
Where are they biting at the moment

Todays sambos at the barges!!

There aren't any haha!!! Left early this morning we were the only boat out there for an hour. Another boat came along and tried live herring aswell nothing. Nothing on the sounder either. Jigged for a good hour and a half, trying different jigs sizes/colours. Ended up with one 2kg on a 420gr jig and lost one other. Thought id give you guys the heads up for tomorrow. Goodluck to all:)

moore river snapper off beach

went to moore river chasing taylor wednesday to windy fished thursday morning hooked 7kg pink snapper of beach very happySealed

A few crabs from Sunday


Rock Fishing at Hillarys

I was there on Australia Day morning, picked up a few skippy, a trumpeter, a couple of tarwhine and a decent sized octopus casting weighted bluebait on gangs off the north wall. I also hooked up on something big, it spooled my 3 kg outfit in no time, not sure wat it was! Has anyone had any luck there since then? I was going to head out during the week

Cockburn sound 01/02/10

Went crabbing today clse to G.I. Only turned up 8 crabs, but we nailed 12 squid in half an hour, which i thought was good for this time of year, sorry no pics but yall know what crabs and squid look like.

Walpole Report

We have just returned from a very relaxing 10 day family holiday staying at Rest Point Walpole. After a hot trip down there (43 degrees in Donnybrook when we thought about stopping to let the tin lids have a play on the great playground there) we unpacked and set up the tent before preparing the boat in anticipation of a nice weather the next day. Woke to a light south easterly wind, not ideal but as it was the first day we decided to head out through the mouth for a look. Once out it wasn’t too bad so headed out towards Goose Island and drifted a couple of lumps we picked up on the sounder without luck. We ended up doing quite a few miles plotting a few more likely spots but not picking up anything of note apart from a 6kg queen snapper and a blackass which were consumed that night.

It then rained and blew for the next 24 hrs, time to spend with the kids. We decided to go chasing a feed of marron, drove to our spot and hiked into the river through the bush. It was a spot I have been going to for many years, and upon arriving you could see there had been fishers there recently.   It was hard work but we managed a bag of ten marron between the two of us, not monsters but some nice size ones. Fresh warm marron with a little vinegar and pepper, oh so nice.

 We woke the next day at 7am to very light winds so it was decided to head outside for another fish. Out of the mouth we were greeted with 1 1/2m swell and no seas. We headed towards Rams head, stopping about 2/3 the way on a lump I had plotted last Easter but not fished. As I was setting the drift I lost my sounder gps combo, while trying to sort this out Dan landed a fox fish. It turned out to be a power problem, easily sorted. Started another drift and Dan was on again, this time a nice Nanigi, then next drop a 7kg duie, I still hadn’t had a touch. After this drift I decided to leave the spot, after all I will be back down there at easter time. Found another lump a few hundred meters away and picked up more fox fish, breaksea and a couple of queenies, all this before 830. Things then went very quiet, fished and explored for new ground for the next 5 hrs with only a double header of large leatheries, just size pinky and another nanigi to show for our time.  It was a great day out on the water and a few feed for the two families made the wives happy.

Saturday was a day for the girls to go to denmark for day out, so what do two blokes and for girls (2 4yrs old and 2 2yrs) do, go out fishing in the inlet of course. Did a spot of spinning for herring, lots of strikes but when you have 4yr old in control you loose way more than you land, stopping for a chat and a look over the side doesn’t help. Anyway they all had great fun and managed to land a herring each without any assistance at all. The delight in their eyes when they got the small herring into the boat was worth a million dollars. The herring were cooked up for pre dinner nibbles for the kids.

The next few days were spent doing family things (too windy for outside fishing) like treetop walks, boat trips up the Frankland River and the likes. We stayed on in Walpole for an extra couple of days after Dan and family left with the hope of the wind dropping again, no luck there. I decided to go marroning again but this time with the wife and kids, no bush bashing this time. Drove into a spot that I used to go to many years ago, there was a full on camp set up there, tent, lights, cooker the works. There was however no one around and no vehicle about. I started off wandering down the river a way to set my nets but then thought hell I here to marron with the family so carried my nets back to the river crossing and set them all around here, the furtherest net 30 meters from the car. The kids could come with me to all but two of the nets and when you are talking a 4 and 2 year old you know what I mean when I say it was easy going. So in the 2 hours before we had to head back to the caravan park for lunch and an afternoon nap I had 9 marron in the bag. 

