of sport for anglers targeting them with hard bodies and soft plastics alike. Myaree staff member Jeremy Cui spent a very enjoyable afternoon wandering from Barrack Street, across The Narrows Bridge, to the South Perth foreshore. He landed multiple fish in the 20-30cm category and found the biggest specimens around the southern end of The Narrows Bridge. Jeremy recommends using the Zipbaits Khamsin Jr Tiny. Meanwhile in the Canning, Myaree staff member Laith Rickman, has continued his success from last week on soft plastics in the Canning. There are good numbers of herring to be had in the mouth of the river as well as a few other bait fish species such scalies and slimey mackerel if you are planning any adventures.
One of Laith's chunky bream before release
Staff member Hon-su fished the Dawesville Cut this week and reported it to be “chockers full of undersize skippy and salmon trout that were plenty of fun”. He also reported seeing scores of garfish in there as well. Staff member Curtis also got stuck into some herring and chopper tailor in Mandurah.
One of many herring Curtis got on his 'yak'.
Even with all the recent rain the number of squid have still be good as well as the average size, with most people that put the morning in to drifting the inshore weed beds coming home with enough for a feed and a lot of fresh bait.
The casting finger of metro salmon anglers has begun to twitch in the last week, with reports of isolated captures from south of Mandurah, to Yanchep in the north. Perhaps none more so the Myaree staff member Geoff who wrote the following. “Now is the time to make sure your salmon gear is in order. If you’re land based, any rod in the 7’6” - 9’6” range that can cast 15-60g should work. Pair that with a reel that holds 300m of 15-30lb braid and you’ve got a great combo for flicking lures at salmon. Speaking of lures, anything that casts well and swims true, will entice a hungry salmon. I like to carry a variety of lures including; metals, plugs, sinking stickbaits and sinking minnows. Plastics work as well, but tend not to cast as well in the breezy conditions we’re used to locally. I’ve got my split-ring pliers and lure trays ready for the next time my girlfriend chooses the movie we’re going to watch on tele. That’ll be when I change all my lures to single hooks. I might even be sporting this year and crush the barbs to look after the fish”.
They're coming
Submitted by TerriblePaulzy on Fri, 2017-03-10 12:10Went for a rock fish this morning south of margs . First balloon with live herring, intended for a king, was instantly surrounded by 100 odd salmon and engulfed.Only ended up with the one,i Keep them for bait , was a solid fish good fun fight getting wrapped around a ledge and then a few jumps after freeing the line. Stayed for a few hours saw another two solid schools but no joy from mr kingfish. All you metro salmon chasers shouldn't have too long to wait
- 3413 reads
First on jig for me!
Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 2017-03-07 16:09Well after the great session recently up in Tworcks on artificials I went back up again yesterday. I knew the seabreeze would come in early but thought what the heck ... we're going!
Staff member Ben came along again and it was good to also catchup with my step bro Andy. Andy had never used artificials before and I said use one of my outfits and I will rig you up with a softplastic!
Armed with Abrolhos softplastics and metals I ventured back out and first drop Andy hooked up into something solid. I called it for a big dhu and he got bricked after a short fight (spewin). Within seconds I loaded up also to something equally as big and after a great fight on PE2 up came a surprise!
My first bluegroper on jig and we weighed it on the boat with my digital scales at just over 19kg ..... awesome!
I assumed what bricked Andy was another bluegroper and after that I moved around to a few other spots. We ended up bagging out on dhufish and every spot after that was more dhufish so that being a good problem we pulled the pin and headed in!
Both Andy and Ben got into the dhufish and Andy said he's never experienced a fishing session like that on artificials so now he's a convert haha. The Abrolhos Chartreuse & Pink in the Bullwhip minnow & McPaddles did very well for all 3 of us and the bluegroper ate a Abrolhos Allrounder jig!
