
Where are they biting at the moment

Plague proportions of Buff Bream!

Gday guys,

I was fishing on Sunday morning down at Woodman's Point for some Herring and Gardies. Just for the mornings breakfast anyway and to kill time to watch my boys play footy! My rig consisted of a metal burley cage tide to the main line and the bottom leader being 50-60cm of 2kg mono with a small #8 octopus circle hook. As I prepared my burley and may bait (Prawns - I don't like Maggots cause they are Maggots, HYUCK) I looked at the water and the visability was execptional, fantastic.

Now I was ready to bait up, so through a hand full of burely in and whacked a bit onto the cage and baited the small hook with a bit of Prawn. I opted to cast out far so I could cover alot of ground and locate where the fish are biting. First couple cast didn't recieve anything so I went back out and now I started seeing little splashes on top of the surface which made me excited. Recieved a couple small tap taps and then I was on, my first Garfish for the morning and jumping everywhere. As I got this one in, a school of Herring came gate crashing the burley area, I baited up again and went straight there. Soon as it hit the water the I was hooked up straight away, it was a large Herring could almost say Bull Herring size. It was doing its famous Houdini leaps and what not which resulted the fish coming off the hook, BUGGER!

Kept casting away with my burley in trail and getting a few more Gardies and Herring. But then something big came pass and busting the burley on the surface and I was like "What was that?" I opted to cast out to the burley area and seeing these fish busting the burley on the surface some what 30m away. I let my rig sink down for a bit and then recieve little finicky bites again and I was like "must be Gardy" so I struck and I was on big time. My 1.8kg Tica Graphite Attack rod was loaded like no tomorrow, bloody drag was peeling line out like Craig Lowndes in his Ford V8 going down the main straight. Fish was heading straight for the bottom, I called it for a big Skippy! But after a solid 5-10min fight I had a Buff Bream in sight (my heart was broken once I saw it - seriously thought it was a Skippy) of the rocks and it did another lunged for freedom. I stopped him in his tracks and got him up, bloody thing was a solid nugget I was guessing he weighed at about 2.5kg close to 3kg. I released the bugger and said "thanks for the fight" I just baited an burley the cage up again and flicked it to the same area again. Then SPLASH, BANG! Another Buffy hit me seriously it hit my like a bat out of hell and now I'm in deep trouble cause this thing was big. Got him close to the rocks then BANG another run and POP there goes my rig into the crevices of the rocks. This thing was huge, saying well over 5kgs.

Well I fished till 12 noon and had 12 Gardies and 4 Herring in the bucket and and about 30 hook ups of Buffies out at 30m away from the rocks which resulted in alot of hurt. That was my fun for the morning, sure beat staying at home.


Have fun guys,

Cheers Darda. H Smile

Sunday with Paul G Jesse and Jody

Yes well hit the ramp nice and early, beat the rush. Was surprised to see six empty trailers, and not a boat to be seen. well the day went in a different direction than had planned ,with the sea being quite choppy we changed tact and stayed in close ,Was heaps of fish on the sounder, schools on most patches but the fish were playing hard to get , we still ended up with a good catch but a lot of miles . Jody nailed a nice Cray while drift baiting around 1kg and missed another with only get one leg The Jesse v Jody thing fell in a heap with the skipper out fishing them this time
The days catch 7 dhuies 3 released,
3 snapper all released
1 sambo released
4 blackbums 3 released
1 crayfish released
2 bluebone
And an assortment of small fish.

Sunday 13/08 5 fathom

Went out to 5 fathom for a bit of a fish yesty.
Had a drift over Pamelia to try for a few squid and only picked up one.
Headed out through the rain, should of drifted for squid a bit longer and we would of missed it.
Was nice ride out and got to the spot only to find 5 other boats within 60 meters from the point I was heading.
Found a bit of ground and dropped anchor.
Stu had a whole whiting on drifting out the back and picked up his PB sambo.

Pulled in a Skippy on mostly flick rods and they were a blast.

the tackle shack 2 lb challenge - July 2008 comp - Dreamy's report

OK, thought I'd set this up ready for my foray into Great Southern breaming waters as my action in the above comp.

I intend to fish the Kalgan, Hay and King Rivers.

Here's one shot of the King River - Chester Pass Road bridge:


Another further down stream toward Oyster Harbour where the King Feeds into:


Some of the wild life can be a bit intimidating!:


I'll be buying the line of course and eager to try out the Pflueger 2 piece I picked up. Will post more pics and content as it comes to hand. Pics of BREAM hopefully!