  Woke the next day to be greeted by light wind and blue skies but alas it was pack up day and time to head home. A great break from the mundane life of work, the kids had a ball spotting kangaroos and rabbits around the camp along with the resident stingrays which they saw every day and generally running amuck. Now I am just dreading Monday when it’s back to the grindstone of work and I start counting down to Easter when we are back down there again. 

my garden island getaway

finally got to head ova to the back of garden island tonight after charming a naval cop into taking me with him and it was everything i had hoped for. nice deep gutter surrounded by reef with an opening at the end, beauty. one of the deepest beaches i have ever fished it was all quiet until the sun went down then it was ON!!!

for me new mate with chopper tailor nothing for me bar a small breaksea. at about 9 i had the first decent run and it turned out to be the biggest portjackson i have ever seen about 5ft long then next cast zzzzzzzzz"ping" something busted me on the reef that happened another 2 times until i landed a small wobbiegong straight in the bucket with him i cant say no to fresh wobby so i had my fish so i let my mate fish on his own (while i cleaned my fish) and he managed a little soapy mulloway that put a cap on the night.

then came the downside of the night. a big wave rushed up the beach and swept everything around.  we didnt lose anything but we got pretty dam wet (the ocean wanted its wobby back haha) and i think my slammer took its last slam. will have to get it checked out but all up it was a good night and the good news is i have been asked back.  he probably knows that he would get cheap bait from me haha 

 no pics sorry didn't take my camera    

fishing for herring

hey guys,


need some advice on fishing for herring,as in bait used,how to set up a line for herring,locations...just new to here and looking for as much help as possible.any drawings on the line set up would be great..


thanks everyone

Sat 23rd bottom bash

Late report as only just got a couple photos.

Well sat morning I joined my uncle and a few others in his and another boat and headed out to around the 40ms. Conditions were alright until the southerly blew its guts up.

I was keen to only use jigs while the others all baited it up the old fashion way. First drift turned up a black arse and undersize dhu and pinky for the baits and nothing for me. Second drift and my uncle was onto something with a little more fight in it, turned out to be a small sambo around 65cm. This got me excited as I wanted to hook a few up to test out the new rod I'd brought out. Back over the same spot you could see the small school of sambos on the sounder as a thin line around 5-10m up off the bottom so first drop and jig and I was on! At just over 60cm it didn't take long to land but was still fun. Straight back down and a few jigs later and another hook up. Man I love the hookup while jigging!!! Another one around 65cm landed. The bait fisho's landed a small one of the same size and another 2 black arse too.

Back for another drift and I was on again, little bigger this time and put up a bit more fight.

 Much easier pulling them up from 40m instead of 100m like on the charter the other week! After watching me constantly hooking up it was time for my bro in law to have a go.

He as pretty stoked with his biggest fish yet!

After the sambo action the skipper was keen to go try find a dhuie so we didn't head back to the spot just continued the drift away from the school. I continued to jig away hoping for another sambo, and whatta ya know I hooked up again. Slightly bigger again, this one put up decant fight! It was hooked right on the bottom tho so first call was for possibly a decant demersal, but after a good fight another sambo was landed.

Great fun!!!! I could have fished there all day catching sambos but the others wanted a feed so we moved onto another few spots. Did manage 1 more small sambo from a little school right at the end of one drift but that was it. A few more nice plump black arse were landed and a good fox fish but no dhuies. Was a fun day out and now even more hooked on jigging! Feel free to take me out anytime you're going for a jig guys... :)



Koh Samui 'Big Game' Fishing

Hey folks,

Just got back from a three week hiatus to Bangkok and Samui. Had a great time with friends and saw a great mate tie the knot in tropical island fashion.