Great day, good company and a first for me .... happy days =>
- 4506 reads
Family trip to SA
Submitted by Hutch on Mon, 2017-03-06 19:52Finally got around to attempting to sort all the photos from our trip to South Africa over Xmas and the new year. Was mainly a trip to visit family and old friend so didnt get to fish as much as I would've liked. There were way too many photos to decide which ones were the best so I've picked a few random ones to post.
I pretty much only fished for Largemouth Bass and Tilapia but also landed my first Natal yellowfish. Not a large specimen but I can see why they're known locally as freshwater bonefish - they go hard! Most of the bass were around a kilo and a half with the biggest being just under 2kg. The fishing was hard with heavy rains and the water dirty for most of the time we were over but I still had plenty of fun.
My main combo was a crucis Aegis 7023 matched with a sienna 1k and 3lb fireline, a cost effective combo but it got the job done on some good fish and light enough to hold all day. Pretty much exclusively used plastics but also gave Big John's jigs a bit of a run and got a few smaller fish on them. The fluoro yellow jigs worked well in really dirty water.
Not sure when we'll get back over next but hopefully there'll be more fishing done.
- 2467 reads
Further North @ The Kalbarri Classic
Submitted by big john on Mon, 2017-03-06 18:31Finally got my act together and organised my boat and a crew to fish Kalbarri for the 31st Kalbarri Classic this long weekend. It's a comp I've wanted to fish for quite a while, but the stars haven't previously aligned.
Left after work Wednesday with Dad and made good time up the Indian Ocean Road until we ran into the mother of all storms about 50k's from Dongara, the storm went all the way up to and past Gero but the worst of it was before Dongara, horizontal rain, strong wind and lightning which you could read a book by had us down to 50k's a hour at times. Safely arrived at our Kalbarri Accommodation just after midnight.
The plan was to do a pre-comp recon trip and try and find the spanish mackerel, hopefully giving us a headstart in the comp. First day was a good one once we eventually found the fish, catching 8 spanish mackerel from 6-10kg and a couple of 4-5kg striped tuna. That afternoon my brother Paul, arrived to complete the crew.
Comp Day 1
Plan was to catch some fish on 6kg to get some points rolling and then scale down to 3 and 4kg to try and get some high point scoring fish. We started with fluorocarbon leaders and caught two nice fish straight up, the next four however bit us clean off through the leaders so we went back to light single strand stainless leaders. We learnt a lot this first day, taking seven fish including a nice mack for my brother Paul on the 3kg barra outfit. We probably had 25 strikes that first day but dropped a lot of fish to pulled hooks on the light gear and sadly, sharks taking our fish.
Weigh in that arvo saw Paul take out the Top Gun - Gamefishing award for the day, and a healthy boat tally for Further North. After the weigh in we purchased half a dozen lures to replace some of our MIA and spent the evening rigging.
Comp Day 2
Blasted back to our spot where Dad hooked up to a good fish on 6kg, unfortunately the double popped after about 20 minutes with the fish about 15 metres directly under the boat. We worked the area unsuccessfully for about half an hour until the sun poked over the cliffs and started hitting the mirrors on the witchdoctor teaser. The fish went crazy for about two hours, we blew a lot of fish again to pulled hooks and the occasional shark.
The wind came up around 11am but we decided to grind on, chasing another fish or two to turn it into a good day. Two strikes were the end result for the next two hours, with both lures pulling during the initial run. Buggar.
We weighed four spaniards that arvo and a yft.
Weigh in that arvo saw us extend our overall boat lead in the 6-7m class, and Paul take a good lead into the last day for Champion Angler Game. Purchased another half a dozen lures and spent the evening respooling reels, rigging the new lures as well as our dwindling original survivors.
Comp Day 3
Slow start on the fish, nothing to show after the first 90 minutes, causing the skippers nerves to start jangling. Desperately we cycled through some artists on the Fusion Stereo until The Rolling Stones got things started. A nice mack for Paul on 6kg and then another one about an hour later calmed a few nerves onboard. All hell then broke loose when we hit a hot patch of fish resulting in a quadruple hookup, Dad was the only the one to boat one though, with a couple of hook pulls and a broken stainless leader about 5 metres under the boat for Paul. I hooked two more good fish on 3 and 4 kg string but the taxman came into play once again as the fished neared the boat.