Mindarie Dhuies

G'day all.  Thought I would post a pic of a couple of dhuies I picked up on sat arvo.  Went for a fish out from Mindarie bout 2pm - the weather was pretty dodgy (which was indicated by only one other boat trailer parked at the ramps) though just before I headed in I drifted over a nice little lump and picked up these beauties!


The bit you won't believe is that I got them as a double header! The larger one weighed 6kgs whilst the smaller one was 3.5kgs.  They put on a great fight and tasted great on the Barbie too!:)


Ocean Reef

i think it is well worth a few casts at the ocean reef rock walls, i went down tonight and in an hour or so i had about 2-3 very solid hits on a weighted mulie as did the guys next to me aswel ..

150 cm bream!!! Serious!

News just in from one of our local newspapers:


In the rivers from Torbay to Bremer Bay, decent sized bream were pulled, with one lucky chap scoring a 150cm beauty


It MUST be true, it's in the paper



Hope I catch one like that on my 2lb gear!   


Going to Two Rocks on sunday!!!

Hey guys my good mate and i are going to take advantage of the good weather on sunday and make a trip to my favourite fishing spot out of perth off Two Rocks. Every time we have made a trip up that way we have always had a great time and came back wiht fish. i was just wondering if anyones been fishing up that way much lately and might be able to help me with a bit of info. like whats the water temp like up there atm and have you been getting the fish in shallow or out deep any info would be great . hopefully i come back with some fish and some pics that i can post up on here to show you guys how we went .

Cheers Guys



hey guys, tonight i went down to hillarys for some squiding, caught about 3 in about 30 mins.

and then sudenly the old fela next to me gets a HUGE squid on about 55-60 cm inside the marina!

while the squid jig points were still on the squid the man puts the squid back in the water to clean the ink off

and at that moment the squid spits the needles and falls back into the water.

i couldent help my self but to laugh!!!

he wasnt

Epic journey

A couple of weeks ago Unclestu gave me a little blue fibreglass boat which, once we had done a little bit of fibreglass work was ready to be used. We only needed to add a few essential pieces of safety equipment eg anchor, rollicks, cleat ect and she was ready to be sat on. we had a 5hp motor and 25l fuel tank already and figured that I would much rather pay a little bit and get around with pleasure and ease.

I had a quick look on seabrezze this morning and it didn’t look too flash although looked out the window and it wasnt that bad so we decided today would be the day of reckoning. We fastened it to the roof racks and got my dad to drop my brother and me down at Leuwin where we put it in the water to see it float beautifully. We tightened the motor and fuel tank and chucked a couple of rods in just in case.
We drove over the other side of the river staying well clear of any ferries as we weren’t prepared to get wet. Once there we anchored in front of the cliff in north Freo, and chucked out some lures. First fish landed in the boat was a little unexpected, but I recon still better than a blowie
You probably didn’t guess it, a STARFISH
We decided to move but we were having a bit of engine trouble, as the fuel tank was new and hadn’t been used, We figured that it was that. We trawled for about a second, while i used a rapala countdown and within seconds of moving i had a fish. Excited and stoked that it didn’t feel like a blowie, I stopped the engine and brought it in.
My first swan herring
We kept trawling until we came across a sand bank and decided to have a flick for flatties, but in typical Swan style we left disappointed, with the engine still mucking around we decided to go back and sort it out.
We found that the pump on the fuel line was the wrong way round, so we switched it round and it worked perfectlyPhotobucket
The wind had dropped off and we decided to see what we could catch on lures around near South Mole. we got just to the south of the mole and started drifting. I was using a squid jig and my brother was using a feather jig for whiting and snapper.
however i made the better decision as per usual (he'll like me saying that)and I was on within minutes.
we kept drifting and I contined producing. I caught a few but but also lost a few due to being unprepaired
It was pushing 5:15 and was beginning to get dark so we decided to head in to South Beach,
I rang dad and he came picked us up
It was the first good trip of many to come. When i get the chance ill be adding lots of rod holders, and a water proof locker for phones and cameras
Im heading out in the sound tomorrow to try our luck with some more squid