For the bucks we organised boat out from the north of the island - with the intention of chasing shark, barracude, cobia, spanish macks, etc. On the day all were in great spirits, headed out with three big tubs full of Singha & Chang beer and several blokes were a few beers down before we even got to the boat....I could smell a disaster a brewing.

We headed out to a FAD in shallow water - probably only 7-8m or so and the seas were big. Within 15 minutes of dropping anchor one the lads was laying a burley trail of their own. Within 30 minutes, we had lost half the boat, much to the amusement of the few of us that did not suffer the ill effects of being on the ocean. Nothing caught within an hour, so we moved on.

We went behind a small tropical island that had nothing but a bar and a beach volleyball net on it. Several of the blokes were pleading to be dropped off - it was bloody hilarious! Despite the pleas, we ended up between two islands where the currents came together - making it nice and choppy. We now had lads crawling around and praying to god. A couple of small unidentified fish pulled up by one lad.

After a chat to the skipper, we asked to go out into deep water to chase something decent. After being outvoted about 15 - 3 we ended up on the island with a coke so the lads could recover. A buffet lunch and an hour or later, we were heading back in to land to start the bucks evening early.

Most lads cracked beers as soon as they got on the boat. Not many made it to a second brew.

Bad fishing, but a bloody hilarious day out. cost about 13,000 baht ($400) for the boat charter (a 50+ person boat). Not per person....for the whole bloody thing!

On a side note, I did make up for not catching any macks by eating them at every opportunity on the island. They sure know how to cook seafood in Samui! mmm mmmmmm.

Of to Hill River tomorrow with the old man to try and catch a feed.



Another overnighter


Fishing 26/1/2010

Hey guys, heres a pic from a fishing session on Australia day. Got to woodys point at 630 and headed out to pick up a few squid in the cockburn sound, unfortunately the squid werent playing the game with 1 squid in half an hour and by the looks of things neither were the crabs in the same area. So we made the call and headed out a bit further ending up at the mewstones, had a quick scout around and out flicked my 60gm raider. First cast and i was on in no time, a decent 50cm+ tailor. We fished with the raiders for about an hour and got ourselves 5 nice tailor, once the tailor action had died down we anchored up and berleyed. We gave the berley 5mins to work and we were back into the action, using my light bream gear i managed a few nice size tarwhine and some herring also which put up a fun fight on light gear. All up a great way to spend Australia day. Cheers :)


A couple of bream

I dropped into see the boys at the Tackleshack today and picked up a new bream rod and reel that I so desperately needed (well thats what I told the missus!) so I thought I had better find the time today to "blood" the new outfit before I flyout in the morning so I made an hour in between a couple of meetings that I had to attend and found these two hanging on the same snag. Xzoga rod and Stradic 1000 make a good combo. 

aus day fish

hey all

got out for a fish at last. left mindarie marina at 6am (missed tide) and headed for back edge of 3 mile. started the burley going in and started with a couple of lightly weighted baits. we were their for about 2 and a half hours for not a lot. big ray and a couple of shit fish , so anchor up and go have a look at my nearest marks. plenty of bait around marks but pretty quiet in the 32 meters,

decided to head out a little bit deeper to the 40 meter line. sounder now set to shift and we see a decent lump of about 2 meters as we were travelling (pic) with fish all over it. lump wasn't big so set up the drift and came up with 2 pinkie's and a dhuey . all undersize. bugger.

still , unsuccessfull trip but good finding little fish havens in the desert out there.

next time!


New Caledonia Jan 2010 - Brief report for now

Just got back to Ktown after several flights from NC and I'm glad to be over with lugging 32kg of tackle all over the place... to say I'm exhausted is a complete understatement. I'll keep it breif for now, at least until Brad gets back and he's decided what pics he wants to keep for articles etc... Unfortunately we suffered bad weather almost the entire trip, strong winds and overcast weather made it extremely difficult to fish most of the time and we ventured very little to the outside of the reef. We had one afternoon of glorious weather, sunny skies and 0kt wind. Alas, this is also bad weather for GT fishing but being able to see the bottom in 30m of water on the outside of the reef was noticeably eeerie and add to that not being able to distinguish the water from the sky made for some pretty incredible conditions.