Total fished weighed in that arvo was three. After watching the rest of the game competitors weigh in, we headed to the presentation night feeling hopeful.
Presentation Night
The Kalbarri Offshore & Angling Club put on a fantastic evening, with an awesome array of prizes and an excellent meal. We came away very happy, Paul took out the Top Gun - Game Angler for his day 1 efforts along with the big one, Champion Angler Overall - Game. Our boat 'Further North' also took out Champion Game Boat 6-7m.
We had a great time and I'd highly recommend next years comp if your into gamefishing, bottom fishing, kayak fishing or river fishing. Some great captures were made in all categories, with a very friendly and welcoming competition put on by the KOAC.
- 4375 reads
Midwest Report.
Submitted by Chinbald on Mon, 2017-03-06 15:21Headed up to the midwest on Thursday with decky Boydy for 4 days of fishing. Not sure the weather forecast was quite as expected but torrential rain at Jurien and isolated thunder storms made for an interesting day, headed out to the bank dodging the lightning. Was well worth the early start leaving Perth at 0400 as was the pick of the days. Numerous Cray pots out at my marks made drifting hard work as big currents and lots of rope made picking a good drift line hard. One bonus was the area was one giant fad. Will let the pics tell a tale but had a cracking time with yet another southerly smashing on Friday. A Saturday trip to Jurien with more pingers than a rave party and an awesome shallow water jig 9 (metres) that we couldn't get away from the Dhu,s on Sunday. Put out a small pusher lure on Thursday after spotting some Dolphin fish under the boat resulting in a memorable bucket list capture. Hope you like the pics
- 2947 reads
First salmon this season or last from last year?
Submitted by Bombero on Mon, 2017-03-06 05:23Down Sth for the weekend and caught two salmon on consecutive nights off the beach. Both around the 38 cm mark. Would these be front runners for the year? Good fun on the herring rod.
Pretty happy to catch a feed both nights, on the beach near Dunsborough.
- 2394 reads
Trailer Upgrade - Sans slotted rotors
Submitted by JohnF on Sat, 2017-03-04 21:35Bit the bullet a few weeks ago and went Hollywood with the trailer upgrade, bought a set of transtyle 2.5 t torsion axles, landcruiser hubs and stainless steel rotors, 15 inch rims and big tyres, but drew the line in the sand at slotted rotors. I know there are some on this site that like that kind of thing (haha....just for you Scanno).
The axles arrived yesterday, and my old man fitted out the axles with brakes etc while I was at work.
Scanno and Bodie then toiled all day today to pull out the old crappolla leaf springs and fit the torsion axles, while I madly drove around time trying to sort out some flexi hoses to fit the new callipers (slight oversight!!!)....ended up getting sorted out by Pirtek, for a considerable ransom....
ENORMOUS thank you to my old man, Bodie and Scanno, friggen legends!!!! Got the whole job done in a day, from dropping the Whaler in at Mindarie at 6.30 am with the old suspension to picking it back up late this arvo with the new suspension all fitted. Bloody brilliant.
Just a few height adjustments tomorrow and fit the guards etc and she is done.
Thanks again Bodie and Scanno, owe you boys one.
- 2278 reads
Kalbarri Classic
Submitted by Lance55 on Sat, 2017-03-04 18:31so far it's been a bust for us
- 3825 reads
Two Rocks sesh!
Submitted by Anonymous on Sat, 2017-03-04 14:23- 6 comments
- 3921 reads
Bluewater Metro Fishing Report 03/03/2017
Submitted by Bluewater on Fri, 2017-03-03 15:43

Staff member Hon-su went out on a charter and although it was slow going due to lack of drift and dirty water, they ended up with a good bag. The majority of the fish caught were snapper up to 89cm and Hon-su got a decent King George on a Jig.

North of Two Rocks seems to be where the bigger dhufish are being caught with jigs tempting them to bite. There have been reports that they are well and truly schooling with some lumps being filled with breeding fish.