I must thank stuart for giving it to us

cheers miles


was down at hillaries today. started at the lighthouse and got a small skippy. about an hour later, i had a big run on my bigger gear and brought in a nice big landbased skippy. i was about to go and pick it up outta the water when it bent my gang hook and got away. i then moved down next to the restuarant and honsu was there. him and his mates were gettin stuck into lotsa nice skippy and a few herring. they gave the herring to me and i kept them. (will post up pictures later when i get them) one was 29cm and the other was 28cm. maybe honsu could fill you guys with the rest of the info

Not much bigger fish

Today i fished the South wall at Hillarys just near the carpark behind aqwa .... i was using a paternostered gang hook rig with a mulie .. and an unweighted mulie on a different rod and in about 3 hours i didnt even get a nibble ... Is there any better weighted rigs i can use with the gang hooks? And is anyone else having any luck in the metro area on bigger fishes (Tailor, Salmon, Snapper etc.) ?

bream fishing

hi guys i said i would have a right up on how sat morn went. i am sad to announce that we got nothing. we had a few hits on the soft plastics but we were getting annoyed by blowies there were everywhere bloody pain in the ass. probably try again sat morn

Big Red!!

Just to Rub it in to all of us heading up North over the next few months!!!

Mate of mine in Karratha over the weekend!!
I get these photos every Monday morning!!! Looking at them doesnt make for a good morning!!!!!!

Big Red!!!! + Trout!

land based rottnest

hey guys, since its now school holidays im going to rottnest on friday antill sunday.

while im there im going to spare every last moment fishing, but i dont know the area very well, any tips of fishing styles and places to fish??do you reckon i should fish lures+plastics or bait?

p.s do any of you think there will still be salmon hanging around rottnest?

many thanks


Good day out.

The new tub got chistened today with a nice little dhuie, got a few gliches to sort out with the new tub but nothing a bunch of money wont fix....LOL


Not a bad fish for the first time out with all the problems we had, I'm just happy to be able to get out there now.


edit: the gliches that need sorting out were my fault and not the previous owner of the boat, by saying "cash to sort it out" I mean things like an electric winch, new prop, the right transducer and upgrading a few little bits here n there. Sorry Brenz if some got the wrong idea, hope this clears it all up mate. 

fishwrecked night

gday guys a huge thanx to evry 1 who attended tonight was great to meet yall and congradulations to collin hay who walked home with a new sustain 4000

Finally some good weather

G'day all just thought I'd get off me bum and do a report,
The bureau of met got it right this time and predicted us (Karratha) some good weather.
Went and got some crabs on Sat night and celebrated our success with a few beers. Up not so bright and early the next morning we were soon roaring across Nickol Bay to soak a few baits at the Burrup. Had a few good runs with Zee battling one aboard at 630mm, with only a few more runs and Ash getting her 1st little Trout and a few Snapper (Retic emperor), we decided to try to get thru Searipple Passage to some squidding ground. We left our run a little late and had run out of water, so it was time to do a liitle exploring. I had marked a couple of isolated reefs further out so we made a beeline to the first one. Anchoring just off the ref (my fault) we dropped anyhoo, it was a little quiet so I cast over to the reef and hooked up instantly witha a nice snapper. Repositioned we all enjoyed a myriad of bustoffs, Snapper (most released), a nice cod and a couple of good Trout. Looking back towards Karratha I noticed some ominous looking clouds and decided to make the 16nm trip home, didn't get rough but we did get wet.
Hope yas like the pics and thanks for reading my ramblings
I would like to put all the images here but I can't figure it out!!
Cheers Daisy

Hillaries Report 25/6

Went down to hillaries north rockwalls from about 10am to 1pm today, there is alot of herring and yellowtail around, the fellas next to me were reeling in quite decent size gardies on floaters, i was using a burley cage without a float,but also i fished with a paternoster rig and caught a couple of medium sized skippy and probably about 5 little snappers which are great fun and put up a strong fight.

 I am wondering are yellowtail any good to eat? i caught about 15 of them but i threw everything back because the bites were sporadic.


Just Bought a 4m Dinghy

can anyone tell me if it is worth sitting in mosmon bay with lives going for some mullas (i know summer is the better time for this) or is there a better place to go and have a crack

fishing for mullas, tailor, herring, salmon all those lovely fish or any su8ggestions would be fun

thanks very much guys i hoping it opens doors to some exciting fishing adventures

to collin

went down to woodmans point on sat morn, just had some flicks with the lures. caught some thumper herring about 1/2 a dozen had one out live for a hour and a half not a touch in fact when i reeled it in took it off the hook and the little bugger swam away lol it was good fun but i would of liked something bigger. just thought u might of ,liked that a litle review mate


Karratha Weekend

Ive been going up to Karratha almost every month for a year now with work, but had never managed to stay up and get out fishing, but the weekend just gone i managed to change that.