Brad managed to land the biggest GT for the trip, and on the last day too. At 35kg it wasn't big by NC standards but a new PB for him and given how tough the fishing was the entire time we were all absolutely stoked! I managed to land a 40kg Wahoo on popper which was a new LPB record and a first for our guide Rudy - awesome!. Glenn managed to boat the most GTs for the week at about 8 fish, but between the three of us we only managed about 12 GTs for the entire week - very hard work!

Apart from that there were a few good reefies landed, Brad got the biggest trout and red bass at 10kg and 9kg respectively. There were also Blue Cod, Spaniards, Green Jobfish etc at certain times. I managed to get busted up in pretty spectacular fashion by a decent Dogtooth Tuna on the outside, apart from the jigging was also hard work with spaniards and barracuda making a nuisance of themselves.

... to be continued

Blackwood rainbow trout

Went down south over the weekend, first two nights at wellington dam, next night down to molloy island (augusta) to stay with some friends, then Jane and I camped last night on the blackwood near balingup cause the wrights bridge campground was shut.

Was crap with the snare on the first night for a bit, but once I worked it out, I got 3 undersize marron which of course went back.   Molloy Island was nice, we fished about 100 mts to the left of the ferry and got smoked by some black bream and I learnt that the drag on my Okuma Hardstone 30 is stuffed.  I caught a fishing rod and reel and brought it up rigged and all from the snags. Me and 3 mates all lost a few rigs each, you would get a big hit, then run for a few seconds and get busted off.  The next day we went to the no fishing area near the ferry and dropped some pellets in and saw why we lost so many rigs, Some of the bream were 50cm easily.

Last night on the banks of the blackwood, while waiting to check our marron baits, Jane wanted to fish the pool in front of us but we had no bait.  I said try some of the cheese or salami we were eating. Evidently Margaret River Cheddar works in the Blackwood river too as it accounted for this trout in a cast or two.  In fact, I was on my way to the car to get some soft plastics to try, and Jane had landed the fish before I got to the car.

So fishing for me wasnt so great, but on the way back today we stopped at mandurah for a Miami Bakehouse Pie and a swim at the beach just down the road.  When we went down to the beach the whitebait were massed up on the shore and there was a school of herring smashing into them.  So I borrowed Janes rod and put on a bait chaser rig and got a herring.  Another bloke came down and was using a blob and green lumo tube on a hook and was cleaning up.  So I put the bait chaser rig onto a blob and sent it out.  First hookup massive school of herring chasing in and a triple hookup blew the rig off.  Despite Janes best effort to chase the blob with her fins and snorkel set, it was gone.  So I put on a halco twisty 10 gram in gold and got a few more herring before they went off the bite.

So at least I caught something edible! The weekend was great, and tubing at big rock wellington dam with the blokes from the campsite next to uswas a highlight in the heat of the second day. Lots of new ground seen and cant wait to get back down south again.


White Hills or Loonies

Anyone know what access is like at Loonies getting on and off the beach at the moment, or would White Hills be better this time of year ??

Any help would be appreciated wanting to catch something this Australia Day.

Maybe someone is planning on the same destination as I am and can meet up ???


hey guys was just wondering if anyone could let me know if the blue swimmers are as far up as lano and if it would be worth throwing a few nets off the jetty thanks.


Westend Sunday 24/1

Spent the morning onboard Dave Gray's 28 Deepvee BlackJack 2, working bait and birds off Westend in slightly undesirable 18-20 knot southeryly.  Caught the usual culprits, yellow tail king, southern bluefin tuna, striped tuna and sambos all on skirted lures on 2-3kg gear expcept for the sambo which engulfed an Xrap on 24kg.  Only two other boats out, a liesure cat and Alex Scholz with Cam and Matt from BW Melville running in his new tower on his Rampage 36. 