Bluewater customer Chris with solid dhufish on jig
The samson fish are up and about with customers reporting get hooked into some unstoppables and coming in to buy some heavier gear to try and put the brakes on these hard fighters. Hi-speed jigging and live baits are always productive when looking to get your arms stretched by some big sambos.
Tuna schools are abundant and being found along the back of Three Mile and Five Fathom Bank. Looking for the birds and casting stick baits and metal slices was proving to be more productive than trolling during the week.
Both Spanish and shark mackerel are still around in good numbers. Fremantle/Cockburn area is a good option to target the Spaniards. Landbased customers have reported catching them off Woodman Point and the Ammo Jetty, whilst trolling has been productive as soon as you hit the clear water on the edge of the run out from the Swan River. The shark macs seem to be popping up all over the place. Again casting stick baits and metals is working better than trolling but both can still be productive and there has been some other quality sportfish like sambos and yellowtail kings swimming with them.
Lots of chopper tailor have been patrolling the Cockburn Sound, whilst bigger fish have been reported coming from most beaches north of the River, however they have not been found in big numbers.
Mixed reports of mulloway have been coming in this week after the new moon last Saturday with a few monsters being caught from Southern beaches. Less activity has been reported from other locations. There has however been some reports filter through of good fish coming from Wedge and the Seabird area. The calm conditions were making it very hard to pick gutters and holes on the beach which could explain the hit and miss results.
After a few weeks of it being quiet, the shark fishing fired back up again this week with tigers and bronzies making up the majority of reported captures. With good bait activity in close it opens up options for shark fisherman as there are plenty within casting distance and less need to kite, balloon or paddle the baits out
The River is still feeling the effects of the floods but those showing persistence are going ok. Bream in the Swan have been harder to find but the bigger fish have managed to hold up and can be found in the usual haunts. Staff member Laith has, however been getting stuck into a lot of smaller fish in the Canning. Crabs are being taken from Claremont down to Fremantle but numbers have slowed. It seems most productive to target them out in deeper water such as Mosman Bay.
Submitted by sphere on Fri, 2017-03-03 07:19Went diving with a mate yesterday and got a bag full of crays off the beach. Went last saturday with another mate and we both got 6. Both locations crays were a bit soft. Some whites mixed through. Most crays few mm over with the odd larger one. Was diving down at Mandurah
- 3810 reads
Submitted by Rugbynut on Mon, 2017-02-27 16:52Still plenty of kingis around south of hillaries chasing all the baitfish schools. Had a school of baitfish hiding around the boat for an hr or so last week near a small reef, obviously feeling a bit nervous. Have caugtht kingis from 65-90cm quite regularly which has been awesome fun and have lost as many as we have landed along with the odd SBT. My sons have enjoyed getting there arms stretched too. Bugger all skippy around that i can rustle up over the last month. Water was filthy on friday vis about 2-3m i recon where i was, river outflow i guess.
- 1 comment
- 2797 reads
Saturday night snapper
Submitted by Marineboy on Mon, 2017-02-27 14:29went for a run south from hillarys Saturday night and picked up this 74cm snapper, not huge but a nice fish in great condition. Plenty of 45cm models around and also managed a 52cm keeper. Water is dirty at the moment and barrometer was way down at around 1005 so was happy to catch what we did. Been getting photo tips from little johnny, note the feet in the shot haha.
- 2989 reads
Kalbarri river's affect on the Mackerel
Submitted by Mack1 on Mon, 2017-02-27 07:40Anyone in town or just returned who can let me know how the Murchison's flood waters are affecting the Mackerel and yft fishing?
- 2747 reads
First Jurien Trip
Submitted by CD on Sun, 2017-02-26 06:40Took the boat up to Jurien for the first time over the last few days. Managed to get out Friday and Saturday. Both solo trips as the wife can't handle any swell.