Flew up Friday morning, planning on doing a days work, head back to stay at a mates place, sink some beers, and yarn about where we were going to head the next day.

The next day turned out to be an early one, with us on the water by 6am. All stocked up on bait, beer and food, we were planning on heading out about 60kms to a location the boys call 'the Footy field'. They had only just found this location a few weeks back, and said the dift area was the size of a footy field, hense the name it was given.

5.5m Evolution Ally

Look at the boat ramp...the Jetty goes right down in the water to that white pole..due to the tides.

So we Headed out through the Peninsula steaming north, but soon realised the weather wasnt going to allow us to head that far out going north.

So after a few Chats over the radio, we decided to head to another location west called 'stags' which was about 40kms out. So off we went cruising through the islands on our way out.

Stoped on the way through the Islands to try get some fresh squid, but didnt have any luck with the Squid. So i tied on a Silver twistie and started casting towards the shore line, hooking up Large long toms, small queenies, and GT's on light gear. Was great Fun

Affter an hour or so we devided to trawl out for a bit towards a Large exposed rock called 'Bear Rock'. only spent 30 minutes of so trawling with atleast 8 hits. 3 Mackies onboard and 2 Trout!!! Finally i had caught my first Mackie, and my first trout....i Was stoked.

Mackie number one!

Mackie Number 2!!

Mackie Number 3!!

Coral Trout Number 1

Trout Number 2!!

Also caught were a few Doggie Macks, which make great bait!!

So up came the Lures and we high tailed out to the bottom bouncing ground.

Finally got there, set the Sea anchors, and ran some drifts.
The wind was blowing from the east probably 20knots or so, so was macking difting hard. But we did drop 2 red Emperor during the difts.

Decided to drop the pick and sit on a very small lump. 15 minutes later, the action started to heat up...with reds, trout, cod, turrum, GT's all caught!! did not get too many photos during this time, as it was very windy... and was getting stronger so we decided it was time to head in.
One of the guys in the other boat, dropped a huge Perch (Saddle tail Snapper) he estimated at 80cm+ in length, spat the hook right on the side of the boat. Off went his shirt, hat and gaff in hand he was gonna jump in after it!!!!! but it went back down too quick!

Had a great fiirst day with plenty of fish, and a few firsts for me... GT, Trout, Mackies, Cod, and many more.

Went back, and cooked up some red Emperor and trout for dinner.... no wonder the guys who live up there pick these two fish as the best eating...sensational!!

Next morning was another early one, but this time we were only heading out in 1 boat instead of 2. This one being a 6.25m Cruisecraft (Sweet boat!) with the same intentions of heading to the footy field, but the conditions again did not prevail.

So we steamed out heading towards the Same location we were the day before, and on the way out we noticed some clouds building in the distance which looked like a little rain.

But we did also notice a sensational Sun Rise coming up from the land

The closer we got to the rain...the more..err frightning i think it the correct word to use..
It was dead calm, no wind, and very quiet as the clouds approached, and i can safely say, i have nto seen anything like this before! We got closer and closer, couldnt see any lightning, and no wind, it was very strange.

We were trying to tell our selves we should be responsible boaties and head in...but we were all kinda in a daze looking at this now what looked like the Perfect Storm!!

Closer we crept!! waiting the the crash sound of Thunder.. But there was no Thunder and still no wind!!

And then next thing!!! we could see the Squalls whisting accross the water right infront of us about 200 metres away...

Around we turned and high tailed it back towards land...but it was too later the wind had jumped infront of us and no hope of our running it.

But thankfully there was wind but the seas were not very rough at all...and then it Poored down, like torrential rain, and iev never seen rain flatten the seas but this did. :shock:

We sat there for about 30 minutes watching the Fury of this Storm pass over and the rain bucketing down... Spectacular sight and awsome power of nature.

after about 45 minutes the heavy rain passed and the seas were calm. So we decided it was time to continue on our way out as we had gone through the worst.

Found our spot, set anchor and started fishing

Many more fish bought onboard, trout, Estuary cod, and even a huge Spangled. We dropped atlead 3 we would say were Reds or Perch (Saddletail Snapper).