Dongara 17th Jan

Thought i would share some photo's from  my weekend away from Perth.

Spent Friday night at Lucky bay and Saturday night at Dongara.

Below are the photo's from Dongara.

Tailor were on the bite for the first half of the night and Soapies for the remainder.

Hope you enjoy the photo's


monday afternoon squiding

sweltering conditions on monday convinced me to head out to garden for a swim and abit of a squid session, after a nice swim and about 45mi of squiding we had 3 nice size squid in the tank, to my surprize a dolphin came along side the boat stuck is head out of the water looking for food i moved here from sydney about 10 months ago and this is not something that happens everyday so my wife, son and myself were very excited we hand fed the dolphin on fresh squid and fish for about 15min which is one of the most amazing things to happen to us on the water just wondering is this a common accurence in wa or we just lucky to find a friendly dolphin

cheers warren 

bottom fishing off westend

started the weekend on saturday at woodman point boat ramp at about 2pm headed straight to garden island for some squids after about an hour had 5 nice size squids in the bait tank so decided to head out to rotto for an afternoon dive to see what was around no crays wich was disapointing so called it a day anchored up had a nice bbq and a sleep to head out for a fish first light wind was abit disapointing early morning but died off about 9am, wind was coming from the east so decided to start drifting off westend in about 30 meters drifting west wasn,t long before the fish started biting by time we got to about 50 meters we managed 2 baldchin gropers around 45-50cm, 2 undersize snapper, 2 undersize duies, 3 monster sweep,1 cod, 2 red sapper, a few in red fish in sydney we call perch, plenty of wrasse, and to my suprise a nice size chinaman i thought you only catch them up north a good weekend plenty of fish and beautiful conditions.

hope the weather is the same this weekend

cheers warren

Day out at the Jetty...( learmonth that is.)

Yesterday ( Tuesday ) we decided to spend the day down the beach with Alex to get his Competition entries rolling in and we had a pretty good day.
We started out going straight to Learmonth Jetty for High tide which is normally pretty good for a few Trevors and Queenies. We got down there and the water was still pretty murky in places . I normally net a heap of hardy heads for bait but there was none a decent size, plenty of them but they were all too small so we got out the bait chaser rigs and used the little ones with smaller .

Well it did the trick as fast as i could get the hardy's the family were pulling in the queenies, there were plenty there!! we lost a fair few on lures , as well as a couple of mackies and some GT's. There was plenty of action in the water including a manta ray and some sharks as usual.

Alex ended up with 4 Queenies , the missus caught 2 and released them and i got 3 and released them all as well. Axel ( the little brother ) just stop there

A very good day was had by all and no doubt off there again within the next few days.


Sunday at Rotto

Went for a run out the back off Rottnest chasing tuna schools last Sunday in near perfect conditions, apart from a few fast moving fish in close on the south west side of the island it was pretty quiet plus all the floating weed was making it difficult . Decided to bottom fish and sounded around in 40/50 metres, after a bit of exploring for a good hour trying to understand how my new FCV 620 Furuno works properly ( heaps to learn) found a great fluctuation and set up for a drift which yielded 2 nice dhuies both around 6-7kg plus a just undersize pinky. It was so calm I could not resist going out further towards the closest FAD approx 10km away. Noticed a cluster of boats jigging and went in for a look, not crazy about sambo jigging but it was interesting to watch for an hour and see how it works. Saw around 12 fish hooked up ranging from what looked around 20-30kg down to 5kg. Went off trolling skirts back towards the island - all quiet. Pulled in to Geordie Bay for a swim and a burger then skimmed back to Freo on glassy water - a great solo trip out on the water!

Huggy and Daz do Harvey Dam

After a gentle ribbing from Daz (DazSamFishing) in another post, I made the offer to take him down to Harvey to see how we would go with the trout and marron and to show him that I can (and do) actually catch fish despite not posting pics.

We picked Sunday hoping it would be a bit quieter, but hadn't planned on the blisteringly hot weather. The trout were definitley not interested, but luckily the redfin hurled themselves at our lures one after the other after the other!