Trolled around a bit bit Friday morning looking for some ground, and didn't make it too far before a heap of fish started showing. Packed the trolling gear away and dropped some baits. About 5 minutes later got a nice baldie, and 20 minutes later a 7.5 kg dhuie. Trolled around a bit more but nothing happening.
Same plan for Saturday but it was pretty windy early on so the drift was too fast. When the wind died and the drift slowed I managed another couple of baldies.
Overall, nothing massive, but pretty impressed with Jurien. Hardly used any fuel or bait compared to metro.
- 3160 reads
Nice bream session
Submitted by Bombero on Sat, 2017-02-25 19:51Hi
snuck out for a couple of hours this afternoon chasing some bream. ''Twas a warm afternoon" but the bream were on the bite. Landed about 20 fish, most between 25 and 30 cm a few smaller and a couple larger. Using peeled prawn pieces unweighted. A little hectic a couple of times with two two rods and two fish. Put the second one away and then just focussed on catching after that.
As they say, no photo no fish. Fish solo and like to get them back in quickly so just one quick snap. My secret spot was the lower canning, in the section with the trees along the bank.
- 1 comment
- 2036 reads
Kalbarri Saturday morning
Submitted by ranmar850 on Sat, 2017-02-25 14:26 Beautiful weather this morning. Out at sunrise, tried the edge of the dirty water--a lot of bait, scalies, feeding on the surface around the edge and north, but nothing going. Went further north and straight into them. Fishing alone, landed one , then a snip off a few minutes later ( no wire, might have to re-think that), then a double hook up--got one into the boat, other was still swimming happily, got him boatside then a big bronzie appeared, and that was that. Got the lure and the head back. Got another, then another put out a single line with single hooks on the lure, thinking I might do a release, but an immediate bite off, so I gave it away. Fish were a bit bigger than last week, 9kg for two and one a bit maller, the head I got back was the biggest of the lot. The Abrolhos hardbodies from Oceanside did the job, outfishing the brand name, and much more expensive, lures running alongside 4 to one.
Water temp down a bit, 23 point something, but nice and clear further north with a tide pushing down. Probably a really nice blue line out the front by now. Lots of bait on the surface but nothing hitting it apart from the odd patch of tiny tuna.
- 2763 reads
Teamwork bags the Sambo
Submitted by Fisheagle on Thu, 2017-02-23 21:46The missus and I did a session on Sunday near Rotto and managed to land a 147cm Sambo which picked up both our baits, one after the other. We were thankful that it took both baits as neither ofus had the tackle to bring it in individually. A story to tell the grandkids one day.
YouTube clip -
- 3337 reads
tonights mullet
Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 2017-02-22 23:19was a late solo start tonight, but still managed to get a feed of crabs and some mullet for bait... net was in the water by 7pm and out by 9pm (gave up at 9 as the big rays showed up) HEAPS of prawns kicking about atm so wouldn't take much to get a feed if that's your thing, also the sized crabs I caught had heaps of pink showing on their underbelly so should be packed with meat...
- 2630 reads
Dollies at the FADS ??
Submitted by Scaly Man Fish on Wed, 2017-02-22 11:02I know its a long shot but I am hoping for a sneaky bit of info if there are any dollies at the FADS as Saturday looks good and its a rare opportunity for me did not want to take a run out in hope, appreciate any info and may even drop a fillet off heheh.
- 2516 reads
Shred and Bait at Work
Submitted by Mick C on Sun, 2017-02-19 20:46A nice bag. Dunny’s Dhu went 17.4kg.
- 2604 reads
Little Johnny inspiration
Submitted by Chinbald on Sat, 2017-02-18 14:20After looking at Little Johnny's swim posts, thought I better get keen and put on the snorkel and have a look, Occys where a bit elusive but was surprised by the numbers of Blue Manna crabs, saved a pretty windy morning with squid hard to come by. Ended up with the below and a bag of whiting. Thanks to Little Johnny for the posts of what is possible with a bit of knowledge and effort.
- 3078 reads
? Broadbill??