We headed back in at about 10:30 as i needed to get to the airport. Had a great day and weekend...first time fishing up north...and i can be back up there for sure!!! in about a month woohaa :)


Fly Rod Beach Bash

I took the fly rod down to the local beach (metro beach) on Friday and berleyed up pretty hard trying to get a few herring. I ended up getting a few skippy which was great fun on my 5wt rod.

Saw some awesome action. As I was bringing in one trev I had a couple of salmon following him taking swipes at him. They swam right around my feet then circled back (I was in waist deep water). I put on a bigger feather to try and tempt them but no joy. They were taking swipes at it but no hook ups. Would have been interesting to hook a big horse salmon on a 5wt. As soon as the weather settles a bit I will try again. Great session but sorry no pics.

I might take my new 9wt Sage down and try that out.

the boys in onslow

just got off the phone to dad and they got 30 odd degree temp and fish mmmmmm..... they went out today first offical day to get a mixed bag....

coral trout
rankin cod
ect ect came home with there bag limit and got smoked a few times so there getting fish awsome..... ok for sum :)


don,t know bout u guys.but the weather here has been shiiiiiiiiit...... plenty of snapper in the bay .. i been working perth a week then back home a week.... had to cancell my exxy trip so i,m guttered .. due to company expansion,but life goes on.. i,ll get there soon.i hope..

Hillarys 12-6 Noob report

Well, I got out there a bit after 5am and stuck with it til about 8:30.

I was on the south wall fishing near the reef.

 Not much to report.  Caught heaps of herring on my light rod.  Caught three skippy, that were all fairly small and all returned to grow bigger.  They were a treat on that light tackle!  Caught a few gardies, and would have caught more if I'd been using smaller hooks I reckon.  I kept a few herring and gardies, to hopefully use as bait tomorrow when I go offshore.

Absolutely nothing on the bigger rod that I had baited with a full mulie.

I do have to share one hilarious, hard to believe story.

On arrival, I dropped the berley in, baited the big rod and cast it out to drift while I rigged the smaller rod.  Once it was rigged, I checked the big rod and found it was snagged on the bottom. Bugger!  I couldn't get it loose, so I broke the line losing my 3 red snelled hooks.  I re-rigged, this time with a sinker and sent it out.  About an hour later I hooked a skippy on my light rod and fought him up to the groyne, where he wrapped me around a rock and busted off.  I re-rigged the light rod and kept fishing.  About 15min. after that, I got a bite on the big rod, but then it went slack.  I figured I should check the bait, so I began to reel it in.  It seemed extra heavy as I brought it in, but I honestly didn't think too much about it.

Imagine my surprise when I brought it up out of the water to find, my sinker and ganged mulie, tangled with my 3 red snelled hooks, tangled with a small skippy still hooked to a length of my 3kg line!!! Surprised

I SO wish I'd had a camera for y'all to see it!  I had to laugh.  The skippy still seemed in good shape, so I took him off and returned him to the water, then bent to look at the snag.  It was such a mess, I just cut the line above the swivel and chucked the whole mess in my tackle to be sorted out later!  I have never seen anything like that before! If you've got a story like that, I'd love to hear it.


Saturday Arvo

Well after detaching Halco from hairy arm

, we finally got back to trolling a few hours later.


Beautiful arvo on the water and an awesome sunset, but alas the only interest in attacking our spread of lures was a medium sized Sambo.  Sorry, no pic of Mr Sambo (he’s on video).




Was very clear water north of 2 rocks too – should of stuck to chasing crays!


Cheers Pete

S-bends 08

Stu and I headed up to Sbends for a few days an an extended foundation day long weekend.

SBends was a busy weekend with 3 different fishing clubs up there fishing, not to mention the archery club and the bmx club meeting so the campsite was full.

When we set up we had a chat to some locals that gave us the old 'you should ben here a 2 weekes ago, the fish everywhere ' :?

We were given a few spot that we should have a look at and try our luck.

First morning we went up to Lucy's. Unfortunately the blowies thought it was a good weekend too and your bait lasted only seconds before it was snavelled.
I tried a few poppers but with no luck. When we got back the van park we were told of dhuies and sambos that had come out of this littl ebay so deffinately a place to keep tabs on.

We deacided to try one of the places were were given directions to so headed of to a place named headbutts.

It was a matter of going to flatrock

turning left and heading through the tracks for a few k's.

We got the lines in the water with not a lot happening, Then as soon as the sun hit the water picked up a tailor to 55cms, mullaway that would of been almost a keeper but was released and then a very nice size tarwhine.