Didn't really catch anything worth bragging about in the redfin category, some we caught were barely bigger than the little scorpion 38's we were trolling!! In the end we caught about 15 redfin and dropped maybe another 5 - 10? The best hit we had all day was nearing the end of the day when it had cooled off a little - Daz's outfit got hit and this fish took drag from his Stradic 5000 with a fairly taught drag setting - hallelujah I thought, we are finally going to bring a trout to the boat. But then the line went limp and the dream was over. In the end, we never boated a trout, but I bet that dropped fish is still haunting Daz (I know it's still annoying me!).


With the sun setting, we then layed our chook pellets out and had a few beers waiting for the baits to do their job. We then started our rounds, checking the baits. First run, we got to the first bait and just as we shone the torch down, ping off it shot. Not a big one, but its shocked Daz at how quickly it took off. He was expecting it to be a bit easier and the marron to be somewhat more lethargic in their escape efforts! Tongue out We checked a few more baits only to have yet another small ones shoot off as we were walking up to the bait. Encouraging I thought, at least they are about. We then did our second run and I had a very small mnarron sitting on one of our close baits, got the noose in position, edged him back beautifully, but due to its tiny size I wasn't quick enough to get the noose shut on it. Disappointed but happy that at least the marron were around - or so it seemed. That was it, last marron we saw for another 2 hours of checking baits. Bit of a let down with the early indications of them being around, so we jumped in the boat and motored around to the ramp and called it a night.


Highlights: crabs I caught the day before for lunch, Little Creatures Rogers we consumed while trolling, daz getting his first redfin. 

Lowlights: lack of trout and marron, pinjarra bakery was shut so we couldn't get any carrot cake.

Going for Stringrays at Woodman point jetty

Anyone got tips or suggest a better place to go??


whats rigs and bait work well


Any excuse will do!

A mate of mine works for Fisheries research and said he's needing fresh frames (tissue samples) especially Hapuku and Bass Groper. He's studying the Biology & Genetics so I said any excuse will do, we'll get out on the next best day. Monday's weather was looking sweet so off we went, fished the deepwater but had to find the buggers!

My mates second drift/attempt with 3 big baits going down, result a triple header of Hapuku;

Two were similar size, the other a bit smaller (not in picture), the biggest Puka (weighed) 16kg;



I did a few drifts after that, with missing the fish/drift & them just not bitting so I went and looked for them again and dropped on top of em...jiggy jig jiggy jig and whamo i'm on!


Bass Groper weighed 26kg on Sanme jig!



Was a magnificent day on the water, much cooler out there and an easy ride in!

18/01/10 back of carnac

A mate had spoken about a guaranteed feed of whiting behind carnac at a particular depth. "Just find the water at XXm deep, directly behind carnac and u'll be straight onto em, guaranteed."

Well on the way out we saw a heap of bird working the surface and i was keen to give it a go, as i have never really done any of that sort of fishing. raiding trough the miscellaneous section of the tackle box, and managed to find a 4" stick bait lure that i thought would do the job. Coasted up to the action and cut the engine. Worked the lure hard for 20 mins with no hook ups. Very frustrating when i could see the little tuna right infront of me, following the lure but not striking. finally managed to nail one and get him into the boat. little tuna at 40cm. Little schools kept popping up all over the joint and we  kept playing chasiey with them, picking the drift and stopping just short of the action and drifting through it before the disappeared to the deep only to resurface  100m away in 2 different directions. 

A huge bit of action was spotted "just over there". My Mate Jemma was behind the wheel and she dropped me right on the action (she's a much better deckie that any of the boys). By this time i had switched to a small halco slice in a bid to replicate what they were feeding on. amongst the tuna where a heap of YTK at a respectable 60 to 80cms. hooked another tuna. in the eski and back to it. got a solid hook up right next to the boat and i could see it was a sizable YTK, I was surprised at how little fight he put up, considering i was only on 2kg line and as i reached for the landing net... POP. a bust off. So much for the lack of fight, probably didn’t realise he was hooked until the bust off. Very disappointing. I knew that drag was set too tight. No one to blame but me.