Submitted by sunshine on Tue, 2017-02-14 19:25Whilst manning sea rescue today there was chatter on vhf of a broadbill lost out at the trench last it true and does anyone have more info
- 2917 reads
Last nights effort
Submitted by rtomkyns78 on Tue, 2017-02-14 10:04Couple of fish from last night behind GI, snapper went 75cm and the flathead 42cm. Weather was awsome got the snapper around 6pm had another two runs which I think were rays (didn't get them to the boat). Expected the action to heat up as the sun went down but was very quiet just the flathead, lots of boats out for a Monday.
- 2958 reads
Snapper time
Submitted by Marineboy on Tue, 2017-02-14 09:41with the best night we've had metro (last night) for a long time was only one day thing to do and that was fish! Arrived at hillarys at about 5pm and it was pretty busy, headed down to our spot and got set up. Was pretty slow for the first hour then about 6.30pm got bricked by a good fish. Just on sunset the snapper turned it on and we had good action for about an hour till the snook spoiled the party.
Kept 4 fish around the 70cm Mark and released a heap just under 50cm.
Spoke to a couple of people back at the ramp and both had fish.
- 3575 reads
Double dhu
Submitted by TerriblePaulzy on Mon, 2017-02-13 21:34Nice arvo out of gracetown today 98cm and 1 m pbs for both
- 3305 reads
Kalbarri this morning
Submitted by ranmar850 on Sun, 2017-02-12 11:01Overcast, a bit misty,very light wind from the N, tide from the N, water temp 23.8, clarity looked Ok. Had the lures in the water for all of 3 or 4 minutes, and the centre rod went off, obviously a btter than average fish. My wife had the rod, gave her some curry. Eventually get a nice YFT of a good 18 kg alongside. I wish to release him, go for a tail grab---ambitious---he powers off out of my grip then suddenly the sharks were on him, lost the lot. Then one comes up and bashes the back of the boat and outboard twice.
So we take off for somewhere else, brief troll over one spot for nothing, go further up, see some boats where I was heading, get the lures in well before I get to them, double strike and one is immediately sharked. Stay hooked up on the other, also feels like a largish tuna, fight him for a while then snap off. So I am now down 3 lures for zero return.
So keep trolling and eventually end up with 3 small mackerel, all the size of one shown and a small YFT. Dropped a few, returned a stripie. In at 9.30. Ended up 4 lures down for the morning, worst result ever here for me.
- 4063 reads
Land based king
Submitted by TerriblePaulzy on Fri, 2017-02-10 21:04After hooking up only to be reefed 3 times in the last week at a local rock ledge it was nice to finally subdue the culprit. Went 125 cm a pb for me caught on balooned live herring
- 3265 reads
Oz day Kingi
Submitted by Rugbynut on Tue, 2017-02-07 11:14A bit late I know but was invited out on a mates ex cray boat to try and get an easy feed of skippy and kingis. Being doing ok of late mid week when the weather has been ok, which has been pretty much every Tuesday or Wednesday since Christmas.
The day before Oz day was great, plenty of skippy to 45cm and got onto a school of small kingi to ~65 cm. Those little buggers go hard in shallow water on the 4-8kg gear.
So we were thinking Thursday was going to be a cake walk and Tim who hadn’t been out in an age would be able to get a feed and have some fun. Best move was not taking the trailer boat to hillaries. Arrived at 7.45 to boats /cars backed up to the second roundabout on Hepburn Ave. Ive never seen it like that. Poor buggars…
Anyway we tootled out to a spot of Scarbs in 10m or so. Stunning day, burleyed up, but the bloody skippy decided to take the day off. Caught a couple eventually and a good kingi at 85cm on a drifting mullie, it played very nicely in the shallow for some reason which is the only reason I landed it on the 4-8kg. Hooked another and …well it just bricked me. Cracking good fun though.
Moved around a bit but stayed quiet for the rest of the morning. Unfortunately, the skipper lucked out, but took the fish home, so hopefully fed the clan and kept SWMBO happy.
A couple of shots of some Amberjacks (?) as well I think from the day before and a nice wee SBT from last week.
- 2663 reads
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