It got quiet so we headed back to the caravan park to cook up the fish and have a few Jacks.

Next day we spent an lazy morning not doing not a great deal, headed into Gero to replace my braid scissors I lost the night before.
Tried to fish a sandy point on the way back but it was very weedy. I did manage to land a baby soapy at about 15cms.

I had fished Grenough river when I was young so I pulled in there for a look.
A lot has changed in the last 35 yrs so we but had a look and then left back to SBends. A bit of drive exploring diferent beaches for the rest of the day.

We decided to go back to headbutts as it looked such a nice fishy spot.

Great sunset and watching the storm roll on by though.

Unfortunately the weed thought it was a great spot too and decided
to join us.

We packed up and headed up to Lucy's to a beach we were going to fish the night before. the beach had about 6 cars from the Sbends caravan park parked up. Most of them had landed a mullaway or a wobby but it had quitened down so we head back for some more jacks and a feed.

Monday I decided to try and walk out on the reef around secret mens business but the tide was a bit high with still a few hours to hit the low.
The waves werent big but with the water almost up to my waist, the bigger wave that came through wanted to knock me over so I came back in.

Rather than hang around and wait for the low here we went back to camp, grabbed our gear and headed a bit to the south for the night.

We headed to a place about 10 ks south of the caravan park. Basically down the highway for 8ks then right and onto the bush tracks.

Found a nice break with some nice gulleys heading into a rip that looked very fishy.

As the sun was setting we landed two nice size dart each at around 40cm that were very good fun on flick rods.

Tuesday I was up to see a great sunrise

and then of to lucys for my last fish.
Yup, the blowies were there to great me and say goodbye so I didnt stay long. Just long enough fo ra few more pics and it was back to the campsite and pack up and head home.

Not a lot of fish were caught be it was a very relaxing way to spend an extra long weekend. No doubt we will be back up their next yr as sBends has some awesome fishing beach.

07 - June - 2008 - Brief Report

My wife and I headed out from Albany on Saturday, after a 3 month period of non boating, so it was good to be out on the water again. With northerly winds and small swell/seas, it promised to be a good day.

The conditions allowed us to head west towards and around Eclipse Island - about 5 or so K's off the coast and 20 or so Ks west of King George Sound.

Here's us leaving Oyster Harbour, just after we logged in to Albany Sea Rescue:

Conditions where still pretty choppy and we finally approached the island:

We fished various spots around the Island and another group close by - The South West Island.

Fish caught were mainly Breaksea Cod (Black Arse), One wrasse, a scorpion fish, three buff bream and a swallow tail.

BTW, my beenie looks bigger Andy, cause I have a smaller head Sealed (JK mate! Laughing)


My wife had a few reall big blighters on, one buried her in a reef and aother bust off.


Not a HUGE day by any means, but good to be out on the water!









Winter Tailor

Well there seem to be a few around now.

Went out for 2 hours last night with scano.

Saw a lady catch one that would have gone 50cm if not 60!!! is was massive!

Had one myself but it spat the hooks after about 2 minutes of running.

Did see an older guy walking off the rocks with 4-6 good sized tailor as well.

I also think i lost my First big pinky on the rocks :( he was thumping hard and got me into the rocks


7/6/2008 off point Peron

Got a last minute call from STAAL LOVER saturday arvo to launch off Pt Peron. Was on the water by about 3pm. The wind hadnt died down by as much as I was expecting, so the surface was rough, but there wasnt much seas or swell under it.


Headed out to a spot and picked up a scorpion cod on a drift baited squid tentacle. Didnt even know it was a fish as it just felt like dead weight. Something else hooked up that was probably a cuttlefish but it came off halfway up.

Switched to a taikabura jig and laced it with a bit of occy and managed to pull up a dhufish. First for my new calcutta combo so was a nice fish to christen it on. PB dhuie too, but at 59cm/3kg it wasnt massive compared to what you other guys catch but I was pretty happy with it Laughing


Lots of fish on the sounder but they didnt seem all that hungry. Rodney managed to hook up to a fish but it came off pretty quick as well. Apart from that the only rod bends were from terra firma (and I hear thats not good eating). 


Tried around sunset light change but nothing interested. Headed in near the boat ramp to try for some squid but I only managed one. 


Worked out pretty well by my standards getting a good feed and a nice fish on a good combo, but it was a pity Rodney or his mate didnt catch any