Try as we might we chased the school around for 2 hours in total and only managed 2 fish. It was an awesome sight to see these fish right at the boat and following the lures but very frustrating not to convert to strikes et alone hook ups.

Anyway, change of tactic and off to hit some whiting...... and it was a total non event. not a one.

So home ward bound with only a hand full of squid and a couple of little tuna in the eski; but I'm glad to have put another species on the board albeit with the frustration on nearly putting 2 species on the board. I also saw my first flying fish. Great day in all. beats going to work on a Monday.

Now to the questions. Has anyone had any success with casting into these schools and if so, what sort of lures where you using and what breaking strain line would be best?

Also, has anyone stumbled onto schools of tuna in that area that are bigger than 40cm?

And lastly is it a good idea to bleed out tuna as soon as they are caught? I didn't think about it all the excitement of all the fish exploding around the boat and when i went to fillet them, i found the flesh around the lateral line very bloody. Haven’t cooked them yet thou.

If anyone needs a deckie or a boat to go and chaise tuna, drop me a PM. I'm keen to learn. Cheers


cape nat 17/01/10

yay a weekend off :)

glad the weather was getting better today so the decision was made to go catch a few more tuna and see if the bottom fish would play today .. and what a day it was :)

left the marina late (8am) as the weather was starting off a little crap but getting better as the day went on. we headed out the 30mile to get to nato reef straight up as my dad has never caught a tuna before so that was my main object for the day. when we got there the chop and swell was still up so the tuna where hard to find so i decided to have a few drifts for demersals.

things started off a little slow untill my dad got a nice k.g in 37m, so i made the call to drop the pick and was rewarded with 2 more big k.g's a huge fathead and a very solid baldy. after things slowed down i saw a pack of birds diving so i made the crew wind up to have some fun. i set the lures for a quick troll on 8kg gear and hooked up to 2 tuna in less than a 5 minutes . as we delt with these guys the rest of the school mad camp under the boat again so out cam the bream gear :) my dad got one on 8lb gear and a smilin jack - that was bloody funny as it took 10 minutes to land.

after getting a few tuna we made a run for the reef and bashed around for a while for nothing :(

i decided to sound around a little more in areas id never been to and found a really nice lump that screamed dhu's so the other 2 guys dropped down patternoster rigs while i goofed around with some new gear i wanted to try. within seconds they both hooked up to solid fish and up came a good dhu and a large queen snapper.. not to be out done i had got my "gear" ready and with a laugh for the crew dropped down a little zest jig on pe2 gear and within 3 lifts had some serious weight on my poor little rod ... and the rest is in the picture :)

my first ever jigged demersal ... woohoo :) .. got to thank ryan and honsu for the gear and advise (was landed on pe2/certate hyper 4000/eupro pe1.5-3 twincraft rod) 

Exxy trip Yesterday (saturday)

hi all sorry no pics as we all had no phones and no cameras (bugger thats for sure). i went out with a friend for exxy for a trip out off tantabidi for a fish,we went straight out and got a dolly in the first 5 mins of lures in (a great start) off the passage ,trolled for 20 mins and nothing,we got to the spot and pulled the lures in and there was a sailfish ,so we put a skirt back in and the sail started chasing ,after 1 min no hook up (bugger)so we went back and got 2 goldband and went to the next spot .it was afue miles way so out went the lures again As wew were trolling down we passed the Reel Teaser ( charter boat ) so i thought we would be on the fish , so with in another 5 mins a marlin grabbed our short corner and shot off and had a coupe of jumps and spat the lure ( bugger ) so kept on trolling passed out spot by a bout 3 miles as we had a good piece of hot water. In that time we lost another Marlin and coming back up to our hot spot in 80m a sailfish chased our lures for a good minute and a half but didn't hook up ( bugger again ) Nothing on the last spot except a pan sized Pinky , went back in for a swim inside the reef and that was the day over!! Totally tally 2 Dollies , 2 Goldband and a Pinky , awesome day for a friends new boat. Thanks Cliff
